Date-URL: 1846

Copy of engraving showing activity at Fort Brooke: Tampa, Fla.
1846, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Captioned "scene at Tampa Bay, Florida 1846"
Neg. no. R289 ; taken 1846.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1852

Seminole leader Billy Bowlegs posed in Indian attire: Florida.
[1852], 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12 x 18 cm. + 1 negative (12 x 18 cm.); Neg. no. R290 ; taken Date unknown, c.1852.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1861

Promissory note for $299.58 from mayor's office to the Kennedy and Darling General Store: Tampa, Fla.
1861, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R293; taken June 28, 1861.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1880

Grounds of United States Army Garrison at Fort Brooke with structures in background: Tampa,Fla.
1880, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no R288 ; (copied 1880).
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1881

Mercantile building at 300 Washington Street, on corner of Washington Street and Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1881, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL31; taken 1881.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1882

Intersection of Monroe and Lafayette streets, viewed west from Court House: Tampa, Fla.
1882, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R102 ; taken 1882.
Captioned "Tampa, Fla., 1882 Population 400"
Available as a digital image for screen display.
"Hanging Tree (used in vigilante justice) in forefront of image.
Monroe Street became Florida Avenue in 1888.
Date-URL: 1883

Copy of engraving showing H. B. Plant Hotel on Ashley Street (400 block) near Lafayette Street: Tampa, Fla.
1883, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R271; taken 1883.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1884

Ballast Point Park sidewalks, landscaping and partial view of pavilion in background: Tampa, Fla.
1884, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R218; taken 1884 (copied June 27, 1928).
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1884

Copy of engraving showing Palmetto Hotel on northeast corner of Monroe (800 block) and Polk streets : Tampa, Fla.
1884, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R272; taken 1884.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1884

Elevated view of Florida Avenue (400-700 blocks) looking south from roof of a building on Polk Street: Tampa, Fla.
1884, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R217; taken 1884 (copied June 27, 1928).
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Image measures 17 x 25 cm.
Date-URL: 1884

Portrait of Hamilton Disston: Florida.
1884, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 2 negatives (13 x 10 cm.); Neg. no. TPL1; taken 1884.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1885

Hillsborough County Courthouse, Lafayette Street entrance, looking east from intersection with Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1885, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R109 (V555); taken 1885.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Library has copy of earlier studio's work.
Date-URL: 1885

Morgan Line paddle-wheel steamers sharing dock with vessel "Erie": Tampa, Fla.
1885, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R101(V682) ; taken 1885.
Typed caption: "Tampa, Fla. 1885 Population 600". Image blemished due to deteriorated negative.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1886

Bank of Tampa Building on southwest corner of Franklin (100 block) and Washington (200 block) streets with employees: Tampa, Fla.
1886, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 23680; taken 1886 (copied May 10, 1927).
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1886

Copy of map showing plan of city drawn by John Jackson: Tampa, Fla.
1886, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R298(76157) ; taken January 1886.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1886

Looking north on Florida Avenue (500-700 blocks) from top of courthouse: Tampa, Fla.
1886, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R258(125); taken 1886 (copied January 20, 1939).
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Also see 1550B/125.
Date-URL: 1886

Looking north on Florida Avenue (500-700 blocks) from top of courthouse: Tampa, Fla.
1886, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 125; taken 1886.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Captioned: by Shapiro Photo Co.
Also see 1550A/125.
Date-URL: 1886

Looking northeast from the roof of the Hillsborough County Court House at corner of Monroe and Madison streets : Tampa, Fla.
1886, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R268 ; taken 1886.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Monroe Street became Florida Avenue in 1888.
Date-URL: 1886

Tampa Street Railway Company, steam engine number 2 "Hattie", with employees beside engine: Tampa, Fla.
1886, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R263(51568) ; taken 1886.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1889

Tibbett's Corner on southwest corner of Franklin (300 block) and Lafayette (200 block) Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1889, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R112; taken 1889.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Library has copy of earlier studio's work.
Date-URL: 189?

Man and boy in carriage pulled by two horses: location unknown.
[189?], 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10870 ; date unknown.
Copy of old photo made for J.A. French.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 189?

Profile portrait of unidentified woman in plumed hat and lace dress: Location unknown.
189?], 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Image spotted due to damaged negative.
Neg. no. 47948 ; copied July 24, 1941.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1890

100-200 blocks of Lafayette Street and 400 block of Franklin Street, looking west to Tampa Bay Hotel: Tampa, Fla.
1890, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R266(124) ; taken 1890.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1890

City Marshal W.H.T. Ball and family members on front porch of home on west side of Marion Street between Twiggs and Madison Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1890, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R280 ; taken 1890.
Copy of picture in oval frame.
Digital image available for screen display.
Date-URL: 1890

Copy of painting of "Olivette" at sea: Tampa, Fla.
1890, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 44891; taken 1890 (copied December 20, 1939).
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Faintly inscribed in lower right corner: A. Zacobsen 1890, Palisade Av, Hoboken, NJ. Captioned at bottom: Tampa, Key West, Havana.
Date-URL: 1890

De Soto Hotel, Main Street, water facades facing shore by wooden wharf: Sarasota, Fla.
1890, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11669 ; taken Date unknown, c. 1890.
Image blemished from cracks in original glass negative.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1890

Engraving entitled "Tampa Bay from the Mouth of the River": Tampa, Fla.
1890, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R270 ; taken c. 1890.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1890

Intersection of Franklin and Lafayette Streets looking southwest across river: Tampa, Fla.
1890, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R267 ; taken 1890.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1890

Lafayette Street Bridge and Tampa Bay Hotel: Tampa, Fla.
1890, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R269 ; taken 1890.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1890

Portraits of unidentified man & woman mounted on 1886 map of downtown: Tampa, Fla..
1890, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 548POR ; taken c.1890 .
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1890

Unpaved streets in downtown area with commercial buildings including Land office and Furniture store: Winter Haven, Fla.
1890, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 47843 ; taken 1890 (copied June 26, 1941).
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1892

Crowd of people watching Mr. Berry and Mr. Morrison settling election bet on Franklin Street in front of courthouse: Tampa, Fla.
1892, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 33873; taken 1892.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1892

Downtown businesses and buildings along Lafayette Street west to the Hillsborough River: Tampa, Fla.
1892, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Near duplicate of PA 542.
Neg. no. 60148 ; taken 1892 ; copied August 27, 1946.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1892

Newly completed Tampa Bay Hotel and surrounding grounds, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1892, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R295; taken 1892.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1892

Passengers seated in Tampa Suburban Company double decker streetcars on Ballast Point route: Tampa, Fla.
1892, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); This photograph was archivally preserved with a donation from the Florida Genealogical Society.
Neg. no. R264(51569) ; taken 1892.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1892

Wood-framed Sanchez y Haya Factory No. 1 at corner of Seventh Avenue and Fifteenth Street in Ybor City: Tampa, Fla.
1892, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.) + 1 framed reproduction (b&w ; 62 x 73 cm.); Neg. no. R134(5293); taken September 9, 1927.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1893

Franklin Street, view north from intersection at Washington Street, includes open-sided trolley, horse-drawn wagons, and Tampa Tribune office: Tampa, Fla.
1893, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R265(113) ; taken 1893 .
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1893

Head shots of ministers of Florida Conference M. E. Church, South: Ocala, Fla.
1893, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 77980-2; taken January 1893.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Captioned: Colby Photographer.
Each portrait is identified.
Conference held January 4-9, 1893.
Date-URL: 1893

Nancy Wallace and grandson, Stanley K. Wallace standing in front of Ocala house, with unidentified woman standing on stairs : Ocala, Fla.
1893, 1985 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL244; taken 1893.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1893

Portrait of J. C. Ley: Tampa, Fla.
1893, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL12; taken 1893.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1893

Reproduction of either a photograph or postcard depicting the Tampa Bay Hotel and grounds: Tampa, Fla.
1893, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V346; taken 1893 (copied May 15, 1922).
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is a duplication of a half tone measuring 15 x 24 cm.
Date-URL: 1893

Sanford and St. Petersburg locomotive train with workers standing at passenger cars.
1893, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16281; taken 1893.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1894

Exchange National Bank, interior view of customers and tellers: Tampa, Fla.
1894, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 31578; taken 1894.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image measures 17 x 24 cm.
Date-URL: 1895

Cigar manufacturers playing cards at the Cherokee Club: Tampa, Fla.
1895, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL11; taken 1895.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1895

Employees standing at entrance to Exchange National Bank building at northeast corner of Franklin (600 block) and Twiggs streets: Tampa, Fla.
1895, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 4 negatives (one 21 x 26 cm. and three 10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R216(26378); taken 1895 (copied April 18, 1928).
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1895

Turner & Wilson Coffee Roasters delivery wagon with horse: Tampa, Fla.
1895, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 33; taken 1895 (copied 1912).
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image measures 10 x 14 cm.
Captioned: Photo by Fishbaugh, Tampa, Fla.
Additional Authors: Fishbaugh, W. A. (William A.)
Date-URL: 1896

Belleview Biltmore Hotel, construction of southern facade: Clearwater, Fla.
1896, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. TPL20; taken 1896.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1896

Landscaped grounds of Tampa Bay Hotel looking southeast: Tampa, Fla.
1896, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R227(V1401); taken 1896 (copied December 7, 1926).
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Image measures 10 x 23 cm.
"Havens Photo" written on the image near lower right-hand corner.
Date-URL: 1897

Franklin Street, parade of soldiers with band and spectators: Tampa, Fla.
1897, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 2 negatives (21 x 26 cm.) & (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R100 ; taken 1897.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1898

American soldiers embarking during the Spanish-American War: Port Tampa City, Fla.
1898, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R306 ; taken 1898 ; copy date not given.
Burgert copy of customer-supplied print.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1898

Army troops riding horses in water at Port Tampa during Spanish American War: Port Tampa City, Fla.
1898, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15408; taken 1898 (copied September 18, 1925).
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Images measures 17 x 23 cm., and is captioned: Bathing Port Tampa.
Image is a duplication of a half tone from an unidentified source.
Date-URL: 1898

Artillery camp at Port Tampa City during Spanish-American War: Tampa, Fla.
1898, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (7.5 x 12.5 cm.); Oval matted image measures 17.5 x 21 cm.
Neg. no. R261 ; taken 1898.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1898

Artillery camp soldiers attending horses at Port Tampa City during the Spanish American War: Port Tampa City, Fla.
1898, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15406; taken 1898.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1898

Calvary bathing parade at Port Tampa during Spanish American War: Port Tampa City, Fla.
1898, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15409; taken 1898 (copied September 18, 1925).
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Image measures 15 x 23 cm., and is captioned: Calvary Bathing Parade, Port Tampa.
Image is a duplication of a half tone from an unidentified source.
Date-URL: 1898

Calvary drill on grounds near Army camp: Port Tampa City, Fla.
1898, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 32547-2; taken 1898 (copied November 7, 1930).
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1898

Colonel Theodore Roosevelt of the Rough Riders on horseback: Port Tampa City, Fla.
1898, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 32548; taken 1898 (copied November 7, 1930).
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Image measures 17 x 24 cm., and is captioned: Colonel Roosevelt of the Rough Riders.
Date-URL: 1898

General Fitzhugh Lee seated at two members of his staff on grounds of the Tampa Bay Hotel: Tampa, Fla.
1898, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 32545; taken 1898 (copied November 7, 1930).
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1898

General Wade and staff in front of the Tampa Bay Hotel: Tampa, Fla.
1898, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 32551; taken 1898 (copied November 7, 1930).
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1898

Generals Nelson A. Miles, Joseph Wheeler and staff in front of officers quarters on Picnic Island: Port Tampa City, Fla.
1898, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 32546; taken 1898 (copied November 7, 1930).
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1898

Horse and wagon traffic on Lafayette Street (200-300 blocks) looking east toward intersection of Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1898, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R257(S122); taken 1898.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1898

Major General W. R. Shafter and seven members of his staff on the veranda of the Tampa Bay Hotel: Tampa, Fla.
1898, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 32544; taken 1898 (copied November 7, 1930).
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1898

Men of K Troop during Spanish-American War: Port Tampa City, Fla.
1898, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL 37; taken 1898 (copied August 1976).
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Caption on photograph states: from a photograph by William Dinwiddle.
Some of the men in the photograph are identified.
Date-URL: 1898

Moro Castle at entrance to Havana Harbor: Havana, Cuba.
1898, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 35843; taken 1898 (copied May 15, 1933).
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Image includes cropping marks.
Date-URL: 1898

Officers quarters of 1st Illinois bivouac at Picnic Island with soldiers sitting in front of tents: Port Tampa City, Fla.
1898, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (9 x 11 cm.); Neg. no. 65938; taken 1898 (copied August 23, 1949).
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Image measures 9 x 11 cm., and is captioned: Officer Quarters -- 1st Illinois, Picnic Island Tampa Fla. 1898.
Date-URL: 1898

Officers' quarters of 1st Illinois bivouac on Picnic Island with soldiers sitting in front of tents: Tampa, Fla.
1898, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R274 ; taken 1898.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1898

Pedestrians and horse and buggy traffic on Franklin Street (200-300 blocks) looking north from Washington Street: Tampa, Fla.
1898, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R253; taken 1898.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Image measures 17 x 19 cm.
Date-URL: 1898

Rough Riders in formation with Colonel Leonard Wood and Lieutenant Colonel Roosevelt in front of group: San Antonio, Tex.
1898, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15410; taken 1898 (copied September 18, 1925).
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Image measures 13 x 24 cm., and is captioned: The Rough Riders at San Antonio, Texas. -- Photograph by Barr.
Image is a duplication of a half tone from an unidentified source.
Date-URL: 1898

Sketch map of Tampa and vicinity showing location of Army camps: Tampa, Fla.
1898, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R297(37514); taken 1898; copied March, 1935.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1898

Soldiers and calvary mules on Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1898, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 32550; taken 1898 (copied November 7, 1930).
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Image measures 12 x 21 cm., and appears to be damaged. Captioned: Franklin Street -- 1898.
Date-URL: 1898

Soldiers and cavalry mules on Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1898, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Copy of photograph captioned: "Street scence in Tampa, Fla. 1898".
Neg. no. R273 ; taken November 7, 1930.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1898

Soldiers and tents of Army camp at Tampa Heights, near Ross and Central Avenues: Tampa, Fla.
1898, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R149 (5123); taken 1898 (copied December 7, 1926).
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1898

Street car #34 in front of El Pasaje Hotel and Restaurant, 1316-1320 9th Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1898, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R311 ; taken 1898.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1898

Streetcar in front of Jose Arango's home at 12th Avenue and 20th Street in Ybor City: Tampa, Fla.
1898, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R252; taken 1898.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Image measures 18 x 20 cm.
Date-URL: 1898

Tents housing soldiers of the 69th New York Volunteer Regiment camp: Port Tampa City, Fla.
1898, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 32547-1; taken 1898.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Image measures 8 x 16 cm., and is captioned: 69th N.Y. Vol. in camp at Tampa, 1898.
Date-URL: 1898

Theodore Roosevelt and fishing guide Russell J. Colio on beach with two manta rays caught in Boca Ciega Bay: St. Petersburg, Fla.
1898, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16958; taken 1898 (copied January 6, 1926.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Image measures 16 x 25 cm., and is captioned: The two devilfish.
Alternative location identification and dating: Punta Gorda, Florida; April of 1917.
The following articles support the above identification:
?Harpooning the Devilfish,? Scribner?s Magazine, September of 1917.
?Roosevelt Arrives Home,? The New York Times, April 4th, 1917, page 14.
Date-URL: 1898

Theodore Roosevelt and fishing party with manta ray at Boca Ciega Bay: St. Petersburg, Fla.
1898, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16959; taken 1898 (copied January 26, 1926).
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Alternative location identification and dating: Punta Gorda, Florida; April of 1917.
The following articles support the above identification:
?Harpooning the Devilfish,? Scribner?s Magazine, September of 1917.
?Roosevelt Arrives Home,? The New York Times, April 4th, 1917, page 14.
Date-URL: 1898

Theodore Roosevelt and party spear fishing in Boca Ciega Bay: St. Petersburg, Fla.
1898, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16961; taken 1898 (copied January 6, 1926).
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Image measures 16 x 24 cm. and is captioned: Ready for the start.
Image is a duplication of a half tone from an unidentified source.
Alternative location identification and dating: Punta Gorda, Florida; April of 1917.
The following articles support the above identification:
?Harpooning the Devilfish,? Scribner?s Magazine, September of 1917.
?Roosevelt Arrives Home,? The New York Times, April 4th, 1917, page 14.
Date-URL: 1898

Theodore Roosevelt and spearfishing guide, Russell J. Colio, at Boca Ciega Bay: St. Petersburg, Fla.
1898, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16227; taken 1898 (copied November 18, 1925).
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Image measures 17 x 24 cm., and appears to be autographed: "Theodore Roosevelt" and "Russell J. Colio".
Date-URL: 1898

Theodore Roosevelt holding fishing spear and standing on bow of boat in Boca Ciega Bay: St. Petersburg, Fla.
1898, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16957; taken 1898 (copied January 6, 1926).
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Image measures 19 cm. x 25 cm., and is a duplication of a half tone from an unidentified source.
Alternative location identification and dating: Punta Gorda, Florida; April of 1917.
The following articles support the above identification:
?Harpooning the Devilfish,? Scribner?s Magazine, September of 1917.
?Roosevelt Arrives Home,? The New York Times, April 4th, 1917, page 14.
Date-URL: 1898

Theodore Roosevelt on beach with two manta rays caught in Boca Ciega Bay: St. Petersburg, Fla.
1898. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16960; taken 1898 (copied January 6, 1926).
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Image measures 17 x 25 cm., and is captioned: The dead devilfish, lance, lily-iron, and drogue.
Image is a duplication of a half tone from an unidentified source.
Alternative location identification and dating: Punta Gorda, Florida; April of 1917.
The following articles support the above identification:
?Harpooning the Devilfish,? Scribner?s Magazine, September of 1917.
?Roosevelt Arrives Home,? The New York Times, April 4th, 1917, page 14.
Date-URL: 1898

Transport ships at Port Tampa waiting to carry troops to Cuba during Spanish American War: Port Tampa City, Fla.
1898, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15407; taken 1898 (copied September 18, 1925).
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Image measures 11 x 23 cm., and is captioned: United States Transports at Port Tampa waiting to carry Troops to Cuba.
Image is a duplication of a half tone from an unidentified source.
Date-URL: 1898?

Group portrait of uniformed Tampa Police Department officers in room: Tampa, Fla.
1898?, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 32796; possibly taken in 1898 (copied December 1931).
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1899

Boaters on Hillsborough River near Sulphur Springs: Tampa, Fla.
1899, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R137; taken 1899.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1899

Copy of early photo of Exchange National Bank, northeast corner of Franklin and Twiggs Streets ; staff at door ; mature trees in landscaping : Tampa, FL.
1899, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 31454 ; original taken in 1899.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1899

Driver sitting in I.S. Giddens and Company grocery delivery wagon: Tampa, Fla.
1899, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R140; taken 1899.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Image measures 14 x 23 cm.; and is blemished due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1899

Fort Myers Brass Band group portrait: Fort Myers, Fla.
1899, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R139; taken 1899.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1899

V. M. Ybor and Company cigar factory on 15th Street (multi-story brick, street facade) in Ybor City: Tampa, Fla.
1899, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); This photograph was archivally preserved with a donation from Mary Lou Armbrester.
Neg. no. R310 ; taken 1899.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 19??

Cuesta-Rey and Company, corner Howard and Ponce DeLeon Street, front and side facade of multi-story brick cigar factory: Tampa, Fla.
[19??], 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11517 ; date taken unknown.
Copied July 5, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 19??

Steam locomotive, fired by wood, pulling three-car train along track: Florida.
[19??], 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Burgert copy of customer print.
Neg. no. 43113 ; copied November 1938.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 19??

Township/range map: Manatee County, Fla.
[19??], 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL 33 ; date unknown.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1900

Baptist Church Building, copied from Tampa Tribune Midwinter Edition 1900: Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL 141; taken ca. 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date indicated is the date of newspaper publication, date image copied is unknown.
Date-URL: 1900

Bentley-Gray Dry Goods Company building at 805 Franklin Street, copied from Tampa Tribune Midwinter Edition 1900: Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL 140; taken ca. 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date indicated is the date of newspaper publication, date image was copied is unknown.
Date-URL: 1900

Cigar factory of Julius Ellinger and Company at 1322 West 9th Avenue, three-story brick building, front and side facades, copied from Tampa Tribune Midwinter Edition 1900: Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL 137; taken ca. 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date indicated is the date of newspaper publication, date image copied is unknown.
Date-URL: 1900

Cigar factory of Seidenberg and Company at 2205 20th Street in Ybor City, three-story brick building, front and side facades, copied from Tampa Tribune Midwinter Edition 1900: Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL 136; taken ca. 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date indicated is the date of newsaper publication, date image copied is unknown.
Date-URL: 1900

Copy of old photograph of Paul Smith and Sons Painters and Decorators at 1002 Florida Avenue, on corner of Florida Avenue and Tyler Street: Tampa, Fla.
circa 1900, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 34341; taken circa 1900; copied December 1931.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image measures 12 x 17 cm.
Date-URL: 1900

Exterior view of cigar factory of Ybor-Manrara Company, copied from Tampa Tribune Midwinter Edition 1900: Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL 161; taken ca. 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date indicated is date of newspaper publication, date image copied unknown.
Date-URL: 1900

Exterior view of First National Bank building at 414-416 Franklin Street, copied from Tampa Tribune Midwinter Edition 1900: Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. TPL 160; taken ca. 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image oriented portrait-style; date indicated is date of newspaper publication, date image copied unknown.
Date-URL: 1900

Exterior view of Tampa Furniture Company at 503 Franklin Street, in the Morrison block, copied from Tampa Tribune Midwinter Edition 1900: Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL 162; taken ca. 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date indicated is date of newspaper publication, date image copied unknown.
Date-URL: 1900

Factory of the Florida Brewing Company at 1223 5th Avenue and 13th Street, copied from Tampa Tribune Midwinter Edition 1900: Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL 146; taken ca. 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date indicated is the date of newspaper publication, date image copied is unknown.
Date-URL: 1900

First Presbyterian Church, Florida Avenue and Zack Street, front and side facade with stained glass windows and steeple: Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R281 ; taken 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1900

Five images of Sulfur Springs showing its scenic beauty, copied from Tampa Tribune Midwinter Edition 1900: Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.).; Neg. no. TPL 147; taken ca. 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date indicated is the date of newspaper publication, date image copied is unknown.
Five images appx. 8 x 10 cm. appear on photographic image oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1900

Giddens & Company's Clothing Store at 412 Franklin Street, copied from Tampa Tribune Midwinter Edition 1900: Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL 144; taken ca. 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date indicated is the date of newspaper publication, date image copied is unknown.
Date-URL: 1900

Group shot of Lewis Trucking Company team and wagon: Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 36821; taken circa 1900 (copied June 14, 1934).
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1900

Hendry and Knight Building at 315 Franklin Street, copied from Tampa Tribune Midwinter Edition 1900: Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL 150; taken ca. 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date indicated is the date of newspaper publication, date image copied is unknown.
Date-URL: 1900

Hillsborough County Courthouse, front and side facades, copied from Tampa Tribune Midwinter Edition 1900: Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL 135; taken ca. 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date indicated is the date of newspaper publication, date image was copied is unknown.
Date-URL: 1900

Hotel Arno at 508-510 Tampa Street, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL 139; taken ca. 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date indicated is the date of newspaper publication, date image was copied is unknown.
Date-URL: 1900

Illustrations showing scenes from Port Tampa Inn and docks, copied from Tampa Tribune Midwinter Edition 1900: Port Tampa City, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL 152; taken ca. 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image oriented portrait-style; date indicated is date of newspaper publication, date image copied is unknown.
Date-URL: 1900

Interior view of ironing and finishing room of Tampa Steam Laundry with employees, copied from Tampa Tribune Midwinter Edition 1900: Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL 142; taken ca. 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date indicated is the date of newspaper publication, date image copied is unknown.
Date-URL: 1900

Interior view of office of Tampa Abstract Company, copied from Tampa Tribune Midwinter Edition 1900: Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL 157; taken ca. 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1900

Manatee County Courthouse, copied from Tampa Tribune Midwinter Edition 1900: Bradenton, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL 138; taken ca. 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date indicated is the date of newspaper publication, date image was copied is unknown.
Date-URL: 1900

Sketch of J. W. Roberts Plumbers Supplies, copied from Tampa Tribune Midwinter Edition 1900: Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL 154; taken ca. 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date indicated is the date of newspaper publication, date image copied is unknown.
Date-URL: 1900

Southern facade of First Presbyterian Church near Florida Avenue and Zack Street : Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R282 ; taken 1900 .
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1900

St. Andrew's Episcopal Church and rectory, copied from Tampa Tribune Midwinter Edition 1900: Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL 146; taken ca. 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date indicated is the date of newspaper publication, date image copied is unknown.
Date-URL: 1900

Street scene showing Franklin Street at turn of the century, copied from Tampa Tribune Midwinter Edition 1900: Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL 151; taken ca. 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date indicated is the date of newspaper publication, date image copied is unknowm.
Date-URL: 1900

Street scene showing Tampa City Hall at turn of century, copied from Tampa Tribune Midwinter Edition 1900: Tampa,Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL 159; taken ca 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date indicated is date of newspaper publication, date image copied unknown.
Date-URL: 1900

Tampa Grocery Company at 1705 16th Street, copied from Tampa Tribune Midwinter Edition 1900: Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL 134; taken ca. 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1900

Tampa Harness & Wagon Company at 1007-1009 Franklin Street, copied from Tampa Tribune Midwinter Edition 1900: Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.).; Neg. no. TPL 148; taken ca. 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date indicated is the date of newspaper publication, date image copied is unknown.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1900

Tampa Tribune midwinter edition supplement, 1900, Hillsborough and Manatee proclaimed by the Tribune (photo reprint): Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL171; taken 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Reprint from the Tampa Tribune, Midwinter edition, 1900.
Date-URL: 1900

Tampa Tribune midwinter edition supplement, 1900, Hillsborough and Manatee proclaimed by the Tribune (photo reprint): Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL170; taken 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Reprint from the Tampa Tribune, Midwinter edition, 1900.
Date-URL: 1900

Tampa Tribune midwinter edition supplement, 1900, Hillsborough and Manatee proclaimed by the Tribune, pages 10-11, (photo reprint): Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL175; taken 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Reprint from the Tampa Tribune, Midwinter edition, 1900.
Date-URL: 1900

Tampa Tribune midwinter edition supplement, 1900, Hillsborough and Manatee proclaimed by the Tribune, pages 12-13, (photo reprint): Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL176; taken 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Reprint from the Tampa Tribune, Midwinter edition, 1900.
Date-URL: 1900

Tampa Tribune midwinter edition supplement, 1900, Hillsborough and Manatee proclaimed by the Tribune, pages 14-15, (photo reprint): Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL177; taken 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Reprint from the Tampa Tribune, Midwinter edition, 1900.
Date-URL: 1900

Tampa Tribune midwinter edition supplement, 1900, Hillsborough and Manatee proclaimed by the Tribune, pages 18-19, (photo reprint): Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL179; taken 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Reprint from the Tampa Tribune, Midwinter edition, 1900.
Date-URL: 1900

Tampa Tribune midwinter edition supplement, 1900, Hillsborough and Manatee proclaimed by the Tribune, pages 20-21, (photo reprint): Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL180; taken 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Reprint from the Tampa Tribune, Midwinter edition, 1900.
Date-URL: 1900

Tampa Tribune midwinter edition supplement, 1900, Hillsborough and Manatee proclaimed by the Tribune, pages 22-23, (photo reprint): Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL181; taken 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Reprint from the Tampa Tribune, Midwinter edition, 1900.
Date-URL: 1900

Tampa Tribune midwinter edition supplement, 1900, Hillsborough and Manatee proclaimed by the Tribune, pages 24-25, (photo reprint): Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL182; taken 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Reprint from the Tampa Tribune, Midwinter edition, 1900.
Date-URL: 1900

Tampa Tribune midwinter edition supplement, 1900, Hillsborough and Manatee proclaimed by the Tribune, pages 26-27, (photo reprint): Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL183; taken 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Reprint from the Tampa Tribune, Midwinter edition, 1900.
Date-URL: 1900

Tampa Tribune midwinter edition supplement, 1900, Hillsborough and Manatee proclaimed by the Tribune, pages 28-29, (photo reprint): Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL184; taken 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Reprint from the Tampa Tribune, Midwinter edition, 1900.
Date-URL: 1900

Tampa Tribune midwinter edition supplement, 1900, Hillsborough and Manatee proclaimed by the Tribune, pages 30-31, (photo reprint): Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL185; taken 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Reprint from the Tampa Tribune, Midwinter edition, 1900.
Date-URL: 1900

Tampa Tribune midwinter edition supplement, 1900, Hillsborough and Manatee proclaimed by the Tribune, pages 30-31, (photo reprint): Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL187; taken 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Reprint from the Tampa Tribune, Midwinter edition, 1900.
Date-URL: 1900

Tampa Tribune midwinter edition supplement, 1900, Hillsborough and Manatee proclaimed by the Tribune, pages 32-33, (photo reprint): Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL186; taken 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Reprint from the Tampa Tribune, Midwinter edition, 1900.
Date-URL: 1900

Tampa Tribune midwinter edition supplement, 1900, Hillsborough and Manatee proclaimed by the Tribune, pages 36-37, (photo reprint): Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL188; taken 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Reprint from the Tampa Tribune, Midwinter edition, 1900.
Date-URL: 1900

Tampa Tribune midwinter edition supplement, 1900, Hillsborough and Manatee proclaimed by the Tribune, pages 38-39, (photo reprint): Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL189; taken 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Reprint from the Tampa Tribune, Midwinter edition, 1900.
Date-URL: 1900

Tampa Tribune midwinter edition supplement, 1900, Hillsborough and Manatee proclaimed by the Tribune, pages 40-41, (photo reprint): Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL190; taken 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Reprint from the Tampa Tribune, Midwinter edition, 1900.
Date-URL: 1900

Tampa Tribune midwinter edition supplement, 1900, Hillsborough and Manatee proclaimed by the Tribune, pages 42-43, (photo reprint): Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL191; taken 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Reprint from the Tampa Tribune, Midwinter edition, 1900.
Date-URL: 1900

Tampa Tribune midwinter edition supplement, 1900, Hillsborough and Manatee proclaimed by the Tribune, pages 44-45, (photo reprint): Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL192; taken 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Reprint from the Tampa Tribune, Midwinter edition, 1900.
Date-URL: 1900

Tampa Tribune midwinter edition supplement, 1900, Hillsborough and Manatee proclaimed by the Tribune, pages 4-5 (photo reprint): Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL172; taken 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Reprint from the Tampa Tribune, Midwinter edition, 1900.
Date-URL: 1900

Tampa Tribune midwinter edition supplement, 1900, Hillsborough and Manatee proclaimed by the Tribune, pages 46-47, (photo reprint): Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL193; taken 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Reprint from the Tampa Tribune, Midwinter edition, 1900.
Date-URL: 1900

Tampa Tribune midwinter edition supplement, 1900, Hillsborough and Manatee proclaimed by the Tribune, pages 48-49, (photo reprint): Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL194; taken 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Reprint from the Tampa Tribune, Midwinter edition, 1900.
Date-URL: 1900

Tampa Tribune midwinter edition supplement, 1900, Hillsborough and Manatee proclaimed by the Tribune, pages 50-51, (photo reprint): Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL195; taken 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Reprint from the Tampa Tribune, Midwinter edition, 1900.
Date-URL: 1900

Tampa Tribune midwinter edition supplement, 1900, Hillsborough and Manatee proclaimed by the Tribune, pages 52-53, (photo reprint): Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL196; taken 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Reprint from the Tampa Tribune, Midwinter edition, 1900.
Date-URL: 1900

Tampa Tribune midwinter edition supplement, 1900, Hillsborough and Manatee proclaimed by the Tribune, pages 54-55, (photo reprint): Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL197; taken 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Reprint from the Tampa Tribune, Midwinter edition, 1900.
Date-URL: 1900

Tampa Tribune midwinter edition supplement, 1900, Hillsborough and Manatee proclaimed by the Tribune, pages 56-57, (photo reprint): Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL198; taken 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Reprint from the Tampa Tribune, Midwinter edition, 1900.
Date-URL: 1900

Tampa Tribune midwinter edition supplement, 1900, Hillsborough and Manatee proclaimed by the Tribune, pages 58-59, (photo reprint): Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL199; taken 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Reprint from the Tampa Tribune, Midwinter edition, 1900.
Date-URL: 1900

Tampa Tribune midwinter edition supplement, 1900, Hillsborough and Manatee proclaimed by the Tribune, pages 60-61, (photo reprint): Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL200; taken 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Reprint from the Tampa Tribune, Midwinter edition, 1900.
Date-URL: 1900

Tampa Tribune midwinter edition supplement, 1900, Hillsborough and Manatee proclaimed by the Tribune, pages 62-63, (photo reprint): Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL201; taken 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Reprint from the Tampa Tribune, Midwinter edition, 1900.
Date-URL: 1900

Tampa Tribune midwinter edition supplement, 1900, Hillsborough and Manatee proclaimed by the Tribune, pages 64-65, (photo reprint): Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL202; taken 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Reprint from the Tampa Tribune, Midwinter edition, 1900.
Date-URL: 1900

Tampa Tribune midwinter edition supplement, 1900, Hillsborough and Manatee proclaimed by the Tribune, pages 66-67, (photo reprint): Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL203; taken 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Reprint from the Tampa Tribune, Midwinter edition, 1900.
Date-URL: 1900

Tampa Tribune midwinter edition supplement, 1900, Hillsborough and Manatee proclaimed by the Tribune, pages 6-7, (photo reprint): Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL173; taken 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Reprint from the Tampa Tribune, Midwinter edition, 1900.
Date-URL: 1900

Tampa Tribune midwinter edition supplement, 1900, Hillsborough and Manatee proclaimed by the Tribune, pages 68-69, (photo reprint): Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL204; taken 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Reprint from the Tampa Tribune, Midwinter edition, 1900.
Date-URL: 1900

Tampa Tribune midwinter edition supplement, 1900, Hillsborough and Manatee proclaimed by the Tribune, pages 70-71, (photo reprint): Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL205; taken 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Reprint from the Tampa Tribune, Midwinter edition, 1900.
Date-URL: 1900

Tampa Tribune midwinter edition supplement, 1900, Hillsborough and Manatee proclaimed by the Tribune, pages 72-73, (photo reprint): Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL206; taken 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Reprint from the Tampa Tribune, Midwinter edition, 1900.
Date-URL: 1900

Tampa Tribune midwinter edition supplement, 1900, Hillsborough and Manatee proclaimed by the Tribune, pages 74-75, (photo reprint): Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL208; taken 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Reprint from the Tampa Tribune, Midwinter edition, 1900.
Date-URL: 1900

Tampa Tribune midwinter edition supplement, 1900, Hillsborough and Manatee proclaimed by the Tribune, pages 74-75, (photo reprint): Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL207; taken 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Reprint from the Tampa Tribune, Midwinter edition, 1900.
Date-URL: 1900

Tampa Tribune midwinter edition supplement, 1900, Hillsborough and Manatee proclaimed by the Tribune, pages 8-9, (photo reprint): Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL174; taken 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Reprint from the Tampa Tribune, Midwinter edition, 1900.
Date-URL: 1900

Tampa Tribune midwinter edition supplement, 1900, Hillsborough and Manatee proclaimed by the Tribune, title page (photo reprint): Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. TPL169; taken 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Reprint from the Tampa Tribune, Midwinter edition, 1900.
Date-URL: 1900

Two images of people standing near streetcars in Tampa Heights: Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 25360; taken 1900 (copied December 8, 1927).
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Two images on one photograph oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1900

View of Davis block of retail stores at 705-706 Franklin Street copied from Tampa Tribune Midwinter Edition 1900: Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL 163; taken ca. 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date indicated is date of newspaper publication, date image copied unknown.
Date-URL: 1900

View of Franklin Street at turn of the century, copied from Tampa Tribune Midwinter Edition 1900: Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL 153; taken ca. 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date indicated is date of newspaper publication, date image copied is unknown.
Date-URL: 1900

View of J. P. Hardee and Company fruits and produce at 606 Ashley Street, copied from Tampa Tribune Midwinter Edition 1900: Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL 156; taken ca 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date indicated is date of newspaper publication, date image copied is unknown.
Date-URL: 1900

View of office and yard of Southern Lumber and Supply Company at head of Tyler Street at Ashley Street, copied from Tampa Tribune Midwinter Edition 1900: Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL 155; taken ca. 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date indicated is date of newspaper publication, date image copied is unknown.
Date-URL: 1900

W. J. Rowe's Bicycle Emporium with men and bicycles, copied from Tampa Tribune Midwinter Edition 1900: Tampa Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL 143; taken ca. 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date indicated is the date of newspaper publication, Date image was copied is unknown.
Date-URL: 1900

Water dam operated by Tampa Electric Company, copied from Tampa Tribune Midwinter Edition 1900: Tampa, Fla.
1900, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. TPL 145; taken ca. 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date indicated is the date of newspaper publication, date image copied is unknown.
Two images (12 x 16 and 15 x 16 cm.) appear on photographic image oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1900?

Formal portrait of mustachioed young man in vested business suit: Location unknown.
[1900?], 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Two images (12.5 x 19.5 cm.) on one print.
Neg. no. 42675 ; taken ca. 1900.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1901

M. Perez Company cigar factory on 2411 19th Street in Ybor City: Tampa, Fla.
1901, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL36; taken 1901.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
M. Perez Company, Habana Cigar Factory appears on the side of the building.
Date-URL: 1901

Man and woman at Peninsular Telephone Company switchboard: Bradenton, Fla.
1901, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 70442; taken 1901 (copied January 20, 1953).
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1901

Peninsular Telephone Company workers laying cables along Franklin Street (500-600 blocks) looking north: Tampa, Fla.
1901, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 42357; taken 1901. Copied April 22, 1938.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1902

Casino and grounds of Tampa Bay Hotel: Tampa, Fla.
1902, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R299 ; taken 1902.
Image measures 9.5 x 23.5 cm. Copied from hotel brochure.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1902

Departure of train from Tampa Bay Hotel grounds: Tampa, Fla.
1902, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R300 ; taken 1902.
Copy of brochure drawing captioned "Departure of Train". Image measures 10 x 23 cm.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1902

Tampa Bay Hotel advertisement copied from Hotel brochure: Tampa, Fla.
1902, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R301; taken 1902.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1902

Tampa Bay Hotel auditorium: Tampa, Fla.
1902, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R305(76425); taken 1902 (copied October 16, 1958).
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image measures 10 x 13 cm. Copied from hotel brochure, captioned: Auditorium.
Date-URL: 1902

Tampa Bay Hotel interior of salon: Tampa, Fla.
1902, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R304(76424); taken 1902(copied October 16, 1958).
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image measures 10 x 13 cm. Copied from hotel brochure, captioned: Part of Salon.
Date-URL: 1902

Tampa Bay Hotel, interior of Gold Room: Tampa, Fla.
1902, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12.5 x 17.5 cm. + 1 negative (12.5 x 17.5 cm.); Neg. no. R303(76423) ; taken 1902.
Matted circular image copied from hotel brochure; captioned "Gold Room".
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1902

View of cleared site as construction of Federal Building is beginning: Tampa, Fla.
1902, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R275 ; taken December 15, 1902.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1903

Construction in progress on Federal Building at Marion and Zack Streets, with First Presbyterian Church and DeSoto Hotel in background: Tampa, Fla.
1903, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R278 ; taken February 1, 1903.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1903

Construction of Federal Building ; progress shot showing completion of basement level: Tampa, Fla.
1903, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R276 ; taken March 3, 1903.
Captioned directional information in upper left corner of photograph.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1903

Federal Building at Marion and Zack Streets under construction ; basement level walls standing: Tampa, Fla.
1903, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R277 ; taken February 1, 1903.
NB: Construction of Sacred Heart Church in progress in background.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1903

O. Falk and Brother Dry Goods and Millinery at 714-718 Franklin Street, interior of clothing and shoe department: Tampa, Fla.
1903, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R292(71008); taken 1903.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Image measures 17 x 24 cm. and is captioned: O. Falk & Brother, Clothing and Shoes, Franklin St. Cor. Polk.
Date-URL: 1903

O. Falk and Brother Dry Goods and Millinery at 714-718 Franklin Street, interior with employees and customers: Tampa, Fla.
1903, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R291(71007); taken 1903.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Image measures 17 x 24 cm. and is captioned: O. Falk & Brother, Dry Goods and Millinery, Franklin St., Corner Polk.
Date-URL: 1903

Saffold Brothers Produce Company, 901 Washington Street, men and trucks posed outside of warehouse, including office: Tampa, Fla.
1903, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 32704 ; taken December 1930.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1904

Elsie Hart, telephone operator, at Peninsular Telephone Company switchboard: Clearwater, Fla.
1904, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 70441; taken 1904.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait style.
Date-URL: 1904

First Gasparilla Parade, two couples seated in decorated 1903 Cadillac: Tampa, Fla.
1904, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 34662; taken May 4, 1904 (copied April 1, 1932).
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1904

Gasparilla captain George W. Hardee, formal portrait: Tampa, Fla.
1904, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 8.5 x 12 cm. + 1 negative (8.5 x 12 cm.); Captioned: Captain 1904-1905.
Neg. no. 38931 ; taken 1904 ; copied March 14, 1936.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1904

Group portrait at coronation ball of the first Gasparilla celebration: Tampa, Fla.
1904, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 38934; taken 1904 (copied March 14, 1936).
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1904

Royal court portrait at first Gasparilla coronation ball at Tampa Bay Hotel : Tampa, Fla.
1904, 1981 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (6 x 6 cm.); Neg. no. 71714; taken May 6, 1904.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1905

Parade on Franklin S...
1905, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. S 292; taken 1905.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1905

Copy of old photograph of Tampa Yacht and Country Club: Tampa, Fla.
circa 1905, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 72844-4 and 72844-5; taken circa 1905; copied February 10, 1955.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Two images (both 13 x 18 cm.) oriented portrait-style. Top image shot across yacht basin; bottom image taken from shore. Images blemished due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1905

Gasparilla II Royal Court of 1905 with King William C. Gaither and Queen Mary Carnes; Captain George W. Hardee on left: Tampa, Fla.
1905, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 39861; taken 1905 (copied October 13, 1936).
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1905

Illustration from book indentifying all members of the Gasparilla II Royal Court of 1905: Tampa, Fla.
1905, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 39861; taken 1905 (copied March 14, 1936).
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
See also photograph 1998A/39861.
Date-URL: 1905

La France horse drawn steam piston pumper, named Elmer Webb, assigned to Station 4 of the Tampa Fire Department: Tampa Fla.
1905, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL 21; taken 1905.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1906

Looking north toward Hillsborough River from Tampa Electric Company smokestack, with Tampa Bay Hotel on left, and downtown on right : Tampa, Fla.
1906, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R145(23941); taken 1906.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1906

Looking south on Magnolia Avenue from 509 De Leon Street : Tampa, Fla.
1906, 1983 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12 x 17 cm. + 1 negative (6 x 7 cm.); Neg. no. TPL226; taken 1906.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1906

Looking southeast over Bay Street in Hyde Park: Tampa, Fla.
1906, 1981 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12 x 17 cm. + 1 negative (6 x 7 cm.); Neg. no. TPL212; taken March, 1906.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1906

Pile-driving on Spanish Town Creek Bridge in Hyde Park : Tampa, Fla.
1906, 1983 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12 x 17 cm. + 1 negative (6 x 7 cm.); Neg. no. TPL225; taken 1906.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1906

Pile-driving on Spanish Town Creek Bridge in Hyde Park: Tampa, Fla.
1906, 1983 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12 x 17 cm. + 1 negative (6 x 7 cm.); Neg. no. TPL224; taken 1906.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1906

Smokestacks at Tampa Electric Company power plant in Hyde Park: Tampa, Fla.
1906, 1981 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 17 x 12 cm. + 1 negative (7 x 6 cm.); Neg. no. TPL213; taken 1906.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Photo is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1906

Streetcar carrying material for switches : Tampa, Fla.
1906, 1983 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12 x 17 cm. + 1 negative (6 x 7 cm.); Neg. no. TPL223; taken 1906.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1906

Tampa Electric Company Hyde Park power plant under construction : Tampa, Fla.
1906, 1981 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 17 x 11 cm. + 1 negative (6 x 7 cm.); Neg. no. TPL214; taken 1906.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1906-1926

Collage of seven old photographs featuring the Peninsular Telephone Company: Tampa, Fla.
1906-1926, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 70445; individual images taken 1906-1926 (copied January 20, 1953).
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1907

Bogan the cat begging for a treat: Tampa, Fla.
1907, 1983 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12 x 17 cm. + 1 negative (6 x 7 cm.); Neg. no. TPL216; taken 1907.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1907

E. W. Shaw residence at 509 De Leon Street : Tampa, Fla.
1907, 1983 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12 x 17 cm. + 1 negative (6 x 7 cm.); Neg. no. TPL215; taken 1907.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1907

Old Man Hill cutting wood in Hyde Park: Tampa, Fla.
1907, 1983 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12 x 17 cm. + 1 negative (6 x 7 cm.); Neg. no. TPL222; taken 1907.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1907

Port Tampa City streetcar heading to downtown on De Leon Street: Tampa, Fla.
1907, 1983 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12 x 17 cm. + 1 negative (6 x 7 cm.); Neg. no. TPL217; taken 1907.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1907

Streetcar #56 pulling fuel oil car : Tampa, Fla.
1907, 1983 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12 x 17 cm. + 1 negative (6 x 7 cm.); Neg. no. TPL221; taken 1907.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1907

Streetcar number 26 pulling beer kegs to German picnic : Tampa, Fla.
1907, 1983 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12 x 17 cm. + 1 negative (6 x 7 cm.); Neg. no. TPL 218; taken 1907.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1907

Tampa Electric Company car number 27 pulling fuel oil : Tampa, Fla.
1907, 1983 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12 x 17 cm. + 1 negative (6 x 7 cm.); Neg. no. TPL220; taken 1907.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1907

Two cats, Tiger and Bogan, on sidewalk in Hyde Park : Tampa, Fla.
1907, 1983 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12 x 17 cm. + 1 negative (6 x 7 cm.); Neg. no. TPL219; taken 1907.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1909

Elsie Hart, Peninsular Telephone Company operator, seated at switchboard: Clearwater, Fla.
1909, 1994. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (8 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. 47946 ; taken 1909 (copied 7-24-1941); Print damaged due to minor blemishes on negative.
Neg. no. 47946 ; taken 1909 (copied 7-24-1941).
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1909

Ships docked at Southern Steamship Company docks: Tampa, Fla.
1909, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 78139-2; taken 1909 (copied December 16, 1963).
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is faded.
Date-URL: 1909

View of Hillsborough Bay, Hyde Park and waterfront looking west: Tampa, Fla.
1909, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 78139-1; taken 1909 (copied December 16, 1963).
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph appears faded.
Date-URL: 1909

View of Mallory Steamship Company docks: Tampa, Fla.
1909, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 78139-3; taken 1909 (copied December 16, 1963).
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is faded.
Date-URL: 1910

Florida Citrus Exchange Building at 201 Twiggs Street, front facade with group of men and sign for the Virginia on second floor balcony railing: Tampa, Fla.
1910, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 32533; taken 1910, copied November 5, 1930.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1910

Florida Citrus Exchange Building at 201 Twiggs Street, front facade with group of men and The Virginia upstairs: Tampa, Fla.
1910, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 32533; taken 1910, copied November 5, 1930.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1910

Group portrait of periwigged and costumed Gasparilla Royal Court IV, with King Edward Hendry and Queen Kathleen Phil (seated, in center), and Captain Jack Mahoney (rear, fourth from left), in Tampa Bay Hotel: Tampa, FFla.
1910, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 68148; taken 1910.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1910

Lafayette Street Bridge looking west with Plant Park and Tampa Bay Hotel in distance: Tampa, Fla.
1910, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R103; taken 1910.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1910

Lafayette Street Bridge, view east of Atlantic Coast Line Railroad freight depot and downtown: Tampa, Fla.
1910, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R104; taken 1910.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1910

Rear view of Tampa Electric Company power plant looking east from Parker Street: Tampa, Fla.
1910, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 copy negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R127 (TE9); taken 1910.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1910

Street barn interior with rails and platforms: Tampa, Fla.
1910, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. TE8; taken 1910.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1910

Tampa Heights Methodist Church at 503 East Ross Avenue, at northwest corner of Central Avenue and Ross Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1910, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 960; taken 1910.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1911

Ballast Point Pavilion and dock as seen from waters of Hillsborough Bay: Tampa, Fla.
1911, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 copy negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R124 (TE49); taken 1911.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1911

Ballast Point streetcar station, trolley emerging from entrance: Tampa, Fla.
1911, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. TE18; taken 1911.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1911

Brick-paved Hyde Park Avenue with trees planted in median and alongside: Tampa, Fla.
1911, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R329(V10); taken 1911.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Captioned: Photo by Fishbaugh.
Additional Authors: Fishbaugh, W. A. (William A.)
Date-URL: 1911

Cypress swamp west of Grant Central Avenue at site of Memorial Highway: Tampa, Fla.
1911, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 copy negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R154 (V30); taken 1911.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1911

Estuary zone looking southeast from Tampa Gas Company: Tampa, Fla.
1911, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R152 (V32); probably taken in 1911.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1911

Estuary Zone with surrounding development looking south from Fourth Street: Tampa, Fla.
1911, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R105 (V2); taken 1911.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1911

Franklin Street (400-500 blocks) looking north towards the Courthouse and businesses: Tampa, Fla.
1911, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 2 negative (one 21 x 26 cm. and one 10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R131(208); taken 1911.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1911

Franklin Street, looking north from Lafayette Street : Tampa, Fla.
1911, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R158(V21); taken 1911.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1911

Franklin Street, looking south from Harrison Street : Tampa, Fla.
1911, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (13 x 10 cm.); Neg. no. R155(V14); taken 1911.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1911

French Dry Cleaning Company and other commercial establishments looking west on Lafayette Street and Water Street: Tampa, Fla.
1911, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 copy negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R117 (TE43); taken 1911.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1911

Front and side view of YMCA Building, multi-story symmetrical brick edifice with polychromy stickwork, quoins and other ornate details, located at Florida Avenue (700 block) and Zack Street (300 block): Tampa, Fla.
1911, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. R330(V43g); taken 1911.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1911

Hillsborough Bay mudflats near Bayshore Boulevard at Howard Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1911, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (3 x 5 cm.); Neg. no. R106 ; taken 1911.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1911

Lafayette Street at Parker Avenue, opposite Plant Park, with drawbridge and downtown in background: Tampa, Fla.
1911, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R116 (TE 42); taken 1911.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1911

Lafayette Street Bridge looking west towards Plant Park and Tampa Bay Hotel: Tampa, Fla.
1911, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 copy negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R118 (TE35); taken 1911.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1911

Lafayette Street Bridge, view east of Atlantic Coast Line railroad riverside freight depot and downtown: Tampa, Fla.
1911, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R115 (TE 37); taken 1911.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1911

Lafayette Street with French Dry Cleaning Company and other commercial establishments, looking west from grounds of Atlantic Coast Line Freight Depot,
1911, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 copy negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R120 (TE30); taken 1911.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1911

Lafayette Street, view east across bridge to central business district: Tampa, Fla.
1911, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (8 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R119(TE32) ; taken 1911.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1911

Lake with man in tree, scenic location unknown in Florida.
1911, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 427; taken 1911.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1911

Lincoln Beachey in front of his airplane at the Census Celebration: Tampa, Fla.
1911, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL22; taken February 19, 1911.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1911

Lincoln Beachey in his airplane at the Census Celebration: Tampa, Fla.
1911, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL23; taken February 19, 1911.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 13 x 24 cm.
Date-URL: 1911

Maas the Haberdasher, Citizens Bank Building and other businesses along Franklin Street (700-800 blocks), looking north from Zack Street: Tampa, Fla.
1911, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 copy negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R121 (TE21); taken 1911.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1911

Main Street, view east from intersection of Howard Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1911, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V13(R369) ; taken 1911.
Captioned "Photo by Fishbaugh".
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Additional Authors: Fishbaugh, W. A. (William A.)
Date-URL: 1911

Mass the Haberdasher, Citizens Bank Building and other businesses along Franklin Street (700 block), looking north from Zack Street: Tampa, Fla.
1911, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 3 copy negatives (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R122 (V22); taken 1911.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1911

Nebraska Avenue, residential area: Tampa, Fla.
1911, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R327; taken 1911.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Captioned: Photo by Fishbaugh, Tampa Fla.
Additional Authors: Fishbaugh, W. A. (William A.)
Date-URL: 1911

Passengers disembarking streetcar at Ballast Point: Tampa, Fla.
1911, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. TE48; taken 1911.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1911

People at site of automobile wreck along tracks near the Ybor City streetcar station: Tampa, Fla.
1911, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. TE61; taken 1911.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1911

Ships docked at Mallory Steamship Company docks at south end of Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1911, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R328(V7); taken 1911.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1911

Ships moored at Mallory Steamship Company docks at Hendry and Knight Terminal: Tampa, Fla.
1911, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R213(V8); taken 1911.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1911

Streetcar barn interior housing trolley and spare parts: Tampa, Fla.
1911, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. TE15; taken 1911.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1911

Streetcar, front and side views, near horse and buggy parked on downtown street: Tampa, Fla.
1911, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. TE16; taken 1911.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1911

Streetcars parked on tracks: Tampa, Fla.
1911, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. TE17; taken 1911.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1911

Tampa Electric Company power plant on Hillsborough River in Hyde Park: Tampa, Fla.
1911, 1911 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 copy negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R126 (TE59); taken 1911.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1911

Tampa Gas Company employees posed for group portrait in front of building at 309-311 Zack Street: Tampa, Fla.
1911, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 21480; taken October 7, 1911 (copied October 28, 1926).
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1911

Tampa Yacht and Country Club from the water: Tampa, Fla.
1911, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TE45; taken 1911.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1912

