Introduction (248 KB) Introduction by
Kyle S. VanLandingham |
Page 1 (273 KB) The account begins on July 4, 1864. McCullough
recounts his travails through the first part of the Civil War including the abandonment of
his home near Fort Meade, in Polk County, and his long journey to Key West, an island town
occupied by Union troops. |
Page 2 (303 KB) McCullough tells of his experiences in Key West,
culminating in the establishment of the Union 2nd Florida Cavalry and a raid on Fort
Meade. |
Page 3 (272 KB) The Fort Meade raid
is recounted and preparations for the Brooksville Expedition, July 1864. |
Page 4 (293 KB) The Brooksville Raid
in July 1864 is covered very thoroughly on this page. |
Page 5 (276 KB) The Brooksville Raid continues and the accidental
shooting of Capt. John T. Lesley by troops under his father's command is explored.
The march to Bayport and the embarkation for West Florida is covered here. |
Page 6 (297 KB) Activities of the 2nd
Florida Cavalry at St. Andrews Bay in West Florida, July 1864. |
Page 7 (263 KB) Horrible conditions and severe racial
tensions at Cedar Keys in late July and early August, 1864. Return to Fort Myers. |
Page 8 (260 KB) August 1864--Another expedition to
Cedar Keys and a raid in the Suwannee River region. |
Page 9 (254 KB) Cedar Keys--August 1864--Corpses are piled high at
Cedar Keys. Much sickness. |
Page 10 (252 KB) September 1864--Continued death from
disease at Cedar Keys. Major Weeks, commander of 2nd Florida Cavalry, kills a man
and is arrested. |
Page 11 ( 275 KB) Cedar Keys-September 1864.
McCullough severely criticizes the black troops in the U.S. Colored Infantry as
well as their officers. Some very lurid accounts here. Definitely not
politically correct. |
Page 12 (261 KB) September 1864--Return to Fort Myers.
February 1865--McCullough learns he is dishonorably discharged [later reversed] the day
before the Battle of Fort Myers. Account of the Battle. |
Page 13 (277 KB) More details of McCullough's
discharge, a severe attack on Capt. Jonathan Childs of the 2nd U.S. Colored Infantry.
April 1, 1865--McCullough writes to his wife from Cedar Keys and tells her of his
case. April 21, 1865, McCullough begins a letter to Capt. Henry A. Crane, his former
commander in Company A, 2nd Florida Union Cavalry. |
Page 14 (294 KB) Fascinating detail regarding an
incident with Francis A. Ivey, a desperado, who served in the 2nd Florida Cavalry. |
Page 15 (269 KB) A letter dated July 1865 from Key
West to Capt. James D. Green, formerly of Company B, 2nd Florida Cavalry. McCullough
discusses the sham marriages at Ft. Myers, a matter corroborated by Green in his own
writings. |
Page 16 (298 KB) Continuation of a letter dated May 29, 1865 from
Key West to Jasper Dunbar, McCullough's adopted son. He condemns Major Edmund Weeks
and continues his attack on Francis A. Ivey. Ivey was killed five years later by
outlaw Long John Whidden. |
Page 17 (316 KB) Another letter to Jasper Dunbar,
beginning at Key West on June 25, 1865. He recounts his departure from Key West,
reunion with his wife and family at Depot Key on June 28, and taking them aboard for
the trip to New Orleans. |
Page 18 (298 KB) July 1865--The trip to New Orleans. |
Page 19 (288 KB) Completion of the letter to Jasper
Dunbar as the family makes its way to Cairo, Illinois. Another letter, from August 1865,
in Hamilton, Illinois, to Jasper begins. McCullough recounts many of his experiences
in the war and an especially poignant incident regarding Private William Yates, Company A,
2nd Florida Cavalry. |
Page 20 (308 KB) The letter continues with details on the
Brooksville Raid, including the sacking of the plantation of Capt. William B. Hooker, the
wounding of Confederate Capt. John T. Lesley and depredations at Bayport. |
Page 21 (280 KB) Letters to a friend from July 1866.
More details on the activities of Major Weeks. |
Page 22 (270 KB ) McCullough makes a final statement
defending his actions and referring the whole matter to the world at large. |
Endnotes 1 |
Endnotes 2 |
Endnotes 3 |