
A collection of things that interest me


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Newspaper Articles 1890s - 1930s from Miami Herald and Tampa Tribune
Newspaper Articles 1910s - 1930s, including the real estate frenzy of 1925
History of Okeechobee County Florida, written by Kyle VanLandingham
May 30, 1918 Okeechobee Call
W. J. Nesbitt visits Fort Drum and Tantie (Okeechobee) in 1908
Pioneer Families of the Kissimmee River Valley by Kyle S Vanlandingham
Capt. B. H. King writes about a visit to the Okeechobee area in 1910
1945-1946 Okeechobee High School Annual, provided for scanning by Ellis Draughn


1918 Influenza in Tampa from newspaper articles
Miami Millions-1936 book about the Florida real estate boom and bust of 1925 - 1926 by Kenneth Ballinger, digitized by the Florida International Univ. Libraries Digital Collections Center. File size: 24 MB.
Tampa by Karl H Grismer, Edited by D. B. McKay, 1950 The definitive history of early Tampa.  This is a very large pdf file at 63 MB
Captain William B. Hooker, Florida Cattle King, written by Kyle VanLandingham
Articles appearing in the Kissimmee Valley Gazette written by Robert LaMartin, Sr. in 1897 - 1904
Article on Polk County in the 1874 Florida Settler written by Robert LaMartin, Sr.
The Almost 4th Seminole War 1886?
The Cattle Kings
Adventures with Alligators - Harper's Weekly 1883
The Civil War Papers of William McCullough
The Great Storm of 1878 in the Kissimmee River Valley
Stephen Thomas Hollingsworth's Letter from the Third Seminole War, 1858
Fort Blount Park, Bartow, Florida
Capt. John T. Lesley's address to the people of Tampa, 1861
Willoughby Whidden's Civil war Diary Willoughby Whidden's Civil war Diary


Hurricane Katrina from the Times-Picayune 2005-8-29 to 2005-10-17, a 1.3 GB PDF file. Over 1.5 minutes to download file on a very fast connection.
Louisiana State University Bulletin of 1934


William Amory Underhill
Text Documents (mostly famous) converted to audio