Copy of old photograph of group standing in front of Pinellas County Courthouse on South Fort Harrison Avenue: Clearwater, Fla.
1912, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 35358; taken circa 1912 (copied December 7, 1932).
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Pictured in front of building are School Board: W. A. Allen, Clearwater; A. F. Bartlett, St. Petersburg; A. P. Beckett, Tarpon Springs; and Dixie M. Hollins, County School Superintendent; W. W. Weickling, St. Petersburg Clerk of Court.; Marvel M. Whitehurse, Clearwater Sheriff; LeRoy Brandon, County Judge; J. T. Northrup, Tax Assessor; E. B. (Uncle Eli) McMullen, Tax Collector; A. C. Turner, Treasurer; Albert S. Meares, Supervisor of Registration; W. R. Rousseau, Surveyor.
Date-URL: 1912

Cuesta-Rey & Co., 2416 North Howard Avenue, front and side facade of multi-story brick cigar factory: Tampa, Fla.
1912, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.) + 1 framed reproduction (51 x 61 cm.); Neg. no. 504 ; taken 1912.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
A framed reproduction (20 x 24 in.) is displayed at the New Tampa Regional Library.
Date-URL: 1912

Franklin Street (400-500 blocks) looking north from Lafayette Street towards pedestrians, trolley, and businesses: Tampa, Fla.
1912, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R184(V60); taken 1912.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1912

Golfers on green at Tampa Automobile and Golf Club: Tampa, Fla.
1912, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. V70; taken 1912.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1912

Gooding & Smith horse-drawn ambulance: Tampa, Fla.
1912, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O-10; taken 1912.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image measures 13 x 18 cm.
Captioned: Photo by Fishbaugh, Tampa, Fla.
Additional Authors: Fishbaugh, W. A. (William A.)
Date-URL: 1912

Grinding sugar cane and boiling molasses: Dade City, Fla.
1912, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TB3; taken 1912.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Captioned: Cane-grinding and 'lasses-biling in Florida.
Date-URL: 1912

Hillsborough County High School (later Thomas Jefferson Junior High) at corner of 2702 Highland Avenue and Euclid Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1912, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. V46; taken 1912.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1912

Man pulling ears of corn in field: Florida, location unknown.
1912, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. V72; taken 1912.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1912

Man seated in wagon as his horse drinks from water fountain on Madison street in front of Hillsborough County Court House: Tampa, Fla.
1912, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); This photograph was archivally preserved with a donation from Rose H. Baker.
Neg. no. R294 ; taken 1912.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1912

Map of Tampa, birds-eye view north from Hillsborough Bay, drawn for Board of Trade: Tampa, Fla.
1912, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R262(54219) ; taken 1912.
Captioned "The City with the Pay Roll" ; Detail includes out lying areas and rail approaches.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1912

Ships docked at Hendry and Knight Terminal: Tampa, Fla.
1912, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R332(V54); taken 1912.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1912

Ships docked at Tampa Steam Ways: Tampa, Fla.
1912, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R333(V55); taken 1912.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1912

Streetcars in barns: Tampa, Fla.
1912, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. TE40; taken 1912.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1912

Sulphur Springs streetcar waiting shed: Tampa, Fla.
1912, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. TPL16; taken 1912.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1912

Tampa Bay Hotel and tropical promenade looking south: Tampa, Fla.
1912, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V50; taken 1912.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1912

Tampa Union Station building on Nebraska Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1912, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. V56(R334); taken May 15, 1912.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1912

Trolleys parked inside streetcar barn: Tampa, Fla.
1912, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. TE14; taken 1912.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1912

View of Cleveland Street (400-500 blocks) looking east, including Bank of Clearwater and Cash Dry Goods Store: Clearwater, Fla.
1912, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R159(463); taken 1912.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Crack in image due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1913

"Vin Fiz" flying the sky over Tampa: Tampa, Fla.
1913, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R219(L124); taken 1913.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1913

Buildings along Franklin Street (100-200 blocks) looking south, and intersection with Washington Street: Tampa, Fla.
1913, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 copy negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R182; taken 1913.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1913

Citizens Bank Building at corner of Franklin (700 block) and Zack (200 block) streets, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1913, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (13 x 10 cm.); Neg. no. V69; taken 1913.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Captioned: Photo by Fishbaugh, Tampa Fla.
Image oriented portrait-style.
Additional Authors: Fishbaugh, W. A. (William A.)
Date-URL: 1913

Cluster of grapefruit on tree: Florida, specific location unknown.
1913, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V88(R336); taken 1913.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1913

Elevated view of Giddens Building, Hillsborough County Courthouse and downtown area looking northeast at Franklin Street (400-500 blocks) and Lafayette Street: Tampa, Fla.
1913, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 copy negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R132 (V63); taken 1913.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1913

Hyde Park Grammar School buildings on northeast corner of DeLeon Street and South Boulevard, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1913, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 732; taken 1913.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1913

Michigan Avenue School at 301 Michigan Avenue, two story brick, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1913, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. 731; taken 1913.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Image blemished due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1913

Streetcars and neighborhood along Hyde Park Avenue looking south toward Tampa Bay from the Tampa Bay Hotel: Tampa, Fla.
1913, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 copy negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R129 (2432); taken 1913.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1913

Submarines docked at Hendry and Knight Terminal at Port of Tampa: Tampa, Fla.
1913, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. V112(R337); taken 1913.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1913

Tampa Gas Company building at 201 Madison Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1913, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 540; taken 1913.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1913

Trolley on Lafayette Street Bridge looking west to Plant Park and Tampa Bay Hotel: Tampa, Fla.
1913, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R113 (V103); taken 1913.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1913

View of city looking southwest from Bay View Hotel showing Jackson Street Bridge and Tampa Electric Company power plant: Tampa, Fla.
1913, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R150; taken 1913.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1914

Centro Espanol Club building, 1906 North Howard Avenue, two-story brick with arched windows, second floor balcony and decorative brickwork: West Tampa, Fla.
1914, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 722 ; taken 1914.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1914

Centro Espanol Club, 1536 7th Avenue E, front and side facades of multi-story brick building with decorative (stone) and brickwork: Tampa, Fla.
1914, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 721 ; taken 1914.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1914

Children in front of Children's Home at 3302 Florida Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1914, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R160(TE101); taken 1914.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1914

City Hall on southwest corner of Florida Avenue and Lafayette Street, with Police Department : Tampa, Fla.
1914, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R156; taken February, 1914.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1914

Colonial Revival residence at 4621 Bayshore Boulevard, girl standing in front yard with dog: Tampa, Fla.
1914, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 1573; taken 1914.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1914

Confederate monument on grounds of courthouse: Tampa, Fla.
1914, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. 1572; taken December 24, 1914.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Image blemished due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1914

Crowd at scene of streetcar accident at 3500 Tampa Street: Tampa, Fla.
1914, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. TE123; taken 1914.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1914

Crowds watching Gasparilla VII Parade on Lafayette Street, with Plant Park in background : Tampa, Fla.
1914, 1985 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. G17; taken 1914.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1914

Crowds watching Gasparilla VII Parade on Lafayette Street, with Plant Park in background : Tampa, Fla.
1914, 1985 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. G19; taken 1914.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1914

Crowds watching Gasparilla VII Parade on Lafayette Street, with Plant Park in background : Tampa, Fla.
1914, 1985 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. G11; taken 1914.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1914

Crowds watching Gasparilla VII Parade on Lafayette Street, with Plant Park in background : Tampa, Fla.
1914, 1985 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. G45; taken 1914.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1914

Crowds watching Gasparilla VII Parade on Lafayette Street, with Plant Park in background : Tampa, Fla.
1914, 1985 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. G48; taken 1914.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1914

Crowds watching Gasparilla VII Parade on Lafayette Street, with Plant Park in background : Tampa, Fla.
1914, 1985 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. G18; taken 1914.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1914

Crowds watching Gasparilla VII Parade on Lafayette Street, with Plant Park in background : Tampa, Fla.
1914, 1985 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. G12; taken 1914.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1914

Crowds watching Gasparilla VII Parade on Lafayette Street, with Plant Park in background: Tampa, Fla.
1914, 1985 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. G10; taken 1914.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1914

Elevated view of downtown looking southeast from roof of Citizens Bank Building: Tampa, Fla.
1914, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R250(1195); taken 1914.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1914

Fireworks over Hillsborough Bay along Bayshore Boulevard during evening Gasparilla festivities: Tampa, Fla.
1914, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 1256; taken 1914.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1914

First flight of Tony Jannus across Tampa Bay: Tampa, Fla.
1914, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R241(37247); taken January 1, 1914 (copied November 1934).
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Captioned: Opening St. Petersburg-Tampa Air Boat Line Jan. 1, 1914.
Image blemished due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1914

Gasparilla Court with King W. R. Beckwith and Queen Mary Cotter Lucas: Tampa, Fla.
1914, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 1218; taken 1914.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1914

Gasparilla Court, in costume on lighted stage for coronation ceremony: Tampa, Fla.
1914, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 1252 ; taken 1914.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1914

Gasparilla pirate ship at Mallory Docks: Tampa, Fla.
1914, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 68147 (G101); taken 1914, (copied March 21, 1951).
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1914

Gasparilla VII King W.R. Beckwith boarding pirate ship : Tampa, Fla.
1914, 1985 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. G5; taken 1914.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1914

Gasparilla VII pirate ship at Mallory Docks : Tampa, Fla.
1914, 1985 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. G7; taken 1914.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1914

George Gandy Jr. with group inspecting a Tony Janus airplane: Tampa, Fla.
1914, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R296 ; taken January 4, 1914.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1914

Men working on construction of First National Bank of Fort Myers building : Fort Myers, Fla.
1914, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M45; taken January 30, 1914.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1914

Palm trees in cabbage field with farm buildings in background: Bartow, Fla.
1914, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 1211 ; taken 1914.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1914

Side view of Gasparilla VII pirate ship on Hillsborough River : Tampa, Fla.
1914, 1985 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. G8; taken 1914.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1914

South side of open drawbridge on Lafayette Street Bridge over Hillsborough River: Tampa, Fla.
1914, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R114 (V76); taken 1914.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1914

Streetcar tracks at intersection of Tampa Street and Woodlawn Avenue looking south: Tampa, Fla.
1914, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 copy negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R130 (TE121); taken 1914.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1914

Tampa Gas Company office at corner of Madison and Tampa Streets, front and side facade of brick commercial building also housing The Madison, furnished rooms: Tampa, Fla.
1914, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R248(339) ; taken 1914.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1914

World's first commercial airplane flight, piloted by Tony Janus ; captioned composite print with cancelled check paying for flight, paid by passenger A.C. Pheil: Tampa Bay, Fla.
1914, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL 19 ; taken January 1, 1914.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1914

Ye Royal Court of Gasparilla VIII King W. R Beckwith and Queen Mary Cotter Lucas, in regalia: Tampa, Fla.
1914, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 1253; taken February 1914.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1915

Agricultural workers harvesting string beans in field: Lake Wales, Fla.
1915, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 2406 ; taken 1915.
Lower right corner of image missing due to damaged negative.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1915

American Supply Company at southwest corner of Tampa and Zack streets : Tampa, Fla.
1915, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 2164; taken September 16, 1915.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1915

Automobile on Bayshore Boulevard (1500 block) looking southeast towards shoreline: Tampa, Fla.
1915, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R214(2114); taken August 24, 1915.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1915

Captain's Dinner of Ye Mystic Krewe, Gasparilla IX: Tampa, Fla.
1915, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 1882 (38939-1); taken 1915 (copied March 14, 1936).
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1915

Captain's Dinner of Ye Mystic Krewe, Gasparilla IX: Tampa, Fla.
1915, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 1882 (38939-1); taken 1915 (copied March 14, 1936).
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1915

Clearwater Harbor, view of water and pier through stand of banana trees: Clearwater, Fla.
1915, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 1990 ; taken July 1915.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1915

Close-up shot of ducks: Wauchula, Fla.
1915, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. W100; taken 1915.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Captioned: Wauchula Development Co., Wauchula, Fla.
Date-URL: 1915

Close-up shot of two geese: Wauchula, Fla.
1915, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. W101; taken 1915.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Captioned: Wauchula Development Co., Wauchula, Fla.
Date-URL: 1915

Elks Club, southeast corner of Florida Avenue and Madison Street : Tampa, Fla.
1915, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V105; taken 1915.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1915

Federal Building, 600 block of Florida Avenue, front facade with columns and Twiggs Street side: Tampa, Fla.
1915, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 627 ; taken c1915.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1915

Field of grass: Wauchula, Fla.
1915, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. W213 ; taken 1915.
Captioned "Wauchula Development Company"
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1915

Florida Avenue looking south at Federal Building and Sacred Heart Catholic Church: Tampa, Fla.
1915, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 copy negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R133 (2192); taken September 16, 1915.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Image blemished due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1915

Gonzalez and Sanchez Company in Ybor City, front and side facades of three story brick building: Tampa, Fla.
1915, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 2430(41151); taken 1915, copied July 22, 1937.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 17 x 20 cm.
Date-URL: 1915

Grove of grapefruit trees: Tampa, Fla.
1915, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V118 ; taken 1915.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1915

Hillsborough County Courthouse at intersection of Madison and Franklin Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1915, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 2190 ; taken September 16, 1915 .
Image missing sky in upper left hand corner.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1915

Interior of Swann Grove packing grove: Florence Villa, Fla.
1915, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 2497; taken 1915.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1915

Looking north on Franklin Street from Lafayette Street: Tampa, Fla.
1915, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 2191; taken September 16, 1915.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1915

Man standing in sugar cane field: Wauchula, Fla.
1915, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. W222 ; taken 1915.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1915

Newly remodeled Tampa Gas Company building at 201 Madison Street: Tampa, Fla.
1915, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 1968; taken July 1, 1915.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Captioned: Tampa Gas Co. July 1, 1915.
Date-URL: 1915

Newly-planted orange groves near unidentified lake: Lake Wales, Fla.
1915, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 2405 ; taken 1915.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1915

Peninsular Telephone Company building at 511 Zack Street with founder William G. Brorein standing at the entrance: Tampa, Fla.
1915, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R249(70444); taken April 3, 1976.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1915

Rows of bean plants on the farm: Wauchula, Fla.
1915, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. W163; taken 1915.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Captioned: Wauchula Development Company, Wauchula, Fla.
Date-URL: 1915

Streetcar being reconstructed in barn: Tampa, Fla.
1915, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. TE132; taken 1915.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1915

Tampa Gas Company plant on 12th Street between 1st and 2nd avenues in Ybor City: Tampa, Fla.
1915, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R247(1967); taken July 1, 1915.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Captioned: Tampa Gas Co. July 1 1915.
Date-URL: 1915

Three Friends Cigar Company and Mims Transfer, East Scott Street, with employees in wagons in front of building: Tampa, Fla.
1915, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R136(1630) ; taken January 12, 1915.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1915

Woman feeding chickens on a farm, location unknown, in Florida.
1915, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 1789; taken 1915.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1915

Woodrow Wilson Junior High School on the corner of 1003 Swann and Edison Avenues: Tampa, Fla.
1915, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 2420; taken 1915.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1916

Aerial view of Tampa looking north from Hyde Park: Tampa, Fla.
1916, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R286; taken 1916.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1916

Ballast Point Streetcar No. 56, front and side views of open air car: Tampa, Fla.
1916, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. TE170; taken 1916.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1916

Bay Street intersection with Hyde Park Avenue, looking southwest to Hillsborough Bay: Tampa, Fla.
1916, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); This photograph was archivally preserved with a donation from Margaret H. Petro.
This photograph was archivally preserved with a donation from Krista Kutash.
Neg. no. 2666 ; taken 1916.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1916

Central business district skyline and rail freight yards from west side of Hillsborough River near Lafayette Street Bridge: Tampa, Fla.
1916, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 2437 ; taken 1916.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1916

Florida Avenue (400-600 blocks) looking south towards the Federal Building and Sacred Heart Catholic Church: Tampa, Fla.
1916, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. V114(R338); taken 1916.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1916

Hyde Park, aerial view from Bayshore Boulevard looking northwest at Howard Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1916, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 2 negatives (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R284; taken 1916.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1916

Hyde Park, aerial view looking west towards Dekle, Watrous, and Jetton avenues: Tampa, Fla.
1916, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R285; taken 1916.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1916

Lafayette Street Bridge and Hillsborough River looking northwest towards the Tampa Bay Hotel: Tampa, Fla.
1916, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R339(V107); taken 1916.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1916

Neil O'Briens Minstrels in uniforms with instruments and marching banners: Location unknown.
1916, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Image measures 15 x 25 cm., blemished due to deteriorated original. Burgert copy from customer supplied print. Image captioned: Neil O'Briens Minstrels 1916.
Neg. no. 47839 ; copied June 25, 1941; original 1916.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1916

Palma Ceia, aerial view from Bayshore Boulevard (2800-3000 blocks) looking west showing Barcelona Street and Bay to Bay Boulevard: Tampa, Fla.
1916, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R283; taken 1916.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1916

Pine woods along rural, brick-surfaced road: Hillsborough County, Fla.
1916, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 10 x 13 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. A1; taken 1916 (copied 1925).
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1916

Reolds Farm Company, tractor hauling train of logs: Oldsmar, Fla.
1916, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (11 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R322(O81); taken March 10, 1916.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1916

Seminole Beach undeveloped land near Boca Ciega Bay: Pinellas County, Fla.
1916, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 2760(R153) ; taken 1916.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1916

Tampa Yacht and Country Club from across the yacht basin: Tampa, Fla.
1916, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. BE51; taken 1916.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1916

Tractor pulling log train for Reolds Farm Company: Oldsmar, Fla.
1916, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O-80; taken 1916.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1916

View of City Hall and Police headquarters from roof of Elks Club: Tampa, Fla.
1916, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. V116; taken 1916.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1916

West Tampa Streetcar No. 54 parked outside of barn: Tampa, Fla.
1916, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. TE166; taken 1916.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1917

"Greylocks", 218 Lake Hollingsworth Drive, view of front facade across lawn: Lakeland, Fla.
1917, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R353(V166B) ; taken August 18, 1917.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1917

City Hall entrance facade on Lafayette Street (300 block) and side facade on Florida Avenue (300 block): Tampa, Fla.
1917, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (13 x 10 cm.); Neg. no. R352(V166); taken 1917.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1917

City Hall entrance facade on Lafayette Street (300 block) and side facade on Florida Avenue (300 block): Tampa, Fla.
1917, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no.R355(V166A); taken 1917.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1917

Coronation scene of Gasparilla XI: Tampa, Fla.
1917, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. P2; taken 1917.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image appears cracked due to damaged negative.
Image measures 11 x 25 cm.
Date-URL: 1917

Crowds at entrance to fairgrounds: Tampa, Fla.
1917, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. P6; taken 1917.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image measures 13 x 25 cm.
Date-URL: 1917

E. Regensburg and Sons cigar factory at 2701 16th Street in Ybor City, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1917, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Blemished image due to damaged negative.
Neg. no. 3319; taken September 15 1917.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1917

Henry Bradley Plant Memorial Fountain at Plant Park: Tampa, Fla.
1917, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 3054 ; taken 1917.
Lines on image from cracked negative.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1917

Jerome A. Waterman, first Lieutenant of Gasparilla XI standing by cannon in wall, possibly in Plant Park: Tampa, Fla.
1917, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. L363(39224); taken 1917, copied May 4, 1936.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 18 x 13 cm., oriented portrait-style.
Crack in image due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1917

Living quarters for black farm workers in unknown location within Florida.
1917, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. T101; taken 1917.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1917

Palms along shoreline at Rocky Point: Tampa, Fla.
1917, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. V126(R342); taken 1917.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1917

Parade of World War I soldiers on Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1917, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.) + 1 framed reproduction (51 x 61 cm.); A framed reproduction (20 x 24 in.) is on permanent display at the John F. Germany Public Library, History & Genealogy Department.
Digital image available for screen display.
Neg. no. V161(R357) ; taken 1917.
Date-URL: 1917

Parade on Zack Street (400-600 blocks) honoring World War I draftees, with uniformed troops: Tampa, Fla.
1917, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R348(V137); taken September 19, 1917.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1917

Parade on Zack Street (400-600 blocks) honoring World War I draftees: Tampa, Fla.
1917, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R346(V135); taken September 19, 1917.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1917

Parade on Zack Street (400-600 blocks) honoring World War I draftees: Tampa, Fla.
1917, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R347(V136); taken September 19, 1917.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1917

People canoeing on Hillsborough River just above Sulphur Springs: Tampa, Fla.
1917, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. 3534; taken December 27, 1917.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1917

People canoeing on the Hillsborough River: Tampa, Fla.
1917, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 3535; taken 1917.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1917

People looking at alligators in Sulphur Springs Park: Tampa, Fla.
1917, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 3533 ; taken December 27, 1917.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1917

Shaded streets in residential area at intersection of Palm Avenue and Morgan Street: Tampa, Fla.
1917, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 3071 ; taken 1917.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1917

Ship hull under construction at Tampa Dock Company at 17th Street in the Estuary Zone: Tampa, Fla.
1917, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R343(V148); taken September 24, 1917.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1917

Stevedores unloading barrels of asphalt from masted freighter "Hope" at Port of Tampa: Tampa, Fla.
1917, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 3018 ; taken 1917.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1917

Streetcars parked at 100 Lafayette Street near the Tampa Bay Hotel: Tampa, Fla.
1917, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. TE179; taken September 19, 1917.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1917

Trolley traffic on Lafayette Street Bridge looking northwest toward Tampa Bay Hotel: Tampa, Fla.
1917, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R350(V158); taken 1917.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1917

Visitors viewing penned alligators at Sulphur Springs Park: Tampa, Fla.
1917, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 3532 ; taken 1917.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1917

Workers loading asphalt barrels into freight cars at end of South Florida Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1917, 1994 printing 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 3019 ; taken 1917.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1917

World War I draftees from District #1 at Lafayette and Franklin streets (400 block): Tampa, Fla.
1917, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R345(V132); taken September 19, 1917.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1918

A man (identified as "Mr. Gates") inspecting eggplants in a field: Moore Haven, Fla.
1918, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4086; taken October 1918.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1918

Asphalt storage at Towles Steam Ship Line on South Waters Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1918, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4155; taken December 10, 1918.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1918

Atlantic Coast Line Freight Depot along east bank of Hillsborough River with downtown area in background: Tampa, Fla.
1918, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 3968 ; taken 1918.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1918

Brick building Tampa Water Works Pumping Station on Highland Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1918, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4151; taken December 2, 1918.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1918

Camouflage-painted "Lithopolis" leaving port, the first U.S.S.B. steel ship built in Tampa: Tampa, Fla.
1918, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V181(R388); taken December 6, 1918.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1918

Car in distance on wooded Bamboo Drive: Zellwood, Fla.
1918, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 34; taken 1918.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1918

Cattle grazing on a fenced-in farm: Zellwood, Fla.
1918, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 36; taken 1918.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1918

Cotton on O'Brien's farm: Moore Haven, Fla.
1918, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4079; taken October 1918.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1918

Crowd observing Fourth of July parade on Franklin Street (500-600 blocks): Tampa, Fla.
1918, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R191; taken July 4, 1918.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1918

Farmer in peanut field with buildings visible in the distance: Tampa, Fla.
1918, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4082 ; taken 1918.
Image spotted due to damaged negative.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1918

Group of Florida Christian Endeavor convention members outside Federal Courthouse : Tampa, Fla.
1918, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 19 x 84 cm. + 1 negative (19 x 84 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 842; taken April 21, 1918.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1918

Home of Mary E. Berry, 1007 Grand Central Avenue, northeast corner of Grand Central and Delaware avenues : Tampa, Fla.
1918, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R163(4146); taken December 2, 1918.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1918

Hyde Park Avenue, sidewalk and row of palms: Tampa, Fla.
1918, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R356(V167B); taken August 29, 1918.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1918

Hyde Park streetcar No. 92 on Lafayette Street (200 block) looking east from Hyde Park Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1918, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R185(TE193); taken November 19, 1918.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1918

July 4th liberty parade on Franklin Street (500-600 blocks) at corner of Madison Street: Tampa, Fla.
1918, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. V164; taken July 4, 1918.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Image blemished due to damaged negative (irregular shape at top).
Date-URL: 1918

Majestic Hotel, 110-112 West Lafayette Street, and Lafayette Street Bridge viewed across river from Plant Park: Tampa, Fla.
1918, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 3944 ; taken 1918.
Image blemished due to damaged negative (cracked glass plate).
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1918

Man standing in empty lot in Palma Ceia: Tampa, Fla.
1918, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TB219; taken 1918.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1918

Manasota Land & Timber Company equipment on railroad flatcar being pushed by locomotive along track in rural scrub: Florida.
1918, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 3729 ; taken March 12, 1918.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1918

Men with three-horse teams plowing field : Hillsborough County, Fla.
1918, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 20 x 119 cm. + 1 negative (20 x 119 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 843; taken 1918.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1918

Pratt Laboratory building at 711 Twiggs Street, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1918, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M5; taken March 6, 1918.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1918

Sacred Heart Church and Tampa College on Florida Avenue, between Madison and Twiggs streets : Tampa, Fla.
1918, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M9; taken March 6, 1918.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Tampa College was the Jesuit High School.
Date-URL: 1918

Scene of automobile accident on Main Street in West Tampa looking east: Tampa, Fla.
1918, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4144; taken November 27, 1918.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert markings on image provide directionals.
Date-URL: 1918

Scene of car accident in West Tampa at Willow Avenue and Armenia Street (now Main Street), looking west: Tampa, Fla.
1918, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4143; taken November 27, 1918.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1918

Silo at Tampa Stock Farms Dairy: Valrico, Fla.
1918, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 3416; taken 1918.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1918

Steamer "Suwanee" moored along shore of the Caloosahatchee River near house: Florida.
1918, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. 4085; taken October 12, 1918.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1918

Streetcar track and signal in foreground, with streetcar approaching curve in distance: Tampa, Fla.
1918, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. TE186; taken 1918.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1918

Student cadets in front of Hillsborough High School : Tampa, Fla.
1918, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 20 x 90 cm. + 1 negative (20 x 90 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 814; taken 1918.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1918

Tampa Water Works, grounds with landscaping and gravel paths : Tampa, Fla.
1918, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 3988 ; taken August 20, 1918.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1918

Tractors pulling mowing machines in hay field: Natal, Fla.
1918, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4001 ; taken 1918.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1918

Tugboat towing camouflage-painted "Lithopolis", the first United States Shipping Board steel ship built in Tampa: Tampa, Fla.
1918, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R144 (US379); taken December 6, 1918.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Burgert captioned: The "Lithopolis" Hull 31 Dec 6 -- 1918.
Date-URL: 1918

View north from third floor south of Tampa Bay Hotel: Tampa, Fla.
1918, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. V171; taken 1918.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1918

West Tampa Free Public Library (1718 North Howard Avenue): Tampa, Fla. [photograph]
1918; 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M1; taken March 6, 1918.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1918?

Herd of cattle on farm: Zellwood, Fla.
[1918?], 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 85; probably taken in 1918.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Jean Burgert in grap...
1919, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V180; taken October 23, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

"Unicoi" steamship in harbor after launching: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R366(V177B); taken October 23, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1919

4th of July group portrait of women in Oldsmar : Oldsmar, Fla.
1919, 1981 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O-177; taken July 4, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Acreage in Palma Ceia: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TB248; taken July 15, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Agricultural workers in grape nursery: Oldsmar, Fla.
1919, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O165; taken 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Airplane flying over City Hall: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12.5 x 17.5 cm. + 1 negative (12.5 x 17.5 cm.); Neg. no. V190B(R372) ; taken December 1919.
Burgert captioned "Flying over Tampa from Carlstrom field Arcadia, Fla."
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1919

Alachua County Courthouse, built in 1884, front and side facades: Gainesville, Fla.
1919, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. H100; taken 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Atlantic Ice and Coal Corporation at 816-820 Zack Street, front and side facades of building, mule-drawn ice wagon by loading dock: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4283 taken March 4, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1919

Automobile in front of bungalows at the Belleview Biltmore Hotel: Clearwater, Fla.
1919, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M26; taken March 10, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Bank of Commerce, LeRoy Hotel, and Union Painless Dentists at corner of Franklin (900 block) and Tyler streets: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4282; taken March 4, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1919

Baseball game at Fourth of July celebration: Oldsmar, Fla.
1919, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O172; taken July 4, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Bayside Hospital at 4800 Bayshore Boulevard, south of Maryland Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Flaw noted on image of reference print.
Neg. no. 4583; taken September 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1919

Belleview Country Club : Belleair, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M48; taken March 30, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Bolles family home : Oldsmar, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O-152; taken 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Bow of camouflage-painted "Unicoi" and tugboat "Neptune of Tampa" in Estuary Zone: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (13 x 10 cm.); Neg. no. R365(V177); taken October 23, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1919

Broadside view of "Wilscox" docked in Estuary: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4847 ; taken Dec. 7, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1919

Building on University of Florida campus : Gainesville, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. H109; taken May, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Buildings on University of Florida campus : Gainesville, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. H106; taken May, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Bungalow at the Belleview Biltmore Hotel: Clearwater, Fla.
1919, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M23; taken March 10, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Bungalow at the Belleview Biltmore Hotel: Clearwater, Fla.
1919, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M25; taken March 10, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Bungalow at the Belleview Biltmore Hotel: Clearwater, Fla.
1919, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M24; taken March 10, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert caption on photograph reads: Belleview Hotel Bungalow - G. A. Miller, Builder.
Date-URL: 1919

Bungalow homes of James A. Prest and Mary E. Berry, respectively at 1005 and 1007 Grand Central Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M72; taken 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: Grand Avenue Ave Bungalows; G. A. Miller Builder.
Date-URL: 1919

Bungalow residence of Rosco Nettles on Bayshore Boulevard, two-story house with gable dormer and end wall porch: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4608; taken August 29, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Bungalow style dwelling at 605 Covadonga Street in Palma Ceia : Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1981 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.).; Neg. no. TB258; taken July 24, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Bungalow style house at 308 North Albany Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1981 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.).; Neg. no. TB255; taken July 24, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Bungalow style house at 5601 Osceola Street: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1981 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.).; Neg. no. TB267; taken November 3, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Bungalow style house at 6001 Central Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1981 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.).; Neg. no. TB268; taken November 3, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Bungalow style house at 616 Covadonga Street in Palma Ceia: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1981 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.).; Neg. no. TB244; taken 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Bungalow style house at 618 Barcelona Street in Palma Ceia: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1981 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.).; Neg. no. TB264; taken October 20, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Bungalow style house at 704 Granada Street in Palma Ceia : Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1981 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.).; Neg. no. TB262; taken October 7, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Bungalow style house at 713 Barcelona Street in Palma Ceia: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1981 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.).; Neg. no. TB257; taken July 24, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Bungalow style house at 816 San Pedro Street in Palma Ceia: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1981 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.).; Neg. no. TB269; taken November 8, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Bungalow style hpuse at 702 Granada Street in Palma Ceia: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1981 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.).; Neg. no. TB261; taken October 7, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Bungalow-style store at 610 Covadonga in Palma Ceia, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TB241; taken 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Camouflage-painted ship "Everglades" docked in estuary: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R370(V188); taken March 25, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Captioned: The Everglades USSB Hull 32.
Date-URL: 1919

Camouflage-painted ship leaving Port of Tampa: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R368(V185); taken October 23, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1919

Car in palmetto thatched garage and people fishing at Double Branch Bay: Oldsmar, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V183A taken November 2, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1919

Car in palmetto thatched garage and people fishing at Double Branch Bay: Oldsmar, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V183b; taken November 2, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1919

Cargo ship "Yomachichi" moored at wharf : Tampa, FL.
1919, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4651 ; taken Sept., 29, 1919
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1919

Cars parked outside the Szabo Building at 205-209 Cass Street, front facade of two story building: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4218; taken February 26, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Centro Asturiano Club at 1915 Nebraska Avenue in Ybor City: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4659; taken October 3, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1919

Child on pony in front of house : Winter Haven, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. H116; taken 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Citrus High School : Inverness, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. H76; taken April 25, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Classical revival-style house in Gainesville : Gainesville, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. H104; taken May, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Clearwater Public Library, front and side facades, 107 Osceola Avenue: Clearwater, Fla.
1919, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M12; taken March 10, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Colonial house : Gainesville, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. H92; taken May, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Colonial Revival home of S. M. Stephens at 215 Lake Hollingsworth Drive: Lakeland, Fla.
1919, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4591; taken August 18, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Colonial Revival residence of William H. Beckwith at 3325 Bayshore Boulevard, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4414; taken May 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Consolidated Grocery Company at 300-304 Water Street, front and side facades of building alongside railroad tracks: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4285; taken March 4, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1919

Consumers Ice Company and Saffold Brothers Produce Company on Marion Street (800 block): Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4527; taken July 3, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1919

Cook family residence : Belleair, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M-30; taken March 10, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Copy of Oscar Daniels portrait: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 4533; taken July 8, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1919

Crossing at 20th Street and 6th Avenue in Ybor City, looking south: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4354; taken April 10, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Crowd observing launching of camouflage-painted "Everglades" from the port: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R395(V196); taken March 25, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1919

Crowd on dock at 4th of July picnic : Oldsmar, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O173; taken July 4, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Crowd on street at Fourth of July celebration in front of Wayside Inn: Oldsmar, Fla.
1919 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O175; taken July 4, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Crowd watching baseball game in Oldsmar : Oldsmar, Fla.
1919, 1981 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O-176; taken July 4, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Crowds on dock and shore watching swimmers at Fourth of July celebration: Oldsmar, Fla.
1919, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O174; taken July 4, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Damage along waterfront following fire on Washington Street (100 block) and Water Street (100-200 blocks): Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V188B(R389); taken December 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1919

Damage along waterfront following fire on Washington Street (200 block): Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V189B(R389); taken December 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
The library's copy of this photograph was printed in reverse.
The library's negative has the correct orientation is available for accurate reproductions.
Date-URL: 1919

Dignitaries addressing crowd at the launching of the ship "Tampa": Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. R374(V194); taken June 12, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1919

Display of pictures of houses in Harbor Oaks subdivision: Clearwater, Fla.
1919, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4652; taken September 29, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Distant view of painter on flagpole of City Hall: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4492; taken June 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Downtown business district : Gainesville, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. H93; taken May, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Downtown street scene : Winter Haven, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. H157; taken 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Dredge and pipeline on Old Tampa Bay near Oldsmar : Oldsmar, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O-155; taken 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Driver and passengers seated in the Tampa-Clearwater bus: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R148 (4657-2); taken October 3, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1919

Entrance to Oscar Daniels Company Ship Builders yard at corner of 19th and Grant streets, Estuary Zone: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4388; taken April 19, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1919

Exchange Supply Company fertilizer factory : Winter Haven, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. T237; taken June 2, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Exhibition buildings at Florida State Fairgrounds : Tampa, Fla.
1919, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 20 x 108 cm. + 1 negative (20 x 108 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 901; taken 1919.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1919

Family portrait of John Anderson, an official of Tampa Coal Company: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4243; taken 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Farmers harvesting hay : Oldsmar, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O-210; taken November 18, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Fire on waterfront at the end of Washington Street: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12.5 x 17.5 cm. + 1 negative (12.5 x 17.5 cm.); Neg. no. V192B(R391) ; taken December 1919.
Burgert captioned "Tampa's disastrous waterfront fire".
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1919

Firemen seated in Tampa Fire Department pumper truck: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4656; taken October 3, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Fishing camp at Double Branch Bay: Oldsmar, Fla.
1919, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V187B; taken November 3, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Florida Automobile and Gas Engine Company, 311 Jackson Street, southeast corner of Jackson Street and Florida Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL123; taken 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Florida Avenue (300-500 blocks) looking north at intersection of Lafayette Street, City Hall and County Courthouse: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R183(4449); taken May 17, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1919

Florida Peanut Milling Company : Gainesville, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. H90; taken May, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Fourth of July parade in front of Wayside Inn: Oldsmar, Fla.
1919, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O170; taken July 4, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Franklin Street (200-400 blocks) looking north from Washington Street toward streetcar, automobiles, and businesses: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4853-2; taken December 18, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1919

Franklin Street (700-800 blocks) looking north from Zack Street toward businesses, automobile and pedestrian traffic: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4853-3; taken December 18, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1919

Freighter "Yomachichi" moored to ship docked in estuary: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4668 ; taken Oct. 6, 1919
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1919

Front view of swimming pool building at the Belleview Biltmore Hotel: Clearwater, Fla.
1919, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M17; taken March 10, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert caption on photograph reads: Swimming Pool (Front view) Belleview Hotel, Belleair, Florida-G. A. Miller Builder.
Date-URL: 1919

Glass bottom boat in water at Silver Springs : Silver Springs, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4787; taken October 28, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Golfer and caddies at Mountain Lake Golf Club : Lake Wales, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 78178-3(X-107); taken August 30, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Group of young women : Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4480; taken 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Herd of cattle in woods: Florida, specific location unknown.
1919, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 148; taken October 28, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Hillsboro State Bank on North Collins Street, front columned entrance and side facade of two story brick building: Plant City, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M42; taken March 10, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Home of Francisco Arango at 2008 Morgan Street : Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4321; taken 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

House and grounds on unidentified street : Winter Haven, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. H119; taken 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

House at 34 Harbor View Road : Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TB271; taken December 27, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

House at 34 Harbor View Road : Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TB271-1; taken December 27, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

House at 610 Granada Street in Palma Ceia: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1981 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.).; Neg. no. TB260; taken July 24, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

House at 802 Empedrado Street in Palma Ceia: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1981 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.).; Neg. no. TB263; taken October 7, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

House at 902 Barcelona Street in Palma Ceia: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1981 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.).; Neg. no. TB243; taken 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

House in Oldsmar : Oldsmar, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O-194; taken October 8, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

House in Winter Haven : Winter Haven, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. H170; taken 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

House with lake in background : Lakeland, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. H148; taken 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Interior view of Streetcar No. 131, seating, advertisements and coinbox: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. TE263; taken 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Italian Club on southwest corner of 7th Avenue and 18th Street in Ybor City: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. V191; taken April 5, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Jackson Street streetcar station, interior platforms and rails looking west: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. TE212; taken June 4, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Knights of Pythias Castle Hall. 601 East Lafayette Street, southeast cormer of Lafayette and Morgan streets : Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL125; taken 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Lake in the heart of the city : Lakeland, Fla.
1919, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 95 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 95 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 859; taken 1919.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1919

Large house with two oak trees in front : Gainesville, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. H94; taken May, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Liberty Loan parade downtown on Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V184; taken 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Damage apparent to image due to cracked negative.
Date-URL: 1919

Looking east on Ross Avenue toward Morgan Street: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4323; taken March 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image measures 12 x 17 cm.
Date-URL: 1919

Looking north on Morgan Street from Palm Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4322; taken 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Louis S. Oppenheimer and family on porch swing: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 4479; taken 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1919

Lumber mill: Oldsmar, Fla.
1919, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O144; taken 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Magnolia and Brightwater Cottages at the Belleview Biltmore Hotel: Clearwater, Fla.
1919, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M21; taken March 10, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert caption on photograph reads: Magnolia and Brightwater Cottages Belleview Hotel - G. A. Miller, Builder.
Date-URL: 1919

Magnolia Cottage at Belleview Biltmore Hotel: Clearwater, Fla.
1919, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M20; taken March 10, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert caption on photograph reads: Magnolia Cottage, Belleview Hotel - G. A. Miller, Builder.
Date-URL: 1919

Man standing on haystack (one of several), horse-drawn wagon nearby: Ocala, Fla.
1919, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V178B; taken October 23, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Masted ships moored at dock of Lee Terminal: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R143; taken October 13, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1919

Men operating land clearing machine: Oldsmar, Fla.
1919, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O213; taken 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Men standing in vineyard near Port Richey : Port Richey, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O-163; taken 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Men standing in vineyard near Port Richey : Port Richey, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O-161; taken 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Men unloading coconuts from schooner "Florence Harvey": Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4367; taken April 14, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Men unloading coconuts from schooner at Mallory Line Docks: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V193(R392); taken December 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1919

Men watching fire on Washington Street: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12.5 x 17.5 cm. + 1 negative (12.5 x 17.5 cm.); Neg. no. V192B-1(R391) ; taken December 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1919

National Petroleum Company pipeline at Port Tampa : Port Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4523; taken 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Oldsmar Bank : Oldsmar, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O-141; taken February 7, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Oldsmar Bank building : Oldsmar, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O-142; taken February 7, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Oldsmar Tractor Company plant: Oldsmar, Fla.
1919, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O143; taken 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

One-story bungalow style dwelling at 711 San Pedro Street in Palma Ceia: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1981 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.).; Neg. no. TB245; taken 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Ornamental gardens at Tampa Water Works Company pump station on Highland Avenue between 7th and Henderson avenues: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R363(V176); taken October 23, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1919

Oscar Daniels Company shipyard on east side of Ybor Channel : Tampa, Fla.
1919, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 20 x 124 cm. + 1 negative (20 x 124 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 886; taken 1919.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1919

Oscar Daniels Company shipyard, on east side of Ybor Channel : Tampa, Fla.
1919, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 20 x 119 cm. + 1 negative (20 x 119 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 893; taken 1919.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1919

Palma Ceia, undeveloped land near clubhouse of Palma Ceia Gold Course: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R477(TE220); taken February 8, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1919

People fishing in lake near Ocala: Ocala, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R361(V174B); taken October 20, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1919

Philadelphia schooners "Beatrice" and "Leora M. Thurlow" docked at Mallory Line Docks: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V192(R390); taken April 5, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1919

Pinellas County Jail, front and side facades, on the northeast corner of Markley Street and Palm Avenue: Clearwater, Fla.
1919, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M13; taken 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image blemished due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1919

Police Carnival in Ybor City : Tampa, Fla.
1919, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 44 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 44 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Blemish is due to damaged negative.
Neg. no. 906; taken 1919.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1919

Police Carnival in Ybor City : Tampa, Fla.
1919, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 45 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 45 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Blemish is due to damaged negative.
Neg. no. 906a; taken 1919.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1919

Princess Anne-style house : Gainesville, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. H103; taken May, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Pumpkins in a cane field: Florida.
1919, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V173B; taken October 20, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Refreshment stand at Fourth of July celebration: Oldsmar, Fla.
1919 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O171; taken July 4, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Residence ("Greylocks") and servants of S. M. Stephans at 218 Hollingsworth Drive: Lakeland, Fla.
1919, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 4594; taken August 18, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1919

Residence in Gainesville : Gainesville, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. H102; taken May, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Residence of Mrs. William Bucknall, Harbor Oaks : Clearwater, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M51; taken March 30, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Residence with child standing on front porch : Gainesville, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. H101; taken May, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Residential street : Gainesville, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. H96; taken May, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Row of bungalows at the Belleview Biltmore Hotel: Clearwater, Fla.
1919, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M27; taken March 10, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert caption on photograph reads: Belleview Hotel Bungalows G. A. Miller. Builder.
Date-URL: 1919

Row of small bungalows : Oldsmar, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O-196; taken October 8, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

San Souci building on 7th Avenue (1300 block) in Ybor City: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4736; taken October 17, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Scenic view of rows of grapefruit trees: Florence Villa, Fla.
1919, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V181B; taken October 23, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Schooner on Hillsborough River in front of the Tampa Bay Hotel: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4327; taken March 31, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1919

Servants quarters at the Belleview Biltmore Hotel: Clearwater, Fla.
1919, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M27; taken March 10, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert caption on photograph reads: Servants Quarters Belleview Hotel, Belleair, Florida - G. A. Miller Builder.
Date-URL: 1919

Shipbuilding at Oscar Daniels Company in Estuary Zone : Tampa, Fla.
1919, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 78 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 78 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 907; taken 1919.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1919

Shipbuilding at Oscar Daniels Company on east side of Estuary Zone : Tampa, Fla.
1919, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 20 x 111 cm. + 1 negative (20 x 111 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 876; taken 1919.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1919

Shipbuilding at Oscar Daniels Company on east side of Estuary Zone : Tampa, Fla.
1919, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 122 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 122 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 856; taken 1919.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1919

Shipbuilding at Tampa Dock Company on Ybor Channel, looking southwest toward Estuary Zone : Tampa, Fla.
1919, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 20 x 122 cm. + 1 negative (20 x 122 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 902; taken 1919.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1919

Shipyard at Oscar Daniels Company in Estuary Zone : Tampa, Fla.
1919, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 20 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (20 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Blemish is due to damaged negative.
Neg. no. 905; taken 1919.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1919

Site of Tampa Brokerage Company at 801 Twiggs Street: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M39; taken 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: G. A. Miller, Builder.
Date-URL: 1919

Sooy Building: Oldsmar, Fla.
1919 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O153; taken 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Southern Drug Manufacturing Company brick building on corner of 101 East Tyler and Ashley Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4584; taken August 9, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Sponsor group at launching of "Unicoi" in estuary: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R364(V176A); taken October 23, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Captioned: Launching the "S.S. Unicoi" Tampa, Fla. Oct. 23-19.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1919

Sponsor group at the launching of the Unicoi: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. V176A; taken October 23, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Burgert captioned: Launching the "S. S. Unicoi" Tampa, Fla. Oct. 23-19.
Date-URL: 1919

St. Andrew's Episcopal Church at 505 Marion Street, facade and bell tower: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4730-1; taken October 28, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1919

Steamship "Tampa" dry-docked at Oscar Daniels Company in Estuary Zone: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4458; taken June 10, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Strand Theatre building at Tampa Street (600 block) and Twiggs Street (200 block): Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4320; taken March 24, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1919

Street scene : Winter Haven, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. H129; taken 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Street scene in Winter Haven : Winter Haven, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. H115; taken 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Swann Avenue Streetcar No. 131 in front of 7th Avenue car barn: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. TE262; taken 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Tampa Dock Company at foot of 17th Street, north end of Ybor Channel : Tampa, Fla.
1919, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 90 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 90 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 851; taken 1919.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1919

Tampa Electric Company power plant in Hyde Park, looking south across the Hillsborough River: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V175; taken October 10, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Tampa Electric Power Plant on Hillsborough River in Hyde Park: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R354(V168B); taken August 29, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1919

Tampa Labor Temple Association building at 2101 Nebraska Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4247; taken February 26, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Tampa Public Library, 102 7th Avenue east, front facade of brick building with columned entrance: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 2 negatives (21 x 26 cm.) & (10 x 13 cm.); Blemished by crack in negative.
Neg. no. 4381; taken April 18, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1919

Tampa Stock Farms Dairy Company trucks parked in back of plant at Consumer's Ice Company at northeast corner of Marion Street and Polk Street: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4437; taken May 17, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1919

Texas Company dock and warehouse on Ybor Channel at Hookers Point: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4815; taken November 19, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

The "Yomachichi" and tugboat at docks in Estuary Zone: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R359(V171B); taken 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1919

The coconut schooner "Florence Harvey" at dock: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4368; taken April 14, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

The dredge vessel "Barnard" in Estuary Zone: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4418; taken May 5, 1916.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

The ship "Coulter" drydocked at Tampa Dock Company: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4530; taken July 17, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

The steamship "Unicoi" and tugboat in Estuary Zone after launching: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R362(V175B); taken October 23, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Captioned: "S.S. Unicoi" (9,500 Tons) Launched Oct. 23-1919. Built for U.S. Shipping Board By Oscar Daniels Co. Tampa, Fla.
Date-URL: 1919

The Texas Company oil storage facility (three-tanks with sand berms): Tampa, FL.
1919, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4811 ; taken Nov. 19, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1919

The Texas Company, 1101 Maryland Avenue, petroleum product storage facility: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4812 ; taken Nov. 19, 1919
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1919

Tract of land with houses in background in Palma Ceia: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TB223; taken February 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Train at Port Tampa docks : Port Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4519; taken 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Tree-lined road leading to Citrus County Courthouse : Inverness, Fla.
1919, 1986 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 67787(H-70); taken April 25, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Trolley cars, side view; printed with trolley car on tracks with passenger and attendant: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V4191-V4192 ; taken February 10, 1919.
Images measure 12 x 17 cm. Images are blurred.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1919

Two men near dredge and pipeline on Old Tampa Bay near Oldsmar : Oldsmar, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O-154; taken 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Two story residence at 402 East Oak Avenue, columned porch on front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. 4293; taken March 10, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Two-story bungalow style dwelling at 602 Barcelona Street in Palma Ceia: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1981 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.).; Neg. no. TB246; taken 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Two-story house at 2020 Dekle Avenue in Hyde Park: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1981 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.).; Neg. no. TB265; taken October 24, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Two-story house at 5405 Cherokee Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1981 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.).; Neg. no. TB256; taken July 24, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Two-story house at 803 Granada Street in Palma Ceia: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1981 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.).; Neg. no. TB259; taken July 24, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Two-story wood frame house at 2822 Taliaferro Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1981 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.).; Neg. no. TB266; taken October 24, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

University of Florida campus : Gainesville, Fla.
1919, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. H105; taken May, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Unloading lumber from ship "Panoil" at Tampa Dock Company: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4517; taken June 27, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

View of 20th Street crossing and Ybor City, looking west: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4353; taken April 10, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

View of automobile mishap at the 20th Street crossing in Ybor City: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4355; taken April 10, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

View of coconut schooner "Herald" docked at Mallory Steamship Company in Estuary Zone: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4545; taken July 24, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

View of dwellings on brick-laid Grand Central Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4619; taken September 16, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 12 x 17 cm.
Date-URL: 1919

View of flooded district, with houses and palms in background, location unknown.
1919, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4420; taken May 5, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

View of flooded tomato field, location uncertain, possibly Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4410; taken May 1, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
See also photograph 3289/4419.
Date-URL: 1919

View of Gulf Iron Works building on corner of South Florida (300-400 blocks) and Hampton Avenues: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M37; taken 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

View of house and land in Palma Ceia: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TB221; taken 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

View of Hyde Park Avenue, looking north toward minarets of Tampa Bay Hotel: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4870-1; taken December 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

View of ice plant, mill and Oldsmar Tractor Company: Oldsmar, Fla.
1919, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O202; taken October 8, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

View of loading rack and track of Texas Company: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4810; taken November 19, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

View of Lucas Brothers Company on corner of 104 Madison and Ashley Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4284; taken March 4, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

View of mill: Oldsmar, Fla.
1919, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O197; taken October 8, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

View of Queen Anne style residence: Gainesville, Fla.
1919, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. H95; taken 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

View of schooner in Hillsborough River at Hendry and Knight Terminal: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 4347; taken April 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1919

View of servants quarters at the Belleview Biltmore Hotel in Belleair: Clearwater, Fla.
1919, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M16; taken March 10, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

View of steamer "Bay Queen" on the Hillsborough River: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4836; taken December 4, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

View of Texas Company in Port of Tampa, looking west towards Hillborough Bay: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4814; taken November 19, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

View of the "Dewitt Brown" ship in dry dock at Port of Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4606; taken August 29, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

W. B. Henderson School at corner of Jefferson Street and Henderson Avenue (500 block), front and side brick facades: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Burgert captioned: W. B. Henderson School, Tampa, G. A. Miller, Builder.
Neg. no. M33; taken March 10, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1919

Water flowing from dredge pipe flooding field: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4419; taken May 4, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Wilson Coffee Company building and delivery trucks at 116-118 Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1974 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4227; taken February 26, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1919

Women inside refreshment building at Fourth of July celebration: Oldsmar, Fla.
1919, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O178; taken July 4, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Wood frame Dwelling with front porch front and side facades at 610 Covadonga Street in Palma Ceia: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1981 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.).; Neg. no. TB242; taken 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Wood frame house at 501 Azeele Street in Hyde Park: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1981 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.).; Neg. no. TB270; taken November 26, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1919

Workers unloading Hills Brothers Company cargo of coconuts from Gulf and Southern Steamship Company: Tampa, Fla.
1919, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4225; taken February 26, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1919

Ybor Channel and Estuary Zone, looking west : Tampa, Fla.
1919, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 110 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 110 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 855; taken 1919.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 192?

Fifteenth Street (1600-1700 blocks) and Sixth Avenue intersection in Ybor City looking past the Imperial Theatre Cafe building: Tampa, Fla.
192?, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL164; taken 192?.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 192?

Golfer on fairway with caddy: Tampa, Fla.
[192?], 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 654 ; date taken unknown.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 192?

Strand Theatre, 202 Twiggs Street, at northeast corner of Twiggs and Tampa streets : Tampa, Fla.
[192-?], 1986 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL120; taken .
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

"Quickbilt Bungalow" house exhibit at South Florida Fair: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5029; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

American Agricultural Chemical Company employees in their cars at Florida State Fairgrounds : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 800; taken July 3, 1920.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1920

Armed men standing beside moonshine still, jugs, and barrels in woods: Riverview, Fla.
1920, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.) + 1 framed reproduction (51 x 61 cm.); Neg. no. 5643 ; taken December, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
A framed reproduction (20 x 24 in.) is displayed at the Brandon Regional Library.
Date-URL: 1920

Atlantic Coast Line railroad terminal and ships at docks : Port Tampa City, Fla.
1920, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 219; taken 1920.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1920

Atlantic Tire Service building at 401 Lafayette Street, men working on tires of parked automobiles outside building: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5267; taken June 12, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Automobile and street car traffic on Lafayette Street (300-400 blocks) looking east from Crescent Place: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R151 (5560); taken November 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Automobiles parked along Zack Street (300-400 blocks) looking west from Marion Street: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Captioned: New Maas Bldg. and YMCA Bldg.
Neg. no. 5559-1; taken November 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Banana grove: Lake Alfred, Fla.
1920, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V201; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Barrels on site of turpentine still: Wauchula, Fla.
1920, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V199; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Baxter, Inc. fiduciaries at 607 Franklin Street, close-up of entrance and window lettering; Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5682; taken December 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Bayshore Boulevard (900 block) looking southwest from intersection with South Boulevard: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R404(V216); taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Bayshore Boulevard, single-road stage, with lamp-post balustrade, viewed from east end: Tampa, FL.
1920, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5408 ; taken in Oct. 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Beach at Rocky Point, people on shore near parked automobile and tent: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V220; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Bedroom and bath in home of George A. Miller, 2202 Grand Central Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M69; taken October 12, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Bedroom in home of George A. Miller, 2202 Grand Central Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M68; taken October 12, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Belleview Country Club, front and side facades: Clearwater, Fla.
1920, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M49; taken March 30, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert caption on photograph reads: Belleview Country Club Belleair, Fla. - G. A. Miller, Builder.
Date-URL: 1920

Brick house of Selwyn R. Morey at 315 Hyde Park Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5816; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Brick road with newly planted trees and support stakes along both sides: Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V223 ; taken in 1920
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Brown Hall and tractor exhibit at fairgrounds: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5044; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Buena Vista Hotel, two-story brick commercial building, 700 block La Salle Street, including Brettons Pharmacy: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 22920; taken March 4, 1927.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Buildings at Carmen Grape Company: Oldsmar, Fla.
1920, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 0217; taken August 13, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Buildings at Florida Southern College, front and side facades: Palm Harbor, Fla.
1920, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5283; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Buildings at Oldsmar Tractor Company: Oldsmar, Fla.
1920, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O223; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Bungalow residence of Harry S. Grimes at 209 South Howard Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5236; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Bungalow residence of Nellie H. McFarlane at 829 Bayshore Boulevard, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5275; taken June 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
This photograph was archivally preserved with a donation from Jan Abell.
Date-URL: 1920

Bungalow residence of Oscar D. Hallis on 108 South Boulevard, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5148; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Bungalow style house at 1806 Watrous Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1983 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.).; Neg. no. TB276; taken January 26, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Bungalows in Moore Haven : Moore Haven, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. SF62; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Child sitting on steps of home of Arthur Chaires at 501 Azeele Street : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL126; taken November, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Children, businesses and 23rd Street railroad crossing looking north from 6th Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5159; taken April 1, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Citrus Exchange Building under construction on southeast corner of Tampa (600 block) and Zack (200 block) streets: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M58-A; taken July 23, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Citrus trees at Mountain Lake Grove : Florida
1920, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5356 ; taken in 1920
Part of D. C. Gillett properties.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Coca-Cola truck loaded with bottles in crates, and driver parked on street: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 2 negatives (one 21 x 26 cm. & one 10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. 5298; taken June 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Coca-Cola truck, side view of parked vehicle: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5055; taken February 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Country road next to Lake Hollingsworth : Polk County, Fla.
1920, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Blemish is due to damaged negative.
Neg. no. 207; taken 1920.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1920

Crowd around Sulphur Springs swimming pool : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V231; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Crowd outside of W. T. Grant department store at 903-907 Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5601; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Crowds at launching of tugboat "Lorraine D": Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R409(V239); taken November 28, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Crowds at race track at fairgrounds: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5015; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Crowds at Sulphur Springs Pool: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R406(V232); taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Crowds inside main gate at fairgrounds: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5014; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Crowds on riverfront at Plant Park watching Gasparilla invasion: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V196B; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Dedication of Veteran's Memorial at corner of Memorial Highway and Howard Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V251; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Dining room in home of George A. Miller, 2202 Grand Central Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M67; taken October 12, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Display truck outside of National Cash Register Company at 806 Florida Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5197; taken April 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Downtown and Hillsborough River from Cass Street railroad bridge : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 118 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 118 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 220; taken 1920.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1920

Downtown from top of City Hall, looking north : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 119 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 119 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 222; taken 1920.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1920

Downtown looking south along Franklin Street (100-500 blocks) from top of Citizens Bank Building: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R411(V254); taken December 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Eclectic revival residence in Harbor Oaks, front and side facades: Clearwater, Fla.
1920, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5611; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Egg incubators on chicken farm : Valrico, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TB283; taken February 15, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Electric Service Company building at 903 Florida Avenue, front and side facades of the two story building: Tampa Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5121; taken March 15, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Entrance to Alcazar Theatre at 606 Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5661; taken December 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Entrance to Grant Theatre at 510 Franklin Street with Business University of Tampa located in upper story: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5663; taken December 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Exchange Supply Company fertilizer factory : Winter Haven, Fla.
1920, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 83 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 83 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C304; taken November 20, 1920.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1920

Exterior view of citrus packing house: Lucerne Park, Fla.
1920, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5631; taken December 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Exterior view of Victory Theatre on corner of Franklin (700 block) and Zack Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5250; taken May 18, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Family feeding bread crumbs to pelicans off docks: St. Petersburg, Fla.
circa 1920, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. SR9; taken circa 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Farm house : Moore Haven, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. SF45; taken June 12, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

First National Bank on the corner at 414-416 Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 5459; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1920

Florida hammock, pine trees and scrub near Sulphur Springs : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 213; taken 1920.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1920

Footbridge and island on grounds at Southern College: Florida.
1920, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5291 ; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Ford residence, front view : Belleair, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M52; taken March 30, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Ford residence, rear view : Belleair, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M53; taken March 30, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Franklin Street (700-800 blocks) looking south towards business establishments and trolley traffic: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5454; taken October 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Freighter "Calicorock" in dry dock, partially surrounded by scaffolding: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4921 ; taken Jan. 17, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Freighter "Holden Evans" docked: Port Tampa City, Fla.
1920, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5000; taken February 14, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Freighter "Seminole" docked: Tampa, FL.
1920, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5184 ; taken April 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Freighter SS "Unicoi" docked: Tampa, FL.
1920, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5232-2 ; taken April-May, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Front view of Queen Anne-style house and yard in Harbor Oaks: Clearwater, Fla.
1920, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5612; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

G. A. Miller, General Contractor warehouse on southwest corner of Morgan (300 block) and Hampton (400 block) avenues, front and side facades: Tampa,
1920, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M32-B; possibly taken in 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Gasparilla parade at Florida state fair racetrack : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 117 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 117 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 218; taken 1920.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1920

Gasparilla Parade, horse drawn flats and spectators on Franklin Street (400-600 blocks): Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 2 negatives (one 21 x 26 cm. and one 10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. V195B; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Gasparilla ship passing under Lafayette Street Bridge: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V194B; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Gasparilla XII pirate ship on Hillsborough River in front of Atlantic Coast Line freight depot: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R375(V197); taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Gasparilla XII queen, Mary Trice Clewis: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 68139; taken 1920 (copied March 21, 1951).
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image measures 13 x 17 cm.
Date-URL: 1920

Girls from Madam Scovall's School of Ballet Dancing in Plant Park : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 111 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 111 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 206a; taken April, 1920.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1920

Girls from Madam Scovall's School of Ballet Dancing in Plant Park : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 111 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 111 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 206b; taken April, 1920.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1920

Gordon Keller Hospital, 302 North Boulevard : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL 133; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Gourlie Music Company and Julius Leiter Jeweler at 309-311 Zack Street: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5169; taken April 1, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Grounds at Tampa Bay Hotel: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. R396(V205); taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1920

Grounds of Tampa Bay Hotel : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. V205; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1920

Group portrait of medical staff of Bayside Hospital : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1983 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (35 mm.); Neg. no. TPL229; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Group portrait of men (shot from a distance) working on the construction of the Hillsboro Hotel at 300 Madison Street: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 5365; taken August 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1920

Group portrait of staff in front of Bayside Hospital : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1983 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (35 mm.); Neg. no. TPL230; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Group portrait of staff in front of Bayside Hospital : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1983 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (35 mm.); Neg. no. TPL232; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Group portrait of staff on steps of Bayside Hospital : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1983 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (35 mm.); Neg. no. TPL231; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Group portrait of staff on steps of Bayside Hospital: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1983 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (35 mm.); Neg. no. TPL228; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Gulf Fertilizer Company plant on Thirty-fifth Street and Sixth Avenue in Ybor City: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5693; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Gun club at Belleview Country Club : Belleair, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M50; taken March 30, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Hillsborough River as viewed through trees with hanging moss : Temple Terrace, Fla.
1920, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5304 (3504) ; taken June, 1920
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Hillsborough River near dam: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V225; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Hillsborough River near Nebraska Avenue railroad trestle : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 118 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 118 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 214b; taken 1920.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1920

Hillsborough River near Nebraska Avenue railroad trestle, looking south : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 131 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 131 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 214; taken 1920.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1920

Hillsborough River waterfront looking north toward the Lafayette Street Bridge and Tampa Bay Hotel: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V223; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Horse drawn delivery wagon in front of Swift & Company building at 610 North Ashley Street: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5588; taken November 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

House and yard in Harbor Oaks, front and side facades: Clearwater, Fla.
1920, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5613; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

House in Harbor Oaks, front and side facades : Clearwater, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5606; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

House in South Tampa : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TB273; taken January 8, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

House next to Lake Weir : Marion County, Fla.
1920, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 122 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 122 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 209; taken 1920.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1920

House of Wauchula Advovate newspaper and other houses on street : Wauchula, Fla.
1920, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 119 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 119 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 818; taken 1920.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1920

Interior of auto exhibit at Florida State Fair: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5051; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Interior of First National Bank: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5195; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Interior shot of merchandise at the W. T. Grant Company at 903-907 Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5602; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Interior view of First National Bank showing fixtures: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5193; taken April 23, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Interior view of First National Bank, with teller windows and marble fixtures: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5460; taken October 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Intersection of Bayshore Drive and South Boulevard : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V216; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Jackson Block building on Franklin Street (600 block), with tenant signs for Liggett's Drugs, Western Union and Alcazar Theatre: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5431; taken September 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Judge John C. White presiding over swearing in of jury in courtroom at Hillsborough County Court House: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); This photograph was archivally preserved with a donation from Stagg, Hardy, Yerrick, Ferguson, Murnaghan, and Mathews, P. A.
Neg. no. 5522; taken November 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Kardell Tractor Company factory : Oldsmar, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O-88; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Kitchen in home of George A. Miller, 2202 Grand Central Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M70; taken October 12, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Lafayette Street Bridge looking east toward downtown: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL110; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Landscaping along brick paved Palm Avenue in Ybor City, Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5411; taken September 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Light-duty fire truck with loaders and hoses in front of department headquarters at 720 Zack Street: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5426; taken Summer 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Living room in home of George A. Miller, 2202 Grand Central Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M64; taken October 12, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Loaded Coca-Cola delivery truck parked outside bottling company : Tampa, FL.
1920, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5363 ; taken in 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Looking east at downtown and Hillsborough River from roof of Bay View Hotel : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 115 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 115 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 221; taken 1920.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1920

Looking north at city from water tower : Winter Haven, Fla.
1920, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 216; taken 1920.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1920

Looking north at Lafayette Street Bridge over Hillsborough River : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5407; taken September, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Looking north on Franklin Street and intersection of Cass Street and construction of W. T. Grant Company: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5453; taken October 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Looking south at city from water tower : Winter Haven, Fla.
1920, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 122 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 122 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 217; taken 1920.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1920

Looking south from top of Maas Brothers building, downtown : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C 310; taken 1920.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1920

Looking southeast at Peninsular Telephone Company building on the corner of Zack (500 block) and Morgan streets (600 block): Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 70443; taken 1920 (copied January 20, 1953) .
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Lucerne Park Fruit Growers Association building and grove: Lucerne Park, Fla.
1920, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5632; taken December 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Lucerne Park Grove, cultivated orange trees on land before Hillsborough River: Temple Terrace, FL.
1920, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5640 ; taken Dec. 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Lucerne Park grove: Lucerne Park, Fla.
1920, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5640-A; taken December 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Maas Brothers-Citrus Exchange Building under construction on southeast corner of Tampa and Zack streets: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M61A; taken October 20, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Man in car looking at land before clearing: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1920, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5309; taken June 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: Temple Terrace before clearing.
Date-URL: 1920

Man in fig orchard : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V218; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Man inspecting sorghum cane at Chapman Farm in Florida, specific location unknown.
1920, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5471; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: Sorghum Cane, Chapman Farm.
Date-URL: 1920

Man working with egg incubators on chicken farm : Valrico, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TB282; taken February 15, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Melbourne Engineering convict ship "Success" in dry dock at Tampa Dock Company: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R403(V215); taken October 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Melbourne Engineering convict ship "Success" in dry dock at Tampa Dock Company: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R402(V213); taken October 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Members of the Ben Gulley family gathered for 50th anniversary: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5232-1; taken April 23, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Members of the Tampa Board of Trade standing in wild growth on Big Island: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5257; taken May 18, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Members of the Tampa Board of Trade standing on Big Island: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5256; taken May 18, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Members of the Walker family, with bungalow residence in background: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5400; taken September 1920.
Members of family from left to right on the back row are as follows:
Edna (Addison-Moore), Carl Nelson, Mattie Nelson, William Albert Walker Sr., Emily May Walker,
Grace Jorden, and Leslie J.L. Jordon.
Middle row:
Bernice Addison, Willie Moore, Bertha Miley, Macon Miley, Mary Elizabeth Walker,
Benjamin Franklin Walker, Florence Walker, and Robert A. Walker.
Front row:
Robert Addison, Charley Miley, Ralph Miley, Franklin Walker Sr., Lilian Walker, Eunice Walker, Margaret Walker,
Mary Walker, Thelma Walker, and Louise Walker.
Family member identifies the address as 930 E. Giddens Ave. from Benjamin Franklin Walker's obituary.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Men at work in a broom-making shop : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. SF58; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Men fishing in rowboats on Alafia River: Florida.
1920, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V249; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1920

Men from National Petroleum Corporation planting a tree: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5241; taken May 15, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Men holding up trees in orchard : Manatee County, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. A-20; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Men in attic with still: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V236; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Men in Temple Terrace orange grove : Temple Terrace, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. T257; taken February 3, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Men on ladders picking oranges from trees: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V202; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Men posing with land clearing machine in field : Hillsborough County, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. OT51; taken January 16, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Miss Tampa, Myrtle Henderson: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V876; taken July 22, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image measures 12 x 17 cm.
Date-URL: 1920

Moonshine still in attic with barrels, bottles, funnels, sugar and tubing: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V237 ; taken in 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Moonshine still in wooded area: Riverview, Fla.
1920, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V247; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Moonshine still in woods: Riverview, Fla.
1920, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V246; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Movie advertisements at entrance to the New Prince Theatre at 1118 Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5665; taken December 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Mrs. Ackers standing in corn field: Wauchula, Fla.
1920, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. W82a; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Mrs. Ackers with parasol standing in corn field: Wauchula, Fla.
1920, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. W82; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Captioned: Wauchula Development Co., Wauchula, Fla.
Date-URL: 1920

National Biscuit Company delivery truck: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5348; taken July 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

National Cash Register Company, 806 Florida Avenue, with delivery truck and unidentified male in front: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5215-1; taken April 23, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

National Guard facility and various buildings on Howard Avenue at Benjamin Field: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M34P; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: Mess Hall, Officers Quarters, Guard House.
Date-URL: 1920

National Guards facility with various buildings on Howard Avenue at Benjamin Field: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M35; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: Barracks Bldg, Lavatory, Shower. Centered at bottom: U.S. Guards Barracks, Tampa, G. A. Miller, Builder.
Date-URL: 1920

Nebraska Avenue near Sulphur Springs, looking north : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. T264; taken August 17, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Norman A. Bie standing next to car by three-story wood-frame building: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5724; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Oldsmar Tractor Company: Oldsmar, Fla.
1920, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O222 taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Orange grove : Hillsborough County, Fla.
1920, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 103 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 103 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C 307-2; taken 1920.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1920

Orange grove on shore of Lake Alfred : Polk County, Fla.
1920, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 25 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (25 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 201; taken 1920.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1920

Orange grove Sulphur Springs : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 215; taken 1920.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1920

Palm Avenue street scene: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5410; taken September 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Palms along sidewalk in Harbor Oaks : Clearwater, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. ; taken 1937.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Palms and benches along sidewalk in Plant Park: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R400(V211); taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Parked cars and commercial buildings along Marion Street (600-700 blocks) looking northwest from Twiggs Street: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm. & 10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. 5558; taken November 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Image has various captions noting the street orientation and specific buildings.
Date-URL: 1920

Participants of Tuxedo Club's New Year Ball: Tampa, Fla.
1920 , 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5666; taken December 31, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: New Year's Ball, Dec 31-1920 -- Jan 1-1921.
Date-URL: 1920

Paul Gilmore residence at 4607 Bayshore Boulevard, two story, colonial revival facades: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5538; taken November 22, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Residence also known as Chapin-Logan House.
Preserve-a-Print donor: Mike Mercer.
Date-URL: 1920

Peninsular Paper Company truck loaded with boxes: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5274u
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

People canoeing in Hillsborough River at Sulphur Springs: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. T266; taken August 17, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

People in groups on grounds of the Main Building at the Florida Southern College, front view: Palm Harbor, Fla.
1920, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5285; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

People looking at the parent tree of "Temple Orange": Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4984; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Pine trees being turpentined : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V259; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Pirate ship on Hillsborough River immediately north of Lafayette Street Bridge: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R393(V193B); taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Police Chief Frank M. Williams being decorated at Court House Square: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V195a; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Residence at 1411 Nance Avenue; one-story wood with full-front porch: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5725 ; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Residence of Charles H. Moorehouse at 841 Bayshore Boulevard: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M74; taken December 1, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: C. H. Moorehouse Garage -- G. A. Miller, Builder.
Date-URL: 1920

Residence under construction in sand scrub (two-story block and stucco exterior): Boca Grande, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 19220 ; taken May 7, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Road between citrus groves: Lucerne Park, Fla.
1920, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V243; taken December 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Road near Oldsmar looking west: Oldsmar, Fla.
1920, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V222; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Rocky Point coastline along Old Tampa Bay with trees and other vegetation: (Rocky Point) Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V224 ; taken in 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Rows of plants in nursery: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. T280; taken August 21, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Rural brick road with car, moss hung oaks and orange tree near Largo: Largo, Fla.
1920, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V234 ; taken in 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Rural home near Lakeland : Polk County, Fla.
1920, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 99 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 99 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 208; taken 1920.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1920

Rural setting with campground at right : Hillsborough County, Fla.
1920, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C 308; taken 1920.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1920

Rural setting with tin can tourist camp : Hillsborough County, Fla.
1920, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 122 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 122 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Blemish is due to damaged negative.
Neg. no. C 309; taken 1920.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1920

Schlottman residence, front view : Belleair, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M54; taken March 30, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Schlottman residence, rear view : Belleair, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M55; taken March 30, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Sea wall at the Belleview Biltmore Hotel: Clearwater, Fla.
1920, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M47; taken March 30, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert caption on photograph reads: Sea wall Belleview Hotel, Belleair, Florida - G. A. Miller, Builder.
Date-URL: 1920

Ship, S. S. Tampa, being launched at Oscar Daniels Company shipyards : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 20 x 106 cm. + 1 negative (20 x 106 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 911; taken 1920.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1920

Shipbuilding at Oscar Daniels Company on east side of Estuary Zone : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 109 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 109 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 809a; taken 1920.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1920

Shipbuilding at Oscar Daniels Company on east side of Estuary Zone : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 115 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 115 cm.); This panoramic photograph was taken with a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Neg. no. 809; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Ships "Lake Pearl" and "Jupiter" at docks at port: Port Tampa City, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R397(V208); taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Ships at docks: Port Tampa City, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R399(V210); taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Ships being loaded at phosphate elevator: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5340; taken May 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Ships docked at Lee Terminal: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R401(V212); taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Ships docked at Tampa Dock Company in Port of Tampa: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5346; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Ships loading phosphate : Port Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5341; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Ships moored at Tampa Dock Company : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5348A; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Shop of G. A. Miller, general contractor : Clearwater, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M56; taken March 30, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Side view of Assembly Building at Florida Southern College: Palm Harbor, Fla.
1920, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5284; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Side view of Jackson Block Building on corner of Franklin (200 block) and Twiggs (600 block) Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5432; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Skyline view of Main Street and surrounding area: Dunedin, Fla.
1920, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5075; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Skyline view of residential area and St. Joseph Sound: Dunedin, Fla.
1920, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5074; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Skyline view of Skinner Machinery Company and surrounding industrial area: Dunedin, Fla.
1920, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5073; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Sleeping porch in home of George A. Miller, 2202 Grand Central Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M71; taken October 12, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

South Florida Farms Company office building, front and side facades: Moore Haven, Fla.
circa 1920, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. SF61; taken circa 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

South Florida Farms Company vegetable packing house : Moore Haven, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. SF69; taken June 12, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Southeast corner of Franklin and Twiggs streets: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5434; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Southern College main building with wrap around porch, tower and dome: Lakeland, Florida.
1920, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5286 ; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Sparse neighborhood on Crooked Lake : Lake Wales , Fla.
1920, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 119 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 119 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C338; taken 1921.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1920

Sponsor group at the launching of the "City of Dalhart" : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. V241; taken November 28, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image oriented portrait-style. Burgert captioned: Launching The City of Dalhart Tampa, Fla. November 28-1920.
Date-URL: 1920

Sponsor party at launching of Lorraine D at Port of Tampa: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V240; taken November 28, 1920.
Digital image available for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Steamship "Calicorock" in dry dock at Tampa Dock Company: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. 4930; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Steel ship under construction at Oscar Daniels Company in Estuary Zone: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5325; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Street view in Harbor Oaks : Clearwater, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5615; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Streetcar and automobile traffic looking south at intersection of Franklin (800 block) and Cass streets: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5452; taken October 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Streetcar No. 97 on Bayshore Boulevard: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 3 negatives (one 21 x 26 cm. and two 10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. 5188; taken April 23, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Sulphur Springs streetcar waiting shed: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. TPL17; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Sun room in home of George A. Miller, 2202 Grand Central Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M66; taken October 12, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Sun room in home of George A. Miller, 2202 Grand Central Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M65; taken October 12, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Tampa Bay Hotel and grounds : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. V204; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1920

Tampa Bay Hotel, veranda and grounds: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. V253; taken December 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1920

Tampa Business College class of 1920 : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 84 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 84 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 904; taken 1920.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1920

Tampa Business College class of 1920 in front of college building at northwest corner of Grand Central and Edison avenues : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 804; taken 1920.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1920

Tampa Rotary Club group at Tampa Business College : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 88 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 88 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Blemish is due to damaged negative.
Neg. no. 903; taken 1920.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1920

Tents and people at DeSoto Park campgrounds: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4865; taken January 1, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Texas Company delivery trucks and drivers: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5435; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

The "Ayahamarunishinomiya" being loaded at phosphate elevator: Port Tampa City, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.) + 1 framed reproduction (b&w ; 51 x 61 cm.); Neg. no. R398(V209); taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
A framed reproduction (20 x 24 cm.) is displayed at the Northwest Regional Library.
Date-URL: 1920

The ship "Holden Evans" at dock in Port Tampa City, Fla.
1920, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4997; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Three story, gabled wood residence with turret and screened porches at 210 Cardy Street at the northwest corner of Parker Street: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5505; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Tin can tourist camp : Hillsborough County, Fla.
1920, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C307; taken 1920.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1920

Tin Can Tourist campers and tents at DeSoto Park: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4867; taken January 1, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Tin Can Tourists at campsite in DeSoto Park: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5653B; taken December 25, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Tin Can Tourists crowd near tents and automobiles: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5650-2; taken December 25, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Tin Can Tourists crowd with pony, tents, and automobiles at DeSoto Park: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5653-6; taken December 25, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Tin Can Tourists standing along road with parked cars and tents: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5648; taken December 20, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Tin Can Tourists washing clothes and relaxing at campsite in DeSoto Park: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5654; taken December 25, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Tin Can Tourists, crowd at DeSoto Park: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5656; taken December 25, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Tin Can Tourists, tents and automobiles at DeSoto Park: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5649; taken December 25, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Tourist party at Ballast Point Park : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 832; taken December 28, 1920.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1920

Tugboat "Lorraine D" ready for launch: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R408(V238); taken November 28, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Captioned: Launching the "Lorraine D" Tampa, Fla. Nov. 28, 1920.
Image includes inset photograph of girl.
Date-URL: 1920

Two Bungalows, street address unknown : Belleair, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M58; taken March 30, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Two Bungalows, street address unknown : Belleair, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M57; taken March 30, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Two identical modified foursquare-style houses : Oldsmar, Fla.
1920, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O-216; taken August 13, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Two members of the Tampa Board of Trade crouched amid mangrove growth along sandy shoreline of Big Island: Tampa, FL.
1920, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5255 ; taken May 18, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1920

Two-story wood frame house at 2020 Dekle Avenue in Hyde Park: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1983 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.).; Neg. no. TB272; taken January 1, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Two-story wood frame house at 719 South Willow Avenue in Hyde Park: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1983 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.).; Neg. no. TB275; taken January 12, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Unidentified hotel on waterfront : Fla.
1920, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 20 x 118 cm. + 1 negative (20 x 118 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 850; taken 1920.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1920

Unidentified open pit phosphate mine : Fla.
1920, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 119 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 119 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 299; taken 1920.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1920

Unidentified orange grove : Tampa, Fla.
1920, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 118 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 118 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C305; taken 1920.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1920

View of beach at Rocky Point: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V221; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

View of Citizens Bank Building on corner of Franklin and Zack Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 4871; taken January 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1920

View of City Hall on corner of Florida Avenue (300 block) and Lafayette Street (300 block), looking southeast: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V898; taken August 5, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

View of construction material for Maas Building behind the Victory Theatre on Zack (100 block) and Ashley (700 block) Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M59; taken July 23, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: Construction material for Maas Building, G. A. Miller, Builder.
Date-URL: 1920

View of Courthouse, City Hall, and Tampa Terrace Hotel, looking south from W. F. S. Building: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V897; taken August 5, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

View of delivery trucks in front of Tampa Coca-Cola Bottling Company at 612 Cass Street: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5370; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

View of First Methodist Church on the corner at 1001 Florida Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. V230(R405); taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1920

View of five-year old citrus trees and cultivated land at Mountain Lake Grove: Lake Wales, Fla.
1920, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5359; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

View of Franklin Street, at corner of Madison Street looking northwest: Tampa, Fla.
circa 1920, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL 108; taken circa 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

View of freighters "Torne" and "Doris Hamlin" loading phosphate: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5340-A; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

View of Griffin residence and street, address unknown: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5553; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

View of houses in African-American neighborhood: Oldsmar, Fla.
1920, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O220; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

View of houses in African-American neighborhood: Oldsmar, Fla.
1920, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O221; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

View of Maas Brothers multi-story building under construction on 615-621 Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M61-B; taken October 12, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

View of pine forest : Temple Terrace, Fla.
1920, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5305; taken June 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

View of pine forest in Parker Arcadia Grove: Florida, specific location unknown.
1920, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 161; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

View of plant nursery: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. T277; taken August 21, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: No. 9, Property Buckeye Nurseries, Inc.
Date-URL: 1920

View of sea-wall and houses along Bayshore Boulevard: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5409; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

View of ship "Cardenas" in dry dock at the Tampa Inter-Ocean Steamship Company: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5261; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

View of ships docked, including the steamboat "City of Tampa" at Tampa Dock Company: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5347; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

View of Sulphur Springs Pool and surrounding grounds and structures: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. T265; taken August 17, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

View of Tampa Street looking north: Tampa, Fla.
circa 1920, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL 107; taken circa 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

View of the launching of the ship "Cardenas" of Tampa Inter-Ocean Company: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5260-1; taken May 18, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

View of trees in Pinellas Park (municipality): Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4884; taken January 3, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

View of two men standing in plant nursery: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. T276; taken August 21, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

View of undeveloped land before clearing: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1920, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5311; taken June 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

View of undeveloped land: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.)
Electronic resource:
Description: 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.)
Notes: Neg. no. T275; taken August 17, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Copy/Holding information
LocationCollectionCall No.Status
John F. Germany Public Library (JFG)Burgert Brothers PhotographsPA 3412Checked InAdd Copy to Booklist
Format:HTMLPlain textDelimited; Neg. no. T275; taken August 17, 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Weidman-Fisher Company box factory at 1102 Highland Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M40; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: Weidman-Fisher Box Factory -- G. A. Miller, Builder.
Date-URL: 1920

West Tampa Fire Department pumper with crew and representatives of Racine Tires in front of fire station: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5187; taken April 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

William C. Thomas Building at 910 Nebraska Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5717; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Worker at turpentine still: Wauchula, Fla.
1920, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V200; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1920

Yachts moored at docks next to Plant Park: Tampa, Fla.
1920, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V255; taken 1920.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: Dock, Tampa Bay Hotel Grounds, Tampa.
Date-URL: 1920?

Centro Asturiano Club building, 1915 Nebraska Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1920?, 1981 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL 122; taken 1920?.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Script at top of photo.
Date-URL: 1920?

Centro Asturiano Club building, 1915 Nebraska Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1920?, 1981 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL 121; taken 1920?.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Blemishes in center of photo.
Date-URL: 1921

"Captain Collier" in dry dock at Tampa Steam Ways: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6292; taken May 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

"Favorite" aground at Plant Park after hurricane: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6694; taken October 25, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

"Nellie" docked at Tampa Steam Ways: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6308; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

"Remlik" in dry dock at Tampa Dock Company: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6230; taken May 18, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

200 block of West Lafayette Street, looking east : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12 x 16 cm. + 1 negative (12 x 16 cm.); Neg. no. 6168-1; taken May 3, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

A Chalifaux residence, 205 East Frances Avenue, one-story wood with smaller second story and full front porch with stucco exterior pillars : Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6669 ; taken Oct. 19, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Aeromarine U.S. & Cuban Mail Service plane "Nina" in Hillsborough Bay: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12 x 17 cm. + 1 negative (12 x 17 cm.); Neg. no. TPL4 ; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Agricultural Agent Mr. Burns (left) and R. E. Olds (right) in sugar beet field: Oldsmar, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. O225; taken March 11, 1921.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Alligator farm at Sulphur Springs Park: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6528-1; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Alligator farm at Sulphur Springs: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6554; taken September 15, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

American Agricultural Chemical Company building: Florida, specific location unknown.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6493; taken August 16, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

American Agricultural Chemical Company storage area, locomotive train in scene: Pierce, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7045; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

American Agricultural Chemical Company yard and bin area: Pierce, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7047; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

American Railway Express Company buildings at Union Station : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6048; taken April 7, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Angelo Massari Wholesale Grocer at 201 Fortune Street on the corner with Tampa Street, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6670; taken October 19, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Antebellum style house in Harbor Oaks : Clearwater, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6942-2; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Apartment house on Magnolia Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5744; taken January 26, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Atlantic Coast Line Railroad bridge at Cass Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6750; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Automobile and street car traffic on Lafayette Street Bridge looking west toward Tampa Bay Hotel: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 copy negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. V263; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Automobiles with signs advertising gramophones for sale at Hodge & Sherman home furnishings store at northwest corner of Florida Avenue and Polk Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6337; taken July 2, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Band marching in front of Fairgrounds grandstand during Gasparilla Parade: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5798; taken February 4, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Bank of Commerce building at 914-918 Franklin Street, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6165; taken May 3, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Bank of Sulphur Springs one-story brick building on corner of Nebraska Avenue and Green Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 6586; taken September 23, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Barker System of Bakeries at 901 Franklin Street, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6852; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Bay View Hotel and Wells Building on Jackson Street (200 block), front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. V295(R419); taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1921

Bayshore Boulevard balustrade along sea wall and homes facing the bay: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V288(R417); taken August 18, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Bayshore Boulevard brick pavement and sidewalk damaged by hurricane: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6676; taken October 25, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Bayshore Boulevard view south with residences overlooking Hillsborough Bay: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6235G ; taken May 23, 1921.
Blemished image (line down the middle) from damaged negative.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Blue's Chief Service Station at 2007 Nebraska Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6890; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Boat, "Safe & Sane" washed ashore on Atlantic Coast Line freight depot dock by hurricane: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1984 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL237; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Boats docked along waterfront of Hillsborough River: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R315; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Boats on wharf in Ybor Channel after hurricane: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6687; taken October 25, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Boy Scout camp at Florida State Fairgrounds: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. F149; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Boy Scouts playing baseball in Keystone area: Keystone, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 68983; taken December 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Boy Scouts playing basketball: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6897; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Boys Scouts swimming at lake camp: Keystone, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6900-3; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Bradenton Coca Cola delivery truck : Bradenton, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6132; taken April 26, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Bradenton Coca-Cola Bottling Company delivery truck: Bradenton, Fla.
1921, 1974 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6133; taken April 27, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Brick-faced Hillsboro Grocery Company, Wholesale Grocers building at 202 South Franklin Street, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6673-1; taken October 19, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Buildings along the west side of Ashley Street (400-500 blocks) Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6466; taken August 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Bungalow house of Addison Logan at 804 South Edison Avenue, looking towards bay: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6779; taken November 13, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 12 x 17 cm.
Date-URL: 1921

Bungalow residence of Barnett O. Young at 209 East Frances Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6668; taken October 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Bungalow residence of Henry P. Rodgers at 1717 Hills Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6154; taken April 29, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Bungalow residence of James E. Malone at 702 Palmira Avenue in Palma Ceia: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5998; taken March 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Bungalow residence on the corner of Gunby and Dekle Avenues in Hyde Park: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6174-8; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 12 x 17 cm.
Date-URL: 1921

Bungalow style house : Clearwater, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6948; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Bungalow style house at 613 Barcelona Street in Palma Ceia: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1983 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.).; Neg. no. TB286; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Bungalow style house at 715 Obispo Street in Palma Ceia: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1983 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.).; Neg. no. TB288; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Bungalow style house with rock masonry trim and chimney at 1813 Watrous Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1983 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.).; Neg. no. TB293; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Bungalow style residence at 109 South Moody Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4347; taken January 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Bungalow style residence at 916 South Orleans Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5705; taken January 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Bungalow style residence of Arthur C. Le Claire at 713 South Delaware Avenue in Hyde Park: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5715; taken January 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Bungalow style residence of Miles Moore at 1800 Richardson Place: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5698; taken January 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Burned wreckage of "Bay Queen" on Hillsborough River adjacent to 1400 block of Riverside Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6596-2; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Business Men's Sunday School Class at First Baptist Church : Plant City, Fla.
1921, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 111 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 111 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C 348; taken 1921.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1921

C. L. Warren residence 3004 Morgan Street, single-story wood-frame with front 1/4, attic-overhung porch ; closed awning ; and moss draped tree : Tampa, FL
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6469 ; taken in July, 1921
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

C. W. Greene Company at 500 Tampa and 100 Madison streets: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.) + 3 negatives (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. 6243; taken May 23, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Cadillac Building at 1554 Franklin Street, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7113; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Cane & Van Huben Towing Company at 805 Florida Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6855; taken 1921. Burgert captioned: Cane & Van Huben, Tampa, Fla.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Cars parked around Pavilion at Gulf's edge: Clearwater Beach, Fla.
1921, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V289 ; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Cars parked in field : Oldsmar, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O-256; taken November 25, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Ceremony at the launching of the S. S. Byron D. Benson: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6549; taken September 15, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: Launching S. S. "Byron D. Benson, Tampa, Fla., Sep. 15-'21. Built for Standard Oil Company By Oscar Daniels Company, Tampa, Fla.
Date-URL: 1921

Chief Walter M. Cook in new Hudson automobile with other Fire Department officials and engine on Jefferson Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6534; taken September 9, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Citrus Exchange Building at corner of Zack (200 block) and Tampa (600 block) streets: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 6557; taken September 17, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1921

Clearwater Beach Pavilion and bathers as seen from beach: Clearwater Beach, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V290; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Clearwater business district at roof level north along Fort Harrison Street: Clearwater, Fla.
1921, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6329 ; taken June 28, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Cleveland Street looking west across Garden Avenue: Clearwater, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V310; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Colonial revival house, front and side facades: Clearwater, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6445; taken July 27, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Colonial Revival residence of Addie P. Paul at 2822 Nebraska Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6321; taken June 27, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Colonial Revival style house in Harbor Oaks : Clearwater, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6941; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Colonial Revival style house in the Harbor Oaks neighborhood : Clearwater, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6934; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Commercial building on 1601-1605 Franklin Street, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 13 x 18 cm. + 1 negative (13 x 18 cm.); Neg. no. 6847; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Commercial buildings along Tampa Street (100-200 blocks) looking north from Whiting Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (13 x 18 cm.); Neg. no. 6173-1; taken May 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Image measures 12 x 17 cm.
Date-URL: 1921

Commercial vehicle for Towne's Tampa Steam Laundry and Dry Cleaning Company parked on street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6054; taken April 8, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Confederate Monument in front of the Hillsborough County Court House: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 6587; taken September 27, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image oriented portrait-style; Preserve-a-print: Sons of the Confederate Veterans, SSG Camp Number 1282.
Date-URL: 1921

Confederate monument on grounds of county courthouse: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. V94(R418); taken September 27, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1921

Construction of the Masonic Temple on East Lafayette (500 block) and Marion (400 block) Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6314; taken June 22, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: Masonic Temple Construction, Tampa, Fla., June 22-21.
Date-URL: 1921

Conveyor at the Florida Asphalt Block Paving Company: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 3317; taken May 18, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Corner view of N. Geraci and Company building on 1701 23rd Street and 6th Avenue, looking southeast: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6460; taken August 4, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Corner view of the Tampa Police Department Headquarters on 300 Florida Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6638; taken October 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Coronet Phosphate Company mining operation : Plant City, Fla.
1921, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C 323; taken March, 1921.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1921

Coronet Phosphate Company mining operation : Plant City, Fla.
1921, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 122 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 122 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C 322; taken March, 1921.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1921

Coronet Phosphate Company mining operation : Plant City, Fla.
1921, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C 321; taken March, 1921.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1921

Cottage of Wolf J. Abramovitz at 1608 Nebraska Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6801; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Couple in rowboat fishing on Hillsborough River: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6917; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Courthouse and Franklin Street (400-500 blocks) looking northwest from City Hall: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6251; taken May 24, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Crenshaw Brothers Produce Company, 901 Twiggs Street, brick warehouse with loading dock: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6171-7 ; taken May 1921
Image 4 1/2 x 6 1/2 inches. Unverified ; deduced from sources.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Crenshaw Brothers Seed Company warehouse, 1507 Franklin Street : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5861; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Crowd and equipment at oil well : Oldsmar, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O-261; taken November 25, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Crowd at oil rig: Oldsmar, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O262; taken November 25, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Crowd gathered at oil well drilling site : Oldsmar, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O-263; taken November 25, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Crowd gathered at oil well drilling site : Oldsmar, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O-255; taken November 25, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Crowd gathered at oil well drilling site : Oldsmar, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O-254; taken November 25, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Crowd gathered at oil well drilling site : Oldsmar, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O-249; taken November 25, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Crowd gathered at oil well drilling site : Oldsmar, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O-248; taken November 25, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Crowd gathered at oil well drilling site : Oldsmar, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O-257; taken November 25, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Crowd in front of Bailey the Clothier on southwest corner of Franklin (500 block) and Twiggs Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6454; taken August 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Crowd observing men dressed as pirates on Gasparilla ship docked at Plant Park: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5807; taken February 4, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Crowd of observers and swimmers at Sulphur Springs Pool : (Sulphur Springs) Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6527-B1 taken Sept. 1, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Crowd waiting for opening of Cracowaner's during sale days: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6506; taken August 20, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Crowd watching Tampa Daily Times scoreboard on corner of Franklin (100 block) and Washington Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6614; taken October 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

D.H. Austin residence, 716 South Oregon Avenue, one-story wood with cedar shingled attic and brick pillared full front porch : Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6666 ; taken Oct. 19, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

D.O.K.K. band in front of Knights of Pythias Hall, at southeast corner of Morgan and Lafayette streets: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 84 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 84 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Blemish is due to damaged negative.
Neg. no. 373; taken 1921.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1921

Damage to streetcar tracks on Bayshore Boulevard after hurricane : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6690; taken September 25, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Damaged shipyard of Tampa Dock Company after storm: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6920; taken December 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Dana Brothers, Glenn's Shoe and Toggery Company, and other businesses on the east side of Franklin Street (500 block): Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6384; taken July 20, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Delivery trucks parked in front of Florida Frozen Products Company building at 1702 22nd Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6646; taken October 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Delivery trucks parked in front of Tampa Coca-Cola Bottling Company at 612 Cass Street : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1986 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5863; taken February 25, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Delivery trucks parked in front of Worthingstun's Bakery and Allen Hotel at 212-14 Tyler Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6635; taken October 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Dirt road along Hillsborough River in Temple Terrace with moss-draped trees Temple Terrace, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6821 ; taken in Dec. 1921
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Dirt road along the Hillsborough River: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6818; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Dirt road and trees with hanging moss with view of Hillsborough River in Temple Terrace : Temple Terrace, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6822 ; taken in Dec. 1921
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Disabled steamer "Frederick Luckenbach" at Starbuck lumber docks: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V297(R421); taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Distant view of Mexican Petroleum Company on Hookers Point: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6901; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Dombrowsky Jewelry Company, Davis Shoe Store, and Harris Clothing Store on ground floor of the Hampton Building on Franklin Street (700 block): Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5820; taken February 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Downtown, viewed from City Hall, looking northwest : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C 345; taken 1921.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1921

Dwelling at 1411 South Howard Avenue, two-story wood with multiple gables and L-shaped front porch with brick pylons : Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6773 ; taken Nov. 1921
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Dwelling at 205 North Fremont Avenue, two-story wood with double-story stucco exterior front porch: Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6645 ; taken Oct. 23, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Dwelling at 2306 Grand Central Avenue, two-story gabled wood with full-front porch, surrounded by hedge: Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5710 ; taken in Jan. 1921.
Address unverified.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Dwelling at 608 South Orleans Avenue, single-story wood with extended roofline; half front porch: Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6509 ; taken Aug. 23, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

E.B. Quinby residence, 907 South Dakota Avenue, wood-frame; double-gabled roof; half front brick-based porch: Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6020 ; taken March 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Eagle Lake Citrus Growers Association building: Eagle Lake, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6129; taken April 26, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Eclectic Revival residence at 701 Azeele Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5709; taken January 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Eclectic Revival residence of J. Reed Curry at 324 Plant Avenue in Hyde Park, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6923; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Eclectic Revival residence of J. T. Park at 826 South Oregon Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6759; taken November 13, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Economical Drug Store located in the Curry Building at 817 Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6064; taken April 14, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Elevated view of the Federal Building and surrounding area looking east on Zack Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6240; taken may 23, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Entrance facade of Diaz, Raphael & Company cigar factory No. 395 at 12th Street and 15th Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5726; taken January 26, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Entrance to Harbor Oaks Winter Homes community, Druid Drive : Clearwater, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6260; taken May 26, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Entrance to the New Prince Theatre at 1118 Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6503; taken August 18, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Equitable Building on southwest corner of Franklin (1400 block) and Scott streets, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7000; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Equitable Building under construction (later to include the Equitable Hotel) on southwest corner of Franklin (1400 block) and Scott streets, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6811; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 13 x 17 cm.
Date-URL: 1921

Excursion steamers and three masted sailing ships apparently artificially aground on bank in park setting along Hillsborough river : Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6731 ; taken Nov. 3, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Exterior of Orlando Citrus Growers Association building, multi-story warehouse brick building: Orlando, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6096; taken April 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Exterior view of Frostproof citrus packing house: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6102; taken April 23, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Exterior view of large drying bins of American Agricultural Chemical Company: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6494; taken August 16, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Exterior view of Winter Haven citrus packing house: Winter Haven, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6120; taken April 26, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Family and dogs on porch of house at Gadsden Point: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6606; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Family and dogs outside tent in campsite at Gadsden Point: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6607; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Florence Villa Citrus Growers Association building : Florence Villa, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6126; taken April 26, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Florida Avenue, looking north from City Hall : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1984 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6250; taken May 24, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Florida Citrus Exchange of Plymouth building : Plymouth, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6111; taken April 26, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Florida News Company open air building displaying newspapers, magazines and souvenirs at 212 Madison Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6551; taken September 15, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
This photograph was archivally preserved with a donation from the Tampa Writer's Alliance.
Date-URL: 1921

Forest and lake : Fla.
1921, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 20 x 54 cm. + 1 negative (20 x 54 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. SL24; taken 1921.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1921

Foundry building: Oldsmar, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O236; taken March 25, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Four freighters docked at wharf's end: Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5929 ; taken in March 1921.
Left to right: Unicoi, City of Dalhart, Wilscox, Lake Licoco.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Four homes on South Edison Avenue, single story, varying architectural styles : Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6774 ; taken November 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Four ships moored at Tampa Dock Company in Estuary Zone: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5928; taken March 11, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Four unidentified people : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6962; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1921

Franklin Printing Company, 1532-1534 Franklin Street (1 1/2 story brick with permanent metal awning) : Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6490 ; taken Aug. 15, 1921
Image has been air brushed to facade and street.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Freighter "Orcus" at dock : Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6552 ; taken Sept. 15, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Front and side view of Tucker Grocery Company on northeast corner of Carew Avenue and Commerce Street, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5931; taken March 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Front of Capitol Theatre on Cleveland Street: Clearwater, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6939; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

G. Norman Baughman Company building on corner of Florida Avenue and Jackson Street (300 blocks), multi-story symmetrical brick edifice with clearstory above overhang, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6851; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Garden and lake : Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 18 x 72 cm. + 1 negative (18 x 72 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. CL22 ; taken 1921.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1921

Gardens and gazebo at the Peter O. Knight residence: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6279; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Gardens of Peter O. Knight residence at 325 Hyde Park Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 2 negatives (21 x 26 cm. and 10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. V268; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Gasparilla XIII queen Mildred Taliaferro: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 68140; taken 1921 (copied March 21, 1951).
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image measures 17 x 13 cm.
Image oriented portrait style.
Date-URL: 1921

Gates on Lafayette Street at entrance to Tampa Bay Hotel: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. V298; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1921

Golfers and caddies at the tee : Clearwater, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6949; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Golfers on course : Lake Wales, Fla.
1921, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 118 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 118 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C 340; taken 1921.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1921

Gordon residence, 821 South Oregon Avenue, landscaped wood single story with front gable, full front porch and ornamental brickwork chimney: Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5716 ; taken in Jan. 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Grounds of the Tampa Bay Hotel, view from northeast corner of main building: Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6188 ; taken May 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Group portrait in front of Wilson and Company building at 929 Twiggs Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6777; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Group portrait of cast in costume from play at the Chrisivic Club: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 6776; taken November 13, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1921

Group portrait of Edgar Struss and friends in business suit attire at Tampa Yacht and Country Club: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6639; taken October 12, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: Stag Dinner Party Given in Honor of Edgar Struss By his Friends at Tampa Yacht and Country Club October 12, 1921.
Date-URL: 1921

Group portrait of the Alvords, from left to right, Eric, Nellie (wife of Dean), Donald, and Evelyn, standing in front of their home on 315 Magnolia Drive : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Image is oriented portrait-style.
Neg. no. 6957; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Group portrait of the H. P. Baya Family: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6904; taken December 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Group portrait of the Pimm family standing on side of house: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 6901-A; taken December 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1921

Guarantee Filling Station, 811 Grand Central Avenue, northeast corner of Grand Central Avenue and North Boulevard : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6297; taken May 28, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Gutierrez Building on southeast corner of 7th Avenue and 16th Street in Ybor City: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (13 x 18 cm.); Neg. no. 6220-7; taken May 17, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 12 x 17 cm.
Date-URL: 1921

H.L. Peters residence, 117 South Albany Avenue, single-story stucco exterior full front porch and fenced side yard: Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6070 ; taken April 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Haines City Citrus Growers Association building: Haines City, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6122; taken April 26, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Hampton Building at 713 Franklin Street, front and side facades of a three story brick building: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5821; taken march 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Harman and Hulsey Merchandise Brokers building on southeast corner of Ashley (600 block) and Twiggs (100 block) streets: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6837; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 13 x 18 cm.
Date-URL: 1921

Harry P. Baya, attorney, family photo, 1508 DeSoto Avenue including one son in military uniform : Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6903 ; taken in Dec. 1921
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Harvesting watermelons at Wisler's Stock Farm: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TB303; taken May 31, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Hillsboro Grocery Company Wholesale Grocers at 202 South Franklin Street, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6673; taken October 19, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Hillsborough County Home Guards, Company B, on Main Street in front of DeSoto Hotel : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 20 x 102 cm. + 1 negative (20 x 102 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 826; taken 1921.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1921

Hillsborough River amid undeveloped land in Temple Terrace : Temple Terrace, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6820 ; taken in Dec., 1921
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Hodge and Sherman's Columbia Grafonolas parade in front of Tampa Hardware Company building on Polk Street (600 block), front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6829; taken December 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Hogs at American Agriculture and Chemical Company : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6884; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Home Guard at Benjamin Field on Howard Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 20 x 116 cm. + 1 negative (20 x 116 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 828; taken 1921.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1921

Home near Lakeland : Polk County, Fla.
1921, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 113 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 113 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 204; taken 1921.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1921

House at 1504 DeSoto Avenue, single story, windowed gable and front porch with second story in rear: Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6802 ; taken Nov., 1921
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

House at 209 South Newport Avenue single story, clapboard sided and detached garage : Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6845 ; taken 1921
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

House at 213 South Newport Avenue, single story with two-story addition, dormer gable and pergola-type porches ; Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5708 ; taken in July, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

House at 3006 Morgan Avenue, single-story wood with attic overhung full front porch: Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6553 ; taken Sept. 15, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

House at 821 South Rome, single story wood with windowed gables and portechochere: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6758; taken Nov. 3, 1921
Digital image available for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

House in Clearwater : Clearwater, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6947; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

House in Harbor Oaks neighborhood : Clearwater, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6927; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

House in Harbor Oaks neighborhood : Clearwater, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6926-1; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

House in Tampa : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6419; taken July 20, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is blemished due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1921

House in Tampa : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 6417; taken July 20, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1921

House in the Harbor Oaks neighborhood : Clearwater, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6937-2; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

House on corner in Harbor Oaks : Clearwater, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5878; taken February 26, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Hurricane damage at Starbuck Remilling Company, Hendry and Knight Terminals : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6683; taken October 25, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Hurricane damage on 5th Avenue (1200 block), looking east : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1984 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6697; taken October 25, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Hurricane damage to Ballast Point Pavilion: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R123 (TE275); taken October 29, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Hurricane damage to boats on the Hillsborough River: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1984 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6732; taken November 3, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Hurricane damage to Gulf Terminals, viewed from River End : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6703; taken October 25, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Hurricane damage to trees belonging to Manatee Fruit Company : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6709; taken November 2, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Hurricane damaged orange tree in Manatee Fruit Company grove : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6715; taken November 2, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Hurricane-damaged house in Palmetto Beach: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6684; taken October 25, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Hurricane-damaged house of J. Brown Wallace at 1101 Bayshore Boulevard: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6682; taken October 25, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Hurricane-damaged ship "Thomas B. Garland" tossed onto docks: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6688; taken October 25, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Hyde Park Hotel (404 West Lafayette Street) on southwest corner of Hyde Park Avenue and Lafayette Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6335; taken June 29, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Interior of Eagle Lake Packing House: Eagle Lake, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6130; taken April 26, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Interior view of office of Board of Trade: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 3332; taken August 15, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Interior view of offices in Citizens Bank and Trust Company: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6479-1; taken August 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Interior view of Tampa Armature Works, and men at work, at 203 Tampa Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6543; taken September 14, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Interior view of teller windows at Citizens Bank and Trust Company: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6479-2; taken August 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Intersection of Parker and Eagle streets looking south at flooding from hurricane: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6674; taken October 25, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

J.F. Shivler residence, 1510 Nance Avenue, single-story wood with extended roofline, half front porch with awnings: Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6362 ; taken July 7, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

J.S. Brown residence, 115 South Albany Avenue, single-story stucco exterior: Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6069 ; taken April 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Joseph McCann residence, 1404 Nance Avenue, single-story wood-frame with 1/4 front porch, gables, awnings, and kiddie car : Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6425 ; taken July 20, 1921
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Kingan & Company wholesale meats delivery trucks: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1971 printing.s 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5684; taken January 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Kirkland residence, 832 South Boulevard, single-story, cedar-shingled structure with front eave and full awnings on porch : Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6760 ; taken Nov. 15-21, 1921
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Labor Temple at 1612 Eighth Avenue, two-story wood building with covered balcony, with crowd on street facade: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R125 (2727); taken January 26, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Lafayette Street (100-300 blocks) looking west towards the Tampa Bay Hotel from the top of City Hall: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V286(R416); taken August 10, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Lake Hamilton Citrus Growers Association building : Lake Hamilton, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6115; taken April 26, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Lake Stearns railroad depot and agricultural field : Highlands County, Fla.
1921, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 58 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 58 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Lake Stearns was renamed Lake Placid in 1927.
Neg. no. 202; taken 1921.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1921

Lake Wales Citrus Growers Association building: Lake Wales, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6168; taken April 26, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Large group of people in Plant Park : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 105 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 105 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 909; taken 1921.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1921

Large house in Hillcrest Heights neighborhood on Crooked Lake : Lake Wales , Fla.
1921, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 119 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 119 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C 339; taken 1921.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1921

Latin American Bank at 1502 East 7th Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6605; taken October 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Latin American Bank on 1502 East 7th Avenue in Ybor City: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Image is oriented portrait-style.
Neg. no. 6605-A; taken October 1921.
See also photographic image 1166/6605.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Launching of S. S. T. J. Williams oil tanker, built by Oscar Daniels Company: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6158; taken May 3, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Launching of the "T. J. Williams" in the Estuary Zone: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6163; taken May 3, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Launching of the ship "Byron D. Benson": Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6547; taken September 15, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Lemon nursery stock: Florida.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V2821/2; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Loaded sponge boat on the Anclote River: Tarpon Springs, Fla.
1921, 1981 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V305; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Logs floating in water with barges and docked ships: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6241; taken May 23, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Looking east on Twiggs Street (100-200 blocks) on Ashley Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6839; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 13 x 18 cm.
Date-URL: 1921

Looking north at construction and workers on sidewalk in front of the Equitable Building on Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6812; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 13 x 18 cm.
Date-URL: 1921

Looking north on 19th Street (1700 block) at Ybor City Station and railroad crossing: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6763; taken November 12, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Looking north on Ashley Street (500-700 blocks) from south of Twiggs Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6839; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 13 x 18 cm.
Date-URL: 1921

Looking north on Fifth Street South (100 block) towards Central Avenue: St. Petersburg, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6014; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Looking northeast from Bay View Hotel, with intersection of Franklin and Lafayette streets in foreground : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R175(6227); taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Looking south on Franklin Street (1500 block) between Estelle and Scott streets: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6841-1; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 13 x 18 cm.
Date-URL: 1921

Looking south to the Estuary at crossing on 14th Street (1500-1600 blocks) and 6th Avenue in Ybor City: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6210; taken May 16, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Looking southeast toward Big Island, Little Grassy Island and Hyde Park, from Citizens Bank Building: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6242; taken May 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Looking southwest at crossing on 14th Street and 6th Avenue in Ybor City: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6208; taken May 16, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Looking southwest at railroad crossing at 6th Avenue (1800 block) and 19th Street (1600-1700 blocks) in Ybor City: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6766; taken November 12, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert markings on photographic image.
Date-URL: 1921

Looking west at railroad tracks on 6th Avenue (1800-1900 blocks) towards intersection of 19th Street (1600-1700 blocks) in Ybor City: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6765; taken November 12m 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: Photo by Al Burgert, Nov 12 -- 1921.
Date-URL: 1921

Lucas Brothers Company warehouse building on northeast corner of Ashley and Madison streets : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6824-1; taken December, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Lucas Building on northeast corner of Tampa (500 block) and Madison (200 block) streets, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6825; taken December 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Lucas Building on northeast corner of Tampa (500 block) and Madison (200 block) streets: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6824; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Lucas Building on the northeast corner of Tampa (500 block) and Madison (200 block) streets, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6823; taken December 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Lucerne Park Fruit Growers Association building: Lucerne Park, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6124; taken April 26, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

M.L. Bize residence, 846 South Delaware Avenue, two-story wood-frame, screened porch, side bay window, with child's wagon: Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5919 ; taken in March 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Maas Brothers and Citrus Exchange Building on Zack Street (200 block) at intersection with Franklin Street (600 block): Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M75; taken September 17, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Maas Brothers delivery truck : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6083; taken April 18, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Machine shop at Oldsmar Tractor Company: Oldsmar, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O235; taken March 25, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

MacKinlay residence at 803 Madison Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6157; taken May 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Man and bull, American Agriculture and Chemical Company : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6877; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Man and horse at American Agriculture and Chemical Company : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6876; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Man and medium-sized calves at American Agriculture and Chemical Company : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6878; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Man and woman posing in front of crowd gathered at oil well drilling site : Oldsmar, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O-251; taken November 25, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Man holding fawn : Oldsmar, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O-253; taken November 25, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Man near car in woods: Lakeland, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6574; taken September 20, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Man watching calves graze in a field, American Agriculture and Chemical Company : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6881; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Manuel Corral and Francisco Sierra standing by their automobiles packed in front of the Corral, Wodiska y Company Factory No. 8 at 2612 14th Street in Ybor City: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6276(R478); taken May 28, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Captioned: Mr. M. Corral & his C-38 Westcott, Mr. C. Sierra & his B-48 Westcott, Mr. Corral and Mr. Sierra of Corral-Wodiska Co. Manufacturers of the famous "Julia Marlowe" cigar.
Date-URL: 1921

Maria Moore Post and boy in front of home at 602 Washington Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R161(6797); taken December 1, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Marsicano Cigar Company on 2401 North Howard Avenue in West Tampa: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6621; taken October 11, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Mayor Charles H. Brown delivering keys of city to Gasparilla pirates at Florida State Fairgrounds: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5799; taken February 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Mayor Charles H. Brown walking away from bi-plane to deliver keys to city during 1921 Gasparilla celebration: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5800; taken February 4, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Mediterranean revival house, front and side facades: Clearwater, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6931; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Memorial Highway Monument at intersection of Grand Central Avenue and Howard Avenue, Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 62522 ; taken May, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Men beside covered wagon pulled by two mules in pine woods: Oldsmar, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O243; taken August 22, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Men in cornfield : Oldsmar, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O-242; taken June 11, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Men in wagons and automobiles standing outside building of the Eagle Lake Citrus Growers Association: Eagle Lake, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6131; taken April 26, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Men masquerading as pirates on Gasparilla ship: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5729 1/2; taken February 4, 1921
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Men on an aerial truck ladder at the Tampa Fire Department Headquarters at 720 Zack Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 5922; taken March 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1921

Men playing golf at Rocky Point Golf Club: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6269; taken May 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Men playing golf; house in background: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6268; taken May 27, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Men standing beside parked trucks in front of Merchants Transport Company, Inc. at 107 Madison Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5791; taken February 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Messenger boys lined up with their bicycles in front of the Western Union office at 604 Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6467; taken August 7, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Monument at intersection of Howard and Grand Central Avenues looking west down Memorial Highway (100 block): Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6252; taken May 24, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Moore Haven : Glades County, Fla.
1921, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 20 x 96 cm. + 1 negative (20 x 96 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 815; taken 1921.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1921

Mule grinding sugar cane on farmstead: Florida.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V1544(6233); taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Myrtle Hill Cemetery : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C 324; taken April 13, 1921.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1921

Myrtle Hill Cemetery : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C 326; taken April 13, 1921.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1921

Myrtle Hill Cemetery : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C 325; taken April 13, 1921.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1921

N. Geraci & Co. Warehouse on 23rd Street looking north from 6th Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6248; taken May 24, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

New bungalow style residence for sale on Nance Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5712; taken January 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Newly constructed wood-frame, two-story house of Frank McPherson at 723 South Brevard Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6782; taken November 13, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Newly-completed house for sale, 2601 A Street, one story, wood-sided, half front porch : Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6785 ; taken Nov. 1921
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

North Riverhills Drive along Hillsborough River in Temple Terrace : Temple Terrace, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6819 ; taken in Dec., 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Office Equipment Company storefront at 721-723 Florida Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6364; taken July 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Ohio Tourist Club in Plant Park : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 88 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 88 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 869; taken February 28, 1921.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1921

Oil well drilling: Oldsmar, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O252; taken November 25, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Oil well drilling: Oldsmar, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O259; taken November 25, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Oldsmar Tractor Company: Oldsmar, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O234; taken March 25, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

One and one-half story residence with full-front screened porch at 608 Covadonga Street: Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6291 ; taken May 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

One-story wood frame house at 619 Palmira Street in Palma Ceia: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1983 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.).; Neg. no. TB287; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Orange grove near Avon Park : Highlands County, Fla.
1921, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 203; taken 1921.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1921

Orange grove with lake in background : Fla.
1921, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 78 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 78 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C 337; taken 1921.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1921

Orange Service Station seen from rear, at Six Mile Creek railroad crossing : Hillsborough County, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6512; taken August 26, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Orchard and lake : Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 25 x 119 cm. + 1 negative (25 x 119 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. ; taken 1921.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1921

Oscar Daniels Company Shipyard on Ybor Channel: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6742; taken November 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Palmetto on beach: Florida, specific location unknown.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. V277; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1921

Pan of downtown waterfront as seen from opposite bank of river, showing Atlantic Coast Line cars and bat tower: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6186-P; taken May 6, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Pan of downtown waterfront as seen from opposite bank of river, showing Lafayette Street Bridge: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6187-P; taken May 6, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Panoramic view of citrus groves recently planted in Temple Terrace, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6794-P; taken November 29, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Park View Building (212 West Lafayette Street) at intersection with Parker Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6322; taken June 27, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Park View Building, 212 West Lafayette, two-story brick with stores on the street level and apartments above: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6166-7 ; taken May, 1921
Image 4 1/2 x 6 1/2 inches.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Parker Street (200 block) looking north from Cardy Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5745; taken February 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Parley P. Lastinger residence at 110 Magnolia Avenue, front and side facades of two story building: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5707; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Partial view of downtown and lake : Lake Wales, Fla.
1921, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 89 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 89 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 210; taken 1921.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1921

Pass-a-Grille shoreline with palms and palmettos: (Pass-a-Grille) Pinellas County, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V274 ; taken in 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Pass-a-Grille, boy and girl in rowboat ashore with residence in background: (Pass-a-Grille) Pinellas County, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V276 ; taken in 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Path among palm trees: Palmetto, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V266 ; taken in 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Peace Memorial Presbyterian Church on corner of Fort Harrison Avenue South: Clearwater, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6960; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Peace Memorial Presbyterian Church under construction at South Harrison Avenue and Pierce Street: Clearwater, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6328; taken June 27, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

People leaving casino at Tampa Bay Hotel: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6270; taken May 27, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

People seated on benches and tables under trees in Plant Park: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5890; taken March 1, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

People standing around oil well : Oldsmar, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O-260; taken November 25, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

People swimming at pool at Sulphur Springs: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.) + 1 framed reproduction (51 x 61 cm.); Neg. no. 6527-A; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
A framed reproduction (20 x 24 in.) is displayed at the North Tampa Library.
Date-URL: 1921

People swimming in Sulphur Springs Pool: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6527-A1; taken September 1, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

People swimming in Sulphur Springs Pool: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6527-B; taken September 1, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

People watching alligators in alligator farm at Sulphur Springs Park: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6528-2; taken September 1921.
Sign reads: Annoying alligator not allowed.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Philip Shore residence, 801 South Edison Avenue, two-story foursquare with extended front porch with trellises and front awnings: Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6525 ; taken Sept. 1, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Phosphate Mining Company power house: Nichols, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7057; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Photograph of poster showing illustrations of downtown skyline and Tampa Bay Hotel: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6741; taken October 31, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Photograph showing aftermath of hurricane on South Delaware Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6677; taken October 25, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Picture of Maria Moore Post seated outside: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 6798; taken December 1, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1921

Picturesque view of Bayshore Boulevard and waterfront: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6193; taken May 7, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Piers and trees at shoreline on Saint Joseph Sound : Dunedin, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6631; taken October 3, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Piers on Saint Joseph Sound : Dunedin, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6633-P; taken October 13, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Pine trees near the shoreline on Saint Joseph Sound : Dunedin,Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6632; taken October 13, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Plant Park promenade and the DeSoto Oak on Tampa Bay Hotel grounds: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V300; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Policemen and vehicles in front of headquarters: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6637; taken October 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Policemen on motorcycles in front of parked cars and Police Station at Pierce Street and East Constant Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6737; taken November 3, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Portrait of a group of several men and women standing on porch of house: Florida, exact location unknown.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6788; taken November 26, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Portrait of elderly gentleman wearing suit: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 6381; taken July 16, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 17 x 12 cm.
Date-URL: 1921

Portrait of family in front of bungalow, location unknown.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6202; May 7, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Portrait of Harry P. Baya and family: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6902; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Portrait of infant in John Lopez family, sitting upright on child rocker: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 6561-2; taken September 17, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 17 x 12 cm. and is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1921

Portrait of the John Lopez family in the outdoors: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6561-1; taken September 17, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Portrait of unidentified couple: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 6854; taken December 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1921

Portrait of wife and two young daughters of John Lopez: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6561-3; taken September 17, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 12 x 17 cm.
Date-URL: 1921

Queen Anne residence of John E. Reis at 510 East 7th Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6695-1; taken October 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Queen Anne residence of Maurice Achard at 801 Azeele Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5706; taken January 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Queen Anne residence of Walter C. Thomas at 203 Cardy Street in Hyde Park: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5822; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Queen Anne style residence of Thomas N. Henderson at 1708 Central Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5823; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

R. E. Olds (third from left) with men in sugar beet field: Oldsmar, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O231; taken March 11, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

R. E. Olds farm : Oldsmar, Fla.
1921, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 20 x 68 cm. + 1 negative (20 x 68 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 848a; taken 1921.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1921

R. E. Olds farm : Oldsmar, Fla.
1921, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 20 x 71 cm. + 1 negative (20 x 71 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 848; taken 1921.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1921

Railroad crossing at 13th Street and 5th Avenue looking northeast: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6209; taken May 16, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Railroad crossing at 14th Street and 6th Avenue in Ybor City: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6207; taken May 16, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Railroad crossing at 23rd Street : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6245; taken May 24, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image has writing on it.
Date-URL: 1921

Railroad crossing at road in rural setting near Six Mile Creek: unincorporated Hillsborough County, Fla.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6510; taken Aug. 26, 1921.
Additional distance and directional caption by Burgerts.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Railroad crossing at Six Mile Creek : Hillsborough County, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14078; taken August 21, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Additional distance caption by photographers.
Date-URL: 1921

Railroad crossing near Florida Brewing Company: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6588; taken September 27, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Railroad crossing showing an undeveloped Palma Ceia: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6700; taken October 29, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Railroad tracks and yard west of Ashley Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6274; taken May 28, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Railroad yard east of Ashley Street : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6273; taken May 28, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Rear of house and lawn in Harbor Oaks : Clearwater, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5879; taken February 26, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Rear of house in Harbor Oaks : Clearwater, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5877; taken February 26, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Remains of burnt out building on Southern College campus : Lakeland, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5775; taken February 2, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Remains of burnt out building on Southern College campus : Lakeland, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5778; taken February 2, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Residence at 1411 Nance Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5725-A; taken January 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Residence at 2719 Jefferson Street, single-story wood frame, shotgun interior? full front porch with gable and trellis : Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6298 ; taken in May, 1921
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Residence at 709 South Edison Avenue, stucco exterior, raised half basement with tile roof, full-front porch and screened side porch: Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6071 ; taken April 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Residence at 725 South Brevard Avenue looking east from Inman Avenue towards Bayshore Boulevard: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6236; taken May 23, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Residence at 804 South Edison Avenue, single-story, wood dwelling with full front porch with screened section balanced by carport : Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. 6778 ; taken in Nov., 1921
Image 4 x 5 inches
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Residence of Charles H. Pimm at 3016 Florida Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6169; taken May 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image measures 7 x 5 in.
Date-URL: 1921

Residence of Cristobal J. Caraballo at 804 Jackson Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6465; taken August 8, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Residence of Edgar R. Pendleton at 105 West Park Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6592; taken September 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Residence of Georgia Peters at 816 South Rome Avenue in Hyde Park: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6526; taken September 1, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Residence of H. P. Rogers, 1717 Hillsborough Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6757; taken November 13, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Residence of Henry R. Cody at 1224 East Scott Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6424; taken July 20, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Residence of Walter A. Bass, 308 Magnolia Drive : Clearwater, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6930; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Residence of William B. Hammond at 113 North Boulevard: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6323; taken June 27, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Residence of Wyatt T. Harper at 608 South Delaware Avenue, in Hyde Park: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6643; taken October 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Residence on Cardy Street, two-story wood, cedar shingles, full front porch with second-story screened porch, also side entrance: Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6249 ; taken May 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Residence on Jetton under construction, single-story wood with half front brick porch ; Tampa, FL
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. 6842 ; taken in Dec., 1921
Image 4 1/2 x 6 1/2 inches.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Residence on Jetton, single-story, wood-frame with full front eave-overhung porch and dormer : Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6842-7 ; taken in Dec. 1921.
Image 5 x 7 inches.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Residence on South Oregon Avenue, two-story stucco exterior with gables and porch awnings; detached garage with fenced yard: Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6072 ; taken April 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Residence, 307 Oak Avenue, wood, single-story with attic overhung full-front porch, with awnings and porch window boxes: Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5773 ; taken Feb. 2, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Residences on Jetton Avenue, modified bungalows : Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6844-3 ; taken Dec. 21, 1921.
Image 4 1/2 x 6 1/2 inches.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Residences on Jetton Avenue, modified bungalows majority with pylon pillar front porches : Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. 6843-1 ; taken in Dec. 1921
Image 4 1/2 x 6 1/2 inches.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Residential neighborhood : Wauchula , Fla.
1921, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 117 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 117 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C 328; taken 1921.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1921

Residential street scene of Druid Road: Clearwater, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6933; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Rocky Point shoreline with people on shore and fishing from rowboat: (Rocky Point) Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1993. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.) + 1 framed reproduction (61 x 51 cm.); Image blemished due to damaged negative.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Neg. no. 6306 ; taken in May, 1921
Available as a digital image for screen display.
A framed reproduction (24 x 20 in.) is displayed at the Brandon Regional Library.
Date-URL: 1921

Rosa Valdez Settlement at 1802 North Albany Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6908; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Row of houses in Harbor Oaks : Clearwater, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5868; taken February 26, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Ruins of Administration Building after fire at Florida Southern College: Palm Harbor, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5779; taken February 4, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Ruins of Administration Building after fire at Florida Southern College: Palm Harbor, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5780; taken February 2 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Rural house, single story wood-sided with attic overhang front porch : Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6918 ; taken in Dec. 1921
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Rural houses : Hillsborough County, Fla.
1921, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 112 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 112 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 854; taken 1921.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1921

Rural stretch of Memorial Highway: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6305; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

S. Fernandez & Company cigar factory no. 286 at 3101 Gomez Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5722; taken January 26, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

S.H. McKnight residence, 416 Lime Street, single-story bungalow, with overhung full-front porch with trellises: Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5893 ; taken March 1, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Saint Petersburg Senior High School, 2511 South 5th Avenue : Saint Petersburg, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7250; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Salvation Army boarding house at corner of Madison Street and Pierce Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5749; taken February 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Scene of accident on Atlantic Coast Line Railroad tracks in Port of Tampa area: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6745; taken November 8, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Scene of car accident, looking east at 19th Street crossing and Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, Ybor City Station: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6764; taken November 12, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Scene of hurricane damage on Franklin Street looking south from Lafayette Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6695; taken October 25, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Scene of hurricane damage to Bayshore Boulevard and streetcar tracks: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6692; taken October 25, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Scene of hurricane damage to the Hays bungalow in Edgewater Park on McKay Bay: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6679; taken October 25, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Captioned: Edgewater Park Bungalows after Hurricane, October 25, 1921.
Date-URL: 1921

Scene of railroad accident at Port Tampa docks: Port Tampa City, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6746; taken November 9, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: Nov 8 -- 1921, Al Burgert.
Date-URL: 1921

Scene of railroad accident in Port of Tampa with Atlantic Coast Line Railroad car: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6747; taken November 8, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Scenic road along the Hillsborough River: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6817; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Seawall and houses along Bayshore Boulevard (800-900 blocks) Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6223; taken May 17, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Selwyn R. Morey residence, 315 South Hyde Park Avenue, two-story brick with two-story porch and veranda: (Hyde Park) Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5817 ; taken Feb. 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Seminole Candy Company brick building at 109 North Newport Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6800-1; taken November 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Seminole Heights Methodist Church Sunday School group : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 98 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 98 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Blemish is due to damaged negative.
Neg. no. 349; taken 1921.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1921

Shed and saw mill: Oldsmar, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O239; taken June 11, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Ship, Thomas B. Garland, and barge washed ashore by hurricane, showing damage to wharf : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6685; taken October 25, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Ship, Thomas B. Garland, and barge washed ashore by hurricane, showing damage to wharf : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6686; taken October 25, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Side of White Bus Line Company bus: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6373; taken July 11, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Side view of Colonial Revival residence on 801 South Willow Avenue, on the corner with Inman Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6184; taken May 6, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Side view of First Methodist Church on Fort Harrison Avenue South: Clearwater, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6959; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Side view of Hillsboro Hotel on Florida Avenue (500 block) and Twiggs Street (300 block): Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6315; taken June 24, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Side view of Hillsboro Hotel, 500-512 Florida Avenue, on northwest corner of Florida Avenue and Madison Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5887; taken February 28, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Side view of house on northwest corner of Henderson (600 block) and Central (1700 block) Avenues: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6480; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Side view of one-story Weidman-Fisher Company factory building on the corner of Highland Avenue and West Harrison (200 block) Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6913; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Side view of Vernacular Picturesque residence of Peter Taylor at 1917 Dekle Avenue in Hyde Park: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6174; taken May 3, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 12 x 17 cm.
Date-URL: 1921

Signs and building for Hulsey & Holtsinger, 105 Zack Street, distributors of White Trucks and automobile supplies: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6505; taken August 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Small boat near the shoreline, with houses and trees in the background : Dunedin, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6634; taken October 13, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Southern Drug Manufacturing Company building at 101 West Tyler Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5891; taken March 1, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Southern Phosphate Company plant buildings in unincorporated Hillsborough County, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7063; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Spencer Mitchell's Service Station in Ybor City, at 2323-2325 Seventh Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6611; taken October 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Sponge Exchange on Dodecanese Boulevard with sponge boats in background: Tarpon Springs, Fla.
1921, 1981 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V313; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Sponge Exchange: Tarpon Springs, Fla.
1921, 1981 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V304; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Sponge Exchange: Tarpon Springs, Fla.
1921, 1981 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V303; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Sponge market: Tarpon Springs, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. V302; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1921

Sponge store at 629 Dodecanese Boulevard: Tarpon Springs, Fla.
1921, 1981 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V306; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Street and residential neighborhood: Plant City, Fla.
1921, 1970 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6806; taken December 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Street cars and buildings on Franklin Street (100-500 blocks) looking south from Twiggs Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6215; taken May 17, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Street scene at corner of Franklin and Estelle Streets, showing vacant lot: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6218; taken May 17, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 12 x 17 cm.
Date-URL: 1921

Street scene in Haines City, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6805; taken December 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Street scene near intersection of Brevard Avenue (100 block), Lafayette Street (400 block), and Grant Central Avenue (600 block), looking east: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R135(6068); taken April 14, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Street scene of Franklin Street showing small vacant lot at corner of Estelle Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6219; taken May 17, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image measures 12 x 17 cm.
Date-URL: 1921

Street scene on 212 West Lafayette Street on bridge showing Park View Building: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6167; taken May 3, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 12 x 17 cm.
Date-URL: 1921

Street scene on Washington Street (200 block) showing warehouse by railroad tracks: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6172; taken May 3, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 12 x 17 cm.
Date-URL: 1921

Street scene showing residence of Samuel R. Binkley at 1801 Jetton Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6844-2; taken December 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 12 x 17 cm.
Date-URL: 1921

Streetcar and construction of new building as viewed from across street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6840-1; taken in Dec. 1921.
Image on photograph measures 13 x 18 cm.
Digital image available for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Streetcars on an unidentified street : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12x 17 cm. + 1 negative (12 x 17 cm.); Neg. no. 6540-1; taken September 13, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Suburban cottage residence of Emile U. Nores, Jr., at 815 South Dakota Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6194; taken May 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Sunnybrook Tobacco Company barn no. 3 destroyed by hurricane: Dade City, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6717; taken November 2, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Captioned: Barn no. 3 Destoyed by storm Oct 25, '21; Sunnybrook Tobacco Co.; Dade City, Fla.
Date-URL: 1921

Tampa Bay Hotel from the side and grounds: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V299; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Tampa Business College faculty and students : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 101 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 101 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 808; taken 1921.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1921

Tampa Electric Company truck on Parker Street adjacent to power plant: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6583; taken September 24, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Tampa Gas Company factory building on 1300 Lozano Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6436; taken July 27, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Tampa Labor Temple Association building at 2101 Nebraska Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (one 21 x 26 cm. and one 10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. 5925; taken April 21, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Tampa Police Department members in front of City Hall : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 65 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 65 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 806; taken 1921.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1921

Tampa Tribune delivery truck loaded with a nine ton Sunday edition, in front of Tribune building at 500 Tampa Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6735(R386); taken November 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Tanker "T.J. Williams" as built by Oscar Daniels Company for Standard Oil Company : Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6550 ; taken Sept. 15, 1921
Descriptive caption by Burgerts.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Tarr Furniture Company in Tribune Building on southwest corner of Tampa (500 block) and Twiggs (100 block) Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6544; taken September 14, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Tarr Furniture Company in Tribune Building on southwest corner of Tampa (500 block) and Twiggs streets: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6222; taken May 17, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Tarr Furniture Company Warehouse at 105 Twiggs Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6516-B; taken August 29, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Tarr Furniture Company Wholesale Warehouse and Snow-Bryan Company at 105 Twiggs Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6516-A; taken August 29, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Temple Groves Corporation orange groves, seen from water tower : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 112 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 112 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C 346; taken August 15, 1921.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1921

Tenth Avenue Baptist Church baptismal group : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 88 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 88 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Blemish is due to damaged negative.
Neg. no. 350; taken October 9, 1921.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1921

Tourist Welcome and informational billboard greeting vistors on lawn of Tampa Union Railway Station : Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6619 ; taken Oct 11, 1921
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Town and canal, viewed from water tower : Moore Haven, Fla.
1921, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 108 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 108 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 819; taken 1921.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1921

Town and lake : Lake Wales, Fla.
1921, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 118 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 118 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 335; taken 1921.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1921

Trail through tall palm stand in Palmetto: Palmetto, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V267 ; taken in 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Tropical scene in a field: Clearwater, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V265; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Twentieth Street Crossing in Ybor City: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6514; taken August 26, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Two men posing in front of crowd gathered at oil well drilling site : Oldsmar, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O-250; taken November 25, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Two men standing at the 19th Street crossing at the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, Ybor City Station; vernacular rowhouses in background: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6769; taken November 16, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert markings convey the distance between two men standing at crossing, and between one of the men and camera.
Date-URL: 1921

Two-story wood frame and stucco house at 1002 Obispo Street in Palma Ceia: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1983 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.).; Neg. no. TB289; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Two-story wood frame house at 3218 Tacon Street in Palma Ceia: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1983 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.).; Neg. no. TB298; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Two-story wood frame house at 701 Palmira Street in Palma Ceia: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1983 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.).; Neg. no. TB300; taken May 31, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Two-story wood frame house at 803 Barcelona Street in Palma Ceia: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1983 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.).; Neg. no. TB297; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Two-story wooden-frame house of Walter W. Holmes at 312 South Edison Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6775; taken November 13, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Two-story wood-frame home of Thomas C. Warren at 2715 Morgan Street, view from side: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6299; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Undeveloped land along Memorial Highway: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V272(R412); taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Undeveloped land along Memorial Highway: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V273(R413); taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Unidentified estate : Lake Wales, Fla.
1921, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 118 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 118 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C341; taken 1921.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1921

Unidentified farmyard : Polk County, Fla.
1921, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C354; taken December 22, 1921.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1921

Unidentified lake : Lake Wales, Fla.
1921, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 118 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 118 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C 343; taken 1921.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1921

Unidentified neighborhood : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 20 x 54 cm. + 1 negative (20 x 54 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. SL25; taken 1921.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1921

United Motor Company at 1702-1706 Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5978; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

United Paper Company building at 1201 Twiggs Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6049; taken April 6, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

United Paper Company building at 238 South Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6893; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Unknown facility and location: Fla.
1921, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 20 x 119 cm. + 1 negative (20 x 119 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 897; taken 1921.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1921

Unusual stone and wood-frame house of Frank McPherson at 725 South Brevard Avenue, corner of Bayshore Boulevard: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6761; taken November 13, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Unveiling of Memorial Highway Monument at intersection of Howard Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V252; taken January 2, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

V. L. Mena residence, 830 South Dakota Avenue, single-story wood-frame with extended brick front porch with timbered gable : Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6492 ; taken Aug. 16, 1921
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Vacant grandstands at fairgrounds: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5748; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Vacant lot on South Newport Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6641; taken October 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Valrico Citrus Growers Association building and railroad tracks : Valrico, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6091; taken April 23, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Van Dyke's Service Station in Sulphur Springs, at 7800 Nebraska Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6609; taken October 1, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Van Dyke's Service Station with Hav-a-Tampa Cigar stand on side at 7800 Nebraska Avenue in Sulphur Springs: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6610; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Vehicle debris and men situated at an Atlantic Coast Line Railroad crossing in Palma Ceia: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6699; taken October 28, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Vicente Martinez Ybor School at 1409 East Michigan Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5734; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View looking west on 7th Avenue, showing 30th Street railroad crossing: Tampa, Fla.
1924 , 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11068; taken May 1, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of "Malay" docked at Tampa Shipbuilding and Engineering Company in the Estuary Zone: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6481; taken August 8, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of 1600 block of Twenty-third Street crossing in Ybor City, looking south: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6247; taken May 24, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of Adams family residence, specific location unknown within Hillsborough County, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6423; taken July 20, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of Bayshore Boulevard showing hurricane damage to streetcar tracks: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TE272; taken October 29, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of Berry residence with lake in background, specific location unknown in Hillsborough County, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6416; taken July 20, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of Christina Development Company's station and field office: Christina, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16759; taken December 21, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Sign in photograph reads: Christina, A City for Colored People, Lots & Acreage For Sale, Field Office.
Date-URL: 1921

View of citrus crop three months after planting: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6795-P; taken November 29, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: Panoramic view of Temple Terraces Three months after initial planting.
Date-URL: 1921

View of Clearwater Beach in distance, from Clearwater : Clearwater, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6325; taken June 27, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of Confederate Monument on grounds in front of old Courthouse with City Hall in background: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6310; taken June 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

View of dilapidated area on 1000-1100 block of Highland Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6910; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of downtown, including bat tower in river, looking east from Tampa Bay Hotel: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6261; taken May 26, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of Fairchild family residence with lake in background, specific location unknown, most probably in Polk County, Florida.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6418; taken July 20, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of farmers planting: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6815; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of Ferlita Building on corner of Franklin (500 block) and Twiggs (200 block) Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6623; taken October 11, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of flooded South Delaware Avenue and residence of Henry E. Snow on 1001 Bayshore Boulevard after hurricane: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6675; taken October 25, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of flooding to New Suburb Beautiful after hurricane: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6693; taken October 25, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: Suburb Beautiful During Hurricane, October 25-1921.
Date-URL: 1921

View of Franklin Street (1400-1500 blocks) commercial district, looking south from Scott Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6811-B; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Photographic image measures 12 x 18 cm.
Date-URL: 1921

View of Haney Rescue Apparatus Company in Port of Tampa, men standing outside building: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5962; taken March 15, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of Harbor Oaks neighborhood : Clearwater, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6954; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of Harbor Oaks neighborhood : Clearwater, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6955; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of Harbor Oaks neighborhood : Clearwater, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6953; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of Hillsboro Hotel at 400 Florida Avenue, from Elks Club on Florida Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6265; taken May 27, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of houses in Clearwater : Clearwater, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6327; taken June 27, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of houses on Edison Street (700-800 blocks) in Hyde Park, looking north: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6780-1; taken November 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Photographic image measures 12 x 18 cm.
Date-URL: 1921

View of hurricane damage to streetcar tracks and utility lines on Bayshore Boulevard: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TE273; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of hurricane damage to trees, streetcar tracks, and road surface on Bayshore Boulevard after storm: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6691; taken October 25, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of hurricane-damaged Gulf and Southern Steamship Company at the Hendry and Knight Terminal: Tampa, Fla.
1921 , 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6791; taken November 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of Jetton Street (1700-1800 blocks) in Hyde Park, looking west from Fremont Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6843; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Photographic image measures 12 x 18 cm.
Date-URL: 1921

View of Jetton Street in Hyde Park, looking west from toward intersection of Fremont Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6844-1; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Photographic image measures 12 x 18 cm.
Date-URL: 1921

View of Lafayette Street and city skyline, looking northwest from Morgan Street : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R172; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of Magnolia Drive in Harbor Oaks, looking towards the Gulf : Clearwater, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6943; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of manufacturing plant from hotel: Oldsmar, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O233; taken March 11, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of moored boats used in illicit whiskey smuggling: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6300; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of multi-family colonial revival residence at 616-618 North B Street (Fig Street) in Hyde Park: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5711; taken January 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of Palmetto Beach after hurricane: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6681; taken October 25, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of palms and beach: Pass-A-Grille, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V275; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of railroad crossing near Florida Brewing Company on Fifth Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6589; taken September 27, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of railroad tracks near Fifth Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6590; taken September 27, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of residences on 600 block of Grand Central Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6067; taken April 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of road lined with palmettos: Clearwater, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V264; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of shipyard docks of Tampa Dock Company after storm damage: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6922; taken December 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of shipyards of Tampa Dock Company after storm: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6919-3; taken December 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of Southern Drug Manufacturing Company, two-story brick building with flat roof, on corner of Ashley (1000 block) and Tyler (100 block) Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5892; taken March 1, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of Spring Bayou: Tarpon Springs, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V311; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of steamboat "Favorite" on land after hurricane: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6733; taken November 3, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of Stovall Office Building at 400 Tampa Street, on corner of Tampa and Madison Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 5905; taken March 5, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image oriented portrait style.
Date-URL: 1921

View of Stovall-Nelson Building on corner of Franklin (800 block) and Cass (300 block) Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6624; taken October 11, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of Tampa Dock Company shipyard after storm damage: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6921; taken December 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of Tampa Hardware Company on northwest corner of Polk (600 block) and Pierce (800 block) Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6656; taken October 18, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of Tampa Street (400-600 blocks) looking northeast from Bay View Hotel: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6216; taken May 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of Tampa Union Station and billboard advertising Tampa: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6618; taken October 11, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of Thayer Grove and residence: unspecified location in Hillsborough County, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6422; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of the Hillsboro Hotel on the corner of Florida Avenue (500 block) and Madison Street (300 block), taken from Elks Club: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6266; taken May 27, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of the ship "Remlik" in the Estuary Zone: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6231; taken May 20, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of the Tampa Bay Hotel, West Lafayette Street at Hyde Park Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 6189; taken May 6, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1921

View of tops of buildings in Clearwater, with Clearwater Beach and Seminole Street Bridge in background : Clearwater, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6324; taken June 27, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of Twenty-third Street crossing in Ybor City, looking east along Sixth Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6246; taken May 24, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of vacant lot on South Newport Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6641; taken October 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of Vernacular Rowhouse residences along dirt road in Ybor City: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5733; taken January 26, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View of W. F. S. Building on corner of 501 Franklin Street and Madison Street (300 block), with Hillsboro Hotel in background: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6617; taken October 11, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

View south on Franklin Street, taken from the Citizen's Bank Building, 706 Franklin Street : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6239; taken May 23, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

W. F. Miller home, 4000 block Bayshore Boulevard at southwest corner Ashbury Avenue (two-story American four-square with six pillar porch, enclosed sun porch, and portecochere): Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6361 ; taken July 7, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

W. P. Hodnett residence, 611 Swann Avenue, Chinese-influenced single-story brick with gables and smaller second floor addition: Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5714 ; taken in Jan. 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

W. W. Thomas residence, 616 South Willow Avenue, single-story wood with additional second story and half front porch, a quarter of which is screened: Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6504 ; taken Aug. 20, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Waverly Citrus Growers Association building: Waverly, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6118; taken April 26, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Weidman-Fisher Company cigar box manufacturing factory at 1102 Highland Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6912; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Weidman-Fisher Company cigar box manufacturing plant on Lozano Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6911; taken 1921. 1102-1104 Lozano Avenue.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Wood house at 1403 Howard Avenue, with brick front porch and second floor addition : Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6644 ; taken in Oct. 1921
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Wood house at 610 Covadonga Street, cedar-shingled front porch with attic overhang and wire fence around front yard : Tampa, FL.
1921, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6426 ; taken in July, 1921
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1921

Workers and pig carcasses at butcher shed, American Agriculture and Chemical Company : Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6868; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Workers planting citrus groves: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1921, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6814; taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Workers with horse-drawn plows in field, with farm buildings in background : Hillsborough County, Fla.
1921, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 20 x 116 cm. + 1 negative (20 x 116 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 870; taken 1921.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1921

Worthingstun's Bakery Warehouse and Riverside Bakery at 310 West Scott Street: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6636; taken October 21, 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

Young Men's Christian Association building at Florida Avenue (700 block) and Zack Street (300 block): Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. V296(R420); taken 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1921

YWCA building at 205 Plant Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1921, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6654; taken October 1921.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

A.S. Thornton residence, 336 Hyde Park Avenue, two-story wood-framed dwelling with double porches including screens and yard with mature trees : Tampa, FL.
1922, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. 7859-7 ; taken in Aug. 1922
Image 4 1/2 x 6 1/2 inches
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Agricultural workers sorting watermelons: Oldsmar, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O276; taken May 23, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: Early Mellons [sic] -- Oldsmar, Sorting early mellons for shipment at Oldsmar.
Date-URL: 1922

Al Burgert bass fishing on the Hillsborough River: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V319; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Albertus Hotel and Restaurant in A. D. Johnston Building at 942-944 Twiggs Street: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7669; taken June 13, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

American Agricultural Chemical Company commissary and office : Pierce, Fla.
1922, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C357; taken January 22, 1922.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1922

American Agricultural Chemical Company facility : Pierce, Fla.
1922, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C358; taken January 22, 1922.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1922

American Cyanamid Company phosphate mine : Brewster, Fla.
1922, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C364; taken 1922.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1922

American Cyanamid park and homes : Brewster, Fla.
1922, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C363; taken 1922.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1922

American Cyanamid phosphate plant : Brewster, Fla.
1922, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C362; taken 1922.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1922

Atlantic Coast Line elevator no. 5 on waterfront canal: Port Tampa City, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V409(R450); taken August 9, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Atlantic Coast Line Railroad phosphate elevator No. 5 in Port Tampa City, Fla.
1922, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7845; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: Atlantic Coast Line Railroad co. Port Tampa, Florida, U.S.A.; Phosphate Elevator No. 5 -- Loading Capacity 400 Tons per hour. Depth of water at loading berth 27 feet mean low tide.
Date-URL: 1922

Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Tampa's Special at Tampa Union Station: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7293; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Atlantic Coast Railroad tracks on Polk Street looking southeast from Jefferson Street: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7366; taken April 6, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Automobile and trolley traffic on Franklin Street (400-600 blocks) looking north from rooftop on corner of Lafayette Street: Tampa,
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V338(R429); taken May 15, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Automobile traffic on Bayshore Boulevard looking northeast: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V426(R461); taken December 2, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Bank of Clearwater on corner of 500-502 Cleveland Street: Clearwater, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7680; taken June 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Bathers posing at the beach : Clearwater Beach, Fla.
1922, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 115 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 115 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Blemish is due to damaged negative.
Neg. no. C378; taken 1922.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1922

Bathing suit contest winners at Ballast Point: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. V374; taken 1922. Image on photograph oriented portrait style.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Bayshore Boulevard and Inman Avenue, with view of Hillsborough Bay and group of palms : Tampa, FL.
1922, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V441 ; taken March, 1922
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Beman Beckwith Company at southwest corner of Marion (400 block) and Madison streets: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R314; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Boat docked at private residence : Clearwater, Fla.
1922, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7536; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Booker and Company truck next to building on northeast corner of South Morgan Street (100 block) and Bell: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7180; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Brick frame stucco dwelling ; two-story with two upstairs balconies and flat roof : Tampa, FL.
1922, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7292 ; taken in March, 1922
Log notes corner with Woodrow-unverifiable
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Brooker residence at 1402 North Giddens Avenue, single story wood with porch and screened porch, uses brick porch pylons : Tampa,FL.
1922, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7126 ; taken in Feb. 1922
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Bryan-Keefe and Company Wholesale Grocers delivery truck in front of their warehouse at 105 Twiggs Street: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7464; taken April 24, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Building adjacent to South Ward School on northwest corner of Fort Harrison Avenue South (600 block) and Pine Street: Clearwater, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7501; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Bungalow at 5610 Branch Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7189; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Bungalow home of George A. Miller, on corner of 2202 Grand Central and South Westland Avenues: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M87; taken January 30, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Bungalow residence of Fred L. Worth at 108 West Michigan Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7034; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Bungalow residence of J. B. Richardson at 508 Grand Central Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7033; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Burgert Brothers Photography Studio at 407 East Lafayette Street, front facade with entrance and porch: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R179(BB10); taken July 20, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Capitol Theatre, 403-7 Cleveland Street : Clearwater, Fla.
1922, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7257; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Centro Asturiano Club at 1915 Nebraska Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V353(R436); taken May 15, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Charles H. Moorhouse Wholesale Grocer at 700-706 North Ashley Street: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7396; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Chicago House hotel, two-story wood-frame building, front and side facades: Clearwater, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7576; taken May 26, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Children on slide in playground on Clearwater Beach, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7542; taken May 21, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is blemished due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1922

Children playing at beach playground: Clearwater Beach, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7747; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Children playing on a merry-go-round at Clearwater Beach : Clearwater, Fla.
1922, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7540; taken May 21, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Church of the Ascension Episcopal Church on the northwest corner of Bay Avenue and Pine Street: Clearwater, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7574; taken May 26, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Citizens Bank armored car on Florida Avenue next to City Hall: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7123; taken January 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

City Hall entrance on Lafayette Street (300 block) and side facade on Florida Avenue (300 block): Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. V362(R439); taken May 15, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1922

City Park : Clearwater, Fla.
1922, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7504; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Clearwater County Club on Betty Lane: Clearwater, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7685; taken June 13, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Close-up view of Memorial Highway Monument at intersection of Howard (100 block) and Grand Central Avenues, looking northwest: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. V333; taken May 15, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1922

Clubhouse at Mountain Lake Golf Club : Mountain Lake, Fla.
1922, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M79; taken June 30, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Colonial Hotel, 126 2nd Avenue North : Saint Petersburg, Fla.
1922, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7251; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Colonial Revival residence of William A. Dean at 607 South Boulevard, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7192; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Commercial building (one-story brick) under construction at 1310 Central Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7485; taken May 5, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Commission Government Club billboard on Florida Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL26; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Convicts building road: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7460; taken April 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Corner view of Snow Park Filling Station at 602 Grand Central Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7228; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Cows crossing Memorial Highway near West Shore Boulevard : Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R167(527); taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Crews and Turner Service Station : Clearwater, Fla.
1922, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7560; taken May 26, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Crowd observing freight train accident at entrance to Thompson Electric Company on Lafayette Street (100 block): Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V326(R425); taken March 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Crowd observing freight train accident at Lafayette Hotel Building on Lafayette Street (100 block): Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V328(R426); taken March 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Crowd on grounds of Plant Field on the Florida State Fairgrounds: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. F165; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Crowd outside entrance gate to Florida State Fairgrounds: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. F134; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Crowd standing within racetrack of the Florida State Fairgrounds: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. F165; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Crowd watching baseball game in West Tampa at McFarlane Park: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7516-1; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Crowds in street outside Floridan Hotel, at intersection of Cass Street and 905 Florida Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL105; taken circa 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Crowds swimming in Sulphur Springs Pool: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V507; taken September 3, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Dead manatee : Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V331; taken May 15, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Demolition of Mugge Homestead at northwest corner of Jackson and Marion streets: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 13 x 17 cm. + 1 negative (13 x 17 cm.); Neg. no. 7480; taken May 5, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Image measures 13 x 17 cm.
Date-URL: 1922

DeSoto Hotel at 701 Marion Street, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7364; taken April 6, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Desoto Oak in Plant Park at Tampa Bay Hotel: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V358; taken May 15, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

DeSoto Oak in Plant Park, with Tampa Bay Hotel in the background : Tampa, FL.
1922, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V432 ; taken March, 1922
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Blemished image due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1922

DeSoto Oak in Plant Park: Tampa, FL.
1922, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V358A ; taken in 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Directors and officers of South Florida Fair and Gasparilla Association seated in front of grandstand: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. F204; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Captioned: 160 ft. First Section of Grandstand - 1922.
Left to right: Front row: J. Edgar Wall, Dr. L. A. Bize, Chester R. McFarland, Mayor Charles H. Brown, President W. G. Brorein, Henry E. Snow, Albert G. Thornton, A. L. Allen and P. T. Strieder.
Date-URL: 1922

Dixie Candy Company building at 226 South Franklin Street, front facade: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 7740; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1922

Dodd Motor Company building on northwest corner of 410 Jackson Street and Marion Street, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8061; taken October 12, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 12 x 17 cm.
Date-URL: 1922

Dr. Farrier and an unidentified child standing with a string of fish: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7593; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Drawing of proposed bridge connecting Clearwater and Clearwater Beach: Clearwater, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7746; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Blemished image on image due to damaged negative.
Image on photograph measures 9 x 22 cm.
Date-URL: 1922

Dry bins at Coronet Phosphate Company: Coronet, Fla.
1922, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7472; taken April 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Dunedin shoreline at sunset, with boathouse and dock : Dunedin, FL.
1922, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V410 ; taken Aug. 9, 1922.
Blemished image due to damanged negative.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Dunedin shoreline at sunset, with boats and dock : Dundein, FL.
1922, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V411 ; taken Aug. 14, 1922
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Dwellings on the southwest corner of Watrous Avenue and South Oregon Avenue (house numbers 1001-1015) : Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V392; taken July 27, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

E. E. Freeman Company wholesale grain warehouse at 614 Bell: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 7435-7436; taken April 1922.
Two images on photograph oriented portrait style: Upper image is back facade with railroad tracks; Lower image is front facade facing Bell.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Elevated view of Franklin Street (100-200 blocks) looking south from roof of Citizens Bank Building: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V336(R427); taken May 15, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Elevated view of the Hillsboro Hotel on corner of Florida Avenue (500 block) and Twiggs Street, front and side facades viewed from roof of Post Office: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V354(R437); taken May 15, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Eli Witt Cigar Company truck parked alongside building: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8065; taken October 15, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Eli Witt Cigar Company truck, with advertisement on side, posed on street in front of 7th Avenue public library : Tampa, FL.
1922, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.) + 1 framed photograph (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8066 ; taken Oct. 15, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
A framed reproduction (8 x 10 in.) is on display at the Ybor City Branch Library.
Date-URL: 1922

Employees in front of National Biscuit Company building at 321-329 South Florida Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7616; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Nabisco -- Cataloger's note.
Date-URL: 1922

Exterior view of American Agricultural Chemical Company's hospital, view of the side: Pierce, Fla.
1922, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7040; taken January 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Exterior view of Orange State Motor Company on Madison Street, northwest corner of Jefferson Street, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7198; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Exterior view of Otis Elevator Company at 210 Cass Street: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7202; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Farm group with watermelons : Oldsmar, Fla.
1922, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O-275; taken May 23, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Farm workers loading watermelon crop on horse-drawn wagons at Wisler's Stock Farm: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V370-1; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Farmland around Oldsmar Growers' Association Packing House : Oldsmar, Fla.
1922, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O-265; taken March 2, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Fire at Starbuck Remilling Company on Water Street at foot of Morgan Street: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7397; taken April 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Fire at Starbuck Remilling Company on Water Street at foot of Morgan Street: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7399; taken April 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Fire at Starbuck Remilling Company on Water Street at foot of Morgan Street: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7398; taken April 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Firemen and light-duty pumper with ladders in front of fire station and City Hall: Clearwater, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7688; taken 1915 (copied June 13, 1922).
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

First National Bank Building on corner of Franklin Street (400 block) and Madison Street, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 5 negatives (one 21 x 26 cm. & four 10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. 7741-6; taken July 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

First State Bank, two-story brick commercial building: Winter Haven, Fla.
1922, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7096 ; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Florida Battery Service Company and Snow Park Filling Station, 602-604 Grand Central Avenue at intersection of Magnolia Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7270; taken in February 1922.
Digital image available for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Fort Pierce Band at Florida State Fair : Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. F126; taken February, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Fountain in Plant Park: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V357; taken May 15, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Franklin Square Office Building on northeast corner at 101 Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7236; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Franklin Square Office Building on northeast corner of Franklin (100 block) and Whiting (300 block) streets: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7601; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Freighter "Niceto De Larrinda" in port: Tampa, FL.
1922, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7484 ; taken May 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Freighter "Sac 20" moored near phosphate storage elevator No. 5 in Port Tampa City channel: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8067 ; taken October 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Front view of Hofmann-Schooley Company at 309 East Harrison Street: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 7911; taken August 29, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1922

Functioning machine shop interior with two employees posed at equipment, American Cyanamide : Brewster, FL.
1922, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7065 ; taken in Jan., 1922
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

G & H Motor Car Company on corner of 508 East Jackson and Morgan Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7469; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Garage at Kingsbury residence : Mountain Lake, Fla.
1922, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M78; taken June 30, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Garage at the Hubert residence : Mountain Lake, Fla.
1922, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M82; taken June 30, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Gas pump in front of Sanitory Store at intersection of Plant City Road, Michigan Avenue, Valrico Road, and Six Mile Creek Crossing : Hillsborough County, Fla.
1922, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R164(5479); taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Gasparilla XIV queen Lillie Wall Honacker: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 68141; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image measures 17 x 13 cm.
Image oriented portrait style
Date-URL: 1922

Gates to Evelyn City, bungalow houses visible in back: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7849; taken August 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Goldstein's Swimming Pool at Oak Grove Springs: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7443; taken April 24, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Government freighter: Fla.
1922, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V386; taken July 24, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Gray Moss Inn at 201 South Fort Harrison Avenue : Clearwater, Fla.
1922, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 95 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 95 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Blemish is due to damaged negative.
Neg. no. C379; taken 1922.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1922

Group of men in a car fitted with radio equipment : Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 7718; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1922

Group of men playing croquet : Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7686-1; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Group portrait of cast of "H.M.S. Pinafore," aboard the ship "Favorite": Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7442; taken April 17, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: H.M.S. Pinafore.
Date-URL: 1922

Group portrait of McQueen C. and Ella E. Sandifer and family at 3104 Florida Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7414; taken April 17, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Gutierrez Building on northeast corner of Seventh Avenue and Sixteenth Street: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7457-1; taken April 24, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Gutierrez Building on northeast corner of Seventh Avenue and Sixteenth Street: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7457-2; taken April 24, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Henry Bradley Plant Park Memorial Fountain in Plant Park: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V366; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Hillcrest Lodge at Crooked Lake, two-story stucco exterior with screened porch: Florida.
1922, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7097 ; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Hillsborough River along Plant Park with view of Tampa Bay Hotel : Tampa, FL.
1922, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7612 ; taken May, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Hollister Inn at Lake Alfred; stucco exterior with timbered gables: Winter Haven, Fla.
1922, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7099 ; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Home of John McBride, 506 Grand Central Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7907; taken August 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Home of T. R. Young, 709 South Delaware Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7038; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Hotel Orange, 811 Tampa Street : Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R168(11034); taken May 7, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

House at 812 South Oregon Avenue, single story clapboard : front and screened porch and roof gable : Tampa, FL.
1922, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7193 ; taken in Feb. 1922
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Hyde Park Avenue (100 block) looking north towards the Tampa Bay Hotel: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R176(8197); taken November 27, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Image blemished due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1922

Interior view of Tampa Armature Works workshop: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7928-P; taken September 7, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

International Agricultural Chemical Company mine : Prairie, Fla.
1922, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C365; taken 1922.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1922

Intersection of Comanche and Central avenues, looking west on Comanche : Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R165(TE289); taken October 21, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Intersection of Jackson (200 block) and Franklin (200-300 blocks) streets looking northwest toward Bay View Hotel: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V347(R435); taken May 15, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Italian Club on 7th Avenue in Ybor City : Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V365; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

J. R. Mickler Cash Grocer on northeast corner of Franklin (1000 block) and Tyler (100 block) Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7553; taken May 26, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

J.G. Nichol residence, 206 South Newport Avenue, single-story, wood frame with 3/4 front porch and second story sleeping addition : Tampa, FL
1922, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. 7176-7 ; taken in Fed., 1922
Image 4 x 5 inches.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

James Madison Junior High School at 701 Madison Street, brick front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7960; taken September 16, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

King's Auto Service; unidentified building (center); and, A. D. Johnston Building housing the Albertus Hotel and Restaurant on Twiggs Street (900 block): Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7671; taken June 13, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Kingsbury residence : Mountain Lake, Fla.
1922, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M77; taken June 30, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Kiwanis Club party at Little Grassy Island: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7456; taken April 17, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Kiwanis Club party at Little Grassy Island: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7455; taken April 17, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Knight and Wall Company, multi-story brick building with embellished front and sides, with water tank on roof, on the corner of Lafayette and Tampa Streets, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL104; taken circa 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Knights of Pythias Hall on the southeast corner of Lafayette and Morgan streets: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M3; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert caption on photograph reads: Castle Hall, K. P., G. A. Miller Builder.
Date-URL: 1922

L. Blakley and Company Groceries and Meat, 1202 South Howard, southeast corner of Howard and Watrous streets : Tampa, Fla.
1922, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Blemish is due to damaged negative.
Neg. no. C372; taken March 2, 1922.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1922

Lafayette Street Bridge, trolley, automobile traffic and crowds during Gasparilla celebration: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 5 negatives (one 21 x 26 cm., one 13 x 20 cm., & three 10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. V323; taken February 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Lake Wales Theatre : Lake Wales, Fla.
1922, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M85; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Lakeview Inn : Lake Wales, Fla.
1922, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M83; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Landscaped grounds and sidewalks in front of the Tampa Bay Hotel: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V369; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Lincoln and Wesley Streets, looking south towards rural area: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7725; taken June 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: Licoln [sic] and Wesley Sts. (Looking South).
Date-URL: 1922

Looking across Garrison Channel at docked ships : Tampa, Fla.
1922, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 98 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 98 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C376; taken April 3, 1922.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1922

Looking east at railroad tracks and intersection of Jefferson (700-800 blocks) and Polk (700-800 blocks) streets: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7365; taken April 6, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Looking east of traffic on Lafayette Street Bridge: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1976 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V434; taken March 23, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Looking east on 6th Avenue from 15th Street crossing in Ybor City: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7119; taken February 1, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Looking east on Lafayette Street, at County Courthouse and City Hall : Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R162; taken May, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Looking east over downtown from roof of Tampa Bay Hotel : Tampa, Fla.
1922, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 119 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 119 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C386; taken 1922.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1922

Looking east to south in Tampa Highland at Lincoln and Wesley Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7726; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: Licoln [sic] and Wesley Sts. (Looking East to South).
Date-URL: 1922

looking north on Franklin Street from Lafayette Street, with County Courthouse on right : Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V893; taken August 5, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Looking north on Gomez Avenue (3600 block) at Dewey Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7729; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: Gomez St and Dewey Ave (Looking North).
Date-URL: 1922

Looking north towards Cass Street on North Boulevard (600-700 blocks): Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7159; taken February 15, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Looking south on Willow Avenue at defective asphalt paving: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7370; taken 1922.
Burgert captioned: South Willow Street.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Looking south towards Cass Street on North Boulevard: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7162; taken February 15, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Looking southeast at Tampa Bay Boulevard from Himes Avenue in Tampa Highland development: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7723; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: Tampa Bay Boulevard and Himes St (Looking South East).
Date-URL: 1922

Looking southwest along Bayshore Boulevard and homes near Edison Avenue intersection: Tampa, Fla.
19 22, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V402; taken August 1, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Looking southwest on Snow Avenue (1600 block) towards Dakota Avenue (700-800 blocks) and Mullen Park Filling Station: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7553; taken May 26, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Looking west at railroad tracks on 6th Avenue at intersection of 16th Street: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7120; taken February 1, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Looking west on 7th Avenue to intersection with Morgan Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V405; taken August 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Looking west on Polk Street towards Jefferson Street: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7367; taken April 6, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Lucas Building on northeast corner of Tampa (500 block) and Madison Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7428; taken April 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Maas Brothers and Citrus Exchange buildings at southwest corner of Franklin and Zack Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1983 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.).; Neg. no. V360; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Man catching a fish from the Hillsborough River: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. V320; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1922

Man in beet field: Oldsmar, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O267-2 (O262); taken March 2, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Man standing on pipeline at Sunoco Oil Company facility, Hookers Point : Tampa, Fla.
1922, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C392; taken 1922.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1922

Man with dead manatee: Florida.
1922, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V332; taken May 15, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Weight of manatee: 251 lbs., length 13 ft., 10 in.
Date-URL: 1922

Manufacturers Building at Florida State Fairgrounds: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7023; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Mayor Charles H. Brown and city council at commission meeting in City Hall: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6998; taken January 6, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

McQueen C. and Ella E. Sandifer and family at 3104 Florida Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7413-1; taken April 17, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Members of 1st Baptist Church Sunday School, posing in Plant Park : Tampa, Fla.
1922, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 76 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 76 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Blemish is due to damaged negative.
Neg. no. C385; taken June 18, 1922.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1922

Members of Highland Avenue Methodist Church, 2800 Highland Avenue, in front of church : Tampa, Fla.
1922, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 88 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 88 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C380; taken 1922.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1922

Members of Wesley-Berean class at Tampa Heights Methodist Episcopal Church: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 63 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 63 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 827; taken April 8, 1922.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1922

Memorial Highway landscaped with oleanders along sides: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V373(R441); taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Memorial Highway Monument at intersection of Howard and Grand Central Avenues looking west : Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5890 ; taken in 1922
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Memorial Highway Monument at intersection of Howard and Grand Central Avenues, looking southwest: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V351; taken May 15, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Men by parked automobiles in front of Tampa Armature Works at 203 Tampa Street: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Image blemished due to damaged negative.
Neg. no. 7955; taken September 15, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Men loading watermelons onto wagons at Wilser's Stock Farm: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V370-2 (TB304); taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Men standing at the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Cleveland Street train station: Clearwater, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7681; taken June 13, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Men standing on seaplane "Nina" on Hillsborough Bay: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. S11-A; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Mexican Petroleum Corporation facility showing oil storage tanks and related buildings : (Hookers Point) Tampa, FL.
1922, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5720 ; taken in March, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Mexican Petroleum Corporation plant : (Hookers Point) Tampa, FL.
1922, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7363-1 ; taken March, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Mexican Petroleum Plant at Hookers Point: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7363-2; taken April 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Mined phosphate fields at Southern Phosphate Company in rural Hillsborough County, Fla.
1922, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7064; taken January 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Mirror Lake, looking southeast at business district: St. Petersburg, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V1067; taken March 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Morton F. Plant Hospital on 301 Jeffords Street: Clearwater, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7687; taken June 13, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Mr. and Mrs. Yarnell in front of their home in Hillcrest Heights : Lake Wales, Fla.
1922, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C398; taken December 14,1922.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1922

Mugge dwelling at 302 Marion Street, side facade: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7259; taken March 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Mugge residence at northwest corner of Jackson and Marion streets, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7260(R189); taken March 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Mulberry Phosphate Company housing : Mulberry, Fla.
1922, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C370; taken 1922.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1922

Mullen Park Filling Station at 1507 Inman Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7207; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Mullen Park Filling Station on northeast corner of South Dakota and Inman (1500 block) avenues: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7206; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Oakland Sales Company, 1601 Franklin Street, corner of Estelle Street, commercial building with stores on steet level : Tampa, FL.
1922, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7174 ; taken in Feb. 1922.
Image 4 x 5 inches.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Operating room and equipment in American Agricultural Chemical Company's hospital: Pierce, Fla.
1922, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7042; taken January 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Outfield view of baseball game: Clearwater, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7509; taken May 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Palmetto campsite with family, their dog, thatched hut, and parked automobiles : Palmetto, FL.
1922, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. V423 ; taken Nov. 6, 1922
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Pan of living quarters for black employees of American Agricultural Chemical Company: Pierce, Fla.
1922, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7051; taken January 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Panoramic image of living quarters for black employees of American Agricultural Chemical Company: Pierce, Fla.
1922, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7052; taken January 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Passengers on sidewalk in front of the Tampa Union Station : Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1974 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 20 x 24 cm. + 1 negative (20 x 24 cm.) + 1 framed reproduction (28 x 36 cm.)i; Neg. no. R381(V350) ; dated May 12, 1922.
A framed reproduction (11 x 14 in.) is on display at the Ybor City Branch Library.
Digital image available for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Peninsular Telephone Company building on northwest corner of Garden Avenue South and Cleveland Street: Clearwater, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7499; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

People and cars in front of 1st Baptist Church, northeast corner of Plant and Eagle streets : Tampa, Fla.
1922, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 78 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 78 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Blemish is due to damaged negative.
Neg. no. 377B; taken 1922.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1922

People and cars in front of 1st Baptist Church, northeast corner of Plant and Eagle streets : Tampa, Fla.
1922, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 72 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 72 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Blemish is due to damaged negative.
Neg. no. 377A; taken 1922.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1922

People at Ballast Point Park : Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V341; taken May 15, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

People canoeing on Hillsborough River: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V412(R451); taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

People on foot on Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.) + 1 framed reproduction (51 x 61 cm.); Neg. no. V424; taken November 17, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
A framed reproduction (20 x 24 in.) is displayed at the Northwest Regional Library.
Date-URL: 1922

People on shore of Hillsborough Bay near Ballast Point Pavillion: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V339(R430); taken May 15, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Philip Shore School at 1301-1311 19th Street in Ybor City, brick front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7962; taken September 16, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Philip Shore School in Ybor City, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7272; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Philip Shore School, 1301-1311 Nineteenth Street, front and side facade of brick building with gabled roofline: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7210 ; taken February 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Phoenix Hotel on the corner of Cleveland Street and Garden Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7679-2; taken June 13, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Phosphate elevators at Port Tampa dock : Port Tampa City, Fla.
1922, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C397; taken November 18, 1922.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1922

Phosphate mining at Southern Phosphate Company, includes power shovel and water dredge operation : Hillsborough Co., FL.
1922, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7062 ; taken in Jan. 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Phosphate Mining company and homes : Nichols, Fla.
1922, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 99 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 99 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C361; taken 1922.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1922

Phosphate Mining Company buildings : Nichols, Fla.
1922, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C360; taken 1922.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1922

Phosphate Mining Company homes : Nichols, Fla.
1922, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C359; taken 1922.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1922

Phosphate silos and railroad yard of The American Agricultural Chemical Company : Pierce, Fla.
1922, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 118 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 118 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C356; taken January 22, 1922.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1922

Pierce School Number 23, front view: Pierce, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7114; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Pierce's Department Store on 529-531 Cleveland Street, on the corner with Garden Avenue: Clearwater, Fla.
1922, 1977 prining. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7565; taken May 26, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Plant Park walkway along Hillsborough River with view of Lafayette Street Bridge: Tampa, FL.
1922, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V359 ; taken in 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Portrait of Gordon Keller Memorial Hospital nursing school graduates: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7599; taken May 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Portrait of Sam Blumberg in military uniform: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7267; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Priarie Pebble Phosphate Company plant : Mulberry, Fla.
1922, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C371; taken 1922.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1922

Radio equipment set up on table: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7526; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Railroad crossing at litter-strewn North Boulevard (700 block): Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7160; taken February 15, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Recently caught Florida large mouth bass : Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 7872; taken August 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1922

Residence at 118 South Newport Avenue, single-story wood-sided with gables, addition (?), and extended 1/2 front porch: Tampa, FL.
1922, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7423 ; taken April 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Residence at 2101 Watrous Avenue, two-story wood-frame, full front brick porch : Tampa, FL.
1922, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. 7166-7 ; taken in Feb., 1922
Image 4 x 5 inches
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Residence at 407 South Rome Avenue, two-story wood with full-front, gabled brick porch and car port, property on terrace: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7175-7 ; taken Feb. 1922.
Image, 4 x 5 inches.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Residence at 824 West Barcelona Avenue, single story cedar-sided with brick pillared porch ; Tampa, FL.
1922, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 6974 ; taken in Jan., 1922
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Residence of Sol Jacobs at 814 South Willow Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7243; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Residence of Thomas F. Alexander at 711 South Delaware Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7158; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Residence of Wilbert H. Ronan at 1708 1/2 Florida Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 7194; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1922

Residences along 2101 block Watrous Avenue at corner of Albany Avenue : Tampa, FL.
1922, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7167 ; taken in Feb. 1922.
Image 4 x 5 inches.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Residential street of American Agricultural Chemical Company: Pierce, Fla.
1922, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7049; taken January 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Riverside Apartment Building at 107 Parker Street, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7921; taken August 31, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Rustic scene of canoes on the Hillsborough River: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V413; taken August 14, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Sacred Heart Catholic Church at corner of Florida Avenue and Twiggs Street, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V337(R428); taken May 15, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Sacred Heart College and Catholic School at corner of Florida Avenue and Madison Street: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V345(R434); taken May 15, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Sailboats on the Gulf, seen from shore : Clearwater, Fla.
1922, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7539; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Sanitarium at Lake Wales; two story wooden structure with porches: Lake Wales, Fla.
1922, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7093 ; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Sanitary Store at intersection of Plant City Road, Michigan Avenue, Valrico Road and Six Mile Creek Railroad crossing: Hillsborough County, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7089; taken January 28, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Sanitary Store at intersection of Plant City Road, Michigan Avenue, Valrico Road, and Six Mile Creek railroad crossing: unincorporated Hillsborough County, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7091; taken January 28, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Scenic shot of Palm Walk and docks in Plant Park, couples walking and sitting on benches: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V356; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

School building : Clearwater, Fla.
1922, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7500-1; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Scott Hotel, 245 2nd Avenue North : Saint Petersburg, Fla.
1922, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 72556; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Seaboard Air Line Railway Station at 657 Court Street: Clearwater, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7573; taken May 26, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Seaplane "Nina" of Aeromarine, U.S. and Cuban Mail Service on Hillsborough Bay: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. S11; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Shelters and swimmers: Sunset Beach, Fla.
1922, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V406; taken August 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Now known as Sunshine Beach.
Date-URL: 1922

Ships docked along Garrison Channel waterfront: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V385(R443); taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Ships docked along waterfront at Port of Tampa: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V387(R445); taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Side view of George A. Miller house, 2202 Grand Central Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M89; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Side view of George A. Miller residence at 2202 Grand Central Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M88; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Side view of Tampa Bay Hotel and grounds: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V368; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Single story residence with gabled full-front porch, half-column and brick base porch supports: Tampa, FL.
1922, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7392 ; taken May 1922.
Address unknown.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

South Ward School on northwest corner of Fort Harrison Avenue South and Pine Street : Clearwater, Fla.
1922, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7502-1; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

South Ward School on northwest corner of Fort Harrison Avenue South and Pine Street: Clearwater, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7502; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Southern Lumber and Supply Company at foot of Tyler Street on the Hillsborough River : Tampa, Fla.
1922, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 74 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 74 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C393; taken 1922.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1922

Southern Phosphate Company homes near Lakeland : Polk County, Fla.
1922, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C367; taken 1922.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1922

Southern Phosphate Corporation phosphate mine south of Lakeland : Polk County, Fla.
1922, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 116 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 116 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C366; taken 1922.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1922

Spectators on Lafayette Street Bridge watching Gasparilla invastion: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V322-2(R424); taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Spectators on Lafayette Street Bridge watching invasion of Gasparilla ship "C.H. Hackley": Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 3 negatives (one 21 x 26 cm. & two 10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. V322(F132); taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Spectators on Lafayette Street Bridge watching invasion of Gasparilla ship "C.H. Hackley": Tampa, Fla.,
1922, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 13 x 17 cm. + 1 negative (13 x 17 cm.); Neg. no. F132; taken February, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
This image contains some damage, please use photograph PA 658 for print reproduction orders.
Date-URL: 1922

Spectators watching men pitching horseshoes in Plant Park: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V315(R422); taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Sponge fleet at docks: Tarpon Springs, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V307; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Sponge fleet, cars parked by dock: Tarpon Springs, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V308; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Street scene with Ferman Motor Car Company at 405-411 Jackson Street: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7479; taken May 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 13 x 18 cm.
Date-URL: 1922

Students and staff at Tampa Business College, northwest corner of Grand Central Avenue and Edison Street : Tampa, Fla.
1922, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 90 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 90 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Blemish is due to damaged negative.
Neg. no. 383; taken 1922.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1922

Sugar beet field: Oldsmar, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O268; taken March 2, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Sulphur Springs Pool, swimmer exiting toboggan ride watched by crowd on bridge: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V355(R438); taken May 15, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Sulphur Springs Pool, swimmers climbing toboggan slide: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V401(R447); taken July 1, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Sulphur Springs Pool, swimmers on toboggan ride watched by crowd on bridge: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V364(R440) ; taken May 15, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Swimmers and crowds at Sulphur Springs Pool: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V334(R433A); taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Swimmers and crowds at Sulphur Springs Pool: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 3 negatives (one 21 x 26 cm. and two 10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. V344-1(R433); taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Tampa Bay Hotel view from the Hillsborough River: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V372; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Tampa Gas Company building at 201 Madison Street, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7517-4; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Tampa Highland Land Company office building, front and side facades, on northwest corner of Tampa Bay Boulevard and Gomez Street: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7727; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: Tampa Bay Boulevard & Gomez St. (Looking North West).
Date-URL: 1922

Tampa Smokers baseball team at Plant Field: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7390; taken April 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Tampa Times newspaper boys group portrait: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7665; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is blemished due to damaged negative.
"Tampa Times Group of Paperboys" is written with large letters across the image of the photograph, above the portrait.
Date-URL: 1922

Tampa Warehouse Company Building at 1201 Twiggs Street: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7388; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Tampa-Overland Company Building at southwest corner of 1814-1818 Franklin Street and Oat streets: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R77(R326); taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Captioned: Tampa Overland Company's Building J. A. Miller, Builder.
Date-URL: 1922

The "Hanover" docked next to Atlantic Coast Line elevator at port: Port Tampa City, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V408(R449); taken August 9, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

The Gordon residence : Mountain Lake, Fla.
1922, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M80; taken June 30, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

The Hubert residence : Mountain Lake, Fla.
1922, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M81; taken June 30, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Theater group from the operetta, H. M. S. Pinafore, on a boat on the Hillsborough River : Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7441; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Three bathing women from Madame Scovell's dancing school striking an artistic pose at Rocky Point: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1983 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.).; Neg. no. 516; taken March 28, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Tin Can Tourists at DeSoto Park : Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V427; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Town and countryside with company homes and phosphate mining facility : Mulberry, Fla.
1922, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C368; taken 1922.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1922

Town and mining facilities viewed from water tower : Mulberry, Fla.
1922, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C369; taken 1922.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1922

Track-mounted steam shovel in storage area of International Agricultural Corporation: Prairie Pebble, Fla.
1922, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7056; taken January 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Tree-lined sidewalk at B. C. Graham School at 2915 Massachusetts avenue and West Street, brick front facade: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8300; taken December 16, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Trolley at corner of Lafayette (400 block) and Madison Streets looking southeast towards courthouse: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V352; taken May 15, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Trolley at intersection of Lafayette Street (300-400 blocks) and Florida Avenue looking south toward City Hall: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 3 negatives (two 21 x 26 cm. & one 10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R380(V342); taken May 15, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Two men standing by train at Tampa Union Station: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7295; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Two Tampa Fire Department trucks outside building: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7011; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Two-story, wood-frame Community Tourist Building, front and side facades: Clearwater, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7498; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Undeveloped land on corner of Gomez Street and Douglas Avenue in West Tampa, looking southeast: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7728; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: Gomez St and Douglas Ave (looking South East toward city).
Date-URL: 1922

Unidentified family portrait with small children: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 7617; taken June 3, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1922

View of B. S. Todd and Company boiler truck: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7885; taken August 13, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

View of bridge across Hillsborough River: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7611; taken May 26, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

View of Buick car dealership: Clearwater, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7561; taken May 26, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

View of downtown and Hyde Park, looking southwest: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7527; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

View of E. E. Freeman Company grain warehouse at 614 Bell Street: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7434; taken April 17, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

View of entrance to Hilcrest Lodge with Crooked Lake in background: unincorporated Polk County, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7098; taken January 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

View of entrance to Tampa Bay Hotel: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.) + 1 framed reproduction (61 x 51 cm.); Neg. no. V367; taken May 15, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
A framed reproduction (24 x 20 in.) is displayed at the Northwest Regional Library.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1922

View of Equitable Building at 1414 Franklin Street, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7226; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

View of Gulf Oil and Supply Company delivery truck in front of building: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7465; taken April 24, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

View of large Tampa Gas Company Gas storage tank: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 7531; taken May 5, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1922

View of phosphate elevator at Port Tampa City, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7518; taken May 5, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

View of railroad crossing at litter-strewn Boulevard: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7161; taken February 15, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

View of residential area on Nebraska Avenue (4800 block): Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7906; taken August 25, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

View of S.S. Niceto De Larrinaga in port: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7483; taken May 5, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

View of Shraeder family in front of Queen Anne house: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7313; taken February 15, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 12 x 17 cm.
Date-URL: 1922

View of Six Mile Creek Crossing and filling station: unincorporated Hillsborough County, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7088; taken January 28, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

View of Six Mile Creek railroad crossing and tracks: unincorporated Hillsborough County, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7090; taken January 28, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

View of Snow Park Filling Station at 602 Grand Central Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7228; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

View of spring at Parker Groves, Incorporated: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7606; taken May 26, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

View of Tampa Bay Boulevard in Tampa Highland Land Company development: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7722; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert markings give directionals.
Date-URL: 1922

View of Tampa Bay Boulevard near Habana Avenue in Tampa Highland Land Company development: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7721; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: Tampa Bay Boulevard and Habana Ave.
Date-URL: 1922

View of the Albertus Hotel and Restaurant at 942 Twiggs Street, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7670; taken May 26, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

View of the schooner "Campania": Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7652; taken June 2, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

View of the schooner "Marion G. Douglas" at dock: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7003; taken January 6, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Virginian Hotel : Lake Wales, Fla.
1922, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. M84; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Visitors seated on benches along palm-shaded walk at Ballast Point Park: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.) + 1 framed reproduction (b&w ; 51 x 61 cm.); Neg. no. V340 ; taken May 15, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
A framed reproduction (20 x 24 in.) is on display at the Northwest Regional Library.
Date-URL: 1922

W. F. S. Building at 501 Franklin Street, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7271; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Wagon loads of watermelons at Wilser's Stock Farm: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V371; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Wall Hall, front and side facacdes, at Florida State Fairgrounds: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7028; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Water gushing from uncapped well-head in residential neighborhood: Florida.
1922, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7080 ; taken January 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

West Coast Fertilizer Company plant at 1601 34th Street: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8036; taken October 6, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

White Bus Line Company vehicles, filled with tourists, parked next to court house on Florida Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V324(R379) ; taken 1922.
Image scratched.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Window view of Tampa Gas Company on Tampa Street at night: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7451; taken April 17, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1922

Woodrow Wilson Junior High School at 1003 Swann Avenue (intersecting Edison Avenue), brick front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7961; taken September 16, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Work force of the National Biscuit Company, people standing or sitting outside building: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7617; taken June 3, 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: Tampa Agency, National Biscuit Co., June 3, 1922.
Date-URL: 1922

Workers unloading potash from cargo ship at dock : Tampa, FL.
1922, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7884 ; taken July, 1922
Blemished image due to damaged negative.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Worth residence, 108 West Michigan Avenue, single story wood with gable and porches ; Tampa, FL.
1922, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 7039 ; taken in Jan., 1922
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1922

Yale Cafe and Cafeteria on 208 Lafayette Street: Tampa, Fla.
1922, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 7266; taken 1922.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1923

Aerial view of Bradenton from Point Pleasant: Bradenton, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9685; taken August 18, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Aerial view of Bradenton looking south: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9684; taken 1977 printing..
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Aerial view of Bradenton, Fla.
1923 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9683; taken August 18, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Aerial view of city looking north towards Tampa Bay: Bradenton, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9686; taken August 18, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Aerial view of Ybor City with Florida Brewing Company on 1200 5th Avenue, near railroad tracks: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL106; taken circa 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

American Tank and Welding Company, 1414 Lozano Avenue, on the Hillsborough River : Tampa, Fla.
1923, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 82 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 82 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Blemish is due to damaged negative.
Neg. no. C394; taken 1923.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1923

Atlantic Coast Line Railroad tracks and yard house looking east: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10254; taken December 29, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert markings on photographic image provide directional information of railroad destinations.
Date-URL: 1923

Atlantic Coast Line Railroad tracks yard house and bridge looking west: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10255; taken December 29, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert markings on photographic image provide directional information of railroad destinations.
Date-URL: 1923

Automobile, men, and a sign advertising the official car of the Explorers Tamiami Trail for the Florida Grower promotion in Florida.
1923, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8967; taken April 23, 1923.
Sign reads: Official car, Explorers Tamiami Trail thru [sic] last frontier, Fort Myers to Miami, April 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1923

Barns and lake : Brooksville, Fla.
1923, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C438; taken August 11, 1923.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1923

Barton Smith and secretary at desk in office at the First National Bank Building on Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8424; taken January 15, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Barton Smith's office at the First National Bank: Tampa, Fla.
1923,1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8423; taken January 15, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Bayshore Boulevard and Giddens Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 111 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 111 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C450; taken January 3, 1923.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1923

Belvedere grounds and grove on Lake Thonotosassa : Tampa, Fla.
1923, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C416; taken May 9, 1923.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1923

Beman-Beckwith Company on southwest corner of 400 Marion Street and Madison Street: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8705; taken March 7, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Bentley-Gray building at 602 Tampa Street, four story brick front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8658(R190); taken February 26, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1923

Boats on Hillsborough River in front of Tampa Bay Hotel : Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R226A(V440); taken March 16, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Bowman Land Company parade on Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8752; taken March 12, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Boy Scout Camp Borien on Little Moon Lake : Hillsborough County, Fla.
1923, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 122 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 122 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C424; taken June 30, 1923.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1923

Brick road under construction at Beach Park: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10261; taken December 29, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Bungalow residence of John S. Mason and Bautista Bulbontin at 5102 Central Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8448; taken January 16, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Cameron and Barkley Company brick building and partial view of warehouse at 107 South Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8373; taken January 9, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Canadian tourists picking orange blossoms from two-year old trees: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. S65; taken May 17, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned.
Date-URL: 1923

Cars traveling on brick road in rural setting: Plant City, Fla.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9425; taken July 15, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Chaeffeurs Lodge, 406 Belle Terre Avenue, under construction, front and side facades: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9135; taken May 23, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Charles H. Brown with Boy Scout "mayor" : Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10007; taken November 10, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Child and men with 1906 Maxwell car in front of United Motor Company on Franklin Street (1700 block): Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8541; taken February 1, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Children and staff in front of Tampa Urban League, Harlem Branch Library Tampa Public Library: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.) + 2 framed reproductions (51 x 61 cm.); This photograph was archivally preserved with a donation from Janet Lorenzo.
Neg. no. 10229 ; taken December 28, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
A framed reproduction (20 x 24 in.) is displayed at the Brandon Regional Library and at Northwest Regional Library.
This photographic image was featured in the Burgert Brothers Limited Edition poster celebrating African American History Month.
Date-URL: 1923

Children's Home at 3302 Florida Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V442; taken March 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Citizens Bank Building on northwest corner of Franklin and Zack streets: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. V478(R455); taken November 16, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1923

City center with Wayside Inn and Oldsmar Bank building in background : Oldsmar, Fla.
1923, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 130 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 130 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 908; taken 1923.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1923

Clubhouse at Rocky Point Golf Club, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V435(R476); taken 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1923

Community Players actors on stage of Centro Asturiano in production of the play, "Priscilla": Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10008; taken November 10, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Community Players rehearsing production of "H.M.S. Pinafore" on stage at the Centro Asturiano Club: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8447; taken January 15, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Construction of Kingan and Company packing house at 101 Governor Street looking northwest toward Washington Street Viaduct: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9099; taken May 15, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Construction of the Nebraska Avenue Bridge at Sulphur Springs: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10233; taken December 20, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Construction on Nebraska Avenue Bridge at Sulphur Springs: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10235; taken December 20, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Construction on the Gandy Bridge, laying down concrete bed : Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 17 x 12 cm. + 1 negative (17 x 12 cm.); Neg. no. 10200; taken December 14, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Copy of a drawing of the Brandon State Bank : Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8877 ; taken April 6, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Copy of Aerial photograph of Coronet Phosphate Company plant : Lakeland, Fla.
1923, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10170; taken December 5, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Copy of Aerial photograph of Coronet Phosphate Company plant : Lakeland, Fla.
1923, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10169; taken December 5, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Corner view of Fielder and Mitchell Building at 102-104 Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9051; taken April 5, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is blemished due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1923

Corner view of January's Filling Station at 3602 Florida Avenue, on the corner with Harrison Avenue: Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9882; taken October 18, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is blemished due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1923

Corner view of United Motor Company at 1702-1706 Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9920; taken October 28, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Couple standing in front of residence of John A. Shultz at 117 Cedar Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9406; taken July 9, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Crowd outside entrance gate of fairgrounds: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. F307; taken 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Crowds and automobiles at the entrance gate of the Florida State Fair: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. F310; taken 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Crowds at beach at sunset: Sunset Beach, Fla.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V486; taken July 4, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Now known as Sunshine Beach.
Please note: the sunset is not currently appearing in attempts at reproducing this print. We are working with the photographic studio to correct this problem.
Date-URL: 1923

Crowds in grandstand at Florida State Fair: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. F304; taken 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Crowds inside fairgrounds in Plant Field: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. F319; taken 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Crowds inside fairgrounds in vicinity of Wall Hall and grandstand: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. F308; taken 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Crowds inside gate of Florida State Fairgrounds: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. F313; taken 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

D. Collins Gillett, king of Gasparilla XV: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. F205; taken February 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1923

Davis Boulevard division with light traffic, roadside building construction, and billboard advertising development: (Davis Islands) Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 20165 ; taken July 7, 1923
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1923

Decorated yacht, Gypsy, the official St. Petersburg entry in the annual Gasparilla invasion: Florida.
1923, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8545; taken February 2, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1923

Dickerson home at 5602 Nebraska Avenue (intersecting with Comanche Avenue), front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V480; taken June 11, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Dog racing at the St. Petersburg Kennel Club: St. Petersburg, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V1075; taken March 15, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Downtown and estuary zone, looking southeast from roof of Bay View Hotel : Tampa, Fla.
1923, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 118 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 118 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Blemish is due to damaged negative.
Neg. no. 863; taken 1923.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1923

Downtown and West Tampa, from roof of Bay View Hotel : Tampa, Fla.
1923, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 133 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 133 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C413; taken April 4, 1923.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1923

Downtown, with Hernando County Courthouse in foreground : Brooksville, Fla.
1923, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 115 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 115 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C441; taken August 11, 1923.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1923

Dredging the Municipal Docks slip off the Ybor Channel : Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8450; taken January 16, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Eclectic Revival residence of Daniel C. Fielding at 117 South Willow Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8595; taken February 16, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Electric Service Company at northeast corner of Florida Avenue (900 block) and Cass Street (400 block): Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R317 ; taken 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1923

Episcopal House of Prayer at 420 East Michigan Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8533; taken January 31, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Episcopal House of Prayer, 420 Michigan and Florida avenues, front and side stone facades: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8532; taken January 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1923

Exchange National Bank at corner of Franklin (600 block) and Twiggs (300 block) streets, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9799; taken September 27, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Expansive view of orange grove: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10398; taken February 13, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Negative number 21398M appears near center of photographic image.
Date-URL: 1923

Exterior view of Tampa-Overland Company building at 1814-1818 Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9748; taken September 10, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

F. Norman Baughman Company building on corner of 307 Florida Avenue and Jackson Street, multi-story brick building with sash windows and clearstory above overhang: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8569; taken February 13, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Facade of N. Geraci and Company Wholesale Fruit and Produce, with parked motor-trucks, at 1701 23rd Street: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8642; taken February 22, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Facade of the J. R. Mickler Cash Grocer on corner of Cass (200 block) and Tampa (900 block) Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10260; taken December 29, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Farmworkers with tents on farm : Hillsborough County, Fla.
1923, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 20 x 119 cm. + 1 negative (20 x 119 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 885; taken 1923.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1923

Fielder and Mitchell Building at 102-104 Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9098; taken May 15, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

First Baptist Church of Plant City: Plant City, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9986; taken November 7, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Flag-festooned Tampa Daily Times building (left, in forefront) at 118 Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8512; taken January 29, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 12 x 18 cm.
Date-URL: 1923

Flag-festooned United Motor Company building on corner of 1702-1706 Franklin Street and Henderson Street: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8542; taken February 1, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Florida State Fairgrounds : Tampa, Fla.
1923, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 136 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 136 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 817; taken 1923.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1923

Four men standing at Gulf filling station, street address unknown: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9397; taken July 2, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Franklin Street (400 block) looking southwest from Madison Street businesses, automobile, trolley and pedestrian traffic: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9539; taken August 2, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Blemished image due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1923

Franklin Street (900-1000 block) downtown, looking south: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9150-B; taken May 26, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Front and side facades of the City Transfer Company building on corner of 1702 Grand Central and Rome Avenues, plain stucco exterior with casement windows: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9161; taken May 26, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Front facade of Louis H. Lothridge's Colonial Revival home at 4703 Bayshore Boulevard: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V515; taken September 10, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Front view of Fielder and Mitchell building on 102-104 Franklin Street, corner with Whiting Street: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9093; taken May 14, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Front view of Florida Growers Press at 1306 Grand Central Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9101; taken April 15, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is blemished due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1923

G. Norman Baughman Company building on the corner of Florida Avenue (300 block) and Jackson Street (300 block): Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8568; taken February 13, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Gabled bungalows on Taliaferro Street and East Amelia Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 13 x 18 cm. + 1 negative (13 x 18 cm.); Neg. no. 8508 ; taken Jan. 29, 1923.
Image is approximately 5 x 7 inches.
Blemished image due to damaged negative.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1923

Gandy Bridge under construction over Old Tampa Bay: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10206; taken December 17, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Gandy Bridge under construction, looking west : Tampa, Fla.
1923, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C417; taken May 30, 1923.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1923

Gasparilla XV queen Marion Harvey: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 68142; taken 1923 (copied March 21, 1951).
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image measures 17 x 13 cm.
Image oriented portrait style.
Date-URL: 1923

Golfers at Temple Terrace County Club golf course: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8571; taken February 13, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Gordon Keller Hospital at 302 North Boulevard, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V436(R457); taken March 3, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1923

Group portrait of the Exchange Club in the Tampa Yacht and Country Club: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9412; taken July 10, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: Exchange Club of Tampa, Fla., Tampa Yact and Country Club, July 10--1923.
Date-URL: 1923

Home of Josiah Richardson : Brooksville, Fla.
1923, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. ; taken 1923.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1923

House and property in Bayou Bonita neighborhood : St. Petersburg, Fla.
1923, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 119 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 119 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C403; taken January 14, 1923.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1923

Houses and street scene in residential area: Dunedin, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8998; taken April 25, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Houses near Silver Lake : Leesburg, Fla.
1923, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 20 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (20 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 846; taken 1923.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1923

Houses on unidentified street in Bayou Bonita neighborhood development : St. Petersburg, Fla.
1923, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C401; taken January 14, 1923.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1923

Hunters overlooking Lake Maggiore : St. Petersburg, Fla.
1923, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C404B; taken January 14, 1920.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1923

Imperial Oil Company building at 3000 8th Avenue in Ybor City: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8679; taken March 1, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

J. F. Mickler Cash Grocer building, 200 block of Cass Street : Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10215; taken December 17, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

J. R. Mickler Cash Grocer warehouse at 1701 Grand Central Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9097(9087); taken May 15?, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Johnny Jones shows on midway of fairgrounds: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. F311; taken 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

King's float in Gasparilla XV Parade at fairgrounds: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. S95; taken 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Lafayette Street (500-600 blocks) looking southeast from Marion Street towards the Gulf Service Station and the Knights of Pythias Hall: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R182(9501); taken July 28, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Image blemished due to damaged negatives.
Date-URL: 1923

Lake and undeveloped property : Lake Wales, Fla.
1923, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C430; taken 1923.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1923

Liggett's Drug Store on northwest corner of 602 Franklin and Twiggs (200 block) Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9416; taken July 16, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Looking east along 400 block of Lafayette Street from intersection of Florida Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R108(V467) ; taken 1923.
Property on northeast corner is Tampa Terrace Hotel site.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1923

Looking east at Hillsborough County Courthouse and City Hall: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL2; taken 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Looking north on 17th Street (1200-1400 blocks) towards S.A.L. crossing at 1st Avenue in Ybor City: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8573; taken February 13, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Looking north on 17th Street (1200-1400 blocks) towards S.A.L. crossing at 1st Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8571; taken February 13, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Looking northwest at Seaboard Air Line Railway crossing at 1st Avenue (1200 block) and 17th Street: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8702; taken March 7, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Looking southeast across Big Bayou toward Coquina Key Island : St. Petersburg, Fla.
1923, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C405; taken January 14, 1923.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1923

Looking southwest along Bayshore Boulevard at houses and waterfront, from intersection of Inman Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V438; taken 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Looking southwest at intersection of Lafayette and Franklin Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 10 x 14 cm. + 1 negative (13 x 20 cm.); Neg. no. 9753 ; taken September 10, 1923.
Accompanies PA 484. Orient Flour billboard visible on rooftop.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1923

Looking southwest of intersection of Lafayette and Franklin Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R193(9753) ; taken September 10, 1923.
Accompanies PA 10665. Rooftop billboard copy has been blocked out on negative.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1923

Looking west at downtown skyline : Tampa, Fla.
1923, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 116 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 116 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Blemish is due to damaged negative.
Neg. no. C436; taken August 11, 1923.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1923

Looking west at Ramsey Lumber Yard on 6th Avenue (1700-1800 blocks) with the Italian Club in background: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8584; taken February 15, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Looking west on Lafayette Street from top of City Hall: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. TPL7; taken 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1923

Looking west over bridge from Coquina Key Island toward Bayou Bonita neighborhood : St. Petersburg , Fla.
1923, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C404; taken January 14,1923.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1923

Main Street : Dunedin, Fla.
1923, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8989; taken April 25, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Man and boy fishing in river : Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1986 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. V489; taken November 16, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1923

Man and boy fishing: Fla, specific location unknown.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. V488; taken July 7, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph oriented portrait style.
Date-URL: 1923

Man standing in an open phosphate mine of the American Agricultural Chemical Company : Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10182; taken December 11, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Marshall mounted on horse in front of store: Oldsmar, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O307; taken May 18, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Mediterranean Revival house, front and side facades, 208 North Glen Arven Avenue : Temple Terrace, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9137; taken May 23, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Mediterranean Revival residence of L. B. Krumsick at 312 North Glen Arven Avenue: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9136; taken May 23, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Men at work at the Tampa Daily Times printing room: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9111; taken May 16, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is spotty.
Date-URL: 1923

Men carrying bananas out of a grove : Oldsmar, Fla.
1923, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10087; taken November 23, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Men playing golf on 17th hole at Temple Terrace Country Club: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8379; taken January 12, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Men standing at Gulf Service Station: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9398; taken July 2, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Men standing in of Josiah Richardson's home : Brooksville, Fla.
1923, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C440; taken August 11,1923.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1923

Merchants & Mechanics Bank at 1501 Grand Central Avenue, brick front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10251; taken December 28, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1923

Merchants and Mechanics Bank on 1501 Grand Central Avenue, on corner with North Oregon Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9126; taken May 23, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Mid-winter barbecue at Wayside Inn for tourists: Oldsmar, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O339; taken January 22, 1923.
Burgert captioned: Mid-winter Barbecue - Oldsmar and Barbecue in Mid-winter at Oldsmar.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Newly caught fish hanging on a line : Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V457; taken March 18, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Night gathering of Ku Klux Klan in field: Lakeland, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10039; taken November 15, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Northwest corner of Grand Central (1000 block) and Edison Avenues looking west: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9102; taken May 15, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Oldsmar Bank Building on corner of State Street and Park Boulevard: Oldsmar, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O-342; taken January 22, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Ongoing construction of the Gandy Bridge: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10202; taken December 14, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Ongoing construction on Nebraska Avenue Bridge in Sulphur Springs: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10234; taken December 20, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Orange grove near lake : Lake Wales, Fla.
1923, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C428; taken 1923.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1923

Orange groves and lake : Lake Wales, Fla.
1923, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C429; taken 1923.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1923

Outdoor games in front of Wayside Inn: Oldsmar, Fla.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O338; taken January 22, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: Out-door Games in Mid-winter at Oldsmar.
Date-URL: 1923

Owen-Joh Tire Company building on corner of 219 Franklin Street, with Jackson Street: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8826; taken March 29, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Palm Avenue Methodist Church at 203 East Palm Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10183; taken December 11, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1923

Pan of Beach Park waterfront: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10258; taken December 29, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Panorama of city, from water tower, looking north : Lake Wales, Fla.
1923, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C427; taken 1923.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1923

Patricks Drugs at southeast corner of the intersection of Grand Central Avenue and Howard Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 1753; taken May 26, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Peninsular Motors Corporation on corner of Marion and Jackson Streets, as seen at night: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10218; taken December 17, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Perry Paint and Glass Company warehouse at 315 Brush Street: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10178; taken December 6, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Pianos (upright), in canvas delivery shrouds, posed outside of Hodge & Sherman Furniture, 802-804 Florida Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8710 ; taken March 7, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1923

Plant Park on the grounds of Tampa Bay Hotel: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V440; taken March, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Plant Park with the Desoto Oak: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1981 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9426; taken July 15, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Portrait of boys basketball team: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 8352; taken January 3, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Basketball pictured is marked: Champs H.P.M. 22-23.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1923

Portrait of Postmistress Elizabeth Dortch Barnard: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. S41; taken January 3, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Postmistress Elizabeth Barnard with Edwin Lambright, assistant editor of the Tampa Morning Tribune, on the grounds of the Federal Building : Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. S-40; taken January 4, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Queen Anne-style residence of C. L. Davis at 200 Hyde Park Place: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9586; taken August 12, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 12 x 17 cm.
Date-URL: 1923

Queen Anne-style residence of Frank Bentley at 216 Cardy Street: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8976; taken April 23, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Residence of C. L. Davis, 200 Hyde Park Place, Queen Ann style : Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 13 x 66 cm. + 1 negative (13 x 16 cm.); Neg. no. 9587; taken August 12, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Residences in 2300 block of Taliaferro Avenue at southwest intersection with East Amelia Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8510 ; taken Jan. 29, 1923.
Image is approximately 5 x 7 inches.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1923

Residential street scene: Oldsmar, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O316; taken May 18, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Residential street scene: Oldsmar, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O315; taken May 18, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Rooftop view from Bay View Hotel looking west at Atlantic Coast Line Freight Depot, Plant Park and West Tampa: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8866; taken April 4, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Image slightly blemished due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1923

Saffold Brothers Produce Company delivery trucks next to warehouse building on southeast corner of Washington (900 block) and East streets: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8628; taken February 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Salon aboard the S. S. Tampa, Gulf and Southern Steamship Company : Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8548; taken January 3, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Salvation Army group portrait at the Salvation Army Citadel on 1102 Tampa Street: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9367-B; taken June 28, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
See also 1754/9367-A.
Date-URL: 1923

Salvation Army group portrait in front of Salvation Army Citadel on Tampa Street: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9367-A; taken June 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Sanatorio del Centro Espanol at 3100 Bayshore Boulevard, front entrance facade, driveway, and fountain: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V546(R384); taken November 27, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Scenic view of waterfront in Beach Park subdivision: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10259; taken December 29, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Seaboard gas-powered train no. 2011: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9638; taken August 16, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Seawall and shore along Bayshore Boulevard, near Bay-to-Bay Boulevard: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V468 (R107); taken April 10, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1923

Sevilla Building, front and side facades, on northwest corner of Francis Avenue (900 block) and Cherry Street: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9109; taken May 16, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Side view of Victory Filling Station at 102 Zack Street: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9125; taken May 22, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Side view of Whitledge Hotel on corner of West Lafayette Street (400 block) and Hyde Park Avenue, Tampa Bay Hotel minarets in background: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8639; taken February 23, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Silver Lake Estates, farms and groves : Tampa, Fla.
1923, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 20 x 119 cm. + 1 negative (20 x 119 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 887; taken 1923.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1923

Sitting room aboard the ship "Tampa": Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8547; taken January 3, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Smith Chevrolet Company building at Franklin Street (1500 block), front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10252-A; taken December 28, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Smoking room aboard the S. S. Tampa, Gulf and Southern Steamship Company : Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8549; taken January 3, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Southern style house in Dunedin : Dunedin, Fla.
1923, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8988; taken April 25, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Southwest corner of Grand Central (1500 block) and Oregon Avenues looking west at Hyman's Grocery: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9099; taken May 15, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Spectators around race track at Florida State Fair : Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. F309; taken 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Spectators watching football game at Plant Field: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V1377; taken November 23, 1926.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1923

St. Joseph's Convent on 1706 11th Avenue, with southwest corner of 18th Street in Ybor City: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9430 ; taken July 18, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Staging area for Gandy Bridge construction : Tampa, Fla.
1923, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C418; taken May 30, 1923.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1923

Steamboats on the Hillsborough River, south of Lafayette Street Bridge: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V518; taken September 10, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Street scene in front of Wayside Inn: Oldsmar, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O341; taken January 22, 1923.
Burgert captioned: Street Scene - Oldsmar and Street Scene in Oldsmar.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Street scene in residential area: Dunedin Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8997; taken April 25, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Street scene showing Oldsmar Pharmacy and Oldsmar State Bank: Oldsmar, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O313; taken May 18, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: Street scene -- Oldsmar.
Date-URL: 1923

Street scene: Oldsmar, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O312; taken May 18, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Street scene: Oldsmar, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O314; taken May 18, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Sugar beet field: Oldsmar, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8695; taken March 2, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Sulphur Springs Pool, crowds observing swimmers: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V492A(R454); taken July 8, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1923

Sulphur Springs Pool, crowds observing swimmers: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V492(R453); taken July 8, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Captioned: Sulphur Springs, Tampa.
Date-URL: 1923

T. J. Caruthers Lumber Company trucks at 121 South Florida Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8440; taken January 15, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Tampa Business College students and staff in front of school building on Grand Central Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1923, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 80 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 80 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 838; taken December, 1923.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1923

Tampa Daily Times building on southwest corner of Franklin and Washington streets: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8511; taken January 29, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image measures 12 x 17 cm.
Date-URL: 1923

Tampa Heights Methodist Church at corner of 503 Ross and Central avenues, Roman composite column on front facade: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8706; taken March 7, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1923

The flag-festooned ship "Tampa" docked at Gulf and Southern Steamship Company in Estuary Zone: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8546; taken January 3, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

The Lee Building on East Reynolds Street, front and side facades: Plant City, Fla.
1923, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8581; taken February 15, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

The Washington Senators playing baseball at Plant Field during spring training: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V456(R456); taken March 18, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1923

Tobacco plants growing in shade tent : Hillsborough County, Fla.
1923, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 20 x 110 cm. + 1 negative (20 x 110 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 867; taken 1923.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1923

Tobacco plants growing in shade tent : Hillsborough County, Fla.
1923, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 20 x 102 cm. + 1 negative (20 x 102 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 839; taken 1923.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1923

Town square : Oldsmar, Fla.
1923, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 122 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 122 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C449; taken December 21, 1923.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1923

Townsend Sash Door and Lumber Company : Lake Wales, Fla.
1923, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 108 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 108 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Neg. no. C433; taken 1923.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1923

Townsend Sash Door and Lumber Company : Lake Wales, Fla.
1923, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Neg. no. C434; taken 1923.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1923

Traffic on Lafayette Street Bridge looking west toward Tampa Bay Hotel: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V433(R458); taken March 3, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Preserve-a-Print donor: Mrs. Williard Hicks.
Date-URL: 1923

Tribune Building on Tampa Street (500 block), three story brick front facade: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8758A; taken March 15, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1923

Tribune Building on Tampa Street (500 block), three story brick front facade: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8758(R481); taken March 15, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Image blemished due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1923

Two men loading trucks at Flynn-Harris-Bullard Company, wholesale grocers at 420 Bell Street: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8441; taken January 15, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1923

Two photos of houses and people, side-by-side, from silghtly different angles,: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 122 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 122 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Blemish is due to damaged negative.
Neg. no. 894; taken 1923.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1923

Unidentified family in front of their house : Lake Wales, Fla.
1923, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 122 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 122 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 435; taken 1923.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1923

View down Main Street toward dock: Dunedin, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8991; taken April 25, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

View from the sidewalk of houses behind moss-covered trees: Dunedin, Fla.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8996; taken April 25, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

View of 1st Avenue and 17th Street railroad crossing in Estuary Zone: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8572; taken February 13, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

View of 900-100 blocks of Franklin Street, looking south: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9150-A; taken May 26, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

View of a Mediterranean Revival residence, front and side facades, street address unknown: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9138; taken May 23, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

View of Alhambra Cafe on Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9151; taken May 26, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

View of Atlantic Tire Service building under construction on corner of 401 Lafayette Street and Florida Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8579; taken February 19, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

View of Atlantic Tire Service on corner of 401 Lafayette Street: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9028; taken May 1, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

View of Collins Gillett House, a Mediterranean Revival building, 912 North Riverhills Drive : Temple Terrace, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9139; taken May 23, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Also see photograph 3432/9140.
Date-URL: 1923

View of construction of Nebraska Avenue Bridge at Sulphur Springs: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10232; taken December 20, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

View of Dunedin Fire Department trucks and men: Dunedin, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8985; taken April 25, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

View of Dunedin from the bay: Dunedin, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9000-P; taken April 25, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

View of Estuary Zone under construction at the Port of Tampa: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9035; taken May 2, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is blemished due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1923

View of Exchange Bank on northeast corner of 601 Franklin Street and Twiggs Street: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10079; taken November 22, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

View of F. Garcia and Brothers factory at 1114 Garcia Avenue and corner of Arch Street: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10216; taken December 13, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

View of factories: Oldsmar, Fla.
1923 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O306; taken May 18, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

View of Fenway on the Bay office: Dunedin, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8995; taken April 23, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

View of Gordon Dry Goods Company on Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9152; taken May 26, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

View of Grand Central Avenue (1500 block) looking west from North Oregon Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9100-B: taken May 15, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph blemished due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1923

View of grandstand at Florida State Fairgrounds: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8514-A; taken January 29, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image measures 12 x 17 cm. and has markings.
Burgert captioned: Grand Stand at Fair Grounds, Graniface Magnestie Stucco Used, Crackproof -- Wetherproof -- Sold by I. W. Phillips & Co. Tampa, Fla.
Date-URL: 1923

View of greenskeeper residence, at 201 Avondale Avenue : Temple Terrace, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9141; taken May 23, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: Residence of Greenskeeper, Temple Terraces.
Date-URL: 1923

View of Hodge and Sherman furniture company with pianos in front of store: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8708; taken March 7, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

View of houses on Taliaferro Avenue and Amelia Street: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8509; taken January 29, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image measures 12 x 17 cm.
Date-URL: 1923

View of J. R. Mickler Cash Grocer on corner of Cass (200 block) and Tampa (900 block) Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10214; taken December 17, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

View of Kingan and Company building on corner of 101 Governor Street, on corner with Whiting Street: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10207; taken December 14, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

View of Lafayette Street and Tampa Bay Hotel: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V437; taken march 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

View of McGee residence on South Boulevard: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8952; taken April 22, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

View of Mediterranean Revival residence and grounds (with citrus grove in distance), at 306 East Bullard Parkway : Temple Terrace, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9140; taken May 23, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Also see photograph 3431/9139.
Date-URL: 1923

View of men with pianos lined up outside Hodge and Sherman Furniture on 802-804 Florida Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8702
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

View of northeast intersection of 1700 Franklin Street, corner with Henderson Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9921; taken October 29, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

View of oak tree beside Lake Thonotosassa, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9077; taken May 9, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is blemished due to damaged negative.
Burgert captioned: On the Lake Shore at Belvedere, Lake Thonotosassa, Fla.
Date-URL: 1923

View of park and water fountain beside Young Women's Christian Association Building: Dunedin, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8990; taken April 25, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

View of Pinellas County school buses lined up in front of James Madison Junior High School on 701 Madison Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9754; taken September 10, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is blemished due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1923

View of Queen Anne-style residence near dock: Dunedin, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8987; taken April 25, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

View of railroad crossing at 15th Street (1600-1700 blocks) and 6th Avenue (1500 block) in Ybor City: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8965; taken April 23, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

View of road construction at Beach Park: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10262; taken December 29, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

View of schoolhouse in Dunedin, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8986; taken April 25, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

View of sea wall at Beach Park: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10265; taken December 29, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

View of sea wall of Beach Park: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10266; taken December 29, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

View of storefront on 1200 North Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10035; taken November 15, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

View of Tampa Bay Hotel from across the Hillsborough River: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9919; taken October 28, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

View of Tampa-Overland Company on Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9747; taken September 10, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

View of Temple Terrace Country Club as seen from the 18th hole green : Temple Terrace, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 9134; taken May 23, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: Temple Terraces Country Club.
Date-URL: 1923

View of the "Gates of Dunedin" along beach area: Dunedin, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8994; taken April 23, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

View of the Tampa side of Gandy Bridge under construction: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10203; taken December 14, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

View of Thompson and Company Building at northwest corner of North Edison Avenue and North A Street: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10119; taken November 26, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

View of tomato farm and workers: Palmetto, Fla.
1923, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V460; taken March 29, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

View of town from southeast corner : Oldsmar, Fla.
1923, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C448; taken December 21, 1923.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1923

View of W. L. Hendry Grocery at 408 East Park Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10210; taken December 15, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

View of warehouse of R. E. Housholder Company on Marion Street: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10010; taken November 10, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

View of waterfront and docks: Dunedin, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8993; taken April 23, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

View of yacht basin at Beach Park subdivision: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10260; taken December 29, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

View of Yacht Club Inn: Dunedin, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8992; taken April 25, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Women at tea garden on Tampa Bay Hotel grounds: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.) + 1 framed reproduction (51 x 61 cm.); Neg. no. V458; taken March 24, 1923.
A framed reproduction (20 x 24 in.) is displayed at the Northwest Regional Library.
Digital image available for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Workers in nursery : Lake Garfield, Fla.
1923, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C445; taken September 7, 1923.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1923

Workers sorting packages on the east lawn behind the Post Office: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10239; taken December 24, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923

Workers using wooden forms to construct concrete road bed of Gandy Bridge: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Image measures 12 cm. x 17 cm.
Neg. no. 10201 ; taken December 14, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1923

Young Men's Christian Association Queen Anne style residence at corner of 204 Plant Avenue and Grand Central Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1923, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 8372; taken January 9, 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1923?

United Motor Company at 1702-1706 Franklin Street, on corner with Henderson Street: Tampa, Fla.
1923?, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL111; taken circa 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
A sign reads: Maxwell Chrysler.
Date-URL: 1923?

View of crowds on West Lafayette Street next to Plant Park, looking northeast towards downtown: Tampa, Fla.
1923?, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL113; taken circa 1923.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

2000 block of Morgan Street : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10562; taken March 15, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

300-400 blocks of Franklin Street, view north from intersection of Jackson Street: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11902 ; taken September 2, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1924

Al Severson with bass fish : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V679; taken 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

American Foursquare style home of C. A. Drake, 710 West Cleveland Street : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10912; taken April 19, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

American Welding and Tank Company on 36th Street, between 3rd and 4th Avenues: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10331; taken January 21, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Architectural drawing of a six story building by M. Leo Elliot: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 10304; taken January 11, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1924

Arrival of Gasparilla Pirate ship "C. H. Hackley" on river in front of Plant Park: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. S109; taken February 4, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Atlanta Furniture Company building, 1306-08 Franklin Street : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11545; taken July 11, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Automobile racer in Sig. Haugdahl's "3 Mile-a-Minute" Wisconsin Special, people in grandstand in background: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. S111; taken 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Automobiles and commercial buildings along a street : Groveland, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10650; taken March 27, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Bank of Clearwater on the northeast corner of Cleveland Street (500 block) and Fort Harrison Avenue South, front and side facades: Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10719; taken April 3, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Bayou Bonita Club on Little Bayou in Lakewood Estates: St. Petersburg, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10942; taken April 24, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Bayshore Boulevard and shoreline of Hillsborough Bay at low tide: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R187 (5125); taken October 24, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Image blemished due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1924

Beach and bathhouse on Gulf of Mexico, view to north with palm trees : Clearwater Beach, FL.
1924, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11268 ; taken May 30, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1924

Beach houses viewed from the shoreline : Clearwater Beach, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11260; taken May 30, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Beach Park home under construction on palm-shaded lot: Tampa,Fla.
1924, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10423 ; taken February 16, 1924 .
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1924

Beach Park road construction of Bay Side Drive (800 block): Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10691; taken March 28, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Belleview Biltmore Hotel, main lodge and landscaped grounds, view from Clearwater Harbor: Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL25 ; taken 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1924

Bemar Beckwith Company Service Department building under construction on northwest corner of 100 East Lafayette Street: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10282; taken January 3, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Bentley Gray Building on the northeast corner of Tampa and Twiggs (100 Block) streets: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10624; taken March 26, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Bentley-Gray Building at 602 Tampa Street: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10627; taken March 25, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Bentley-Gray Dry Goods Company at corner of Zack Street and Pierce Street: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10325; taken January 21, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Billboard congratulating D. P. Davis on Seventh Avenue and Nebraska Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10998; taken April 29, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Billboard painted by Jerome Bennett, Incorporated, for new theater (the future Tampa Theatre) to be erected on site: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11520; taken July 5, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Booker and Company warehouses by railroad tracks: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11408; taken June 11, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Bostaiu's Hotel : Kissimmee, Fla.
1924, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 74 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 74 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C469; taken August 31, 1924.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1924

Brick semi-bungalow home of Rudolph Arguelles, 808 South Howard Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12841; taken December 5, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is blemished due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1924

Bridge across the Narrows : Indian Rocks Beach, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11266; taken May 30, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Bridge over water near Sunset Point : Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11276; taken May 30, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Broadside view of passenger steamship "Tampa" from Hillsborough River: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11594; taken July 18, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 13 x 18 cm.
Date-URL: 1924

Building Department office: Oldsmar, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10819; taken April 10, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Building housing Fire Department, plumbing company, garage and hardware store: Oldsmar, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10797; taken April 9, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Buildings on Central Avenue (200-2100 blocks) looking south toward intersection of Ross Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R220(V1048); taken February 28, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1924

Bungalow of E. S. Wood at 6419 Florida Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11413; taken June 14, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Bungalow of Fred Hensley at 306 Memorial Highway, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11632; taken August 1, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is blemished due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1924

Bungalow residence in Harbor Oaks : Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11259; taken May 30, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Bungalow residence of William H. Parsons at 400 Memorial Highway, Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11054; taken May 7, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Bungalow style home belonging to L. M. Riedel, 202 North Tampania Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11031; taken May 6, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Bungalow style home of A. D. Shields, 5809 Suwanee Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11138; taken May 19, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is blemished due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1924

Bungalow style home of J. W. Jordan, 109 Powhattan Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12 x 17 cm. + 1 negative (12 x 17 cm.); Neg. no. 11047; taken May 7, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Bungalow style home of J. W. Jordan, 109 Powhattan Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12 x 17 cm. + 1 negative (12 x 17 cm.); Neg. no. 11046; taken May 7, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Bungalow style home of Richard Reynolds, 5703 North Miami Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11384; taken June 9, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Bungalow style home of Theodore Harker, 803 East New Orleans Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12 x 17 cm. + 1 negative (12 x 17 cm.); Neg. no. 11048; taken May 7, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1924

Bungalow style home of Theodore Harker, 803 East New Orleans Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12 x 17 cm. + 1 negative (12 x 17 cm.); Neg. no. 11049; taken May 7, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Bungalow style residence of C. E. Thomas, 5108 North Seminole Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12 x 17 cm. + 1 negative (12 x 17 cm.); Neg. no. 11179; taken May 24, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Bungalow style residence of C. E. Thomas, 5108 North Seminole Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12 x 17 cm. + 1 negative (12 x 17 cm.); Neg. no. 11180; taken May 24, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Bungalow style residence of E. G. Hamilton, 6505 Grace Street : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12467; taken November 14, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Bungalow style residence of P. M. Coleman, 6419 North Florida Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11414; taken June 14, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Bungalow style residence of Virginia Nelson, 111 Hyde Park Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11118; taken May 12, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

C. G. Suarez Distributing delivery trucks beside American Railway Express Office: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10287; taken January 5, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Calvary Baptist Church on southwest corner of Cleveland and Osceola streets: Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10712; taken April 3, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Canal and foliage : St. Petersburg, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V741; taken January 20, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1924

Cans and cannery equipment : Oldsmar, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10820; taken April 10, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Carpenter Building and several businesses at 5400-5412 Florida Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11121; taken May 15, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Cars lined up in front of the Allison Hotel, 250 2nd Avenue North : Saint Petersburg, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12441; taken November 14, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Cass Street, looking west from Marion Street : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R171; taken 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Castillo de San Marcos on the Matanzas River : St. Augustine, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V865; taken July 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Children playing outside school building : Groveland, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10665; taken March 27, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Church building in Groveland : Groveland, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10649; taken March 27, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Cigar workers preparing tobacco for cigars at Cuesta Rey & Company: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10803; taken April 9, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: Preparing Filler, Cuesta Rey and Company.
Date-URL: 1924

Citrus Exchange Building and Maas Brothers on the corner of Zack (200 block) and Tampa streets (600 block): Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V633; taken May 26, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

City Hall at southeast corner of Fort Harrison Avenue South and Haven Street, front and side facades: Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10715; taken April 3, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Clarke Building on the corner of Franklin and Fortune streets, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10626; taken March 25, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Clearwater Beach : Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11282; taken May 30, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Clearwater Beach Hotel, 500 Mandalay Avenue : Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10854; taken April 15, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Clearwater City Hall on the southeast corner of Fort Harrison Avenue South and Haven Street: Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10889; taken April 18, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Coates Plumbing Supply Company at 214 Florida Avenue, at northeast corner of Florida Avenue and Jackson Street: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11745; taken August 19, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Colonial Revival mansion of Celestino Vega at 2214 Nebraska Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12566; taken November 29, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Concrete 6-arched bridge with balustrade, under construction, seen from railroad bridge: Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11304; taken June 2, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Consolidated Amusements, Inc. billboard advertising the future construction of the Tampa Theatre: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11529; taken July 8, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Billboard reads: The South's Most Beautiful Theatre Will be erected here, Three Entrances, Franklin -- Florida -- Polk Streets, Consolidated Amusements Inc., Also operating the Victory, Strand, Frankin & Grand Theatres.
Date-URL: 1924

Copy of a photograph of "Aquaflame," a man wasterskiing while holding two torches : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12795; taken December 30, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Copy of Washington Herald, Tampa Edition for June 4, 1924: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 11442; taken June 16, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Headline of newspaper reads: Tampa Fla., Realtors Stampede Convention Ethics and Modern Needs Are Topics For Today.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1924

Coquina Garage on southwest corner of Washington and Morgan streets: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11563; taken July 11, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Corner of 4th Avenue South and 72nd Street South in Pasadena Estates development : St. Petersburg, Fla.
1924, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C477; taken October 27, 1924.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1924

Corner view of Markey-Harmon Company Wholesale Grocers building on Carew Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11026; taken May 5, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Country road along lakeside in Citrus Park, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10877; taken April 16, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Country road and lakefront in Citrus Park, unincorporated Hillsborough County, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10876; taken April 16, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Couple looking a bungalow style house under construction : Oldsmar, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10798; taken April 9, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Couple looking at plans for house under construction on Bayside Drive in Beach Park : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10773; taken April 8, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Couple looking at plans with developer at 828 Bay Side Drive in Beach Park: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10774; taken April 8, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Craftsman style home and yard of J. A. Parrish, 5402 North Suwanee Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12 x 17 cm. + 1 negative (12 x 17 cm.); Neg. no. 11050; taken May 7, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is blemished due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1924

Craftsman style home in Oldsmar : Oldsmar, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10792; taken April 9, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Craftsman style home of J. A. Parrish, 5402 North Suwanee Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12 x 17 cm. + 1 negative (12 x 17 cm.); Neg. no. 11051; taken May 7, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Craftsman style home of Jose Suarez, 4203 Nebraska Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12775; taken December 26, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Craftsman style home of W. H. Parsons, Junior, 400 Memorial Highway : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11055; taken May 7, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Craftsman style house : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12499; taken November 20, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Craftsman style residence of A. J. Knight, 37 Harbor View Road : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12 x 17 cm. + 1 negative (12 x 17 cm.); Neg. no. 11421; taken June 15, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Craftsman style residence of A. J. Knight, 37 Harbor View Road : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12 x 17 cm. + 1 negative (12 x 17 cm.); Neg. no. 11422; taken June 15, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Craftsman style residence of Mary Hopson, 2108 Watrous Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12787; taken December 30, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Crowd and ambulance in front of Hillsborough County courthouse: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10440; taken February 20, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Crowd at dock boarding boat: Oldsmar, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11525; taken July 4, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Crowd gathered at Chamber of Commerce event : Oldsmar, Fla.
1924, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 118 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 118 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C455; taken January 22,1924.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1924

Crowd viewing agricultural machinery at Florida State Fair : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. F451; taken February, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Crowds along Hillsborough River and Lafayette Street Bridge: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL35; taken 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Crowds around display at Florida State Fair : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. F454; taken February, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Crowds at Florida State Fair Grandstand: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. F448; taken 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Crowds in Midway at Florida State Fair : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. F330; taken 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Davis Islands and Seddon Channel, looking north from phosphate elevator on Seddon Island : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 131 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 131 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 100B; taken May 1, 1924.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1924

Davis Islands before construction : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R147(5258); taken 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Davis Islands before development, looking west from phosphate elevator on Seddon (Harbour) Island : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 25 x 118 cm. + 1 negative (25 x 118 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C100; taken May 1, 1924.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1924

Davis islands, looking west across Seddon Channel from phosphate elevator on Seddon island : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 132 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 132 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 100D; taken May 1, 1924.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1924

Desolate beach scene in Oldsmar, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10816; taken April 10, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Developer Harry Prettyman: Oldsmar, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 10843; taken April 13, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1924

Dirt road leading up to Indian Rocks Beach : Indian Rocks Beach, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11265; taken May 30, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Dixie Music Company truck in front of store at 1314 Tampa Street: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10590; taken March 19, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Dixie Music Company trucks parked parallel to building on 1314 Tampa Street: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10592; taken March 19, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Downtown from top of City Hall, looking north : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Blemish is due to damaged negative.
Neg. no. 852; taken 1924.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1924

Downtown Tampa looking southwest from Citizens Bank Building 706 Franklin Street, ending with islands at mouth of river : Tampa, FL.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V632 ; taken May, 1924
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1924

Drawn map of Interbay Drainage District plan: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10790; taken April 8, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Drawn map of Ridgewood Park: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10345; taken January 24, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Drowdy's Corner being refurbished for future occupancy by D. P. Davis Properties at 502 South Franklin Street, on the corner with Madison Street: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11659; taken August 6, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Duck pond at Pasadena Estates: St. Petersburg, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11351; taken June 7, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Ducks and black swans in a pond outside Pasadena Nurseries : Saint Petersburg, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11352; taken June 7, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

E. D. Neeld family portrait: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11219; taken May 24, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Early example of a mobile home : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10631; taken March 26, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Electric Service Company (406 Cass Street) , northwest corner of Cass Street and Florida Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11238; taken May 29, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1924

Elevated view looking southeast toward Plant Field from Lafayette Street and Crescent Place: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. F458; taken 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Elevated view of downtown and Hyde Park, looking southwest: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V644; taken July 11, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Elevated view of Gasparilla Parade on Lafayette Street by Plant Park, looking east towards downtown: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V557; taken February 4, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Elevated view of Hyde Park and Bayshore Boulevard looking southwest from the roof of Bayshore Manor Apartments: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R188(S126); taken November 2, 1976.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1924

Elks Club float in the Gasparilla Parade: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. S94; taken February 4, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Entrance to Harbor Oaks : Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10895; taken April 17, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Entrance to Harbor Oaks neighborhood : Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10722; taken April 3, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Entrance to Harbor Oaks neighborhood : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10723; taken April 3, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Entrance to Harbor Oaks on Magnolia Drive : Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 10896; taken April 17, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1924

Exterior front view of Berger and Rachelson grocers, with various product signage, at 514-516 Ashley Street: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10452; taken February 22, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Exterior of Tampa Motormart on southwest corner of Morgan and East Jackson (500 block) Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10307; taken January 14, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Exterior view of White Bus Line Company at Union Station, at 405 East Lafayette Street: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11221; taken May 24, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Exterior view of yacht "Tenorangerie" on the Hillsborough River: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11394; taken June 8, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Facing west at corner of South Florida Avenue and Water Street : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12 x 17 cm. + 1 negative (12 x 17 cm.); Neg. no. 10565; taken March 10, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Falk Building at corner of Tampa (700 block) and Polk (200 block) streets, back and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10764; taken June 4, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Farm workers picking grapefruit: Avon Park, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V586; taken march 10, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Ferlita Building at corner of 514-516 Franklin Street with Twiggs Street: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11143; taken May 19, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Field of blackberry bushes : Oldsmar, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10796; taken April 9, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Filling station at Six Mile Creek railroad crossing: unincorporated Hillsborough County, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10580; taken March 19, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

First Baptist Church building nearing completion on corner of West Lafayette Street and Plant Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10611; taken March 22, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1924

First Methodist Church on northwest corner of 2nd Avenue North and 3rd Street: St. Petersburg Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11176; taken May 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image blemished due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1924

Florida Furniture Company and Florida Milk Company stores on 9th Street North: St. Petersburg, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12448; taken November 14, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Florida Hot Springs Baths building: St. Petersburg, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12434; taken November 14, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Footbridge on a golf course with golfers in the background : Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10855; taken April 15, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Ford automobile, exterior decorated as a float in Gasparilla Parade festivities at the Florida State Fairgrounds: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 890; taken February 4, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Foursquare style home of Reverend J. W. Borkert, 3302 North Nebraska Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11240; taken May 29, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Franklin Printing Company building at 1532-1534 Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10460; taken February 25, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Franklin Street (200-400 blocks) looking north from top of Tampa Daily Times building: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11665; taken August 6, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Franklin Street (400-500 blocks), crowds on Gasparilla Day: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 5 negatives (one 21 x 26 cm. & four 10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. V566; taken February 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Freighter "Sundance" moored at Municipal Dock in Ybor Channel : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V683; taken August 26, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Freighters Buccari and Sundance moored at Municipal Docks with Swann Terminal Company in background: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V684 ; taken August 26, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1924

Front of Booker and Company warehouse: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11409; taken June 11, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Front of Pinellas County Courthouse on the southwest corner of 324 Fort Harrison Avenue South, intersecting with Haven Street: Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10720; taken April 3, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Front view of Crescent Apartment buildings on corner of Lafayette Street and Crescent Place, multi-story symmetrical stucco structure: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10768; taken April 6, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Front view of the Club Morocco: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10766; taken April 6, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: Temple Terraces Country Club Swimming Pool.
Date-URL: 1924

Front view of the Franklin Theatre building at 710 Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 10410; taken February 15, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1924

Gandy Bridge; two-lane, poured-concrete bridge with automobile traffic: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 2 negatives (21 x 26 cm.) & (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. V726 ; taken November 27, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1924

Garden area at Victory Land Company, 306-12 Central Avenue : Saint Petersburg, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. ; taken .
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Garden behind home in Harbor Oaks : Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10937; taken April 24, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Gasparilla Parade view north down Franklin Street (400 block) from Lafayette Street: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. F442; taken 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Gasparilla Parade, king's float: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1983 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.).; Neg. no. 596; taken 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Gasparilla pirate ship float in Gasparilla Parade: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. S97; taken February 4, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Gasparilla pirate ship on Hillsborough River : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12 x 17 cm. + 1 negative (12 x 17 cm.); Neg. no. S-108; taken February, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Gasparilla Royal Court XVI in Eqyptian dress, with King James Warren standing and Queen Sarah Lykes Keller seated: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. S-105; taken February 4, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Gasparilla XVI King, James W. Warren, and Queen, Sarah Keller (Mrs. Frank Hobbs), with attendant : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. S-104; taken February, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Gasparilla XVI King, James W. Warren, and Queen, Sarah Keller (Mrs. Frank Hobbs), with attendants : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. S-103; taken February, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Gasparilla XVI King, James W. Warren, and Queen, Sarah Keller (Mrs. Frank Hobbs), with their court : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. S-102; taken February, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Gate to Temple Terrace Estates : Temple Terrace, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10767; taken April 6, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Germain Land and Timber Company log train: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10353; taken January 28, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Germain Land and Timber Company mill : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C457; taken January 22, 1924.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1924

Germain Land and Timber Company mill : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C456; taken January 22, 1924.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1924

Golfers putting on green with clubhouse in the background : Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10860; taken April 15, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Grounds of rural dwelling, including various trees, sand yard surface, out buildings and citrus grove in distance : Pinellas Co., FL.
1924, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11284 ; taken May 30, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1924

Group of children in front of West Tampa Methodist Church school at northeast corner of 1408 Francis Avenue and Oak Street: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10454; taken February 22, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Group portrait of Convent of the Holy Names graduates with Bishop Curley: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10479; taken February 27, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Group portrait of Miller family, Max O. standing center : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 11218; taken May 24, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1924

Group portrait of Sunday School class of Hyde Park Presbyterian Church in front of Sunday School building at 614 South Orleans Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10692; taken March 31, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Group portrait of Woodmen of the World : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10579; taken March 19, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Group portrait of Woodmen of the World : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10444; taken February 20, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Group portrait of Workmen of the World : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10445; taken February 20, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Group portrait with insert : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 87 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 87 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 458; taken March 27, 1924.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1924

Group shot of Hillsborough High School Boys Basketball Team: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 10554; taken March 12, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Basketball in image is marked: State Champs 1923-24.
Team members (excluding adults): Ion Walker, Captain; Dennis Stanley; Teddy Carr; Burt Grandoff; Karl Kreher; Glen Bradley; Crompton French; Worth Bruke.
Date-URL: 1924

Group view of students outside at the Convent of the Holy Names, with Bishop Curley: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10480; taken February 27, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Groveland High School : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10663; taken March 27, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Groveland Hotel : Groveland, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10662; taken March 27, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Gulf Boiler Works, 201 Washington Street : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R166(11033); taken May 7, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Gulf Refining Company service station on southeast corner of Marion (400 block) and Lafayette (500-600 blocks) Streets downtown: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 10787; taken April 8, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Haines Building on the northwest corner of Central Avenue and 3rd Street North: St. Petersburg, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11071; taken May 12, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Hall Building on the southeast corner of 4th Street South and Central Avenue: St. Petersburg, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11072; taken May 12, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Harbor Oaks house viewed from a harbor: Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10703; taken April 3, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Harman and Hulsey Merchandise Brokers Building at 334-336 South Water Street, multi-story brick structure, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10629(1629); taken March 26, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Hendry and Knight Building on southeast corner of Franklin and Lafayette streets: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 10624; taken March 25, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image blemished due to damaged negative.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1924

Highlands Bank and Trust Company building : Sebring, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11700; taken August 8, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Hillsborough County High School at 2702 Highland Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10760; taken April 5, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Hillsborough River waterfront looking northwest toward the Lafayette Street Bridge: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V608; taken March 10, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Holland monument, Myrtle Hill Cemetery on East Lake Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 10735; taken April 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Image is blemished due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1924

Home in Harbor Oaks : Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10725; taken April 3, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is blemished due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1924

Home of Albert S. Thornton, 336 Hyde Park Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10475; taken February 27, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Home of Eugene Elliott on Coffee Pot Bayou : St. Petersburg, Fla.
1924, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C464; taken June 11, 1924.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1924

Home of Guerra Ambrosio, 701 South Delaware Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10532; taken March 10, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Home of J. G. Anderson, 809 South Orleans Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10837; taken April 11, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Home of J. J. Stanford, 803 Louisiana Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10575; taken March 18, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Home of J. R. Curry, 324 Plant Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10616; taken March 22, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Home of James Woodroffe, 400 Oceola Avenue : Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10708; taken April 3, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Home of James Woodroffe, 400 Oceola Avenue, viewed from the rear : Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10709; taken April 3, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Home of P. G. Wall, 258 Plant Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10459; taken February 25, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Home of R. L. Shaw, 2803 North Florida Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11383; taken June 9, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Home of Reverend A. M. Bennett, 2008 Morgan Street : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12 x 17 cm. + 1 negative (12 x 17 cm.); Neg. no. 10561; taken March 15, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Home of William Gretzenberg, 3112 Nebraska Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10695; taken March 29, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Homes in Harbor Oaks : Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10902; taken April 17, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Homes in Harbor Oaks : Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10903; taken April 17, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

House and yard of J. A. Horn, 2310 Nebraska Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11115; taken May 12, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

House on the beach viewed from the water : Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11274; taken May 30, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

House overlooking a lake : Groveland, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10666; taken March 27, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

House under construction in Beach Park, street address unknown: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10422; taken February 16, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Houses along Bayshore Boulevard viewed from Hillsborough Bay : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12614; taken December 5, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Houses along Bayshore Boulevard, viewed from Hillsborough Bay : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 123 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 123 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C101; taken May 10, 1924.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1924

Houses along the water, showing docks and shoreline : Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11264; taken May 30, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Houses in Pasadena Estates subdivision : St. Petersburg, Fla.
1924, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C475; taken October 27, 1924.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1924

Houses in Pasadena Estates subdivision : St. Petersburg, Fla.
1924, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Neg. no. C476; taken October 27, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Houses on 200 block of Fielding Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 17 x 12 cm. + 1 negative (17 x 12 cm.); Neg. no. 11141; taken May 19, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Hunter and dog with their quarry, a deer: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V558; taken February 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Hunting scene, including hunters, dog, tent and automobile loaded with pelts and carcasses: Florida.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12771; taken December 23, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Image of a 1924-1925 annual pass to the City of Tampa, issued to President Calvin Coolidge by Mayor Perry G. Wall: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL15; taken 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1924

Interior of Adams Jewelry Store at 611 Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10964; taken April 23, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Interior of Franklin Theatre, view of stage across seating: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10411; taken February 15, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Interior of the home of James Woodroffe, 400 Oceola Avenue: Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10711; taken April 3, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Interior view of Cuesta Rey factory and cigar workers: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10802; taken April 9, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 15 x 18 cm.
Date-URL: 1924

Interior view of Electric Motor Company: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10355; taken January 29, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Interior view of Germain Land and Timber Company sawmill: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10350; taken January 22, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Interior view of McKelvey and Williams Drugs; includes soda fountain and cigar display: Oldsmar, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10831; taken April 11, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Interior view of seating and stage of Strand Theatre: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10447; taken February 21, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Interior view of We-Fone-U-Stores with people working: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10757; taken April 5, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Interior view of White Bus Line Company at Union Bus Station at 405 East Lafayette Street: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11220; taken May 24, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Intersection of Franklin (100 block) and Washington (200 block) streets looking southeast: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11666; taken August 8, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

James Woodroffe's Mediterranean Revival house on the southwest corner of Bay Avenue and Pine Street: Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10716; taken April 3, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Juan Cuesta (right) and Francisco Cuesta Caso (left) selecting wrappers for Cuesta-Rey and Company: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1985 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 10805; taken April 9, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1924

Kenilee Inn : Sebring, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V706; taken September 26, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Knight and Wall Company on the southwest corner of Lafayette Street (100 block): Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10996; taken April 29, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is spotted.
Date-URL: 1924

Krull Floral Company float in Gasparilla Parade at Florida State Fairgrounds : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. S-101; taken February, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Lafayette Street, looking east toward downtown : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V642; taken July 11, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Large crowd gathered at tent for food and entertainment provided by Chamber of Commerce : Oldsmar, Fla.
1924, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x cm. + 1 negative (24 x cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C454; taken January 22, 1924.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1924

Large tent and several automobiles parked at beach: Oldsmar, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10832; taken 10832.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Lithia Springs with girl posed in bathing suit before stand of palms: (Lithia Springs) Tampa, FL.
1924, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V626 ; taken May 7, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1924

Loading platform at Germain Land and Timber Company: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10352; taken January 22, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Loading platform at Germain Land and Timber Company: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10351; taken January 22, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Lobby of DeSoto Hotel: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10339; taken January 24, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Log and thatch summer house by Lake Park with buildings on opposite lake shore : Florida.
1924, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V601 ; taken March, 1924.
This may be the Lake Park in Palm Beach County, but it is probably a subdivision in Pinellas county.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1924

Looking east along Cleveland Street toward pier and Old Tampa Bay: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11280; taken May 30, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Looking north at downtown from roof of Bay View Hotel : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 474; taken October 2, 1924.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1924

Looking north on Florida Avenue (500 block) at Tampa Board of Trade Band: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10471; taken February 25, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Looking north on Franklin Street from Polk Street, with Florida Avenue in background : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V645; taken July 11, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Looking north on Nineteenth Street at Ybor City Station and railroad crossing: Tampa Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10321; taken January 17, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Looking northeast at crossing at Thirteenth Street (1400-1500 blocks) and Fifth Avenue (1300-1400 blocks) in Ybor City: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10389; taken February 3, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Looking northeast at crossing at Thirteenth Street and Fifth Avenue in Ybor City: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10365; taken February 2, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Looking south to the foot of Franklin Street across Water Street: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10566; taken March 15, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image measures 13 x 17 cm.
Date-URL: 1924

Looking southwest at crossing at Thirteenth Street in Ybor City: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10366; taken February 2, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Looking southwest at crossing at Thirteenth Street in Ybor City: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10367; taken February 2, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Looking west down 7th Avenue (900 block) toward billboard on Nebraska Avenue, congratulating D. P. Davis: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11030; taken May 6, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Lumber being unloaded from ships adjacent to Jobbers Warehousing Company : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V641; taken July 11, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Lumber yard of North Rome Lumber and Novelty Works at 210 Rome Avenue North: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11004; taken May 1, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

M. Ressler residence under construction: Oldsmar, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10823; taken April 10, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Sign in front yard reads: Rescoco, M. Ressler. owner., 604 Florida Ave. Tampa. C. E. Coover Builder. Oldsmar.
Date-URL: 1924

Maas Brothers first annual banquet held at Hillsboro Hotel: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10311; taken January 16, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Main drive at Myrtle Hill Cemetery showing Cuesta family mausoleum: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10737; taken April 3, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Man spraying trees on horse-drawn wagon: Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11411; taken June 11, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Man spraying trees on horse-drawn wagon: Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11410; taken June 11, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Man standing on the deck of a small yacht : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11395; taken June 8, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Marguerite Lyons and her son standing beside car outside their home at 303 West Park : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10442; taken February 20, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Marshall monument in Myrtle Hill Cemetery on East Lake Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 10733; taken April 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Image is blemished due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1924

Mason Hotel at 411 1st Avenue North : Saint Petersburg, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11073; taken May 12, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Max and Kate Miller and their children : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 11217; taken May 24, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1924

Mediterranean Revival house in Harbor Oaks : Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11261; taken May 30, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Mediterranean Revival house, front and side facades, 313 North Sleepy Hollow Avenue : Temple Terrace, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10400; taken February 13, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: A Residence at Temple Terraces.
Date-URL: 1924

Mediterranean Revival style home : Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12432; taken November 14, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Mediterranean style home : Groveland, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10673; taken March 27, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Membership banquet for men at the Italian Club in Ybor City: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11017; taken May 1, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Memorial Highway with oleanders lining the highway on both sides : Tampa, FL.
1924, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V631 ; taken May, 1924
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1924

Memorial Highway with vacant land and trees on both sides : Tampa, FL.
1924, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V671 ; taken Aug. 4, 1924
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1924

Men and automobiles in front of Electric Motor Company on Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10348; taken January 24, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Men and boys at Italian Club picnic : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 68 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 68 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 462; taken May 18, 1924.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1924

Men loading delivery trucks in front of Berger and Rachelson grocers: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10682; taken March 29, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Men picking grapefruit: Avon Park, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V587; taken March 10, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Men picking grapefruit: Avon Park, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V588; taken March 10, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Men standing in front of fence: location unknown.
1924, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11652 ; copy date August 5, 1924.
Copy of old photograph from cracked glass plate negative.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1924

Military firing salute at the Florida State Fair: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. F453; taken 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Modified bungalow style residence belonging to the Gillett family : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11019; taken May 11, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is blemished due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1924

Montgomery monument, Myrtle Hill Cemetery on East Lake Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10738-A; taken April 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is blemished due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1924

Moss-covered trees lining a road : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12859; taken January 8, 1925
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is blemished due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1924

Municipal docks under construction: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11431; taken June 15, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image blemished due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1924

Myrtle Hill Cemetery : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 116 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 116 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 820; taken 1924.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1924

Myrtle Hill Cemetery, 4207 Lake Avenue East : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C461; taken April 2, 1924.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1924

National City Bank Building on corner at 701 Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 10391; taken February 13, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1924

New Suburb Beautiful neighborhood : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C451; taken January 14, 1924.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1924

Newly constructed residence of Howard P. MacFarlane at 903 South Delaware Avenue, wood frame two-story house: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11402; taken June 8, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Northeast view of Franklin Street (200-300 blocks): Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11667; taken August 8, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Office Equipment Company on 721-723 Florida Avenue, on corner with Polk Street: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10770; taken April 8, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Oldsmar Band outside Courthouse building: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12480; taken November 15, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Oldsmar Bank Building: Oldsmar, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10808; taken April 10, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Ongoing construction of the Gandy Bridge, from the Tampa side : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10464; taken February 25, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Open space in Harbor Oaks : Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10935; taken April 24, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Orange grove : Lucerne Park, Fla.
1924, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 20 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (20 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 837; taken 1924.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1924

Overview shot across Clearwater Harbor from the Brown residence: Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10898; taken April 17, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Oxford Hotel at 806 Madison Street: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1976 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11035; taken May 7, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1924

Palm trees and homes near the water, with Seminole Street Bridge in the background : Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11279; taken May 30, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Palm trees in a park with Clearwater Harbor in the background : Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11269; taken May 30, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Palm trees, ferns and other trees and shrubs in the yard of a residence : Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11262; taken May 30, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Pal-Metto Oil Refining Company: Oldsmar, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10807; taken April 10, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Park in center of town : Sebring, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V596; taken 1924
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Park View Building at 212 West Lafayette Street, two-story brick, Mission-style ornamentation on roof level, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10763; taken April 6, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Pasadena Estates, viewed from Boca Ciega Bay : St. Petersburg, Fla.
1924, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C463; taken May 29, 1924.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1924

Pass-a-Grille, view of dock, palms and water : (Pass-a-Grille) Pinellas Co., FL.
1924, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. V660 ; taken July 29, 1924
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1924

Patio and garden in rear of residence : Orlando, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V759; taken February, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Peace Memorial Presbyterian Church on Fort Harrison Avenue South: Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10717; taken April 3, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

People at edge of lake in park near Wayside Inn: Oldsmar, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10795; taken April 9, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

People gathered around a fountain located near apartment houses : Groveland, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10647; taken March 27, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

People in field with automobile : Avon Park, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11729; taken August 18, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

People playing golf at Clearwater Country Club: Clearwater, Fla.
1924 , 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10985; taken April 26, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

People playing golf at McFarlane Park Municipal Golf Course: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V711; taken October 15, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

People playing golf in front of bungalow-style clubhouse of the Palma Ceia Golf and Country Club: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V552; taken January 9, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

People relaxing in front of Palma Ceia Golf Club: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V551; taken January 9, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

People standing in front of Oldsmar State Bank building : Oldsmar, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12705; taken December 16, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Performers in interior of WDAE radio station: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10700; taken April 2, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Photograph of a drawing of an Arcade : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 10 x 22 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 22 cm.); Neg. no. 10384; taken February 11. 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Photograph of a newspaper photo showing a child with a fishing pole and dog : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 10446; taken February 25, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1924

Picnic of members of Lodge Nuova Sicilia and their families : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 87 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 87 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C468; taken August 24, 1924.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1924

Picturesque Vernacular house of Eben R. Edenfield at 305 East Palm Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10484; taken March 1, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image measures 12 x 17 cm.
Date-URL: 1924

Piggly Wiggly Store, Hillsborough Plumbing and Hardware Company, and Horter-Ost Tire Company in the Carpenter Building at 5400-5412 Florida Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 1112; taken May 15, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1924

Pile of lumber on the docks at Jobbers Warehousing Company, 13th Street at Ellamae Avenue, with warehouse and ship in background : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11554; taken July 11, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Pinellas Service Station: Oldsmar, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10812; taken April 10, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Plat map of Beach Park: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10433; taken February 18, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Platt Street (100-200 blocks) looking west from Platt Street Bridge: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R192; taken 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1924

Poinsettia Ice Cream Company basketball team : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10456; taken February 20, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Princess Anne style home of W. P. Bethes, 5201 North Central Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 17 x 12 cm. + 1 negative (17 x 12 cm.); Neg. no. 11052; taken May 7, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1924

Princess Anne style house of L. N. Hayes, 113 South Howard Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11029; taken May 6, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Pryor Building at corner of State Street and Park Boulevard: Oldsmar, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12706; taken December 16, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Radio tower on top of the Tampa Daily Times building, 118 Franklin Street : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10738-A; taken April 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Railroad crossing at 200 block of South Oregon Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11345; taken June 5, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Railroad tracks and platform at train station : Plant City, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11231; taken May 27, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Railroad tracks at South Oregon Avenue crossing: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11348; taken June 5, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Railroad tracks at South Oregon Avenue crossing: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11347; taken June 5, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image blemished due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1924

Railroad tracks outside of Union Station: Plant City, Fla.
1924, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11228; taken May 27, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Real estate field office: Oldsmar, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12709; taken December 16, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Remodeling of building on corner of Tampa and Zack Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11222; taken May 27, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: Photograph taken May 27-1924. Showing remodeling of old building corner of Tampa and Zack Sts. Opposite Victory Theatre, one block from Citizens Bank Bldg. Eight inch brick pillars. Second floor entirely of 2 x 4's covered with metal lath.
Image on photograph is spotty due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1924

Residence of H. B. Dunn and V. A. Schwanke, 111 North Boulevard : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12 x 17 cm. + 1 negative (12 x 17 cm.); Neg. no. 11181; taken May 24, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Residence of H. F. Carlisle and D. F. Coulton, 1108 West De Leon Street : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11232; taken May 27, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Residence of J. W. Knight, 508 East Amelia Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12 x 17 cm. + 1 negative (12 x 17 cm.); Neg. no. 10535; taken March 10, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Residence of Mayor Raymond E. Green at 410 West Druid Road in Harbor Oaks: Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10713; taken April, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Residence of Walter T. Miller, 5710 Central Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10995; taken April 29, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Residential street : Oldsmar, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10814; taken April 10, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Residential street in Harbor Oaks : Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10894; taken April 17, 1924.
Date-URL: 1924

Rex Cafe: Oldsmar, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10793; taken April 9, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Road along beach: Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11275; taken May 30, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Road in the Beach Park area : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 10425; taken February 16, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1924

Rooftop view of downtown with Davis Islands, Tampa Electric Company, and Hillsborough Bay in background: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL100; taken 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Rowboat and dock on a canal : Oldsmar, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10824; taken April 10, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

S.S. Tampa underway : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12 x 17 cm. + 1 negative (12 x 17 cm.); Neg. no. 11594; taken July 18, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Sacred Heart Catholic Church and Sacred Heart College, brick front and side facades at corner of Florida Avenue (500 block) and Madison Street: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11417; taken June 15, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image blemished due to a damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1924

Schooner docked at Swann Terminal lumber yard: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V640; taken July 10, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Seaboard Air Line Railway station on East Avenue South: Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10890; taken April 18, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Seamen's Church Institute, 404 Hampton Avenue, view of front and side facades of three-story clapboard structure : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12398 ; taken November 10, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1924

Seawall at Harbor Oaks : Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10707; taken April 3, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Seminole High School basketball team : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 10506; taken March 5, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1924

Service station and garage looking south on Florida Avenue from Buffalo Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1976 printing 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10685; taken March 29, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1924

Sheds in field with trees in the far background : Avon Park, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11730; taken August 18, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Ship Polybius docked at Tampa Dock Company : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10607; taken March 22, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Ships being unloaded at the docks of Booker and Company, Incorporated, 124 South Morgan Street : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11553; taken July 11, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Shore at Rocky Point: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V672; taken August 8, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Side view of Peace Memorial Presbyterian Church on Fort Harrison Avenue South: Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10852; taken April 14, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Sign at the entrance to Harbor Oaks on Druid Road : Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11257; taken May 30, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Sign at the entrance to Harbor Oaks on Druid Road : Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11258; taken May 30, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Skyline from Seddon Island looking northwest: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V649; taken July 12, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Snow Park Filling Station at 602 Grand Central Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12471; taken November 15, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Spectators along Franklin Street (400-500) watching the approaching Gasparilla Parade: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 1924; taken February 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1924

Spectators at Florida State Fairgrounds with Tampa Bay Hotel and downtown in background: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. F445; taken 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Standard Oil Service Station on northwest corner of East Oak and Florida avenues: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10356; taken January 29, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Steamship Braheholm docked at Booker and Company, 124 South Morgan Street : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11551-P; taken June 11, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Story hour at the DeSoto Park branch public library: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1981 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12062; taken October 3, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Street at a corner of State Street and Park Boulevard: Oldsmar, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10825; taken April 10, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Street scene (including houses) at 2423 Sunset Drive: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15797; taken October 21, 1924
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Street scene in Beach Park with house under construction: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10778; taken April 8, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Street scene in Harbor Oaks : Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10727; taken April 3, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is blemished due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1924

Street scene of bungalow residences at Ridgewood Park: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10341; taken January 24, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Street scene showing residences and businesses : Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11252; taken May 30, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Street scene showing the Groveland Hotel: Groveland, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10648; taken March 27, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Street scene: Groveland, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10641; taken March 27, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Stucco apartment building located at 1003 South Dakota Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12 x 17 cm. + 1 negative (12 x 17 cm.); Neg. no. 11423; taken June 15, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Stucco apartment building located at 1003 South Dakota Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12 x 17 cm. + 1 negative (12 x 17 cm.); Neg. no. 11424; taken June 15, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Tampa Bay Hotel minarets and building above tree tops: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V643; taken July 11, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Tampa Cider and Vinegar Company Bottling Works and other establishments on Franklin Street (1500 block): Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R186(S124); taken October 10, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1924

Tampa Smokers baseball team at Plant Field: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10786; taken April 8, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Texas Company warehouses, 1101 Maryland Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10967; taken August 23, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

The 200 block of Franklin Street, looking north between Washington and Jackson Streets, showing trolley and Bay View Hotel in the background: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11663; taken August 8, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is blemished due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1924

The 300 block of Franklin Street, looking north between Jackson and Lafayette Streets, showing City Hall in background: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11516; taken July 5, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

The Brown residence in Harbor Oaks : Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10897; taken April 17, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

The cargo ship "Polybius" in port at Tampa Dock Company: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10606; taken March 22, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

The future site of the Tampa Theatre on Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10678; taken March 28, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

The Gulfport streetcar in Pasadena Estates : Saint Petersburg, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11372; taken June 7, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

The steamboat "Favorite" loading passengers: Pass-A-Grille, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V657; taken July 29, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Traffic congestion on Lafayette Street on Gasparilla Parade Day, with downtown in background : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V556; taken February 4, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Trees and open land in Harbor Oaks : Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11253; taken May 30, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Trees lining a residential street in Harbor Oaks : Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11254; taken May 30, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Trees near the water : Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11271; taken May 30, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Trees with Christmas decorations in a park : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 10273; taken January 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1924

Trice monument in Myrtle Hill Cemetery on East Lake Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 10732; taken April 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.\
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1924

Tri-Gabled Ell style home of W. P. Bethes, 5201 North Central Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12 x 17 cm. + 1 negative (12 x 17 cm.); Neg. no. 11053; taken May 7, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Trucks in front of N. Geraci and Company Wholesale Fruit and Produce at 1701 23rd Street: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10879; taken April 1, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Trucks in front on Southern Lumber and Supply Company at foot of Tyler Street: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10920; taken April 19, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Trucks lined up in front of Cone Brothers on 302 Caesar Street, on southeast corner with Walton Street: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10327; taken January 20, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Trucks lined up in front of West Coast Grocery Company at 119 Whiting Street: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11116; taken May 12, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Two male Seminole Indians, individual on right dressed in traditional clothing: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 2 negatives (21 x 26 cm. and 10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. V646; taken July 11, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1924

Two men carrying a recently shot deer : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10147; taken February 15, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Unidentified crowd in a tent : Oldsmar, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10815; taken April 10, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Union Station building: Plant City, Fla.
1924, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11227; taken May 27, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

United Markets Warehouse on 708 Ashley Street, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10675; taken March 27, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

United Motor Company building, 1702-6 Franklin Street : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11399; taken June 8, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is blemished due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1924

Val's Corner at northwest corner of intersection of Lafayette and Tampa streets : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R174(10784); taken April 8, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Val's Corner facing Lafayette Street: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10873; taken April 16, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is spotted.
Date-URL: 1924

Val's Corner on northeast corner of Lafayette and Tampa streets: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10784-A; taken April 8, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Val's Corner on the northeast corner of Lafayette (200 block) and Tampa (400 block) streets: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10872; taken April 16, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Vernacular rowhouse home and picket fence of F. W. Sharpe on 309 West Alfred Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10483; taken February 27, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Vernacular, picturesque residence of Henry G. Davis at 826 South Edison Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10322; taken January 19, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View across golf course of Temple Terrace Country Club: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10765; taken April 6, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View across grounds of Grey Moss Inn on 201-231 Fort Harrison Avenue South: Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10718; taken April 3, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View across grounds of the Wayside Inn and surrounding area: Oldsmar, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10834; taken April 11, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View down West Shore Boulevard : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12758; taken December 23, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View from Administration Building of homes under construction on Davis Islands: Tampa, Fla.
1925 , 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14451; taken June 11, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of 200 block of Hyde Park Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12 x 17 cm. + 1 negative (12 x 17 cm.); Neg. no. 10476; taken February 27, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of 200 block of Hyde Park Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12 x 17 cm. + 1 negative (12 x 17 cm.); Neg. no. 10477; taken February 27, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of 7th Avenue (3000 block) from west of 30th Street railroad crossing: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11067; taken May 11, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of Amanda Johnson Furnished Rooms at 710 Florida Avenue, at southwest corner of Polk Street: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10679; taken March 28, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of apartment houses owned by Fred Mayes, location unknown: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11178; taken May 24, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of arch bridge under construction: Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11303; taken June 2, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of B. S. Todd Heavy Hauling business at 400 Hampton Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11145; taken May 19, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of Bayou Bonita Country Club building, view across fountain: St. Petersburg, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10945; taken April 24, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of Bayshore Boulevard from Davis Islands: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12615; taken December 5, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of beach and sea-wall in Beach Park area: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10427; taken February 16, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of Beach Park area with lots cleaned for construction to begin: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10779; taken April 8, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of Bentley-Gray Building on southeast corner of Pierce (600 block) and Zack Streets (700 block): Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10565; taken march 15, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of boy on bicycle at 13th Street railroad crossing, 1400-1500 blocks: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10368; taken February 2, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of brick building under construction: Oldsmar, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10821; taken April 10, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Sign in photograph reads: This building being erected by Mrs. Grace G. Hayman. James G. Hickey, contractor ...
Date-URL: 1924

View of Building on Seventh Avenue (1700 block) in Ybor City looking northwest from Eighteenth Street: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11550; taken July 11, 1924.
La Traduccion, a Spanish language newspaper, is published in this building.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of Children's Home at 3302 Florida Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10871; taken April 16, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of City Sanitary Department, Cremating Plant Number 1: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11112; taken May 12, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of Cleveland Street and the surrounding area : Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11251; taken May 30, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of construction site at Beach Park: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10776; taken April 8, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of country road through orange groves in Citrus Park, unincorporated Hillsborough County, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10875; taken April 16, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of crowds and grandstand at fairgrounds: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. F447; taken 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of dairy cows and barn on farm: Oldsmar, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10818; taken April 10, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of display window at Maas Brothers, featuring bathing suits: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11009; taken May 1, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of Dixie Music Company at 1314 Tampa Street: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10591; taken March 19, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image spotty due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1924

View of Edwin K. Nelson residence, Eclectic Revival multi-story house, at 111 Hyde Park Place, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11119; taken May 12, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of factories: Oldsmar, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10833; taken April 11, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of Franklin Street (900 block) looking north from Cass Street: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13940; taken April 25, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of Franklin Theatre at 710 Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10498; taken March 4, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of Frederick P. Farris Building at 1701-1703 Franklin Street, on corner with Henderson Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11400; taken June 8, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of gates to New Suburb Beautiful looking west on Prospect Road: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10309; taken January 14, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of gates to New Suburb Beautiful, looking west on Prospect Road: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10308; taken Janury 14, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of George F. Weidner home (seen from afar) at 2301 Bayshore Boulevard: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11247; taken May 29, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of golfers through an archway : Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10888; taken April 18, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of grandstands and crowds at Florida State Fairgrounds: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. F450; taken 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of Gulf Refining Company Filling Station at 300 Marion Street, on corner with Lafayette Street: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10788; taken April 8, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of Harbor Oaks neighborhood, looking towards the Gulf : Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10706; taken April 3, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of Herbert B. Weir "Gents' Pantorium" French Dry Cleaning, Tailors and Harry Wing Laundry on south side of Polk Street: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10677; taken March 28, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of houses on Watrous Avenue (1800 block), taken from corner of Watrous and Gunby Avenues: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10413; taken February 15, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of houses: Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11260; taken May 29, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of Hulsey building as seen from corner of Morgan (300 block) and Lafayette Street (500 block) Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10337; taken January 22, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of Hulsey Building on southwest corner of Lafayette (500 block) and Morgan (300 block) Streets, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10495; taken March 4, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 12 x 17 cm.
Date-URL: 1924

View of Knight and Wall Company Building on corner of Lafayette (200 block) and Tampa (400 block) Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10926; taken April 19, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of Knowles family residence at Horseshoe Pond, exact location unknown: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10539; taken March 10, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of Lake Stearns Hotel: Lake Stearns, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10518; taken March 10, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of Lastinger and Gray Furniture Company at southwest corner of Franklin and Hillsborough Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10625; taken March 25, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of Lewis' Bakery (old Allen's Bakery) at 701 Polk Street: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11416; taken June 15, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of man hoeing vegetable garden in front of bungalow house: Oldsmar, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10813; taken April 10, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of Mediterranean Revival home, street address unknown: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10402; taken February 13, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of men in boat in front of Ridgewood Park area: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10342; taken January 24, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of Michelin Tire Service and Tampa Tribune Building taken from corner of Zack and Tampa Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 13410; taken March 6, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1924

View of Milliam P. McDonald Construction Company truck parked on side of building: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10676; taken March 27, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of Mirabella Wholesale Fish Company at 1420 Lozano Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10577; taken March 13, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of Mirabella's Wholesale Fish on 1420 Lozano Avenue on riverfront: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10558; taken March 13, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of new Sanitary Department incinerator (seen from afar) at 211 North Rome Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11187; taken May 24, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of new Sanitary Department incinerator at 211 North Rome Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11113; taken May 12, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of Niles Drug Store at southeast corner of Franklin Street and Fortune Street from second story vantage: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10623; taken March 25, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of Nordacs Factory at 2008 19th Street, southwest corner at Ninth Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10373; taken February 11. 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image blemished due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1924

View of northeast corner of Florida Avenue and Polk Street: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10306; taken January 14, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of Oldsmar Garage and Supply Company on Memorial Highway: Oldsmar, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10809; taken April 10, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of people using facilities at Plant Park playground: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11018; taken May 1, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of Perkins and Sharpe warehouse on northwest corner of South Florida Avenue and South Waters Street: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10564; taken March 15, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of railroad bridge across Hillsborough River in Sulphur Springs: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10913; taken April 19, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of railroad crossing at 19th Street with rowhouses in background: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10322; taken January 19, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of railroad tracks and crossing: Plant City, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11229; taken May 22, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of residential area in Oldsmar, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10810; taken April 10, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of Rickenbacker Automobiles building under construction, stucco one-story structure, on 500 Marion Street, on corner with Madison Street, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10952; taken April 24, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of road construction at Beach Park, street address unknown: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10421; taken February 16, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of road construction in Beach Park, specific location unknown: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10426; taken February 16, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of road construction in Beach Park: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10420; taken February 16, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of ship "Agwidale" in channel and city skyline from Little Grassy Island: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V648; taken July 12, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of Snow Drug Company at 319 East Ross Avenue, southwest corner at Jefferson Street: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10474; taken February 27, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of South Oregon Crossing looking northeast from Platt Street: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11346; taken June 5, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of storefronts in Tutor-style building on State Street with shoppers: Oldsmar, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10822; taken April 10, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of Stovall Colonial Revival house at 211 South Fielding Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11142; taken May 19, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of street in Beach Park, specific location unknown: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10424; taken February 16, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of street in residential area: Clearwater, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11302; taken June 2, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of Tampa Sheet Metal Works at 101 East Henderson Avenue, with trucks: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10378; taken February 11, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of Texas Company warehouses on 1101 Maryland Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10968; taken April 23, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of the Gilletts residence, multi-story bungalow with wrap-around porch: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11020; taken May 1, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of the Lafayette Street bridge over the Hillsborough River, looking south : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10751; taken April 3, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of town and lake from rear of Bostaiu's Hotel : Kissimmee, Fla.
1924, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C471; taken August 31, 1924.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1924

View of town from roof of Bostaiu's Hotel : Kissimmee, Fla.
1924, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C470; taken August 31, 1924.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1924

View of truck in front of Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company at 1006-1008 Ashley Street: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10919; taken April 19, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is blemished due to writing on negative.
Date-URL: 1924

View of trucks in front of Perkins and Sharpe Wholesale Grocers building at 335 South Florida Avenue, on northwest corner with South Water Street: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11100; taken May 12, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is blemished due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1924

View of Union Transfer Company trucks in front of Tampa Union Station: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11062; taken May 10, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of vacant lot at corner of Bayshore Boulevard (1800 block) and Giddens Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10280; taken January 24, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of vacant property at Bayshore Boulevard and Howard Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11246; taken May 29, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

View of WDAE Radio tower on top of Tampa Daily Times Building at the corner of 118 Franklin Street and Washington Street: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 10738; taken April 3, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1924

View of We-Fone-U Stores building with trucks in front: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10880; taken April 17, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Warehouses and railroad cars at Booker and Company docks, 124 South Morgan Street : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11552-P; taken July 11, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Water tower : Groveland, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 10660; taken March 27, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1924

Waterfront , Garrison Channel at left, Ybor Channel at right, downtown in distance : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 122 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 122 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C465; taken June 11, 1924.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1924

Waterfront view of Colonial Revival residence of Fred Ferman at 1815 Bayshore Boulevard: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10485; taken March 1, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

West view of Gasparilla ship passing under Lafayette Street Bridge: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. F460; taken 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image measures 15 x 17 cm.
Date-URL: 1924

White monument, Myrtle Hill Cemetery on East Lake Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 10734; taken April 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is blemished due to damaged negative.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1924

William L. McNevin and Company group in front of a line of cars : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11234; taken May 27, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Woman and dog beside a creek in Beach Park : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10777; taken April 8, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Woman arranging tomatoes at a vegetable stand : Oldsmar, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10811; taken April 9, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Workers grading streets: Oldsmar, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10817; taken April 10, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Workers in a grapefruit grove : Avon Park, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10528; taken March 10, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Workers in the cannery plant of Florida Pittsburgh Groves : Avon Park, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10527; taken March 10, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Workers picking and crating grapefruit : Avon Park, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V588-A; taken March 10, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Workers picking and crating grapefruit : Avon Park, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V590; taken March 10, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Yacht "Zalophus" on Hillsborough River passing under the Lafayette Street Bridge during Gasparilla Day: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V576; taken March 2, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Yacht docked at Tampa Bay Hotel near boathouse: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V727; taken November 29, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Ybor City Station and 19th Street crossing looking west: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10320; taken January 17, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert markings on photographic image give direction and distance from two points of reference towards crossing.
Date-URL: 1924

Young couple with dog by brook in Beach Park area: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 10775; taken April 8, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Young group of schoolchildren inside the Convent of the Holy Names, with Bishop Curley: Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 10478; taken February 27, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1924

Young women in bathing costumes on the beach : Tampa, Fla.
1924, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11101; taken May 11, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

"Valrico Villa," home of P. H. Allen : Valrico, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13989; taken April 30, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

"Valrico Villa," home of P. H. Allen, showing extensive lawn : Valrico, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13990; taken April 30, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

1st Street looking north: Fort Myers, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15294; taken September 7, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

1st Street looking south: Fort Myers, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15295; taken September 7, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

A. Santaella and Company at 1507 North Armenia Avenue in West Tampa: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12871; taken January 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Accident scene showing tracks, boxcars and cinder block debris: Tampa, FL.
1925, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14381 ; taken May 29, 1925.
One of four-related shots.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Accident scene with damaged truck and cinder block debris at railroad crossing South Oregon Avenue and Platt Street: Tampa, FL.
1925, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14379 ; taken May 25, 1925.
One of four-shot accident group.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Accident scene with damaged truck and cinder block debris at railroad crossing South Oregon Avenue and Platt Street: Tampa, FL.
1925, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14380 ; taken May 29, 1925.
One of four-related shots.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Acreage along Manor Heights in undeveloped Lakewood Manor subdivision: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13083 ; taken Feb. 2, 1925.
Burgert captioned.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Administration Building at Davis Islands Tennis Club: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 13297; taken February 22, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Administration Building at Temple Terrace Estates: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14865; taken July 29, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Aerial view of Big Island as dredging begins for Davis Islands: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13802; taken April 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Aerial view of city looking west from above the Port area: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13881; taken April 17, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Aerial view of Clearwater looking east: Clearwater, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. S539; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Aerial view of coastline showing Gulf of Mexico: Clearwater, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15200; taken August 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Photographic image is annotated with location names.
Date-URL: 1925

Aerial view of downtown area with proposed causeway and beach landfill drawn in: Clearwater, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15686; taken October 11, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Aerial view of downtown area with proposed causeway drawn in to Clearwater Beach: Clearwater, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16728; taken December 18, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Aerial view of downtown, facing north : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. B-32(F2); taken 1925?.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Aerial view of Pinellas County peninsula focusing on Clearwater (Cleveland Street east to Route 60) and Old Tampa Bay: Pinellas County, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16727 ; taken Dec. 18, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Aerial view of shoreline in Clearwater area, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15201; taken August 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Photographic image is annotated with location names.
Date-URL: 1925

Aerial view of St. Augustine area, with markings : St. Augustine, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. DS-100; taken October 26, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Writing on photograph has been added.
Date-URL: 1925

African Island in the Pasadena Golf Course: St. Petersburg, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21cm.); Neg. no. 12892; taken January 10, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Agricultural school, children playing on grounds: Plant City, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15970; taken November 4, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Al Burgert and first car on cleared stretch of land on Davis Islands: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13926; taken April 22, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Al Burgert and first car on Davis Islands: Tampa, Fla.
Al Burgert and first car on Davis Islands: Tampa, Fla.
Al Burgert and first car on Davis Islands: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13925; taken April 22, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Al Severson and Maudie in boat at Tampa Water Works Park: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V826; taken June 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Al Severson and Maudie in boat at Tampa Water Works Park: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. V826; taken June 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Al Severson fishing on the Indian River : Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V856; taken July 8, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Alcazar Hotel : St. Augustine, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. DS-125; taken October, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Alcazar Hotel : St. Augustine, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. DS-109; taken May, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Alexander Lumber Company office and warehouse on 13th Street and 1st Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14582; taken June 23, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Apartment building at the corner of Morrison and Dakota Avenues: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15359; taken September 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Apartment house at 1226 South Howard Avenue with textured stucco exterior: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12929; taken January 15, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Apartment house at 238 Hyde Park Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14230; taken May 21, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Apartment house at 818 South Oregon Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15170; taken August 22, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Artist's rendering of Floridan Hotel, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 15753; taken October 16, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Caption reads: Floridan Hotel, for the Tampa Commercial Hotel Company.
Date-URL: 1925

Artist's rendition of proposed First National Bank building on northwest corner of Franklin (400 block) and Madison (200 block) Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 14482; taken June 13, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Atlantic & Pacific grocery store in brick commercial building on the southeast corner of Magnolia Avenue and Cleveland Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14320; taken May 26, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Local note: A & P.
Date-URL: 1925

Atlantic Coast Line railroad crossing at Platt Street : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14382-2; taken June 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Atlantic Coast Line railroad freight depot and downtown skyline from Plant Park: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V973; taken September 22, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Atlantic Gulf and Pacific Company dredge on Matanzas River : St. Augustine, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. DS-113; taken October 26, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Automobile service station and commercial building on Interbay Boulevard: Port Tampa City, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13271; taken February 22, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Automobile traffic and undeveloped land looking east along El Prado Boulevard: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15689; taken October 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

B. L. Hamner Organization truck advertising Tampa as the "New York of the South": Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14461; taken June 11, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Baker Brothers Company, Grocers, and Halma Hotel, 1004-1006 Franklin Street : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14021; taken may 2, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Ballast Point Pier construction of pavilion and pier: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13462; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Ballast Point Pier, construction of pavilion and pier: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13463; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Ballast Point School under construction at 2702 Ballast Point Boulevard, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15516 taken September 29, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Ballet dancers on stage at Casino Theater: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14288; taken May 23, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Bank of Commerce office in the Giddens Building, front and side facades, on the northwest corner of Franklin and Lafayette streets: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15482 taken September 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Baptist church constructed of stone : Wauchula, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14251; taken May 25, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Bartow Motor Company and Peninsular Motors Corporation Bartow branch lot: Bartow, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15833; taken October 25, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Bathers: Sunset Beach, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V771; taken March 13, 1925.
Now known as Sunshine Beach.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Bayshore Boulevard from South Newport Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13640; taken March 30, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Bayshore Boulevard looking north from DeSoto Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15308; taken September 8, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Bayshore Boulevard residences (1000 block) looking east from South Delaware Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V907; taken August 8, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Bayshore Boulevard, road surface, scrub median, and bay from around Howard and DeLeon Avenues: Tampa, FL.
1925, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13032 ; taken Jan. 25, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Beach scene: Oldsmar, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13517; taken March 16, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Beach scene: Oldsmar, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13518; taken March 16, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Beach view of Rocky Point: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13276; taken February 22, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Beachfront area being developed : Pinellas County, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 118 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 118 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C570; taken November 16, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Beachfront area being developed : Pinellas County, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C569; taken November 16, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Bel-mar subdivision near Hillsborough Bay, road construction: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13793; taken April 8, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Bel-mar subdivision, looking south down road at Hillsborough Bay: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13795; taken April 8, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Berger and Rachelson wholesale grocers delivery truck in front of warehouse: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13364; taken February 28, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Big Fish Lake : Pasco County, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C529; taken June 15, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Big Island and Little Grassy Island, aerial view looking north before dredging began for Davis Island: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 2 negatives (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. 13107; taken February 4, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Bird's eye view of Tampa from the Bay View Hotel, looking south: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16062; taken November 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Boat in a canal, surrounded by trees : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13852; taken April 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Boder Sign Company at 208 1/2 East Lafayette Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12980; taken January 21, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Bonnet Lake : Lake Stearns, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C531; taken June 18, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Boxer Gene Tunney (left) and Mayor Perry G. Wall outside the entrance to City Hall: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 16824(R470); taken December 29, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Boy Scout parade along Lafayette Street Bridge, showing city skyline in background: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13147; taken February 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Boy Scouts at Owen Brorien Camp : Keystone, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 88 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 88 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 555; taken August 7, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Boy Scouts swimming at Camp Keystone : Keystone, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14868; taken July 31, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Boy Scouts, in uniforms, playing baseball on scrub field with boys watching from bleachers : Tampa, FL.
1925, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14869 ; taken July 30, 1925
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Bradenton seen across the Big Manatee River from Palmetto : Palmetto, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15890; taken October 29, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Brick church on corner of North 7th Avenue and Palmetto Street : Wauchula, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14259; taken May 25, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Brick road between shore and scattered pine trees at Rocky Point : Tampa, FL.
1925, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13273 ; taken Feb. 22, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Brick school building : Safety Harbor, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15186; taken August 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Brick service and filling station : Zolfo Springs, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16036; taken November 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Bride over the Caloosahatchee River : La Belle, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16105; taken November 13, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Building construction on Davis Islands : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14420; taken June 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Building for sale on 323 Michigan Avenue, at intersection of Jefferson Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15119; taken August 17, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Building on river under construction: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15731; taken October 15, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Building under construction at 300 Memorial Highway, at intersection of Memorial Highway and Armenia Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16386; taken December 3, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Building under construction on West Reynolds Street: Plant City, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15976; taken November 4, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Buildings on southwest corner of Constant and Jefferson streets: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL114; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Buildings under construction on Davis Boulevard: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15127; taken August 17, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Bull Frog Creek campsite at night with four men and their equipment, including firearms: Florida.
1925, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V817 ; taken May 18, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Bungalow residence at 1212 Sligh Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15029; taken August 8, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Bungalow residence at 1214 Gibson Street, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15652; taken October 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Bungalow residence at 211 South Delaware Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13483; taken March 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Bungalow residence at 212 West Woodlawn Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16629; taken December 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Bungalow residence at 704 Joyce Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16753; taken December 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Bungalow residence of Alf F. Hendry at 1702 Watrous Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13048; taken January 30, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image damaged due to a blemished negative.
Date-URL: 1925

Bungalow residence of Charles J. Conrath at 2513 Sunset Drive, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13424; taken March 7, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Bungalow residence of D. Bennett Barkley at 1804 Grand Central Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13365; taken February 28, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Bungalow residence of Edward Lopez at 3611 Tampa Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13101; taken February 2, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Bungalow residence of Elmer R. Bohannon at 2304 Mississippi Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13366; taken February 28, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Bungalow residence of Florence Gunning at 5510 Miami Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14738; taken July 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Bungalow residence of Henrietta B. Steinberg at 2812 Nebraska Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12919; taken January 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Bungalow residence of Henry H. Cole at 3102 Barcelona Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13973; taken April 25, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Bungalow residence of Julius Kendrick at 6006 Branch Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13340; taken February 26, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Bungalow residence of Peter C. Smith of San Miguel Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14467; taken June 11, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Bungalow residence of Porter P. Dalton at 2115 Dekle Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14112; taken May 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Bungalow residence of William A. Browne at 2120 Dekle Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14113; taken May 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Bungalow residence with front porch of Walter E. Shockley at 2805 Nebraska Avenue front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13254; taken February 21, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image blemished due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1925

Bungalow residences with brick front porches at 400-402 West Hanna Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13028; taken January 27, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image blemished due to a damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1925

Bungalow style home : La Belle, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 16117; taken November 13, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Bungalow style residence at 814 Obispo Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15625; taken June 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Bungalow style residence of Ailine Coldough at 106 East Jean Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16620; taken December 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Bungalow style residence of Bessie Miller at 309 East Jean Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16621; taken December 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Bungalow style residence of Clinton McWhenney at 717 East Emma Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16608; taken December 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Bungalow style residence of Daniel Galvin at 711 South Fielding Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14919; taken August 4, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Bungalow style residence of Earle Crum at 917 Twenty-third Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14907; taken August 4, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Bungalow style residence of Edwin B. Anthony at 308 North Albany Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14903; taken August 4, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Bungalow style residence of Ellis G. Turvaville at 312 East Plymouth Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16316; taken November 27, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Bungalow style residence of Owen McGarvey at 921 Avon Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14906; taken August 4, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Bungalow style residence of Ralph Gillette at 217 South Howard Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15646; taken October 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Bungalow style residence of William Leavine at 121 West Fern Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16552; taken December 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Bungalow style residence with front porch and carport at 3503 Arthur Street, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15240; taken August 28, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Bungalow style residence with front porch at 2301 Georgia Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15230; taken August 27, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Bungalow style Solomon Maas home at 831 South Delaware Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15629; taken October 2, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Bus and seated chauffer for D. P. Davis Properties on Davis Islands: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12971; taken January 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Businesses on West Reynolds Street: Plant City, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15974; taken November 4, 1976.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Busy street scene at the intersection of Lafayette Street and Florida Avenue (300 block): Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15837; taken October 25, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Cameron and Barkley Company office building at 107 Franklin Street, front and side facades of three story brick building: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14595; taken June 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Cameron and Barkley Company offices at 107 South Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14596; taken June 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Car parked along shore of Lake Roberta at Lakewood Manor: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13098; taken February 2, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Captioned: "Lakewood Manor Looking North over Lake Roberta."
Date-URL: 1925

Car repair business at corner of Lafayette Street (200 block) and Plant Avenue (100 block): Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14694; taken July 8, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Carew Avenue (200 block) looking west from intersection of Franklin Street (200 block): Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R200; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Cargo ship "Ogontz" in port at phosphate elevator in Port Tampa City, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14722; taken July 11, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Cargo ship "Ogontz" in port at phosphate elevator in Port Tampa City, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14721; taken July 11, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Cargo ship docking in estuary at Lee Terminal at Port of Tampa: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16268; taken November 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Cargo ship Margaret unloading sand at Port of Tampa: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15262; taken August 2, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Cargyle Inn at southeast corner of Magnolia Avenue (600 block) and DeLeon Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13020; taken January 26, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Cargyle Inn at southeast corner of Magnolia Avenue and DeLeon Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13019; taken January 26, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Cars and businesses along a brick-paved road : Winter Park, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15960; taken November 3, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Cars and crowd in front of Strand Theatre at 204 Twiggs Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14726; taken July 13, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Cars at River Bend Manor subdivision: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14711; taken July 11, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Cars in downtown with the First National Bank and the Lakeland Terrace Hotel in the background : Lakeland, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12993; taken January 21, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Cars lined up in front of the Autotel : Lakeland, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12988; taken January 21, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Cars lined up in front of the Hotel Simmons : Wauchula, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14241; taken May 25, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Cars lined up in front of the Hotel Simmons : Wauchula, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14243; taken May 25, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Cars parked along a commercial street : Zolfo Springs, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16035; taken November 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Cars parked around beach event : Indialantic, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Blemish is due to damaged negative.
Neg. no. C551; taken June 6,1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Cars parked at a golf tournament : Saint Petersburg, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12895; taken January 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Cars parked at beach : Indialantic, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Blemish is due to damaged negative.
Neg. no. C552; taken June 6,1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Cars parked in front of businesses including Dade City Furniture Company : Dade City, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14792; taken July 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Cars parked in front of Espiritu Santos Springs Spa : Safety Harbor, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15191; taken August 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Cars parked in lot at bathing pavilion : Indian Rocks, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V977; taken October 6, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Cars parked in lot at bathing pavilion : Indian Rocks, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V976; taken October 6, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Cars parked near the shoreline and people in the Atlantic Ocean : Crescent Beach, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15301; taken September 7, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Cars parked on both sides of the street near downtown : Haines City, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15961; taken November 3, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Cary-Crane Motors building at 1702 Grand Central Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14460; taken June 11, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Cary-Crane Motors building at 1702 Grand Central Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14459; taken June 11, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Castillo de San Marcos : St. Augustine, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V866; taken July 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Cathedral of St. Augustine : St. Augustine, Fla.
1925, 1986 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. DS127; taken October 26, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Cattle grazing in pasture : Hillsborough County, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 20 x 78 cm. + 1 negative (20 x 78 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 891; taken 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Cattle in pasture : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 20 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (20 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Blemish is due to damaged negative.
Neg. no. 865; taken 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Cattle on grazing ground : Hillsborough County, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 19 x 40 cm. + 1 negative (19 x 40 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 836a; taken 1925.
Second of two-part panorama, with PA1337.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Cattle on grazing ground : Hillsborough County, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 19 x 40 cm. + 1 negative (19 x 40 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 836; taken 1925.
One of two-part panorama, with PA1338.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Central business district, including Manatee County Courthouse: Bradenton, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15894; taken October 29, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: Birds eye view of Bradenton, Fla.
Date-URL: 1925

Centro Asturiano Club at 1915 Nebraska Avenue in Ybor City, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15149; taken August 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Centro Asturiano Club at 1915 Nebraska Avenue in Ybor City, front entrance: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15148; taken August 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Children at recess outside a school building : Zolfo Springs, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16027; taken November 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Children in park near the Beach Park Administration Building at the corner of 800-801 Westshore Boulevard and 4600 Woodmere Road: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13645; taken March 30, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Children on swings in playground at Helping Hand Nursery and Kindergarten: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14078; taken May 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Children's Home, 3302 Florida Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL 132; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Children's merry-go-round at Florida State Fair : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. S-192; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Chinese Fan Palms in front of residence : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V924; taken August 31, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

City Gate At Orange and St. George streets : St. Augustine, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. DS-102; taken October 26, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

City Gate At Orange and St. George streets : St. Augustine, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. DS-104; taken October 26, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

City Gate At Orange and St. George streets : St. Augustine, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. DS-103; taken October 26, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

City Water Building : Safety Harbor, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15192; taken August 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Clearwater Library at 107 North Osceola Avenue, front and side facades Clearwater, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14444; taken June 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Close-up view of porch and yard at Krumm residence: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 14378; taken June 2, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Club Morocco, front facade of casino at 113 Glen Arven Avenue: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14863; taken July 29, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Coca Cola building from the rear : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15859; taken October 25, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Collage of two Bowling Green scenes: upper is railroad crossing and station; lower is a church: Bowling Green, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16559 ; taken Dec. 12, 1925.
Images approximately 3 1/2 x 6 inches.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Colonial Revival home at 1705 Bayshore Boulevard viewed from the water: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V906; taken August 8, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Colonial Revival home in Booker Creek area: St. Petersburg, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V792; taken March 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Colonial Revival house at 711 South Delaware Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14691; taken July 8, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is spotty due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1925

Colonial Revival residence at 702 Palmira Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13625; taken March 28, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Colonial Revival residence of Wallace F. Stovall at 4621 Bayshore Boulevard: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16237; taken November 21, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Colonial Revival residence of Youel Beazley at 2101 Watrous Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15203; taken August 25, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Commercial vehicle of Tarr Furniture Company parked at a warehouse: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13209; taken February 18, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Concrete highway bridge crossing Peace River at Punta Gorda with resort hotel and town water tower at opposite end: Punta Gorda, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16719; taken December 18, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Construction at Ballast Point Pier: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13464; taken March 11, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Construction in Estuary Zone: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15224; taken 1979.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Construction in the Estuary Zone: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15223; taken August 26, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Construction in Uceta rail yard : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C543; taken June 26, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Construction of "Gables" house near Bayshore Boulevard: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16255; taken November 23, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Construction of buildings along waterfront property on Davis Islands: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12944; taken January 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Construction of new First National Bank Building on southwest corner of Franklin and Madison streets: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 15309; taken September 8, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Construction on Davis Islands : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C508; taken April 30, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Construction on Davis Islands : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 25 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (25 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Blemish is due to damaged negative.
Neg. no. C102; taken January 2, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Construction on Davis Islands looking northwest towards downtown: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13904; taken April 21, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Construction on Davis Islands, looking east : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C586; taken January 15, 1926.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Construction on Davis Islands, looking west : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C587; taken January 15, 1926.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Construction underway on buildings along Davis Boulevard: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.) + 1 framed reproduction (51 x 61 cm.); Neg. no. 15126; taken August 17, 1925.
Preserve-a-Print donor: Daniel L. Murphy.
Digital image available for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Convent of the Holy Names at the corner of Twiggs and Morgan Streets" Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R230(15448); taken September 22, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Convent of the Holy Names on Zack Street (600 block) looking southwest: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no.R231(15481) ; taken September 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Copy of a photograph of Mineral Springs Lodge : La Belle, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15952; taken November 2, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Copy of architect's drawing of proposed hotel : Punta Gorda, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16281-A; taken November 25, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Copy of drawing of administration building : St. Augustine, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12 x 23 cm. + 1 negative (12 x 23 cm.); Neg. no. DS-148; taken November 13, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Copy of drawing of beach hotel : St. Augustine, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12 x 22 cm. + 1 negative (12 x 22 cm.); Neg. no. DS-146; taken November 13, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Copy of drawing of hotel : St. Augustine, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. DS-147; taken November 13, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Copy of photo of bride and groom : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 13306; taken February 18, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Copy of portrait of D. P. Davis: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 13801; taken April 8, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Copy of retouched print showing Davis Islands one-half mile from City Hall: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13602; taken March 25, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Corner of Bayshore Boulevard and South Boulevard : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. Y216; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Corner of Castillo de San Marcos, with Matanzas River in background : St. Augustine, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. DS-131; taken October, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Corner view of Cadillac Motor Cars at 1554-1556 Franklin Street, on corner with Carew Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14209; taken May 20, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Corner view of Hendry and Knight Company building and City Hall on Lafayette and Franklin Streets (300 block): Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16202; taken November 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Corner view of Indiana Truck Corporation building at 1110 Twiggs Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16273; taken November 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Corner view of Packard Florida Motors Company at 1702 Grand Central Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16198; taken November 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Corner view of Peninsular Motors on the corner of 500-504 Jackson Street and Marion Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16236; taken November 21,1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Corner view of United Markets store number 34, at 2700 Florida Avenue, at intersection of Florida and Michigan Avenues: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16493; taken December 3, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: This Splendid Structure occupies cor. Florida & Michigan Aves.
Date-URL: 1925

Cornfield with man in the middle : Hillsborough County, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 122 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 122 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 853; taken 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Cottage dwelling at 1041 Main Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16810; taken December 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Cottage residence of Harry T. Johnson at 204 East Adalee Street, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12942; taken January 15, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Courtyard pool with bathers and onlookers at Espiritu Santo Springs spa : Safety Harbor, FL.
1925, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16503 ; taken Dec. 6, 1925
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Cow in country field in Plant City, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15971; taken November 4, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Craft Island shoreline : Apalachicola, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C559; taken September 19, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Craft Island shoreline: Apalachicola, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C558; taken September 19, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Craft island, from pier : Apalachicola, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C560; taken September 19, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Craftsman style home of George Seabring, Junior : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15847; taken October 25, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Crane Company plumbing supplies building at 1405 Twiggs Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14167; taken May 16, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Crescent Beach: Fort Myers, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15299; taken September 7, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Croquet players and spectators : St. Petersburg, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V774; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Crossroad between New Port Richey and San Antonio : Pasco County, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C538; taken June 18, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Crowd at Easter service in Plant Park : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13833; taken April 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Crowd at sales event at proposed real estate development in El Portal subdivision : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C582; taken December 18, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Crowd at sales event at proposed real estate development in El Portal subdivision : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C584; taken December 18, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Crowd at sales event at proposed real estate development in El Portal subdivision : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C583; taken December 18, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Crowd at shore observing boat load of tourists leaving Davis Islands: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13cm.); Neg. no. 13035; taken January 28, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is blemished due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1925

Crowd at swim meet at Club Morocco pool: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13295; taken February 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Crowd gathered at field office of Christina Development Company: Polk County, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16760; taken December 21, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Crowd listening to speaker in park : St. Augustine, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. DS-139; taken November 13, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Crowd listening to speaker in park : St. Augustine, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. DS-140; taken November 13, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Crowd on the boardwalk and beach, with casino in background : Indialantic, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14671; taken July 4, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Crowd walking on beach: Melbourne, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V852; taken July 4, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Crowd watching a golf tournament : Saint Petersburg, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12896; taken January 10, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Crowd watching Gasparilla Parade at Florida State Fairgrounds: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. S173; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Crowd watching Gasparilla ship on Hillsborough River : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V747; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Crowd watching golf tournament on Green #8: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13323; taken february 25, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Crowd watching golf tournament on last hole in front of Country Club: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13328; taken February 25, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Crowd watching golf tournament on Tee #1: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13324; taken February 25, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Crowd watching Oldsmar float in Gasparilla parade at Florida State Fairgrounds : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. S-170; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Crowd watching swim meet at Club Morocco pool: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 13302; taken February 23, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Crowd watching swim meet at Club Morocco: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13303; taken February 23, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Crowd watching swimming meet at Club Morocco pool: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13290; taken February 22, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Crowd watching swimming race on Old Tampa Bay : Oldsmar, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. O-179; taken July 4, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Crowds at Williams Park in St. Petersburg, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V739; taken January 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Crowds gathered around pool watch competition at Club Morocco: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13302; taken February 23, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Crowds seated before band shell at concert in Williams Park: St. Petersburg, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V740; taken January 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Crowds watching Gasparilla pirate corsair on Hillsborough River, in front of the Atlantic Coast Line Freight Depot: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. S176; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Crowds watching speedboat racing in Hillsborough Bay along Bayshore Boulevard : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V750; taken February 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Crowds watching swim meet at Club Morocco: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V752; taken February 21, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Cuesta Apartments on northwest corner of Beach Street and Howard Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12913; taken January 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Curving sea-wall adjacent to wooded house construction site in Beach Park : Tampa, FL.
1925, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14849 ; taken July 28, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

D. P. Davis and others at City Gate : St. Augustine, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. DS-143; taken November 13, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

D. P. Davis and others on Castillo de San Marcos : St. Augustine, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. DS-141; taken November 13, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

D. P. Davis Properties bus : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12970; taken January 21, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

D. P. Davis Properties office on corner of 502 South Franklin Street, with Madison Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925 , 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12924; taken January 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

D. P. Davis Properties offices with pedestrian traffic on corner of 502 Franklin Street with Madison Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12956; taken January 17, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

D. P. Davis shaking hands with unidentified man on Castillo de San Marcos : St. Augustine, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12 x 17 cm. + 1 negative (12 x 17 cm.); Neg. no. DS-144; taken November 13, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

D. P. Davis watching Helen Wainwright signing contract for Davis Islands promotion: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15623; taken October 7, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

D. P. Davis, center, and others on Castillo de San Marcos : St. Augustine, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. DS-142; taken November 13, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Davis Boulevard, facing north : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16382; taken December 8, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is blemished due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1925

Davis Islands Administration Building, lounge furnished with wicker sofas and chairs: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13951; taken April 28, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Davis Islands building construction, looking north : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 119 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 119 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Blemish is due to damaged negative.
Neg. no. C492; taken March 13, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Davis Islands building construction, looking north : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C544; taken June1, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Davis Islands building construction, looking north : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C548; taken June1, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Davis Islands building construction, looking north : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C549; taken June1, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Davis Islands building construction, looking north toward downtown : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Blemished photo due to damaged negative.
Neg. no. C509; taken April 30, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Davis Islands building construction, looking west : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 118 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 118 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web. Neg. no. C547; taken July 1, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Davis Islands building construction, looking west : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C546; taken June1, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Davis Islands building construction, looking west : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 118 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 118 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Blemish is due to damaged negative.
Neg. no. C491; taken March 13, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Davis Islands construction along Albermarle Avenue looking north from Adriatic Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14450; taken June 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Davis Islands construction, looking south from Spanish Apartments: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14454; taken June 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Davis Islands construction, looking west : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C562; taken September 19, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Davis Islands float in Gasparilla Parade at the Florida State Fairgrounds: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. S-138; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Davis Islands Tennis Club at 15 Columbia Drive as construction nears completion: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13298; taken February 22, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Davis Islands Tennis Club at 15 Columbia Drive, construction of tennis court and facility nearing completion: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13360; taken February 27, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Blemished image due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1925

Davis Islands under construction, viewed from phosphate elevator on Seddon Island : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 122 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 122 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Blemished print is due to damaged negative.
Neg. no. C498; taken April 9, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Davis Islands, workers laying blocks on building in foreground, residences under construction in distance: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13477; taken March 13, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

De Leon Springs Hotel: De Leon Springs, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V877; taken July 22, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Dedication ceremony at Pasadena Golf Course: St. Petersburg, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12894; taken January 10, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Dekle Avenue street scene showing Nichols and Coyle Apartments: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14447; taken June 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Delivery trucks parked in front of Twin Cities Baking Company on corner of Polk and Pierce Streets, two story brick building, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15336; taken September 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Development area next to beach : Indialantic, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C550; taken June 6,1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Dining room at Espiritu Santos Spring Spa with tables set for service: Safety Harbor, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16515 ; taken Dec. 5, 1925
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Dining room in the Davis Islands Administration Building: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13950; taken April 28, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Dining room of Temple Terrace Country Club: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13232; taken February 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Diving event at Club Morocco pool swim meet: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13289-A; taken February 22, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 12 x 17 cm.
Date-URL: 1925

Dock and boats at Rocky Point: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13278; taken February 22, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Double photo of two different streetcars: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. TPL29B; taken March 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Two images on one photograph oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Downtown area and waterfront as seen from Tampa Electric Company's Hyde Park Plant: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Also see later shot of same vista in 1562/V1470.
Date-URL: 1925

Downtown businesses : Wauchula, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14267; taken May 25, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Downtown cityscape. looking north from rail depot on Whiting Street : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 131 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 131 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C563; taken October 6, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Downtown Haines City : Haines City, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15962; taken November 3, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Downtown Lake Wales : Lake Wales, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15963; taken November 3, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Downtown looking south from Franklin Arms Hotel: Fort Myers, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15297; taken September 7, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Downtown looking southeast from roof of Tampa Terrace Hotel: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R196; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Downtown skyline and railroad yard on east bank of Hillsborough River from vicinity of Cass Street railroad bridge: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V908; taken August 13, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Downtown Tampa from the Bay View Hotel, 208 Jackson Street, with view of Tampa Terrace Hotel, northeast corner Florida Avenue and East Lafayette : Tampa, FL.
1925, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V888 ; taken July 24, 1925
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Downtown Tampa skyline and Hillsborough River seen from uncompleted seawall on Davis Island with city's south waterfront : Tampa, FL.
1925, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13556 ; taken March 16, 1925.
Duplicates print 5869, negative V787.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Downtown Tampa skyline and Hillsborough River, as viewed from uncompleted seawall on Davis Islands, with warehouses and ships docked at Tampa's south waterfront : Tampa, FL.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V787 ; taken March, 1925
This is a duplicate of print #5598, negative #13556
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Downtown, Hyde Park and Davis Islands looking south from roof of the Bay View Hotel: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14893; taken August 3, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Downtown, looking north from top of Bayview Hotel : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 118 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 118 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C565; taken October 19, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Downtown, looking southwest from top of Hillsboro Hotel: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C564; taken October 19, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Downtown, viewed from roof of Tampa Bay Hotel, looking southeast : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 122 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 122 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C507; taken April 24, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Downtown, with Tampa Bay in background, looking east from Seminole Hotel : St. Petersburg, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 132 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 132 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 824; taken 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Dredging boat on Matanzas River : St. Augustine, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. DS-115; taken October 26, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Dredging Hillsborough Bay for the building of Davis Islands : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R170(13074); taken February 11, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Dredging operation in progress on Davis Islands: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13948; taken April 28, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Dredging operation in progress on Davis Islands: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13949; taken April 28, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Dutch Colonial Revival style home : La Belle, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16116; taken November 13, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

E. Lyle Griffin residence at 2204 Durham Street, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14548; taken June 18, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Easter sunrise service crowd at Plant Park, view from stage shell top to Hillsborough River and downtown buildings in morning mist: Tampa, FL.
1925, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13835 ; taken April 12, 1925.
See related prints 1011; 5605.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Eclectic Revival residence at 710 South Delaware Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16787; taken December 23, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Eclectic Revival residence at 901 North A Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12872; taken January 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Eclectic Revival residence of Karl Humes at 1212 Albany Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14902; taken August 4, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Eclectic revival residence of Margaret Hawes at 525 East Ross Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15404; taken September 18, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Eclectic Revival residence of Sheldon Stringer at 801 South Boulevard, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1925 , 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15099; taken August 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Eclectic Revival residence of Solomon W. Kinsey at 1192 Giddens Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15092; taken 15092.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Eclectic Revival residence on 2702 North A Street, on southwest corner with Armenia Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14737; taken July 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Egypt Lake : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 130 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 130 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 486; taken February 3,1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

El Encanto Building, including Shore Acres Field Office, general store and observation tower: St. Petersburg, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15788; taken October 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

El Prado and La Giralda Apartments under construction at 2114-2116 Dekle Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14111; taken May 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

El Prado Boulevard, seen from Bayshore Boulevard: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15071; taken August 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Elderly gentleman standing on porch: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 13631; taken March 28, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style and is marked.
Date-URL: 1925

Electric Service Company, 406 Cass Street, northwest corner of Florida Avenue and Cass Street : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13393; taken February, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Electric streetcar #406 full of passengers in front of the Tampa Public Library at 102 East 7th Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15096; taken August 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Elevated view of downtown looking north along Franklin (400-600 blocks) and Tampa streets: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 4 negatives (one 21 x 26 cm. & three 10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R312; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Elevated view of downtown looking northeast from roof of Tampa Drug Company building: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R199; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Elevated view of downtown looking northwest toward St. Andrews Episcopal Church from roof of Tampa Terrace Hotel: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R194; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Elevated view of downtown looking northwest towards Hillsborough River from roof of Stovall Building: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 2 negatives (21 x 26 cm. & 10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. R198; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Elevated view of downtown looking south from from of the Tampa Terrace Hotel: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R195; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Elks Club float in Gasparilla Parade at Florida State Fairgrounds : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. S-141; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Employees in front of Peninsular Telephone Company building : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C556; taken August 7, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Entrance gate to Beach Park subdivision on South Westshore Boulevard: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13654; taken March 30, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Entrance to Parkland Estates on Parkland Boulevard : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13568; taken March 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Entrance to Parkland Estates on Parkland Boulevard : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13569; taken March 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Espiritu Santos Springs Spa beach pavilion, octagonal tower and modified Mediterranean revival loggias, front facade with free-standing fountain: Safety Harbor, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16672 ; taken Dec. 16, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Estuary zone looking south on 13th Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13889; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Estuary zone, waterfront with downtown skyline in background: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. V786; taken March 15, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Exchange National Bank, front and side facades, northeast corner of Franklin and Twiggs streets: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16254; taken November 23, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Exterior view of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church at 2901 Highland Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14352; taken June 1, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Family group standing in front of home in Palma Ceia area: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16755; taken December 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Farmland near lake : Eagle Lake , Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 20 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (20 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 825; taken 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Ferry boat crossing Ybor Channel: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14142; taken May 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Fielder and Mitchell schooner "Fannie & Fay" at lumberdocks at Port of Tampa: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14419(R465); taken June 4, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Fireworking lighting up the night sky at the Florida State Fairgrounds: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. S189; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Fireworks at Florida State Fairgrounds : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. S-189-B; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

First Baptist Church of St. Petersburg on 120 4th Street North, front and side facades: St. Petersburg, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V845; taken July 1, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

First Baptist Church on the corner of Collins and Baker streets: Plant City, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15978; taken November 4, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

First Methodist Church of Plant City, front and side facades: Plant City, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 2182; taken November 4, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Fishermen in boat with catch : Pass-a-Grille Beach, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V779; taken March 10, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Fishermen with their catch on the bank of the Manatee River : Hillsborough County, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V812; taken April 28, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Five boys sitting in front of wood frame residence of Don C. McMullen at 526 Platt Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13182; taken February 16, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Florida Avenue (200-400 blocks) looking north from Washington Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V901; taken August 8, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Florida Avenue (7400-7800 blocks) under construction looking north from Broad Avenue at site of proposed bridge: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R224(V1366); taken November 10, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Florida Avenue looking North with view of construction of The Floridan Hotel from outside The Tampa Terrace Hotel : Tampa, FL.
1925, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V1329 ; taken ca. 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Florida Rock Products Company plant : Brooksville, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13054; taken January 31, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Florida Rock Products Company plant and phosphate pit: Brooksville, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13055; taken January 31, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Florida sunset ; sun hidden behind clouds as it prepares to set beyond water and barrier island : Florida.
1925, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13617A ; taken March 27, 1925.
Area may be Hyde Park and Bayshore Blvd.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Florida sunset over water with barrier island: Florida.
1925, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13617 ; taken March 27, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Floridan Hotel under construction at 905 Florida Avenue, at the corner of Florida Avenue and Cass Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 17425; taken February 1, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Ford automobiles being unloaded at Municipal Docks: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16556; taken December 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Formal portrait of woman: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.)
Electronic resource:
Description: 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.)
Notes: Neg. no. 14475; taken June 11, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image oriented portrait-style.
Copy/Holding information
LocationCollectionCall No.Status
John F. Germany Public Library (JFG)Burgert Brothers PhotographsPA 3879Checked InAdd Copy to Booklist
Format:HTMLPlain textDelimited; Neg. no. 14475; taken June 11, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Fountain and small pond in Parkland Estates: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13722; taken April 4, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Four male health spa clients, dressed in gym shorts, exercising on mat with attendant at Espiritu Santos Springs Spa: Safety Harbor, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16510 ; taken Dec. 6, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Franklin Arms Hotel, multi-story brick building front and side facades: Fort Myers, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 15293; taken September 7, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Franklin Bank at 1201 Franklin Street, cars parked on road: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15380; taken September 5, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Franklin Street (500-600 blocks) looking north towards trolleys and automobile traffic: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 2 negatives (one 21 x 26 cm. & 10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. 27885(15749); taken October 16, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image measures 18 x 24 cm. Image used for mural above the Stay Healthy Restaurant.
This photographic image was archivally preserved with a donation from Roger Wehling.
Date-URL: 1925

Franklin Street looking north from Harrison Street : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 4853-1; taken December 18, 1919.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Franklin Street, looking northwest from Madison Street : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V895; taken August 5, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Frederick Dorn, Appliances and Marlboro Hotel at 780-800 Tampa Street : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15459; taken September 22, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Freighter and masted cargo ships moored at Municipal Docks alongside lumber shipment: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V904; taken August 8, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Friday Lake : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C536; taken June 18, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Front facade of the Coliseum at 537 4th Avenue North: St. Petersburg, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V844; taken July 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Front lawn of Rocky Point Golf and Country Club: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13284; taken February 22, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Front of Club Morocco with parked cars: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13305; taken February 23, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Front view of Bradenton Bank and Trust Company, behind fountain: Bradenton, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 15754; taken October 17, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Burgert captioned: New Home of the Bradenton Bank and Trust Company.
Date-URL: 1925

Front view of Iona School one-story brick building: Fort Myers, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15292; taken September 7, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Front view of John Dalles' Mediterranean Revival residence at 3409 Granada Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16200; taken November 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Front view of Monument Service Station and Horter-Ost Tire Company at 2211 Grand Central Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14326; taken May 28, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Front view of Tampa Terrace Hotel at 401-407 Florida Avenue, on northeast corner of Florida Avenue and Lafayette Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 16242; taken November 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Furnished bedroom at Espiritu Santos Springs Spa, including double-faucet sinks, mirror, and treated window: Safety Harbor, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16517 ; taken Dec. 6, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Furnished bedroom at Espiritu Santos Springs Spa, including wicker rocker and desk: Safety Harbor, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16518 ; taken Dec. 6, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Future Farmers of America at Florida State Fairgrounds : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 115 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 115 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 841; taken 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Gandy Bridge with cars traveling east and west across Old Tampa Bay : Tampa, FL.
1925, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V785 ; taken March 15, 1925
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Gandy Bridge with concrete road surface and balustrades, showing light poles : Tampa, FL.
1925, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13309 ; taken Feb. 22, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Garden on the grounds of Memorial Presbyterian Church : St. Augustine, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. DS-119; taken October, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Garden on the grounds of Memorial Presbyterian Church : St. Augustine, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. DS-120; taken October, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Gasparilla Royal Court XVII identified from left to right: Captain Don Thompson, King Curtis Sparkman, Queen Elizabeth Nelson, and Maid Elizabeth Range: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. S200; taken March 26, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Gasparilla Royal Court XVII in Mandarin dress, with King Curtis Sparkman and Queen Elizabeth Nelson seated: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. S198; taken March 26, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Gasparilla Royal Court XVII in Oriental setting, with King Curtis Sparkman, Queen Elizabeth Nelson, and Captain Don Thompson standing in front: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. S198; taken March 26, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Gasparilla ship passing under raised Lafayette Street bridge, with crowd watching : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. S-175; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Gate to "Valrico Villa," home of P. H. Allen : Valrico, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13991; taken April 30, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Gate to Parkland Estates on Parkland Boulevard : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C578; taken December 9, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Gates to Temple Terrace Estates: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14864; taken July 29, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Gateway to Beach Park subdivision at South Westshore Boulevard: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 14342; taken May 29, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Giddens Building on corner at 404 Franklin Street, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15916B; taken October 31, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Giddens Building on corner at 404 Franklin Street, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15916A; taken October 31, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Girls sitting under palm tree : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V929; taken August 31, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Golf champions amid a crowd : Saint Petersburg, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12893; taken January 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Golfer Jim Barnes in action at the Temple Terrace Country Club: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 16860; taken December 30, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Gray Moss Inn, South Fort Harrison Avenue : Clearwater, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14787; taken July 2, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Grocery and filling station on North Armenia Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16223; taken November 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Grounds of of Flagler residence : St. Augustine, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. DS-128; taken October, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Group of commissioners in business attire (identities unknown) in front of the Temple Terrace Country Club: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 17698; taken February 28, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Group of Dade City Commissioners standing next to automobile : Dade City, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15182; taken August 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Group portrait of John E. Roberts family on porch: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15073; taken August 11, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Group portrait of Tampa Fire Department holding hams from United Markets: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16809; taken December 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Group portrait of Tampa Police Department with hams from United Markets: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16807; taken December 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Group posing at "Persian Gardens" real estate development sales event on South Westshore Boulevard : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Blemish is due to damaged negative.
Neg. no. C576; taken November 25, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Grove and lake : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Blemish is due to damaged negative.
Neg. no. C481; taken January 8, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Gwynne High School, front and side facades of three-story brick building: Fort Myers, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15285; taken September 7, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Hancart Road through woods: Zephyrhills, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13438; taken March 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Captioned: Hancart Road.
Date-URL: 1925

Health Spa client reclining in shower bath of wet area, Espiritu Santos Springs Spa: Safety Harbor, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16509 ; taken Dec. 6, 1925
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Health spa clients in bath boxes with attendants in wet area of Espiritu Santos Springs Spa: Safety Harbor, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16508 ; taken Dec. 6, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Helen Wainwright swimming in Hillsborough Bay: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Image measures 13 cm. x 18 cm.
Neg. no. 18334-A ; taken March 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Hillsborough Bay with scrub median and pines as seen from Bayshore Boulevard dwelling: Tampa, FL.
1925, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13030 ; taken Jan. 28, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Hillsborough County Jail construction site at 1301 Pierce Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12952; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Hillsborough County Sheriff and men with confiscated liquor stills at County Jail: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12890; taken January 10, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Hillsborough County Sheriffs with confiscated moonshine still behind county jail: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); This print is a near duplicate of PA 1873 and PA 6178.
Neg. no. 12890 C ; taken January 10, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Hillsborough River waterfront with Platt Street Bridge and Davis Islands under construction: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R197; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Image blemished due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1925

Holsum bread truck after wreck: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15255; taken September 1, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Holsum bread truck after wreck: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15256; taken September 1, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Side of truck reads: " Holsum Bread There's a Difference in Bread".
Date-URL: 1925

Home of Ernest Kreher at 3301 Bayshore Boulevard : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL128; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Home of Henry Leiman, 716 South Newport Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL 130; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Home viewed through moss-covered trees : La Belle, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 16114; taken November 13, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Homes along Bayshore Boulevard near Oregon Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.) + 1 framed reproduction (51 x 61 cm.); This photograph was archivally preserved with a donation from James and Susan Thompson.
Neg. no. V905; taken August 8, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
A framed reproduction (20 x 24 in.) is displayed at the Northwest Regional Library.
Date-URL: 1925

Homes being built near lake : Lake Stearns, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 122cm. + 1 negative (24 x 122 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Lake Stearns became Lake Placid in 1927.
Neg. no. C528; taken June 2, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Homes located on Jackson Street (800 block) looking west from intersection of East Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R201; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Image blemished due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1925

Horse carriage and driver on waterfront : St. Augustine, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. DS-135; taken October 26, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Horter-Ost Tire Company and Monument Service Station at 2211 Grand Central Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14226; taken May 21, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Hotel and garden : Crystal River, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16313; taken November 27, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Hotel building : Safety Harbor, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15183; taken August 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Hotel Florida and other businesses : Wauchula, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14242; taken May 25, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Hotel Indialantic office on the corner of Washington and New Haven avenues : Indialantic, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14668; taken July 4, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Hotel Indialantic under construction : Indialantic, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14665; taken July 4, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Hotel Soreno as seen across the Central Yacht Basin: St. Petersburg, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V788; taken March 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

House and garden : Fort Myers, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V967; taken September, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

House and yard viewed through pergola : La Belle, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16119; taken November 13, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

House and yard with palm trees : Fort Myers, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V965; taken September, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

House and yard with palm trees : Fort Myers, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V964; taken September, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

House at corner of St. George and Bridge streets : St. Augustine, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. DS-133; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

House on corner at 2930 Tampa Street, on corner of 100 block of Floribraska Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15120; taken August 17, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

House, yard, Oak and Palm trees : La Belle, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16118; taken November 13, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Houses along Dixie Highway : Peace River, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16403; taken December 4, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Houses and parked automobiles along Cass Street (100 block) looking west from Tampa Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R228(1403); taken July 1, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Houses on 2400 block of Prospect Road in New Suburb Beautiful: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13215; taken February 18, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Houses under construction : Fort Myers, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15303; taken September 7, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Housing construction on Davis Islands : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C554; taken July 25, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Housing construction on Davis Islands : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Blemish is due to damaged negative.
Neg. no. C482; taken January 14, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

1925, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5618-4 ; taken c.1925 (reprint).
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Additional Authors: Burgert Brothers.
Date-URL: 1925

Hulsey and Holtsinger building at 517-521 East Lafayette Street on southwest corner of Morgan and Lafayette Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14796; taken July 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Hundred Thousand Dollars Club members of the Life Insurance Company of Virginia, in Plant Park : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 91 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 91 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Blemish is due to damaged negative.
Neg. no. C488; taken February 13, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Interior of auditorium of Davis Islands Administration Building: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13953; taken April 28, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Interior of Temple Terrace Country Club: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13230; taken February 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Interior shot of plant nursery for Davis Islands: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12940; taken January 15, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Interior view of lounging room in the Davis Islands Administration Building: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13952; taken April 28, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Interior view of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church on Florida Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 16789; taken December 23, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Interior view of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14353; taken June 1, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Intersection at Bayshore Boulevard and DeSoto Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15272; taken September 3, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Intersection of Longfellow Boulevard and Poe Avenue, "Sevilla on the Lake" : Lakeland, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13313; taken February 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Intersection of Polk and Morgan Streets, with view of Morris and Company: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14760; taken July 20, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Inter-State Investment Company property for sale sign at corner of Lafayette Street (1000 block) and Governor Street (300 block): Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15839; taken October 25, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Invention of automobile headlights that turn: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15067; taken August 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Invention of automobile headlights that turn: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15066; taken August 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

J. S. Tumblin automobile repair business with employees at 309-319 South Jefferson Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13550; taken March 16, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Jackson Heights School under construction at corner of 34th Street and 27th Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16537; taken December 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Burgert captioned: Jackson Heights School, Tampa, Fla., Horton and Smith Builders, Tampa, Fla.
Date-URL: 1925

Kirkside, Georgian Colonial house : St. Augustine, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. DS-121; taken October, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Knight and Wall Company building on southeast corner of Lafayette (200 block) and Tampa (400 block) Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13790; taken April 8, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Lafayette Street (200 block) looking east showing intersection of Plant Avenue and old First Baptist Church building: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R110 ; taken January 15, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Lake Roberta in Lakewood Manor, looking east from Nebraska Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13086; taken February 2, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Lake Roberta in Lakewood Manor: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14A(13097); taken February 2, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Lake Stearns : Highlands County, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C516; taken May 15, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Lakes and wooded area : Lake Stearns, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Lake Stearns became Lake Placid in 1927.
Neg. no. C522; taken June 2, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Lakewood Manor looking northwest from Oak and Henry Avenues: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13094; taken February 2, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: Lakewood Manor looking N.W. from Oak and Henry Aves.
Date-URL: 1925

Land on Davis Islands cleared for construction: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15268; taken September 3, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Landside view west of trees along Bayshore Boulevard from near DeLeon intersection: Tampa, FL.
1925, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13031 ; taken Jan. 27, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Large building at 300-304 South Water Street, housing the Lewis Chitty Consolidated Wholesale Grocers: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13249; taken February 20, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Large building downtown : Safety Harbor, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15194; taken August 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Large Colonial Revival style house : Safety Harbor, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15179; taken August 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Large house with palm trees in yard : Fort Myers, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V970; taken September, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Large modified craftsman style home of George Seabring : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15842; taken October 25, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Lee Baking Company at 211 Carew Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15342; taken September 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Lee Baking Company's Holsum Bread float in the Gasparilla Parade at the Florida State Fairgrounds : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. S-148; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Lee County High School front and side facades: Fort Myers, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15286; taken September 7, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Lewis Chitty Consolidated Wholesale Grocers at 300-304 Water Street, facade and loading dock: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13249-1; taken February 20, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Lewis Chitty Consolidated Wholesale Grocers on Hillsborough River waterfront at 300-304 Water Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13249-B; taken February 20, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Lighthouse and building on beach: Apalachicola, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 15420; taken September 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Lobby of the Temple Terrace Country Club: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13235; taken February 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Lone car on road showing Rocky Point in its natural state: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13274; taken February 22, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Looking east at downtown from top of Tampa Bay Hotel : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 20 x 76 cm. + 1 negative (20 x 76 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 810; taken 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Looking east at downtown, from minaret of Tampa Bay Hotel : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V802; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Looking east at Lafayette Street Bridge and downtown : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V894; taken August 5, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Looking east on Grand Central Avenue from Edison Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V738-A; taken January 16, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Looking east on Grand Central Avenue from Memorial Highway Monument at intersection of Howard Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15054; taken August 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Looking east on Treasury Street from Charlotte Street : St. Augustine, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. DS-126; taken October, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Looking north at downtown from top of City Hall : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Blemish is due to damaged negative.
Neg. no. C490; taken March 3, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Looking north on Franklin Street from intersection of Tyler Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13015; taken January 26, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Looking northeast at Hillsborough River and downtown : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V902; taken August 8, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Looking northeast on Franklin Street (200 block) toward Tampa City Hall: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13310; taken February 23, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Looking northwest at intersection of Florida Avenue and Zack Street : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V840; taken June 27, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Looking south from Franklin Arms Hotel toward waterfront: Fort Myers, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15296; taken September 7, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Looking south from Franklin Arms Hotel: Fort Myers, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15298; taken September 7, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Looking south on Franklin Street from Fortune Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16251; taken November 23, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Looking southeast at Davis Boulevard from the Venetian Apartments: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15125; taken August 17, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Looking southeast at Federal Building, southeast corner of Florida Avenue and Zack Street : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 78041; taken April 9, 1963.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Looking southeast on Franklin Street (100-200 blocks): Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13311; taken February 23, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Looking southwest over city from waterfront : St. Petersburg, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 118 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 118 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C494; taken March 24, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Looking southwest over city, from waterfront : St. Petersburg, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 122 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 122 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C493; taken March 24, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Looking west at traffic on Lafayette Street Bridge: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12.5 x 18 cm. + 1 negative (12.5 x 18 cm.); Neg. no. 15749-A; taken October 16, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image measures 5 x 6 3/4 inches.
Date-URL: 1925

Louisville Provision Company at 816 Morgan Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14485; taken June 13, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Louisville Provision Company at 816 Morgan Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14563; taken June 20, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Lumber yard of Starbuck Remilling Company, showing masted ship at dock: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13112; taken February 5, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Lyons Building at 5401 Florida Avenue, on corner with Hillsborough Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14289; taken May 23, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Maas Brothers trucks and drivers: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12814; taken January 2, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

MacFarlane Park dedicatory plaque: (West Tampa) Tampa, FL.
1925, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12963 ; taken Jan. 19, 1925.
"MacFarlane Park containing 40 acres of land donated and deeded to the city of West Tampa, October 22nd, 1908 for the purpose of a public park and recreational ground to which the public shall at all times have free and unrestricted access. Named in respect for its donor, Hugh C. MacFarlane."
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Main entrance of Arcadia Gardens, 608-612 Florida Avenue, for Arcadia Villa, a housing development under constuction : Tampa, FL.
1925, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15472 ; taken Sept. 24, 1925
Print is somewhat spotted.
Digital image available for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Man catching a bass in Lake Manatee : Manatee County, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V812; taken April 28, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Man in car demonstrating invention of automobile headlights that turn: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15065; taken August 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Man sitting in a canoe on the Withlacoochee River : Pasco County, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 14575; taken June 20, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Man standing amid field of corn : Wauchula, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14506; taken June 15, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Man standing by war memorial in front of Oldsmar gates: Oldsmar, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 13521; taken March 16, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Man standing in front of gate to a housing development : Oldsmar, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13520; taken March 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Man with chicken at Florida State Fair : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. F591; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Manatee County State Bank building, front and side facades: Palmetto, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15888; taken October 29, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image blemished due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1925

Manatee River : Manatee County , Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C501; taken April 13, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Manatee River : Manatee County, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 500; taken April 13, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Manatee River : Manatee County, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C506; taken April 15, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Manatee River and bridges, looking northeast from downtown: Bradenton, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15893; taken October 29, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: Big Manatee River.
Image spotty due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1925

Manor Heights home lots with survey stakes in undeveloped Lakewood Manor subdivision, view of grass pasture and trees: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13079 ; taken Feb. 2, 1925.
Burgert captioned.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Manor Heights in Lakewood Manor subdivision, staked survey lots along street designation in unbuilt development: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. ; Neg. no. 13078 ; taken Feb. 2, 1925.
Burgert captioned.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Mansion and yard : Fort Myers, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15278; taken September 7, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Marshall's Restaurant and Tarr Furniture Company on 500 block of Tampa Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16238; taken November 23, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Masonic Temple building, 11 West Main Street, and adjacent businesses : Inverness, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 13942; taken April 25, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Masonic Temple building, 11 West Main Street, and adjacent businesses : Inverness, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13941; taken April 25, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Masonic Temple building, 11 West Main Street, and adjacent businesses : Inverness, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 13943; taken April 25, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Mediterranean Revival clubhouse at Rocky Point Golf Club: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13286; taken February 22, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Mediterranean Revival entrance to pavilion at Ballast Point Pier: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V974; taken August 22, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Mediterranean Revival home : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15849; taken October 25, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Mediterranean Revival home and garden on Central Avenue: St. Petersburg, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V836; taken June 20, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Mediterranean Revival homes being constructed on Davis Islands, exact location unknown: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13359; taken February 27, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Mediterranean Revival residence near field office for Parkland Estates: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13572; taken March 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Mediterranean Revival residence of Cody Fawler: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14899; taken August 3, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Mediterranean Revival residence of Greene Cannon at 3202 San Miguel Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925 , 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16195; taken November 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Mediterranean Revival residence on Davis Islands: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15220; taken August 26, 1960.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Mediterranean Revival residence on Davis Islands: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15222; taken August 26, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Mediterranean Revival residence on Davis Islands: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15221; taken August 26, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Mediterranean Revival residence on Temple Terrace Highway from west of Ridgedale Road: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13969; taken April 28, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Mediterranean Revival residence opposite field office in Parkland Estates: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13571; taken March 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Mediterranean Revival residence under construction in Beach Park: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13649; taken March 30, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Mediterranean Revival residence, front and side facades, street address unknown: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14862; taken July 29, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Mediterranean Revival Snow Park Service Station, 606-610 Grand Central Avenue at southeast corner of Brevard Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Sign outside station reads, Standard Oil Products.
Neg. no. 18004; taken March 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Mediterranean Revival style home of H. O. Seabring : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15845; taken October 25, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Mediterranean Revival-style house : Fort Myers, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V968; taken September, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Mediterranean Revival-style house and yard : Fort Myers, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V963; taken September, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Memorial Highway near Rocky Point: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13287; taken February 22, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Memorial Presbyterian Church : St. Augustine, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. DS-122; taken October, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Men bowling outdoors at the St. Petersburg Lawn Bowling Club: St. Petersburg, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V773; taken March 13, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Men fishing on Withlacoochee River : Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C542; taken June 20, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Men in sauna of Espiritu Santos Springs: Safety Harbor, Fla.
1925, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16507 ; taken December 6, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Men laying brick road at Nebraska (2100 block) and Ross Avenues: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15062; taken August 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Men laying down the foundation of a house : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15467; taken September 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Men loading pipes to be used for Lakeland sewer project : Lakeland, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14607; taken June 25, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Men pitching horseshoes at the International Horseshoe Pitching competition at the Sunshine Pleasure Club: St. Petersburg, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V775; taken March 13, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Men playing checkers at St. Petersburg Check, Checkers, and Domino Club: St. Petersburg, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V772; taken March 13, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Men playing golf on Green #5 in Temple Terrace Country Club: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13321; taken February 25, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Men seated at tables at St. Petersburg Chess, Checker, Domino Club on southeast corner of First Street and First Avenue South: St. Petersburg, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V771; taken March 13, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Men seated on benches outside the Coliseum at 537 4th Avenue North: St. Petersburg, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V758; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Men standing in rural area near lake : Lake Stearns, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Lake Stearns became Lake Placid in 1927.
Neg. no. C525; taken June 2, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Men standing in William T. Williams Farm with car, on southern half of section 32: Riverview, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 1A5; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Men with their cars lined up in front of Turner Music Company warehouse: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16050; taken November 7, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Mexican Petroleum Corporation facility with oil tanks, related buildings, and dock : (Hookers Point) Tampa, FL.
1925, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13212 ; taken Feb. 18, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Miller-Lenfestey Supply Company building under construction: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14339; taken June 29, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 12 x 15 cm.
Date-URL: 1925

Miller-Lenfestz Supply Company on Meridian Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13747; taken April 7, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Mirasol Hotel under construction on Davis Islands: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15124; taken August 17, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Mission of Nombre de Dios : St. Augustine , Fla.
1925, 1986 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. DS130; taken October 26, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Monument Service Station and Horter-Ost Tire Company at 2211 Grand Central Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14325; taken May 28, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Mrs. Joseph P. White and son with tarpon: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 14657; taken July 3, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Mrs. Lemuel R. Woods displaying large tarpon: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14619; taken June 26, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Mrs. Lemuel R. Woods displaying large tarpon: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14620; taken June 26, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Mrs. Lemuel R. Woods with large tarpon: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14618; taken June 26, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Municipal Auditorium, side entrance, on grounds adjacent to the Tampa Bay Hotel : Tampa, FL.
1925, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 5846 ; taken ca. 1925.
Presently : McKay Auditorium.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Murphy's Southern Barbeque restaurant on Memorial Highway, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16197; taken November 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Myrtle Hill Cemetery : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 835; taken 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

National Cash Register Company with truck in front: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13908; taken April 21, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

New Suburb Beautiful, front and side facades of two story residence at 2508 Prospect Road: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13574; taken March 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Newly constructed apartment house at 6807 Grace Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15238; taken August 28, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Newly constructed bungalow style residence at 1112 East Powhattan Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16626; taken December 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Newly constructed home on Granada Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16201; taken November 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Newly constructed house at the corner of Jean and Pine streets: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15239; taken August 28, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Newly constructed house for sale at the corner of Taft and Taliaferro (3100 block) Avenues, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16554; taken December 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Newspaper ad copy by Cornish Advertising Agency for Sarasota Realty Associates: Sarasota, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Two overlapping images measuring 15 x 11 cm. each & oriented portrait-style.
Neg. no. 16874; taken December 31, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Newspaper ad copy by Cornish Advertising Agency for two land developments, Gandy Boulevard Park (Norman Bie, Inc., Developer) and North Brooksville Estates (Tom Baker, Developer): Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Two images side by side measuring 16 x 13 cm. each and oriented portrait-style.
Neg. no. 16875; taken December 31, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Newspaper ad copy by Cornish Advertising Agency for two land developments, Persian Gardens and Broadmoor Park (N. E. Jones Development Company, Developer): Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Two images measuring 17 x 12 cm. side by side and oriented portrait-style.
Neg. no. 16877; taken December 31, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Newspaper ad copy by Cornish Advertising Agency for two land developments, Persian Gardens and Broadmoor Park (N. E. Jones Development Company, Developer): Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Two overlapping images measuring 17 x 13 cm. and oriented portrait-style.
Neg. no. 16876; taken December 31, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Nichols and Coyle Apartments building at 2114-2116 Dekle Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14394; taken June 3, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Nichols and Coyle Apartments building at 2114-2116 Dekle Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14393; taken June 3, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

North Collins Street at intersection of Reynolds Street: Plant City, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15972; taken November 4, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

North end of Davis Islands under construction, viewed from Seddon Island : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Blemished print is due to damaged negative.
Neg. no. C499; taken April 9, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

North River Hills Drive along Hillsborough River: Temple Terrace, FL.
1925, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13964 ; taken April 28, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Oak Park School : Wauchula, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14513; taken June 15, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Oakland-Tampa Company at 215-219 Tampa Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13609; taken March 26, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Oaks Hotel : Palmetto, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15891; taken October 29, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Old Hillsborough County Jail at 1308 Jefferson Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12953; taken January 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Old public market in Plaza de la Constituci?n : St. Augustine, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. DS-101; taken October 26, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Oldsmar float during Gasparilla Parade: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. S155; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Orange grove owned by Palmer Corporation : Sarasota County, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 116 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 116 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C495; taken March 26, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Orange grove with lake in background : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C553A; taken July 23, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Orange grove with lake in background : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C553; taken July 23, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Orange State Motor Company showroom at 708 Madison Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13608; taken March 26, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Orange Street School : St. Augustine, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. DS-129; taken October, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Ortmeyer-Thompson Company at Eleventh and Washington Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15401; taken September 18, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Packages being delivered to freight depot near docks: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16188; taken November 18, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Palm trees on shore of McKay Bay: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15048; taken August 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Palmetto State Bank building : Palmetto, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15886; taken October 29, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Palms and oaks on undeveloped property at southwest corner of Memorial Highway and West Shore Drive: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14449: taken June 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Local note: Public safeguard sign in background reads "Oldsmar."
Date-URL: 1925

Panoramic view of Tampa Gas Company at 201 Madison Street, including background buildings: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15550; taken October 3, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Parade in front of City Hall and Hendry and Knight Building on Lafayette Street (300 block): Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13016; taken January 23, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Parked automobiles and businesses along 106-112 Lafayette Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13257; taken February 21, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Parkland Estates, front facade with porch of two story residence at 2432 Sunset Drive: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13573; taken March 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Part of a shingled home, showing the porch : Fort Myers, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15281; taken September 7, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Patrick Drug Company on 2210-2214 Grand Central Avenue, on southeast corner with Howard Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13480; taken March 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Patron receiving a massage in the massage cubicle at Espiritu Santos Spring Spa: Safety Harbor, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16511 ; taken Dec. 26, 1925.
Print/negative has central surface blemish.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Peninsular Motors Corporation temporary location for Studebaker lot: Plant City, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15834; taken October 25, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Peninsular Motors Corporation used car lot at 1400 Franklin Street : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14564; taken June 20, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Peninsular Motors used car lot : Lakeland, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14601; taken June 23, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Peninsular Motors used car lot : Saint Petersburg, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14614; taken June 26, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Peninsular State Oil Company at 1021 Ellamae Avenue in Estuary Zone: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14658; taken July 3, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Peninsular State Oil Company at 1021 Ellamae Avenue in Estuary Zone: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15263; taken July 3, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Peninsular State Oil Company tanks and docks on Garrison Channel: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14655; taken July 3, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Peninsular State Oil Company tanks and office building on 1021 Ellamae Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14501; taken June 13, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Peninsular State Oil Company tanks and office on 1021 Ellamae Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14500; taken June 13, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

People at a Boyette train station : Hillsborough County, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C503; taken April 13, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

People at unidentified lake Lake : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 119 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 119 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Blemish is due to damaged negative.
Neg. no. C480; taken January 8, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

People boating on Manatee River : Manatee County, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C505; taken April 15, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

People fishing on the bank of the Manatee River : Hillsborough County, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V801; taken April 21, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

People gathered in front of a drugstore on the corner of Park Boulevard : Lakeland, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13064; taken January 31, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

People on the beach : Indialantic, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14672; taken July 4, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

People playing golf on Green #1 at Temple Terrace Country Club: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13320; taken February 25, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

People playing shuffleboard at the St. Petersburg Shuffle Board Club on Mirror Lake: St. Petersburg, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V755; taken 1925 .
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

People playing shuffleboard at the St. Petersburg Shuffle Board Club on Mirror Lake: St. Petersburg, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V756; taken February 21, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

People seated on benches at 4th Street North (100 block) looking north to 1st Avenue North: St. Petersburg, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V769; taken March 13, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

People standing around Boyette railroad tracks : Hillsborough County, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C504; taken April 13, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

People strolling on boardwalk near casino : Indialantic, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14675; taken July 4, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

People swimming at the Club Morocco Pool: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13199; taken February 16, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

People walking on unpaved Davis Boulevard viewing construction at Davis Islands: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12945; taken January 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

People watching a parade from boardwalk on the beach : Indialantic, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14676; taken July 4, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Pergola at Davis Islands Tennis Club: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14387; taken June 3, 1925.
Digital image available for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Perspective from Platt Street Bridge of proposed hotel, shopping center and professional building on Krause, Water, Tampa and Franklin Streets, drawn by architectural firm Mann and Parziale: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15965-B; taken November 4, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Photograph of a drawing of Fort Harrison Hotel : Clearwater, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14845; taken July 28, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Photographic copy of unsolicited letter from Orange State Motor Company complimenting Burgert work: Tampa, FL.
1925, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13824 ; taken April 13, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Picture of copy of contract between Burgert Brothers and Daniel Cracowaner on piece of property: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21cm.); Neg. no. 15117-2; taken August 17, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Picture of copy of contract between Burgert Brothers and Daniel Cracowaner on piece of property: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 15117-1; taken August 17, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Picturesque, vernacular residence of E. W. Monrose at 911 South Orleans Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16193; taken November 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Pier reaching into Old Tampa Bay, looking southwest : Oldsmar, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 484; taken January 26, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Pier: Oldsmar, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13519; taken March 16, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Pierce Electric Company building at 206 South Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14504; taken June 15, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Piles of packages being sorted by postal service employees at rear of downtown post office: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16862; taken December 31, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Pineapple field : Zolfo Springs, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16038; taken November 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Pirate float in Gasparilla parade at Florida State Fairgrounds : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. S-166; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Pirate float in Gasparilla parade at Florida State Fairgrounds : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. S-164; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Pirate float in Gasparilla parade at Florida State Fairgrounds : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. S-162; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Pirate float in Gasparilla parade at Florida State Fairgrounds : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. S-161; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Pirate float in Gasparilla Parade at Florida State Fairgrounds: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. S158; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Plant City High School at 605 North Collins Street, front and side facades, three story brick buildings: Plant City, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15973; taken November 4, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Plant Park and elevated view of the downtown area looking southeast from the roof of the Tampa Bay Hotel: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R203A; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Plant Park and view of the downtown area looking southeast from the roof of the Tampa Bay Hotel: Tampa Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R203B; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Plant Park crowd at Easter Sunrise Service sponsored by the Eqypt Temple Shrine: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13834; taken April 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Players and spectators at horseshoe games : St. Petersburg, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V761; taken March 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Pleasure yacht leaving dock in downtown Tampa: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16879; taken December 31, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Plots of land near a lake in Carrollwood : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16224; taken November 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Police Carnival in Ybor City at corner of 19th Street and 3rd Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C308-B; taken 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Pool room of Temple Terrace Country Club: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13234; taken February 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Popash School : Wauchula, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14515; taken June 15, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Portrait of a woman, identity and location unknown.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 15074; taken August 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 17 x 12 cm.
Caption: J. W. Edwards, Clinton, Ind.
Date-URL: 1925

Portrait of golf tournament group at the Temple Terrace Country Club: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13319; taken February 25, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Portrait of marathon swimmer Helen Wainwright: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no.15624; taken October 7, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Portrait of McCurdy Lumber Company workmen: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15477; taken September 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Portrait of swim meet participants before race at Club Morocco pool: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13289-B; taken February 22, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image measures 12 x 17 cm.
Date-URL: 1925

Portrait of swimmers with D. P. Davis at Club Morocco: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13293; taken February 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Portrait of W. R. Roberts family in front of newly constructed house: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15476; taken September 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Portrait of Washington Senators baseball players in stadium: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13450-5; taken March 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 13 x 17 cm.
Burgert markings on left margin of photograph indicate Johnson and Harris.
Visual confirmation indicates these men are Baseball Hall of Fame players Walter Johnson and Stanley Raymond "Bucky" Harris.
Date-URL: 1925

Portrait of woman holding flowers: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 13875; taken April 17, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Post Office at 76 4th Street North and other shops : St. Petersburg, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V778; taken March 13, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Professional Building, 1023 Manatee Avenue West, with monument in front : Bradenton, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V978; taken October 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Professional golfers Bobby Jones and Walter Hagen, "from left to right," at Pasadena Golf Course: St. Petersburg, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 17958; taken March 8, 1926.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Proposed "Golden Hills" real estate development : Hillsborough County, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C580; taken December 14, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Proposed "Persian Gardens" development on West Shore Boulevard, with office of N. E. Jones Development Company : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16327; taken November 27, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Proposed "Persian Gardens" development on West Shore Boulevard, with office of N. E. Jones Development Company : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16323; taken November 27, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Proposed "Persian Gardens" real estate development sales event on South Westshore Boulevard : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C575; taken November 25, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Public bathhouse and beach at end of Prescott Street: Port Tampa City, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13896; taken April 21, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Public Library building : Palmetto, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15887; taken October 29, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Putnam County Courthouse with Confederate memorial in front : Palatka, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13750; taken April 8, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Queen Anne residence at 716 South Delware Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14286; taken May 23, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Queen Anne residence of Frank R. Diaz at 312 7th Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14285; taken May 23, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Railroad boxcars in orange grove : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 866; taken 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Railroad crossing at Thirteenth Avenue with boxcar on intersecting track in background : (Estuary) Tampa, FL.
1925, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16536 ; taken Dec. 7, 1925
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Railroad crossing in New Suburb Beautiful: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13702; taken April 1, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Railroad tracks and switching junction, with various car types, in Port Tampa : Florida.
1925, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13181 ; taken Feb. 11, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Rear of Masonic Temple building, 11 West Main Street : Inverness, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 13944; taken April 25, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Rear of oldest house : St. Augustine, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. DS-118; taken October, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Rear view of Municipal Docks: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16270; taken November 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Red grange and Chicago Bears at Plant Field promoting Tampa Beach: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 17540; taken December 30, 1925 (copied 1926).
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Nearly duplicated image for 847/16846.
Date-URL: 1925

Red Grange and the Chicago Bears at Plant Field: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 4 negatives (10 x 13 cm.); Neg. no. 16846; taken December 30, 1925.
Image measures 12 x 18 cm.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Captioned: Red Grange and his "Chicago Bears" Guests of Tampa Beach, Tampa, Florida, Dec. 30, 1925.
Nearly duplicated image for 1416/17540.
Date-URL: 1925

Red Grange on left and unidentified man at Tampa Beach promotion: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16820; taken December 28, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Reflecting pool surrounded by path and ornamnetal landscaping at rear of residence: Fort Myers, Fla.
1925, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V966 ; taken September 18, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Residence at 1220 East Grove Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15489; taken September 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Residence at 5107 Seminole Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14355; taken June 1, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Residence of Albert Taylor at 4902 Nebraska Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14904; taken August 4, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Residence of Baker Wiggins under construction at 912 Curtis Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14905; taken August 4, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Residence of Don C. McMullen at 526 Platt Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13183; taken February 16, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Residence of Don C. McMullen at 526 Platt Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13184; taken February 16, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Residence of Don C. McMullen at 526 Platt Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13185; taken February 16, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Residence of E. A. Marshall, two-story cottage with horse stable and windmill on grounds: Clearwater, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14406; taken June 3, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Residence of James Thompson's Colonial Revival home at 2302 Georgia Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15653; taken October 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Residence of John Larkins at 1510 Blanche Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14203; taken May 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Residence of Mahlon B. MacGregor at 206 De Leon Street, Bay Shore Manor Apartments: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12886; taken January 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Residence of Theodore Krumm at 10 Villa Rosa Park: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14376; taken June 2, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Residence of Thomas A. Edison: Fort Myers, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15280; taken September 7, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Residence under construction on Lykes Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14331; taken May 28, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 12 x 17 cm.
Date-URL: 1925

Residence with enclosed front porch at 307 Fielding Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15354; taken September 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Residences and yard : Wauchula, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14516; taken June 15, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Residences under construction: Fort Myers, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15302; taken September 7, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Residential street, surfaced with crushed rock, shaded by oak trees: Bartow, Fla.
1925, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12985 ; taken January 21, 1925.
Burgert captioned: City Street Improvements, Bartow Fla. Crushed Rock furnished by Florida Rock Products Company.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Rides at Police Carnival in Ybor City : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 77 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 77 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 900; taken 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Road and forest alongside lake : Lake Stearns, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C523; taken June 2, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Road and orange grove at Lake Stearns : Highlands County, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C517; taken May 15, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Roadway gates to Oldsmar at the Hillsborough-Pinellas County line: Oldsmar, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13522; taken March 16, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Rock Lake : Orange County, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x cm. + 1 negative (24 x cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C533; taken June 18, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Rooftop view along 300-500 blocks of Tampa Street to southwest with Hyde Park and Davis Islands construction: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V917; taken August 31, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Rough Riders in formation with Colonel Leonard Wood and Lieutenant Colonel Roosevelt in front of group: San Antonio, Tx.
1925, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (7.5 x 12.5 cm.); Image measures 12 x 24 cm.
Neg. no. R260 ; taken 1898 (copied September 18, 1925).
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Royal Palm next to house : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V927; taken August 31, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Royal Palm ship docked near mouth of Hillsborough River on the east bank: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13005; taken January 22, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Rural road scene showing some houses near the Christina Development Company's field office: Christina, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16763; taken December 21, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Rural road surfaced with crushed rock, running through stand of pines: Hardee County, FL.
1925, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12989 ; taken Jan. 21, 1925.
Burgert caption.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Safety Harbor Herald building : Safety Harbor, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15181; taken August 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Sailboats in the bay off Davis Islands : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 12 x 17 cm. + 1 negative (12 x 17 cm.); Neg. no. 13203; taken February 18, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Sailboats in the water : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13141; taken February 7, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Sales force of Florida Motion Picture Development and guests : Sun City, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C514; taken May 7, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Sam Rice, baseball player with the Washington Senators team: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13450-4; taken March 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 13 x 17 cm.
Date-URL: 1925

Scenic drive through Old Dixie Highway: Florida, specific location unknown.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V853; taken July 4, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

School building : Bowling Green, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16402; taken December 4, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

School building in Crystal River, Florida, front and side facades; name unknown.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16307; taken November 27, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

School building under construction : Wauchula, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14514; taken June 15, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

School under construction : Zolfo Springs, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16024; taken November 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Schooners at Roux-Askew Lumber Company docks on Seddon Island: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13975; taken April 29, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Schooners at Roux-Askew Lumber Company docks on Seddon Island: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13977; taken April 29, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Seminole family with small children in Florida, dressed in traditional garb.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V912; taken August 23, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Seminole Furniture Company at 802-808 Florida Avenue, multi-story brick building, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13900; taken April 21, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Serpent float in Gasparilla Parade at Florida State Fairgrounds : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. S-140; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Several speedboats racing on Hillsborough Bay: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13258; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 13 x 18 cm.
Date-URL: 1925

Sevilla on the Lake, orange grove and housing development : Lakeland, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Blemish is due to damaged negative.
Neg. no. C482b ; taken 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Sewer pipes for Lakeland sewer project : Lakeland, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14605; taken June 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Sewer pipes for Lakeland sewer project : Lakeland, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14606; taken June 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Sheriff's deputies with confiscated moonshine still equipment behind county jail : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1983 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26cm.).; Neg. no. 12890-A; taken January 10, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Ships and railroad cars at port : Port Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 128 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 128 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 831; taken 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Ships being unloaded at the Municipal Docks: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16271; taken November 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Ships docked at Municipal Docks, Tampa Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V816; taken May 15, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Shore view of Rocky Point: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13275; taken February 22, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Shoreline and dock at Rocky Point: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13279; taken February 22, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Shuffleboard players : St. Petersburg, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V757; taken February, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Side view of Eclectic Revival residence of 5107 Seminole Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14356; taken June 1, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Side view of Franklin Theatre at 710 Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 13345; taken February 26, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Side view of Gray Moss Inn on South Fort Harrison Avenue: Clearwater, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14786; taken July 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Side view of James Thompson's Colonial Revival residence at 2302 Georgia Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15654; taken October 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Side view of James Thompson's Eclectic Revival house at 2402 Georgia Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15655; taken October 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Side view of Louisville Provision Company at 816 Morgan Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14486; taken June 13, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Side view of Mediterranean Revival residence of T. Roy Young in Beach Park: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13379; taken March 2, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Side view of Monument Service Station and Horter-Ost Tire Company at 2211 Grand Central Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14327; taken May 28, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Side view of residence and grounds of Mahlon B. MacGregor at 206 De Leon Street, Bay Shore Manor Apartments: Tampa, Fla.
1925 , 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12882; taken January 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Sidewalk in front of residence of 211 South Delaware Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13484; taken March 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Sign advertising homes for sale in "Sevilla on the Lake" : Lakeland, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 13318; taken February 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Sign advertising Venetian Park Carroll City housing development : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16222; taken November 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Single-story wood frame residence at 3116 Barcelona Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15266; taken September 3, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Site for hotel construction on Davis Islands: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16095; taken November 13,1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Site of Davis Islands Country Club cleared for construction: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15267; taken Septeber 3, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Skyline of Safety Harbor : Safety Harbor, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15184; taken August 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Skyline view of City Hall, the Courthouse, and Davis Islands, from the top of the Hillsboro Hotel: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13560; taken March 18, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Small brick bank, cars parked outside : Zolfo Springs, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16037; taken November 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Small crowd gathered around a car downtown : Wauchula, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14258; taken May 25, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Small lake with reeds : Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C534; taken June 18, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Smith Chevrolet Company at 1554-1556 Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13623; taken March 28, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Snow Park Filling Station at corner of Grand Central and Magnolia Avenues: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16744; taken December 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Sold sign posted at Inter-State Development Company property in Estuary Zone: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14140; taken May 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Soreno Hotel, First Avenue Northeast (six-story, stucco facade) St. Petersburg, FL.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V763 ; taken March 12, 1925
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

South Dakota Avenue street scene (900 block) at intersection of Morrison Avenue (1500 block): Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14427; taken June 5, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

South Tampa subdivision, Bel-Mar, looking southeast : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C512; taken May 7, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

South Tampa subdivision, Bel-Mar, looking west : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C513; taken May 7, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Southern Lumber and Supply Company lumber yard and office building on West Tyler Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14093; taken May 11, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Span between Alcazar and Cordova hotels : St. Augustine, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. DS117; taken October 26, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Spanish Apartments being built amidst construction workers Davis Boulevard in Davis Islands: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13563; taken March 18, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Spanish Apartments under construction on Adalie Avenue on Davis Islands: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14074; taken May 8, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Spanish Apartments under construction on Davis Boulevard in Davis Islands: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13562; taken March 18, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Spanish moss on oaks shading streets in Beach Park neighborhood : (Beach Park) Tampa, FL.
1925, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14884 ; taken July 30, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Speedboat races with spectators watching along Bayshore Boulevard crowded with parked cars : Tampa, FL.
1925, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V749 ; taken Feb. 19, 1925
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Spring water pavilion at Espiritu Santos Spa: Safety Harbor, Fla.
1925, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16676 ; taken December 16, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

St. Andrew's Episcopal Church at 505 Marion Street, bell tower at entrance and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 13748; taken April 7, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

St. Augustine lighthouse on Anastasia Island : St. Augustine, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. DS-114; taken October 26, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

St. George Street, with "Old Curiosity Shop" in foreground: St. Augustine, Fla.
1925, 1986 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. DS124; taken October 26, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

St. Petersburg waterfront from bay with Yacht club and Soreno Hotel : St. Petersburg, FL.
1925, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V789 ; taken March 24, 1925
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Staff and children in front of Helping Hand Day Nursery and Kindergarten: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14077; taken May 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Standard Oil Company district station on southwest corner of Royal Street (400 block) and Lozano Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13513; taken March 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Standard Oil Company district station with employees: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13514; taken March 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Starbuck Lumber Company yard on Water Street at foot of Morgan Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no.13111; taken February 5, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Statue in lake in the Parkland Estates (in front of multi-story Colonial Revival house under construction with triple gable dormers and stucco exterior), in Palma Ceia: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. V839; taken January 27, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Steamer "Lillian" in port: Tampa, Fla.
1925. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15169; taken August 22, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Steamer "Lillian" in port: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13429; taken March 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Steamer "Mandeville" on Hillsborough River: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13353; taken February 27, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image measures 17 x 12 cm.
Date-URL: 1925

Steamship Mandeville on Hillsborough River: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13353; taken February 27, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image measures 12 x 17 cm.
Date-URL: 1925

Stoltz Apartment building : Palmetto, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15885; taken October 29, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Strawberry field near Christina Development Company in Polk County, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16758; taken December 21, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Street and houses in a subdivision : Fort Myers, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15288; taken September 7, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Street scene (including Mediterranean Revival residences) from 2423 Sunset Drive: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15798; taken October 21, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Street scene (with railroad tracks) at intersection of Polk (600 block) and Morgan (800 block) Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14760; taken July 20, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Street scene : Bowling Green, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16399; taken December 4, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Street scene and homes on Davis Islands: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14599; taken June 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Street scene at 2412 Sunset Drive, showing several large homes: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16791; taken December 23, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Street scene at Bayshore Boulevard at DeSoto Avenue looking south: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15270; taken September 3, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Street scene at intersection of Polk (600 block) and Morgan (800 block) Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14759; taken July 20, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Street scene at intersection of South Dakota (900 block) and Morrison (1500 block) Avenues showing Erler Corporation billboard: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14429; taken June 5, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Street scene at intersection of South Dakota (900 block) and Morrison (1500 block) Avenues: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14428; taken June 5, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Street scene at the intersection of Armenia Avenue and Stephens Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 46604; taken December 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Street scene in Beach Park at the intersection of Grove Park Avenue and Woodmere Road: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 14847; taken July 28, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Street scene in Beach Park showing houses and street lamps: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14720; taken July 11, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Street scene in estuary: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16150; taken November 16, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Street scene in New Suburb Beautiful showing homes and new construction: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13216; taken February 18, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Street scene in New Suburb Beautiful: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13213; taken February 18, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Street scene in New Suburb Beautiful: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13214; taken February 18, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Street scene of 100 block of Fielding Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14627; taken June 27, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Street scene of 7th Avenue (1400 block) showing Ybor City Post Office and Broadway Cafe and Restaurant: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16257; taken November 23, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Street scene of 7th Avenue (1400 block) showing Ybor City Post Office and Broadway Cafe and Restaurant: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16258; taken November 23, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Street scene of 7th Avenue as seen from 14th Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14382-1; taken June 2, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Street scene of vernacular, picturesque residence on 911 23rd Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16811; taken December 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Street scene on 1200 block of Franklin Street showing Franklin Bank: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16250; taken November 23, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Street scene on 22nd Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15047: taken August 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Street scene on 300 block of Memorial Highway looking west from Armenia Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16389; taken December 3, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Street scene on 300 block of Memorial Highway, at intersection of Armenia Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16387; taken December 3, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Street scene on 300 block of Memorial Highway, looking east from Armenia Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16388; taken December 3, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Street scene on Bayshore Boulevard: Tampa, Fla.
1925 , 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16146; taken November 16, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Street scene on Cass Street showing Union Station in background: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Burgert captioned: Our Cass St. Business Development opened to traffic Nov. 1925.
Neg. no. 16498; taken December 6, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Street scene on Lime Street, on 300 block: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16814; taken December 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Street scene on Lime Street, on 300 block: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16812; taken December 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Street scene on Michigan Avenue with streetcar: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15053; taken August 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Street scene on Seventh Avenue at Twenty-second Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14818; taken July 27, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Street scene on South Delaware Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13485; taken March 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Street scene on Waters Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15051; taken August 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Street scene on Watrous Avenue in New Suburb Beautiful: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14333; taken May 28, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 12 x 17 cm.
Date-URL: 1925

Street scene on Watrous Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15205; taken August 25, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Street scene: Bowling Green, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14253; taken May 21, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Streetcar and automobile traffic on Nebraska Avenue (4000 block) at intersection of Buffalo Avenue (800-900 blocks): Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15050; taken August 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Streetcar loaded with passengers in front of Tampa Public Library at 102 7th Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15095; taken August 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Streetcar with passengers on Lafayette Street in front of Tampa Bay Hotel: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15085B; taken August 13, 1976.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Streetcar, automobile and pedestrian traffic on Franklin Street (600-700 blocks) looking northeast toward Exchange National Bank: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R316; taken November 23, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Stutz Tampa Motor Company building at 611-613 Carew Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16540; taken December 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Sulphur Springs streetcar #402 and streetcar #123: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Two images (12 x 17 cm.) printed on one 21 x 26 cm. photograph.
Neg. no. N13470 and N13465 ; taken March 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Sun parlor with wicker furniture at Espiritu Santos Springs Spa: Safety Harbor, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16514 ; taken Dec. 6, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Sunday picnic and barbecue at Tampa Springs : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C520; taken May 19, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Suniland Magazine Tourist Camp scene at Six Mile Camp: Hillsborough County, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15530; taken September 30, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Suniland Magazine Tourist Camp scene at Six Mile Camp: Hillsborough County, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15531; taken September 30, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Sunset scene from "Beach Park on the Bay", a development ad for Beach Park Company, Inc.: (Beach Park) Tampa, FL.
1925, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16475 ; taken Dec. 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Surveyed building lot along Manor Heights in undeveloped Lakewood Manor subdivision: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13081 ; taken Feb. 2, 1925.
Burgert captioned.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Swan dive during swimming competition at Club Morocco pool, 119 North Glen Arven Avenue : Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13272; taken February 22, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Swim meet participants in front of diving tower at Club Morocco pool: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 13292; taken February 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Swimmer Helen Wainwright and golfer Jim Barnes at David Islands promotion: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 16858; taken December 31, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Swimmers at a lake : Lakeland, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V784; taken March, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Swimmers at Clearwater Beach : Clearwater, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V874; taken July 21, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Swimmers in Old Tampa Bay near public bathhouse and dock at end of Prescott Street in Port Tampa City, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13895; taken April 21, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Swimming pool : Zolfo Springs, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14254; taken May 25, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Tamiami Trail at Iona: Fort Myers, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15290; taken September 7, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Tampa advertising on side of automobile owned by B. L. Hamner Organization: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14462; taken June 11, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
This photograph was archivally preserved with a donation from Shari Griffin.
Date-URL: 1925

Tampa as seen from Hillsborough Bay along Bayshore Boulevard with view of Davis Islands under construction : Tampa, FL.
1925, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V903 ; taken Aug. 8, 1925
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Tampa Automobile Dealers Association float in Gasparilla Parade at Florida State Fairgrounds : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. S-139; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Tampa Bay Hotel looking across the Hillsborough River toward north wing and outer buildings: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. V909; taken August 17, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Tampa Bay Hotel looking across the Hillsborough River towards north wing and outer buildings: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V910; taken September 17, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Tampa Bay Hotel looking from east bank of Hillsborough River: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V911; taken September 25, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Tampa Bay Regatta speedboat races in Hillsborough Bay along Bayshore Boulevard : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V751; taken February 18, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Tampa Beach Building under construction at 316 1/2 Franklin Street, front and side facades and billboard on roof advertising Davis Islands: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16524; taken December 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Tampa Beach office building at Tibbett's Corner at 316 1/2 Franklin Street under construction: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16523; taken December 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Tampa Book and Stationery Company at 112 Lafayette Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
This photograph was archivally preserved with a donation by Jim Shelton.
Neg. no. 14565; taken June 20. 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Tampa Coal Company delivery trucks lined up at waterfront: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16616; taken December 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Tampa Coal Company delivery trucks lined up at waterfront: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16615; taken December 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Tampa Electric Company building, 810 Tampa Street : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14889-A; taken August 1, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Tampa Electric Company Hyde Park Plant, looking southwest across the Hillsborough River: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14890; taken April 1, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Tampa Electric Company office building at 814 Tampa Street on the southwest corner of Tampa and Cass Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14889; taken August 1, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Tampa Electric Company office building at 814 Tampa Street, on corner of Cass and Tampa Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14889; taken August 1, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Tampa Electric Company power plant from across Hillsborough River: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14891; taken August 1, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Tampa Electric Company streetcar on Grand Central Avenue near the Tampa Bay Hotel, side view and passengers: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.) + 1 framed reproduction (51 x 61 cm.); Neg. no. 15086; taken August 13, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
A framed reproduction (20 x 24 in.) is displayed at the Northwest Regional Library.
Date-URL: 1925

Tampa Gas Company at 201 Madison Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15620; taken October 8, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Tampa Gas Company plant on Twelfth Street and Second Avenue in Ybor City: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15618; taken October 7, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Tampa Gas Company plant on Twelfth Street, between First and Second Avenues, in Ybor City: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15617; taken September 30, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Tampa Hardware Company from the corner of Polk and Pierce Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15912; taken October 30, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Tampa Hardware Company, on northwest corner of Polk and Pierce Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15484; taken September 25, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Tampa Real Estate Board float in Gasparilla Parade at Florida State Fairgrounds : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. S-159; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Tampa Sand and Shell Company dredging barge on Hillsborough River: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13984; taken April 30, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Tampa Terrace Hotel under construction at 401-407 Florida Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13525; taken March 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Tampa Terrace Hotel, 401-407 Florida Avenue, at the intersection of Lafayette Avenue : Tampa, FL.
1925, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V986 ; taken Nov. 20, 1925
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Tampa Tribune Building at northwest corner of Tampa (600 block) and Twiggs (100 block) streets: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 13411; taken March 6, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Tampa Tribune Building on northwest corner of Tampa (600 block) and Twiggs (100 block) streets: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13412; taken March 6, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Tampa Tribune Building on northwest corner of Tampa and Twiggs streets: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. V972; taken September 18, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Tampa Tribune Building on northwest corner of Twiggs (100 block) and Tampa (600 block) Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. V971; taken September 18, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Tampa Urban League group of women members: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14207; taken May 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Individual seated in middle wearing light dress is Clara Alston. Individual on left wearing striped blouse is Blanche Armwood.
Date-URL: 1925

Tampa-Overland Company automobile showroom at 1814-1818 Franklin Street, multi-story building with brick facade: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14090; taken May 11, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Tangerine Hotel (two, two-story wings off of three-story central structure with covered walk to curb, textured stucco on overall southwestern design): Brooksville, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13052 ; taken Jan. 31, 1925.
Captioned by Burgerts.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Tarr Furniture Company on 500 block of Tampa Street, at southwest corner of Tampa and Twiggs Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14002; taken April 30, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Teapot Dome Storage and Filling Station at 407 Ashley Street, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13256; taken February 22, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Temporary field office building for Manatee River Park Estates at junction of Huyler Boulevard and Parrish Highway: Bradenton, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15758; taken October 17, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

The "Royal Palm" ship at dock on Hillsborough River: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13004; taken January 22, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

The 400 and 500 blocks of Franklin Street at dusk, showing illuminated "Davis Islands" neon sign and partial view of First National Bank building: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12946; taken January 15, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Theodore Roosevelt School at 3405 Ferdinand Avenue and Obispo Street in Palma Ceia: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15517; taken September 26, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Caption: Palma Ceia School, Horton & Smith Builders, Tampa, Florida.
Date-URL: 1925

Thomas Edison residence and grounds: Fort Myers, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15279; taken September 7, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Three scenes of area: Bowling Green, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16560; taken December 9, 1925. Upper left-hand corner: front and side facades of building; Lower left-hand corner: rural road; Right side: vertical image of wooden structure.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Three streetcars loaded with passengers on Bayshore Boulevard (2000-2300 blocks) near DeSoto Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15271; taken September 3, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Tibbetts Corner, intersection of Franklin and Lafayette streets : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V896; taken August 5, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Tourists leaving Davis Island on the Pokanoket ship: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13037; taken January 28, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Tourists waiting to board passenger ship Pokanoket docked at Davis Islands: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13036; taken January 28, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is spotted.
Date-URL: 1925

Tower on corner of Castillo de San Marcos : St. Augustine, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. DS-132; taken October, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Tower on Ponce de Le?n Hotel : St. Augustine, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. DS-106; taken May, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Tower on Ponce De Le?n Hotel, seen through archway : St. Augustine, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. DS-107; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Towers on Alcazar Hotel, seen through archway : St. Augustine, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. DS-108; taken May, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Town in early stage of development : Lake Stearns, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C518; taken May 15, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Town in its early stage of development : Lake Stearns, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Lake Stearns became Lake Placid in 1927.
Neg. no. C521; taken June 2, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Traffic light with directional signage at intersection of Palm and Florida avenues: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 13208; taken February 18, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Train station and other buildings : Bowling Green , Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16401; taken December 4, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Tree-lined boulevard with cars and commercial buildings : Dade City, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14793; taken July 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Trees along the shoreline and road Rocky Point area: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13277; taken February 22, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image blemished due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1925

Trinity Episcopal Church : St. Augustine, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. DS-134; taken October, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Truck being unloaded off of steamer: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15533; taken October 7, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Trucks and workers in front of orange grove : Hillsborough County, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 118 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 118 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 872; taken 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Trucks at warehouse in Estuary Zone: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15225; taken 1979.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Tudor Revival residence at 2909 Chapin Avenue, multi-story brick house: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15035; taken August 8, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Turner Music Company warehouse at Thirteenth and Fourth Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15997; taken November 4, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Turner Music Company warehouse at Thirteenth and Fourth Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15998; taken November 4, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Turreted Knight of Pythias Castle Hall on the southeast corner of East Lafayette and Morgan Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14732; taken July 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Twin Cities Baking Company on the corner of Polk and Pierce Streets, brick building, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15337; taken Septmber 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Two cars parked next to an unidentified brick building : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13465; taken March 25, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Two couples fishing from tree-shaded river bank: Florida.
1925, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13856 ; taken April 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Two girls sitting under palm tree : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V928; taken August 31, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

Two girls under palm tree, one reaching for coconut : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V926; taken August 31, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Two men standing amid ninety year old orange trees near Manatee River Park Estates : Bradenton, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15760; taken October 17, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Two men standing in vegetable garden : Egypt Lake, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 118 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 118 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C486-7; taken February 3, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Two story brick commercial building for the Bank of West Tampa, J. M. Rey Insurance, and the 4th of July Cafe, at Howard Avenue and Main Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12914; taken January 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Two story brick school building : Zolfo Springs, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16023; taken November 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Two story Eclectic Revival residence with front and side porches at 108 Gilchrist Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13014; taken January 26, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Two story Eclectic Revival residence with front porch of Thomas Higgen at 833 South Dakota Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13253; taken February 21, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Two story school brick school building : La Belle, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16113; taken November 13, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Two story wood-shingled home on the edge of a canal : La Belle, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16115; taken November 13, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Two unidentified river scenes and single shot of tree-lined residential view : Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16557 ; taken Dec. 12, 1925.
Three images are approximately 6 x 3 1/2 inches each.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

U.S. Export Chemical Company tank and office building: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14084; taken May 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Undeveloped land and signs for Sunset Park looking southwest at intersection of Westshore Boulevard (2500 block) and San Jose Street (4800 block): Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14685; taken July 6, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Undeveloped Manatee River property : Manatee County, FL.
1925, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13811 ; taken April 13, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Undeveloped Manatee River property, first of two-shot pan, this showing two men in a motorboat: Manatee County, FL.
1925, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13809-P-1 ; taken April 13, 1925.
First of two-part pan.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Undeveloped Manatee River property, second of two-shot pan: Manatee County, FL.
1925, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13810-P-2 ; taken April 13, 1925.
Second of two-part pan.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Unidentified buildings near lake : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 121 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 121 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. 557; taken 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Unidentified house and grounds : Hillsborough County, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 20 x 84 cm. + 1 negative (20 x 84 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Blemish is due to damaged negative.
Neg. no. 884; taken 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Unidentified street and pond : Lakeland, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V783; taken March, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Union Transfer storage building in Estuary Zone: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16275; taken November 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

United Markets Store Number Thirty-four, at 2700 Florida Avenue, on corner of Florida and East Michigan Avenues: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13392; taken March 3, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

United Motor Company building at 1702-1706 Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15725; taken October 15, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

United States Export Chemical Company plant : Riverview, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 123 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 123 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C510; taken May 2, 1925.
Riverview was called Tikal in 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

United States Export Chemical Company plant : Riverview, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 123 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 123 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C511; taken May 2, 1925.
Riverview was called Tikal in 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Unpaved road in a rural area : Dade City, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14794; taken July 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Vacant swimming pool and diving tower at Club Morocco: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13968; taken April 28, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Vernacular, picturesque residence of John W. Biggar at 325 Lime Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16669; taken December 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Victory Theatre on northwest corner of Tampa and Zack Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13344; taken February 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View across bay of Venetian Apartments and Spanish Apartments under construction on Davis Islands: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16168; taken November 17, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View across bay of Venetian Apartments under construction on Davis Islands: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16163; taken November 17, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View across the Jungle Prada on Park Street North: St. Petersburg, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V828; taken June 20, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View down Bay Street : Safety Harbor, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15178; taken August 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View down Main Street in La Belle looking east, showing small businesses : La Belle, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16104; taken November 13, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View down Main Street in La Belle looking west, showing small businesses : La Belle, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16103; taken November 13, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View down Zolfo Street : Wauchula, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14237; taken May 25, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View from street of vernacular, picturesque house at 911 23rd Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16811; taken December 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is spotty due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1925

View of 13th Street between 3rd and 4th Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 14814; taken July 27, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 13 x 18 cm. and is positioned at bottom of photograph.
Date-URL: 1925

View of 13th Street between 3rd and 4th Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 14815; taken July 27, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image measures 13 x 18 cm. and is positioned at top of photograph.
Date-URL: 1925

View of 18th Street railroad crossing and houses in Ybor City: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12935; taken January 15, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of 18th Street railroad crossing in Ybor City: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12934; taken January 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Abermarle and Aegean Avenues on Davis Islands looking northwest: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15111; taken August 17, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Adalia Avenue on Davis Islands from Mirasol Hotel: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 27317; taken August 22, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of adults walking along Six Mile Creek in unincorporated Hillsborough County, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15122; taken August 17, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Alexander Lumber Company taken from gas tower: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16364; taken November 30, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Armitage Apartments at 1004 Platt Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14323; taken May 26, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of bay from Palm River: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16070; taken November 12, 1925.
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TitleAuth; Neg. no. 16070; taken November 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of bay from Palm River: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16069; taken November 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Bayshore Boulevard from vacant lot: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15438; taken September 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Bayshore Boulevard looking west from South Dakota Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13726; taken April 4, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of boy with four large tarpon: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 14656; taken July 3, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Bristol Apartments at 2107-2108 Bristol Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 17316; taken January 28, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of bungalow house at 4701 North Suwanee Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15133; taken August 17, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Bungalow residence at 1010 South Dakota Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15028; taken August 8, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of bungalow residence at 611 Pocahontas Avenue, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16232; taken November 21, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of bungalow style residence at 1110 Powhattan Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16625; taken December 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of bungalow style residence on corner of Oak Avenue and Main Street: Fort Myers, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16398; taken December 4, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of C. H. Cole Building on 2101 Grand Central Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13564; taken March 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of C. H. Cole Building on Grand Central Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13565; taken March 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of cars parked along street in front of Club Morocco: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13304; taken February 23, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of church members in front of First Methodist Episcopal Church in Port Tampa City : Port Tampa City, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14367; taken June 2, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of church with man in front wearing knickers: Oldsmar, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13458; taken March 11, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Club Morocco swimming pool and diving tower, 119 North Glen Arven Avenue : Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13198; taken February 16, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of clubhouse at the Temple Terrace Country Club: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14857; taken July 29, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of construction on Davis Islands, looking northeast from Flora-Dora Apartments: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16174; taken November 17, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of cottages in downtown area behind Post Office: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15529; taken September 30, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of crowded Central Avenue (400 block) by Pheil Theatre, looking east towards 4th Street: St. Petersburg, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V766; taken March 13, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image blemished due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Cudahy Packing Company truck parked in front of International Motor Trucks dealership building: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14205; taken May 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Dave Davis Gents Furnishings at 1202 Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16249; taken November 23, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Davis Boulevard with cars, looking south: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16166; taken November 17, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is somewhat spotty.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Davis Causeway construction, looking toward Tampa: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16139; taken November 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Davis Islands from top of the Tampa Terrace Hotel; City Hall clock is visible on right forefront: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14437; taken June 8, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Davis Islands under construction from top of Spanish Apartments, looking northeast: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15273; taken September 4, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Davis Islands under construction, looking northeast from Davis Boulevard: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16175; taken November 17, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Davis Islands under construction, looking northwest towards downtown (City Hall and church dome visible in background): Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14279; taken June 8, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Davis Islands under construction, looking northwest towards downtown: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 142978; taken May 23, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Dixie Highway: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16072; taken November 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of dredging for Davis Causeway: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16065; taken November 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of East Lafayette Street (1000 block) from Governor Street, showing Beckwith, Beman Company building: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15838; taken October 25, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Eclectic Revival residence at 709 North A Street, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16788; taken December 23, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Edmund B. Quinby warehouse in Estuary Zone: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15402; taken September 18, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Edmund B. Quinley building by railroad tracks: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13471; taken March 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Edmund B. Quinley building on 13th Avenue, multi-story brick structure: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13451; taken March 10, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of eight people in motor boat, location unknown.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13255; taken February 21, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of F. L. Greenfield Organization at 1314 Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13457; taken March 10, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of farmhouse behind wooden fence; windmill is in background: Crystal River, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16309; taken November 27, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Fenway Hotel under construction at 401 Edgewater Drive: Dunedin, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14411; taken June 3, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Franklin Street looking north: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16203; taken November 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of gates to Parkland Estates: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15056; taken August 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of gates to Pasadena Estates: St. Petersburg, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 11330; taken June 2, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is blemished due to damaged negatives.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Harry C. Lee's Colonial Revival residence at 3502 Tampa Street, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16315; taken November 27, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Hillsborough Hotel on 500 Florida Avenue, multi-story brick edifice, top level with cottage windows and fanlights; and rounded roof section that looks southeast from Post Office: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V841; taken June 27, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of home under construction at 2412 Sunset Drive: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16790; taken December 23, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of home under construction on Bayshore Boulevard: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16145; taken November 16, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of house with Mediterranean Revival features, street address unknown: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14858; taken July 29, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of houses under construction on Watrous Avenue in New Suburb Beautiful: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14332; taken May 28, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 12 x 17 cm.
Date-URL: 1925

View of interior of Temple Terrace Country Club: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13231; taken February 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of intersection fork of Davis Boulevard and Aegean Avenue, with ongoing construction at Davis Islands: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14455; taken June 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of intersection of Morgan and Polk Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14762; taken July 20, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of J. Bruce Smith Building on southwest corner of Central Avenue (900 block) and 9th Street South (200 block): St. Petersburg, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V767; taken March 13, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Jack Smith building at 1311-1315 Florida Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15357; taken September 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Lafayette Street bridge: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15499; taken September 28, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of land cleared for main boulevard from Davis Causeway: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16066; taken November 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of large Queen Anne style home, street address unknown: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15799; taken October 21, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Lee County Courthouse on corner of Broadway and Main Street: Fort Myers, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15283; taken September 7, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of log cabin nestled among pine trees: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 13264; taken February 22, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

View of lounge area of Temple Terrace Country Club: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13233; taken February 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Lumber and trains at Southern Lumber and Supply Company: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14094; taken May 11, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Maas Clothier and Haberdasher at 619-621 Franklin Street at corner of Franklin and Zack Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14350; taken June 1, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Magnolia Avenue (200 block) in Hyde Park: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14321; taken May 26, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of man at desk in office at Hulsey and Holsinger: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14208; taken May 20, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Mediterranean Revival house of T. Roy Young in Beach Park: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13378; taken March 2, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Mediterranean Revival house, back and side facades, street address unknown: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14861; taken July 29, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Possibly the back view of residence depicted in 3858/14860.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Mediterranean Revival residence at 2506 Prospect Road in Parkland Estates: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13575; taken March 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Mediterranean Revival residence of Judson W. Vande Venter in Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14860; taken July 29, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Mediterranean Revival residence, side facades, street address unknown: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14898; taken August 3, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Mediterranean Revival residence, street address unknown: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14859; taken July 29, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Memorial Highway looking west from Howard Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. R169(13482); taken March 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Michelin Tire Service store on the corner of Tampa (600 block) and Zack (100 block) Streets, construction nearby: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14892; taken 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of new road construction in Parkland Estates: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13570; taken March 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of New Suburb Beautiful, barely a year after being marketed: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16495; taken December 6, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: SUNSET DRIVE North New Suburb Beautiful Barely a year after being marketed.
Date-URL: 1925

View of new two-story office building at 420 West Lafayette Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16888; taken December 31, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image is spotty due to damaged negative.
Date-URL: 1925

View of newly constructed apartment house at 813 San Pedro Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16628; taken December 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of newly constructed bungalow style house at the northeast corner of Highland Avenue and Crest Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16624; taken December 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of newly constructed bungalow style residence at 212 Tampania Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16177; taken November 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of newly constructed bungalow style residence in Manor Heights: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16627; taken December 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of newly constructed sea wall along Bayshore Boulevard: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15443; taken September 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Oakland-Tampa Company building and showroom on 215-219 Tampa Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13516; taken March 16, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of old building on northeast corner of Pierce and Constant streets: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12953A; taken January 15, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Pass-a-Grille as seen from Cristo Isle, Fla.
1925, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. V1251; taken July 9, 1926.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of railroad crossing at Thirteenth Street, north of Harbor Street in Estuary Zone: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16535; taken December 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of railroad station and surrounding area: Zephyrhills, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13436; taken March 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Captioned: Seaboard Air Line R. R. Station.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Ray B. Cralle Company "Hupmobile Garage" at 501 Washington Street, after fire destruction: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15122; taken August 17, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of residence and street (address unknown) in Temple Terrace Estates: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13330; taken February 25, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of residence at 706 East North Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15485; taken September 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of residence corner of Armenia Avenue and North A Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14736; taken July 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Rialto Theater at 1621 Franklin Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14022; taken May 2, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: F. J. Kennard & Son, Architects.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Roux-Askew Dantzler Lumber Yard on Seddon Island: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13976; taken April 29, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Sanatorio del Centro Asturiano on northwest corner of Euclid and Ola Avenues: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15150; taken August 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Sanatorio del Centro Asturiano on northwest corner of Euclid and Ola Avenues: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15151; taken August 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of ships and warehouses at Municipal Docks: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16187; taken November 18, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of shoreline and dock at Rocky Point: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13285; taken February 22, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of shoreline of Tampa Bay at end of Davis Causeway: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16068; taken November 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Southern Lumber and Supply Company from Hillsborough River: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14095; taken May 11, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Spanish Apartments and ongoing construction on Davis Islands across bay from Hyde Park Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15097; taken August 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Spanish Apartments and surrounding area under construction on Davis Islands: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14073; taken May 8, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Spanish Mission-style railroad station front and side facades: Fort Myers, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15284; taken September 7, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Standard Oil Company district station with trucks and drivers: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13515; taken March 14, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of stately homes in Parkland Estates on Fountain Boulevard: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16199; taken November 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of steamer "Pokanoket" on Hillsborough River: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 15079-A; taken August 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Two images on photograph. Image measures 13 x 18 cm. and is positioned at bottom of photograph.
Date-URL: 1925

View of steamer "Pokanoket" on Hillsborough River: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.); Neg. no. 15079-B; taken August 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Two images on photograph. Image measures 13 x 18 cm. and is positioned at top of photograph.
Date-URL: 1925

View of street and sign advertising Lake Placid Development: Clearwater, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14402; taken June 3, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of swamp and trees taken from a boat : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13851; taken April 4, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Tampa Sand and Shell Company barge: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13983; taken April 30, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Tampa skyline from across bay: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16064; taken November 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Tampa skyline from Citrus Exchange building, looking toward courthouse: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16063; taken November 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Temple Terrace Country Club showing garden in rear of clubhouse: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14856; taken July 29, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Temple Terrace Estates Administration Building at 210 Inverness Avenue, front and side facades: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13236; taken February 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of the Administration Building at Temple Terrace Estates, front and side facades: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13329; taken February 25, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of the Estuary Office with Tampa skyline in background: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16269; taken November 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of the Temple Terrace Country Club across green: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13967; taken April 28, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Theodore Krumm residence at 10 Villa Rosa Park: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14377; taken June 2, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of top of Hillsborough County Courthouse and surrounding area along Franklin Street (400-600 blocks) looking northwest from City Hall: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15049; taken August 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image blemished due to damaged photograph.
Date-URL: 1925

View of tower with swimmers at Club Morocco pool: Temple Terrace, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 26 x 21 cm. + 1 negative (26 x 21 cm.).; Neg. no. 13291; taken February 22, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph is oriented portrait-style.
Date-URL: 1925

View of town, looking northwest : Oldsmar, Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C485; taken January 26, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

View of trolley cars on Franklin Street through courthouse palm trees at corner of Franklin (300 block) and Lafayette Streets: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16784; taken December 23, 1924.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Twiggs Street (1400 block) taken from Nebraska Avenue looking toward estuary: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14340; taken May 29, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 12 x 17 cm.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Twiggs Street showing Union Station: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14341; taken May 29, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of two homes and their yards : Safety Harbor, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15190; taken August 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of two men on horseback: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16259; taken November 23, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of two men on horseback: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16261; taken November 23, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of U.S. Export Chemical Company plant: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13240; taken February 19, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Burgert captioned: Feb 19 -- 1925.
Date-URL: 1925

View of Washington Senators baseball players sampling some Seald Sweet oranges: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13450-1; taken March 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 13 x 17 cm.
Date-URL: 1925

View of water pipes being installed on 2700 block of Nebraska Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15052; taken August 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of water tower at Christina Development Company in Polk County, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16757; taken December 21, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of West Coast Fertilizer Company truck in front of Orange State Motor Company at 798 Madison Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14233; taken May 21, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of West Coast Motor Company building at 615-619 Carew Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14805; taken July 27, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of White Company service station on 400 South Jefferson Street, on corner with Cumberland Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13551; taken March 16, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of woman tennis player: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13259-A; taken February 20, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image measures 17 x 12 cm.
Date-URL: 1925

View of wooden church with tall spire in rural setting: Bowling Green, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16396; taken December 4, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

View of wood-frame house that has been converted to the law office of Oscar E. Pease: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16815; taken December 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Vine-covered bungalow residence of Sam Kellum at 112 East Jean Street, front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15814; taken October 22, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Vista of Southern Lumber and Supply Company from Hillsborough River: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14096; taken May 11, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

W. J. Holden residence, 1602 Tampa Street, (two-story wood with porch and wrought-iron fenced front yard): Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 17319 ; taken Jan. 28, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

War monument at intersection of Grand Central and Howard Avenues: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15055; taken August 12, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Warehouse under construction in Estuary Zone: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16274; taken November 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Washington Senator baseball player gets an orange energy boost: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13450-7; taken March 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 13 x 17 cm.
Date-URL: 1925

Washington Senators baseball player Goose Goslin with bat: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13450-6; taken March 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 13 x 17 cm.
Burgert markings in left margin of photograph indicate Goose Goslin.
Date-URL: 1925

Washington Senators baseball player swinging a bat: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13450-8; taken March 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 13 x 17 cm.
Burgert markings in left margin of photograph identify Washington Senator Harris.
Date-URL: 1925

Washington Senators baseball player: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13450-3; taken March 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 13 x 17 cm.
Date-URL: 1925

Washington Senators baseball players enjoying Seald Sweet oranges on baseball diamond: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13450-2; taken March 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Image on photograph measures 13 x 17 cm.
Date-URL: 1925

Wauchula Chamber of Commerce office : Wauchula, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14245; taken May 25, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Wauchula Chamber of Commerce office : Wauchula, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14244; taken May 25, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

West Coast Motor Company at 615 Carew Street, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14081; taken May 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

West Coast Motor Company at 615-619 Carew Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14229; taken May 21, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

West Coast Motor Company building at 615-619 Carew Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14806; taken July 27, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

West Coast Motor Company trucks being unloaded at docks: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15532; taken September 30, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Western Electric Company, at 416 Ellamae Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15451; taken September 22, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Widdon's Grocery Store at corner of Rose and Florida Avenues: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14357; taken June 1, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Widdon's Grocery Store at Ross and Florida (200 block) Avenues: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14466; taken June 11, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

William Jennings Bryan School at 30th Street and Hillsborough Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1976 printing. 1 photograph : b & w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16538; taken December 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Withlacoochee River : Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C541; taken June 20, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Withlacoochee River : Fla.
1925, 2004 1 photograph : b&w ; 24 x 120 cm. + 1 negative (24 x 120 cm.); Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Neg. no. C539; taken June 20, 1925.
This panoramic photograph was taken by a Cirkut camera and might also be described with the following terms: 180, 360, wide angle, or elongated.
Date-URL: 1925

Woman and child on porch of bungalow style residence of Dudley J. Elvery, at 501 Hillsborough Avenue: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1980 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16009; taken November 6, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Women's Club building : Wauchula, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14260; taken May 25, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Wooden one-and-a-half story bungalow style home : Safety Harbor, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15189; taken August 24, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Wood-frame residence with front porch at 1906 Mitchell Street: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1979 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 12851; taken January 8, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Workers and stacks of lumber at Alexander Lumber Company, southeast corner of 13th Street and 2nd Avenue : Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 14581; taken June 22, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Yacht with passengers departing dock next to Lafayette Street Bridge on Hillsborough River: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1994 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16880 ; taken New Year's Eve day, December 31, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Yard and house with a wrap-around porch surrounded by fence : Zolfo Springs, Fla.
1925, 1993 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 16026; taken November 9, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925

Zephyr Lake shore scene with moss-draped trees : Zephyrhills, FL.
1925, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13437 ; taken ca 1925
"Zephyr Lake" caption added by Burgerts.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Digital image available for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Zephyrhills central business district with American State Bank, Golden Age Grocery, and Hotel Zephyr along divided street : Zehyrhills, FL.
1925, 1992 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 13434 ; taken ca 1925.
"American State Bank" caption added by Burgerts.
Available as a digital image for screen display.
Date-URL: 1925

Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church at 2901 Highland Avenue, brick front and side facades: Tampa, Fla.
1925, 1977 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. 15172; taken August 22, 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Date-URL: 1925?

View of Davis Island and Hillsborough Bay, looking southeast: Tampa, Fla.
1925?, 1978 printing. 1 photograph : b&w ; 21 x 26 cm. + 1 negative (21 x 26 cm.); Neg. no. TPL112; taken circa 1925.
Available as a digital image for screen display. Mode of access: World Wide Web.